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¬ From the Journal of Dougal Logan, Named Entry 1


I’ve ne’er been one for writin’. Back in the day, before this damned crash, maybe I’d’ve written somethin’...but Jack, ‘e asked me that if somethin’ ‘apenned to ‘im, I’d write in this journal. So…’ere I am. We were barely troddin’ through these billion stairs, an’ everyone was pointin’ their fingers at each other, makin’ a bleedin’ noise like nothin’ I’d never ‘eard back ‘ome, even when all the folks got together. Yet then they bring out Ewan, lookin’ piss-scared like ‘e‘adn’t seen this happen two times earlier. I was done with any emotion ‘ere. Once Delwyn got burnt up, I ‘ad nothin’ much ‘oldin’ me to these folks. Nothin’ ‘cept a desire to not die to the Shadows.


Anyway, I’m gettin’ off track, but ‘ey, I ain’t ne’er wrote anythin’ like this ‘fore. So Ewan was kneelin’ in front of me, squabblin’ ‘is cute li’l ‘ead off...an’ without much hesitation, I brought out me gun. I ‘adn’t brought too many bullets with me, and the pistol only ‘eld 8 bullets total, so I ‘ad 6 left. ‘Opefully this’d’be done with sooner’n’that. I took aim, and I was a’bout to fire when ‘e did a bleedin’ bum rush at Jack, and tackled ‘im off the side of the fuckin’ stairs!


I watched as they fell into the darkness, and I took exactly five shots at Ewan, tryin’ to kill the bleedin’ bastard. So now, while I’m writin’ this, I’ve got one bullet left - might as well just put it in me brain, ‘fore we lose anymore good folks, like Jack. But I won’t. I made a promise to Jack, and to Delwyn, to protect these folks until the very last. But damn me if this whole mess isn’t shit. We’ve got some fire-lit caverns up ahead, so of course I’m bloody thrilled about that. Eh, time to move on. I’ll keep thinkin’ a’bout Jack, see if we can’t pause, grab a rope, a rappel down and save his ass - if ‘is ass still ‘as a beatin’ ‘eart.


Bah, it ain’t positive thinkin’ to think like that. Whatever. I’m done writin’ for now. We’ve got suspicion for Lusk, and Ewan was suspicious about Quincy. what does it matter - no one’s ever gonna read this anyway. You were there, who cares.

¬ End Journal Entry

¬ From the Journal of Jack Jones, Entry Date Lost, Named Day 5


Dougal was about to kill Ewan, like we had done with Perce and Anthony earlier. The only thing I could say is that I was glad it wasn’t one of my kids again. Seeing a kid shot in the head isn’t exactly the positive point of a day. Anyway, as Dougal was aiming, Ewan, the idiot, rushed me and tackled me off the side of the Stairs! I get why he did it, but damned if it wasn’t a stupid-ass decision.


So yea, we were falling, Dougal was yelling and shooting basically blindly, one of his bullets grazed me, of course, so my left leg was pretty much shot. I felt like we were definitely going to die. Pretty much 100% certain death. I was scared, oh yea. But Ewan didn’t look too terrified, considering it was his suicidal action that caused this mess.


So then he pulled out his trusty rope, and, mind you, while we’re falling in midair, he swung it and hooks it on a rock too far away. He grabbed me and we slammed into the side of a rock wall. At this point I just wanted to die - I had no idea what the hell was going on or what the hell Ewan was doing.


But, safely, Ewan lowered us onto sweet solid ground. We must’ve fallen around two miles. We were in some brightly lit cave, full of beautiful crystals. I began to scream at Ewan, asking what in God’s name he was pulling here. He told me to relax, that we were safe here, and that he had planned the whole thing out - he wanted to be put into the position, so no one would be expecting him to throw himself, and me, off the side of the Stairs. He also said that he felt like I was the only one he could trust, so that’s why he took me and not anyone else.


