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Tatunga: Wise Chief Muluhulu, we found these men lurking around the bathing pools.

*The chief gave us a menacing look. Then he uttered words in a language familiar to our ears.

Chief: Who are you? Where have you come from?

Lenny: My name is Lenny. I mean Leonard Whitegate, sir. We come from across the sea from a nation known as Corrington.

*The chief's eyes widened as if in shock and disbelief.

Chief: Oh by the Sun, Moon and Stars! I cannot believe this!

Come closer, young man! Let me have a good look at you.

*I went forward cautiously. Not knowing what the Chief might do, or why he spoke our language.


Chief: You said your name is Whitegate? What is your father's name?

Lenny: Percival, sir. But what of my father?

Chief: Percy... Yes, you look exactly like him when he was younger. So you're his son.

*The chief's threatening aura faded away as he spoke these words with a tinge of regret.

Lenny: I'm the younger of two sons, sir. You knew my father?

*The chief broke into a hearty laughter.

Chief: This is a cause for celebration! Come, we shall feast this day.


Lenny: So just who exactly are you, Chief? And how do you know my father?

Chief: I was once known by the name of Andrew Barclay.

I knew your father, yes. That was many many moons ago. Over thirty years, it has been...

We went to the naval academy together and served under the same command for a time during the Great War.

Lenny: So you were a naval officer ?

Chief: I was, indeed. In a life, long past.

When our ship was decommissioned after being damaged in battle, we were reassigned to different branches of the Navy.

I was assigned as part of a secret expedition, commissioned by Prince Arlin.

We were to sail east in search of a pirate hoard in order to fund our war with Oleon, which had emptied our coffers.

Yes, it was the hidden treasure of Captain Jean-Jacques Yves de Lafayette, a famous Oleon pirate who plundered over a hundred ships.

Lenny: The Lafayette treasure? I thought that was only a legend.

Chief: We had a map that was thought the be genuine, so we sailed forth in search of it. But luck was not on our side.

As we sailed toward the island charted on the map, our ship struck by a sudden crashing wave.

We were wrecked at sea and those of us who survived, managed to swim to shore.

Twelve of us made it, but our numbers soon were soon whittled away slowly by sickness or other mishaps.

Many of us fell ill with a strange fever. All my crewmates succumbed before me...

But fortunately for me, I was rescued by the tribe, who fed me their herbs and nursed me back to health.

Eventually, I was paired with the chieftain's daughter who took a liking to me.

After the previous chieftain passed on, I became chieftain and the rest is history...

But enough about myself! Tell me about what has happened all these years, in my absence.

Lenny: Where should I begin? There is so much to tell.

Chief: Tell me about your father.

Lenny: My father is well. He currently sits on the Board of the Admiralty.

Chief: Percy the rascal! An admiral! I guess he had the talent, ill-disciplined as he was.

Lenny: Ill-disciplined? My father? Unfathomable!

Chief: There's probably much you don't know about your father in his youth.

But tell me about our homeland. Did we win the war?

Lenny: We only just won the 49-year war not too long ago, but barely.

With a war that dragged out, one could hardly claim victory over anything.

But yes, that's how it goes. Officially.

King Arlin the Second passed a few years back. His daughter, Annetta, now reigns as queen.

Chief: Three generations of rulers, all in my absence...

It has been too long...

*Then the food arrived.

Chief: Come, let us drink and be merry! We have all the time in the world to exchange tales.


I feel like I'm learning about/solidifying my Corrington history reading this, good incorporation of the backstory, any chance you've landed on our not-yet-named-newly-picked-island, number 2?

Enjoy the feast!

(oh yes and I like the chief's appearance on his throne) :-)

  • Author

I feel like I'm learning about/solidifying my Corrington history reading this, good incorporation of the backstory, any chance you've landed on our not-yet-named-newly-picked-island, number 2?

Yes, for the initial story, I had planned for him to land on #2, based on his the sailing course. By some stroke of luck, it's now Corrington territory, so go with the flow~ Lenny is now somewhere on #2.

  • 2 weeks later...
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Scene 9

*The rest of the evening passes quickly as our party shares stories, eats and makes merry.

Lenny: Chief, do you think that Lafayette's treasure really exists?

Chief: So, young Leonard. Interested in the booty, are you? Well, if it does, it might still be somewhere on that island.

The map we had is long gone though. I don't think parchment would have survived 30 years under the sea.

Lenny: Truth be told, sir, our expedition was largely sponsored by a merchant friend of mine.

I was hoping we could find something of monetary or commercial value to repay her investment.

Chief: Hmmm... something of monetary value eh...? You have a ship, do you not?

Lenny: We do. A small and modest rig, but she's seaworthy.

Chief: In that case, I have an idea. My ship had some emergency funds that we never got a chance to use.

It's no fortune, but there's a decent bit of doubloons in the captain's chest.

She was wrecked off the coast of that island and I know her location. With a little luck, you might be able to recover something from her wreck.