He slipped off his hood, and...he had hair. Well, that wasn’t surprising, but it was very nice and braided, while mine was extraordinarily disheveled from the fall and wind and terrible stress. But he...Ewan was an elf. Or, at least, he had elf ears. Noticing my shock, he explained that he was from an ancient Elven race sent from the past into the future to stop a terrible event that would happen in...our future. He was from my past, his present, had traveled to my future, also his future, and now had come to his past, my present to stop this cataclysmic event. He said that this all started after some event called the “Blacktron Invasion of LI-420”. It had sent everything into a terrible spiral...and somehow it started here - in the future. The past would be destroyed thanks to the future.


He further explained that, obviously, he had explored the Stairs and the Caverns ahead of the group extensively, and he’d never noticed any Sanctum. But what he had noticed was some kind of pulsing darkness, which he’d never been able to investigate clearly, and that this must have something to do with Blacktron. But he said that he and I would be able to, together. Slip in like snakes and investigate, one to go in, the other to keep watch. That all sounded fine, of course, except that I completely doubted if I could trust him. Four constant days of suspicion will do that to someone.


But Ewan only chuckled, and out of his bag he pulled...well...he pulled out his soul. Yea, glowing green, so he was one of us. Well, one of me. I asked him how, yes, actually how he managed to pull his very soul out of his body, and he chuckled again. He just shrugged. “It happens. When you’re a badass space elf from the past.”


So I could trust him. And I did (and I do still). He motioned out of the cave, for me to follow. But suddenly we both heard a few stones topple to the ground from above us - like someone had pushed them over on accident. We froze - it seemed like we weren’t alone down here.

¬ End Journal Entry

¬ From the Journal of Dougal Logan, Named Entry 2



Uh, an update, I guess. For anyone who’s readin’ this at all, which I doubt anyone actually is. We continued walkin’ down, with me mourning the loss of ol’ Jack, and everyone else continuin’ to point fingers any which way they wanted. Suddenly the ground below us lit up in a faint green. Woodcock an’ Dink rushed to’th side of the Stairs an’ looked excited. Well, Dink did. Not Woodcock so much. ‘E doesn’t have too many exp<b></b>ressions. Or any. But they claimed that the green was Ewan’s soul, who ‘ad died on the rocks below...and that ‘e was with us...one of the good guys, I guess. Good enough for me. I grunted (as I usually do) and told everyone to keep movin’.


Anyway, a few hours later, we reached the bottom of the stairs, into the dimly lit Caverns. The “Steaming Caverns”. Very dramatic and scary. Dink and Woodcock, prophets of their time, gazed around looking for the green glow that apparently represented Ewan’s soul.


Suddenly a giant wave of water rushed down from God knows where and absorbed Woodcock in it. We all ‘eard ‘im screamin’ a’bout ‘his gears, ‘ow they were bein’ “fried”.


As the water rushed away we saw that ‘e was right - well, ‘e was dead - but also that the water ‘ad fried ‘is gears. Shining next to ‘im was ‘is robotic soul o’ green. One of the good guys. But next to ‘im, frozen in a block of ice, was Dink. Also a soul o’ green. We’d lost two men in as many minutes….I knew the damn Sanctum was around ‘ere, and we were bound to find it sooner or later. We ‘ad to.

¬ End Journal Entry

Characters (and Players)


Jack Jones (JackJonespaw) - Jack was the leader of a choir, and now, one of the two leaders in the Hall. Moderately courageous, and definitely handsome, his entire life is now making sure that he, his wife, and the kids can survive and, God willing, get rescued. He is a tenor, but his voice can sing at all male ranges. Useful skill for the male choir instructor.


Dougal Logan (DannyLongLegs) - Dougal has been in the Hall for two years, and has dedicated that time, aside from keeping the survivors of the First Crash alive, to grooming the perfect beard and hair. He believes he has accomplished this, and now spends his time searching through the gigantic Hall looking for a pair of eyebrow tweezers so that his countenance might finally be perfected. Brave and somewhat grumpy, Dougal is a kind soul, and will try his best to keep a new lot of people alive. Dougal does sing, but his range is currently unknown, as his fierce eyebrows keep those kinds of questions at bay.


Julia Jones (CallMePie) - The wife of Jack, and the much more level-headed of the couple, Julia tends to take control when Jack can’t or won’t. Or when she thinks he’s wrong. Which is often. She is also a fantastic Soprano singer, and she trains the girls of the choir. She has always secretly wanted to shatter glass with her voice, but she’s always felt guilty that she would break something valuable or expensive.


Gale Appleton (Piratedave84) - Gale is one of the youngest bass singers in the United Kingdom, as well as one of the fattest. He enjoys his eats, in other words. AfterPer arriving in the Hall, Gale located and raided the kitchen, until Dink caught him and threw him out of there, angrily cursing. Not much about Gale’s personality is known, as most of his time is spent eating or singing, sometimes at the same time, much to Jack’s distaste.


Foorth Dyke (Tamamono) - Foorth is a robot with heightened intelligence and a fetish for scarves. His intelligence is so high that he is aware that this is merely a Mafia game on Eurobricks, not his actual life. He was awakened a bit over two years ago, promptly got on a plane, which crashed into Braeriach. He constantly tries to tell his fellow survivors that they can just walk off the brick-built set and they’ll be fine, but the only reply he gets is “shut up Foorth, stop metagaming”.


Molly Tolbert (Lady K) - Molly is the oldest of the choir, and no doubt the most beautiful, as she likes to let people know. She also is the main soloist of the choir, with a soprano to rival Julia’s. She’s very interested in the Hall’s history, as her father tells her brave stories about her ancestor, an ancient Scandanavian warrior who said he was Thor’s son. Believing to be descended from such God-ly roots doesn’t help her ego become more tolerable.


Quincy Easton (KingoftheZempk) - Qunicy is cursed with hyperhidrosis of the body, an exceedingly rare disorder. As such, he is constantly soaked with sweat, and usually isolated, since no one wants to touch him or be near enough to smell his salty sweat. Even in the choir, he sings alone, the sole countertenor in the choir.


Lusk Eccleston (fhomess) - Lusk is the type of man to look in the mirror and get an erection at his own moustache. His moustache is his pride and joy, as is his dazzling smile. He constantly drops hints in Mike’s direction that he is deeply in love with him, but Mike is too proud to even notice him. Lusk searches for a way to have Mike fall in love with him and his moustache.


Doctor Wynn (Tariq j) - Doctor Wynn is a curious sort. A few days after the First Crash, he walked into the Hall, and everyone assumed he had just woken up from some sort of coma after the Crash and had found his way into the Hall. The good Doctor knows a lot about a lot, and has absolutely no problem babbling frantically, in a varying accent from the British Isles, about just about anything while doctoring. The doctor is deeply altruistic, caring about everything and everyone, although on the rare occasion that someone annoys him, he begins to spout on about “stupid apes” and “onyx”. No one is really sure what he means, nor why he hates monkeys and gemstones so much.


Elijah (def) - Elijah didn’t want to tell anyone his last name, and no one asked after that. However, mysterious reasoning aside, without Elijah, the survivors of the First Crash would have starved to death long ago. A passionate gardener, Elijah has rows and rows of crops beneath the Hall, and he fervently forbids anyone to go down there, except Dink, who he works very closely with, to make sure that his plants are cooked as best as possible. Elijah, despite his mystery, is not a cruel man, and he makes sure that everyone is happy, well, as far as plants are concerned. Elijah also has a large interest in some sort of “special grass”, an interest that is shared by Duke.


Ray Christiansen (Dragonfire) - Ray was a Broadway star before the First Crash. A star, he’ll say, stressing the “s” and looking into your eye with an intensity not seen by many. A performer, Ray is quite flamboyant and over-dramatic, thus he loves being on the mountain and in the Hall, a perfect stage for the production he believes that he’s in. Personality-wise, nobody's quite sure, as Ray is always pursuing different characters and pretending he has been and always will be that character.



Perce Triggs (Tachyon) - Town


Anthony Dixon (jluck) - Shadows


Delwyn Couch (RangeroftheForest) - Town


Mike Johnson (mediumsnowman) - Town


Duke Bowman (Cutcobra) - Shadows


Lage “Dink” Skjeggestad (TinyPieRUs) - Town


Ewan Breckenridge (mostlytechnic) - Town


Woodcock (Bob) - Town


1. Each player will be given a character to play, who will be aligned with either the Town or the Shadows. To win the game, the Town must kill all enemy factions, while the Shadows must outnumber all enemy factions.

2. Each day you will be able to vote to lynch a player. Voting should be done in the following format; Vote: Character (Player). Similarly, unvoting is to be done in the format; Unvote: Character (Player). No other format will be accepted. A majority vote is required to lynch a player.

3. A game day will last for 72 hours. You may not vote in the first 24 hours. After the day has concluded, a night stage will commence, which will last a maximum of 48 hours. Night actions must be sent to the host in the first 24 hours of the night stage.

4. The alignment of lynched players, as well as those that died during the night, will be revealed at the beginning of the next day.

5. You may not quote or pretend to quote anything sent to or from you in PM with the game host. This includes all the details of your character and role, as well as any night action results. Role claims and reporting of night action results are acceptable, but in your own words only. Do not attempt to use the structure of your role PM to your advantage.

6. Do not play the game outside the thread. Similarly, do not post out of character inside the thread; you must always play the role given to you. Game tactics and roles may only be discussed in the game thread or via PM with other players. Private discussion is done at your own risk and should be treated as part of the game.

7. If you are dead, you may not post in thread or discuss the game with any of the players. Any information you had becomes void and may not be passed on.

8. You may not edit your posts. Editing your post will result in a vote penalty on the first two occasions, and a mod-kill on the third.

9. You must post in every day thread.

10. If you encounter a problem or have any further questions, feel free to contact either Danny or me via PM.

11. Generally, there are no gameplay mechanics in the pictures. However, in each opening Day's pictures, there will be something that is relevant only to those with roles that pertain to it. To every other role, it will mean nothing. There are not clues in the character flavor text. I wrote that stuff before I even decided on alignments and roles.

12. Role Play. I tried my best to make all of the characters pretty fun to role play as, so go crazy. Give them your own personality; become your character. Have fun with it and relax.

12. Get ready. The fun begins...now!

Host Note: Yea, Ewan was lynched, but his character is still alive. Don't worry, MT's not playing anymore. Just in case anyone got confused. No more in-game Ewan.

Wow, I'm surprised about these results! I thought TPRU and MT was the team... So much for my reads. :laugh:

Who's left that's a likely suspect? King, fhomess, CMP?

Shoot :wall: I was really convinced Ewan was Scum.

Ewan wasn't scum?? Seriously?

Now I feel like singing sad songs all day, we lost three of our own last night. I truly felt Ewan was hiding with the shadows.

  On 1/7/2016 at 2:43 PM, Lady K said:

I truly felt Ewan was hiding with the shadows.

I'm still trying to wrap my sweaty head around that he wasn't. I mean he was playing really scummy.

Count me among those stunned that Ewan wasn't scum, but I guess we have nowhere to go here but forward.

I remain highly suspicious of Gale. I'm going to be pissed if he's the last scum, because he should've been mod-killed like two days ago. At best he's made like one post a day.

I'm more surprised that Woodcock was loyal; I had him as scum for sure. That makes the second game that town-me has hard suspected town-Bob all game :cry_sad: :cry_sad: Sorry, Bob *ahem* Woodcock.

The fact that Ewan was town will allow us to look at his wagon and see if we can spot the scum on it. He for one advised us to lynch Quincy today as well.

Oh - and Molly, I was under the impression that you had incriminating behind-the-scenes evidence against Ewan.... at least, that's why I voted for him. Has someone been lying to you?

  On 1/7/2016 at 5:45 PM, Dragonfire said:

I'm more surprised that Woodcock was loyal; I had him as scum for sure. That makes the second game that town-me has hard suspected town-Bob all game :cry_sad: :cry_sad: Sorry, Bob *ahem* Woodcock.

I read Woodcock as loyal pretty much the whole game... :look:

  On 1/7/2016 at 6:41 PM, KingoftheZempk said:

I read Woodcock as loyal pretty much the whole game... :look:

Well isn't that good for you :thumbup::tongue::sarcasm: *ahem*

  On 1/7/2016 at 5:45 PM, Dragonfire said:
The fact that Ewan was town will allow us to look at his wagon and see if we can spot the scum on it. He for one advised us to lynch Quincy today as well.

This seems a little disingenuous given the fact that everyone who voted for Ewan is alive and everyone who did not vote for Ewan is now dead.

  On 1/7/2016 at 5:45 PM, Dragonfire said:
Oh - and Molly, I was under the impression that you had incriminating behind-the-scenes evidence against Ewan.... at least, that's why I voted for him. Has someone been lying to you?

Molly didn't make any claims of having incriminating behind the scenes evidence, although I admit it was implied. It doesn't rule out the idea that someone has been lying to Molly. We're getting to the point where it's more likely than not. You justified your vote based on the idea that Molly did have incriminating evidence, and now are essentially asking for details a second time.

After your vote for Ewan yesterday, you went on to make accusations against Quincy. Quincy was your biggest suspect except you were happy to follow Molly's lead. Ewan then voted for Quincy, but you didn't think anything of it yesterday, simply saying that if Ewan came up town we'd lynch Quincy today. It doesn't seem like you really believed in your vote for Ewan as you didn't stop to consider what the vote for Quincy would mean if Ewan was scum. Now you're using Ewan's vote for Quincy as a springboard to suggest that we ought to lynch Quincy. Well... let's be fair, you're trying to suggest it without suggesting it despite the fact that Quincy was your top suspect yesterday.

  On 1/7/2016 at 5:45 PM, Dragonfire said:

I'm more surprised that Woodcock was loyal; I had him as scum for sure. That makes the second game that town-me has hard suspected town-Bob all game :cry_sad: :cry_sad: Sorry, Bob *ahem* Woodcock.

The fact that Ewan was town will allow us to look at his wagon and see if we can spot the scum on it. He for one advised us to lynch Quincy today as well.

Oh - and Molly, I was under the impression that you had incriminating behind-the-scenes evidence against Ewan.... at least, that's why I voted for him. Has someone been lying to you?

Not all evidence is clean, cut and dry. Some is gained based on who did what during the night, not to mention private conversation as well. I will not go public with all details so as to protect the town block identities.

  On 1/7/2016 at 8:17 PM, fhomess said:

This seems a little disingenuous given the fact that everyone who voted for Ewan is alive and everyone who did not vote for Ewan is now dead.

Molly didn't make any claims of having incriminating behind the scenes evidence, although I admit it was implied. It doesn't rule out the idea that someone has been lying to Molly. We're getting to the point where it's more likely than not. You justified your vote based on the idea that Molly did have incriminating evidence, and now are essentially asking for details a second time.

After your vote for Ewan yesterday, you went on to make accusations against Quincy. Quincy was your biggest suspect except you were happy to follow Molly's lead. Ewan then voted for Quincy, but you didn't think anything of it yesterday, simply saying that if Ewan came up town we'd lynch Quincy today. It doesn't seem like you really believed in your vote for Ewan as you didn't stop to consider what the vote for Quincy would mean if Ewan was scum. Now you're using Ewan's vote for Quincy as a springboard to suggest that we ought to lynch Quincy. Well... let's be fair, you're trying to suggest it without suggesting it despite the fact that Quincy was your top suspect yesterday.

This really bothers me. I will admit that I have been talking with both of the killed townies from last night privately and what strikes me is odd is that both voted for the same person.....you Lusk. They both felt you were more scummy than Evan and now they are both dead. Care to comment on that?

  On 1/7/2016 at 8:56 PM, Lady K said:

This really bothers me. I will admit that I have been talking with both of the killed townies from last night privately and what strikes me is odd is that both voted for the same person.....you Lusk. They both felt you were more scummy than Evan and now they are both dead. Care to comment on that?

Wait....I'm really confused (and now kind of concerned). I've been assuming one kill is a vig and the other is scum, are you implying that's not the case, or has the vig somehow not contacted you yet? *huh* You didn't sanction either one of last night's kills?

If it IS a vig, then I urge whoever the hell it is to contact Molly ASAP, I figured most if not all actions were being coordinated by now.

  On 1/7/2016 at 9:01 PM, CallMePie said:

Wait....I'm really confused (and now kind of concerned). I've been assuming one kill is a vig and the other is scum, are you implying that's not the case, or has the vig somehow not contacted you yet? *huh* You didn't sanction either one of last night's kills?

If it IS a vig, then I urge whoever the hell it is to contact Molly ASAP, I figured most if not all actions were being coordinated by now.

Also I believe there was a night where there was only one kill. Something doesn't add up.

Count me as one of the stunned. Ewan was looking even scummier as the votes came in. His defence wasn't convincing at all.

As for the other two, no opinion. To be honest, I haven't paid enough attention the last two days. With these bad results, I'll have to step up my game.

  On 1/7/2016 at 8:56 PM, Lady K said:
This really bothers me. I will admit that I have been talking with both of the killed townies from last night privately and what strikes me is odd is that both voted for the same person.....you Lusk. They both felt you were more scummy than Evan and now they are both dead. Care to comment on that?

Even if I could've controlled either of those kills, which I couldn't, the only thing they accused me of was being largely absent over the past few days. That was something I freely admitted. It's not the type of accusation to run from. Plus, killing one's accuser at this point just draws more attention to the case they made. If they had lived, all I would've had to do to get them off my back would be to contribute more now that I'm able to. Instead, I'm having to answer to you.

  On 1/8/2016 at 12:36 AM, fhomess said:

Even if I could've controlled either of those kills, which I couldn't, the only thing they accused me of was being largely absent over the past few days. That was something I freely admitted. It's not the type of accusation to run from. Plus, killing one's accuser at this point just draws more attention to the case they made. If they had lived, all I would've had to do to get them off my back would be to contribute more now that I'm able to. Instead, I'm having to answer to you.

Honestly you would have still had to answer to the town today, you were next on my list so I would have questioned you today either way. However you do seem a little too much on the defensive about a simple request for comment.

  • Author

Voting is now....open! Choose wisely your target.

  On 1/7/2016 at 8:17 PM, fhomess said:

This seems a little disingenuous given the fact that everyone who voted for Ewan is alive and everyone who did not vote for Ewan is now dead.

How? It could still help us catch the scum....

After your vote for Ewan yesterday, you went on to make accusations against Quincy. Quincy was your biggest suspect except you were happy to follow Molly's lead. Ewan then voted for Quincy, but you didn't think anything of it yesterday, simply saying that if Ewan came up town we'd lynch Quincy today. It doesn't seem like you really believed in your vote for Ewan as you didn't stop to consider what the vote for Quincy would mean if Ewan was scum. Now you're using Ewan's vote for Quincy as a springboard to suggest that we ought to lynch Quincy. Well... let's be fair, you're trying to suggest it without suggesting it despite the fact that Quincy was your top suspect yesterday.

*ahem* I never said Quincy was my top suspect yesterday; in fact, he was equally as suspicious as several others, Woodcock and Wynn included. I was happy to follow Molly's lead because I trust the town block more than I trust my own scumdar :blush: And yes, I didn't find Ewan particularly scummy, I was voting because I thought there was evidence against him held by the town block.

  On 1/8/2016 at 7:15 AM, Dragonfire said:

*ahem* I never said Quincy was my top suspect yesterday; in fact, he was equally as suspicious as several others, Woodcock and Wynn included. I was happy to follow Molly's lead because I trust the town block more than I trust my own scumdar :blush: And yes, I didn't find Ewan particularly scummy, I was voting because I thought there was evidence against him held by the town block.

... so you jumped on a bandwagon? To an extent, I agree. By that I mean we voted based on evidence we believed there was against him. Although why didn't you find Ewan particularly scummy? His defence seemed to become erratic as the day went on.

This is for my sweat-addled brain: Alright, there are nine people left. Eight have left us. Two of them were scum. So one or two scum left I venture to guess. Going off of what Julia has said, Gale has been quiet. Scum flying under the radar maybe? So Gale could be either the last scum, or second to last.

  On 1/8/2016 at 7:15 AM, Dragonfire said:
How? It could still help us catch the scum....

Of course it can help catch the scum... the point is that the only people to look at were the folks on the bandwagon. It comes across as trying to look helpful without actually being so.

  On 1/8/2016 at 7:15 AM, Dragonfire said:
*ahem* I never said Quincy was my top suspect yesterday; in fact, he was equally as suspicious as several others, Woodcock and Wynn included. I was happy to follow Molly's lead because I trust the town block more than I trust my own scumdar :blush: And yes, I didn't find Ewan particularly scummy, I was voting because I thought there was evidence against him held by the town block.

I get that you were voting for Ewan because of the town block. That's what most of us did.

This quote is in response to Quincy:

  On 1/3/2016 at 9:02 PM, Dragonfire said:
You're accusing me of avoiding lynching Ewan, yet I said that he was one of my four top suspects. You're taking parts of my post and setting them up to be misleading to others. I really really want to vote you now...

Suggests of all the people who you're not voting for, because you're following the town block on Ewan, that Quincy is the person you would vote for otherwise.

  On 1/8/2016 at 2:46 PM, KingoftheZempk said:

... so you jumped on a bandwagon? To an extent, I agree. By that I mean we voted based on evidence we believed there was against him. Although why didn't you find Ewan particularly scummy? His defence seemed to become erratic as the day went on.

Oh, I didn't exactly find Ewan towny, he'd done some suspicious things for sure, but I just found him to be somewhat less scummy than several others. Lots of people do suspicious things, not all of them are scum.

This is for my sweat-addled brain: Alright, there are nine people left. Eight have left us. Two of them were scum. So one or two scum left I venture to guess. Going off of what Julia has said, Gale has been quiet. Scum flying under the radar maybe? So Gale could be either the last scum, or second to last.

"Easy bandwagon time! Let's lynch the person who's said nothing, because he could be scum!" As far as I'm aware, Gale has done absolutely zero to give anyone a hint as to his alignment, so it's basically a 50:50 (of course, probability-wise he's more likely to be town, but then again, so is everyone). I'm not going to vote for someone based on a 50:50 and I don't think anyone who isn't scum or dumb plans to either. If Gale would actually say something then we could actually get a read on him.

  On 1/8/2016 at 5:43 PM, fhomess said:

Of course it can help catch the scum... the point is that the only people to look at were the folks on the bandwagon. It comes across as trying to look helpful without actually being so.

Umm....no. I said this:

  On 1/7/2016 at 5:45 PM, Dragonfire said:

The fact that Ewan was town will allow us to look at his wagon and see if we can spot the scum on it. He for one advised us to lynch Quincy today as well.

You're making it out that I said something like "Let's look at where everyone voted and see if we can spot the scum." I agree, that does fit your definition of trying to appear helpful without actually being so. But that's not what I said. I did look at yesterday's voting and I did know that everyone voted for Ewan, which is why I said "let's look at his wagon and see if we can spot the scum on it" because there's a 100% chance that scum voted for Ewan. So you're either misinterpreting what I said, or deliberately twisting my words to get people to suspect me.

Suggests of all the people who you're not voting for, because you're following the town block on Ewan, that Quincy is the person you would vote for otherwise.

I probably would have voted for him yesterday, yes. Doesn't necessarily mean I find him far scummier than others.


So then who do you find scummiest at this point, Ray?

I understand Gale could be town, and it's 50:50. Just brining up ideas that he's running under the radar. I agree he's probably not the best vote right now, but it is somewhat annoying how there has been minimal dialogue from him and his large belly.

  On 1/8/2016 at 6:14 PM, KingoftheZempk said:

So then who do you find scummiest at this point, Ray?

You and Dr. Wynn, and also Lusk although he's less scummy.

I understand Gale could be town, and it's 50:50. Just brining up ideas that he's running under the radar. I agree he's probably not the best vote right now, but it is somewhat annoying how there has been minimal dialogue from him and his large belly.

I agree, but it seemed like you were trying to push a lynch on him. *ahem*

  On 1/8/2016 at 6:29 PM, Dragonfire said:

You and Dr. Wynn, and also Lusk although he's less scummy.

I agree, but it seemed like you were trying to push a lynch on him. *ahem*

I'd be interested to know why...

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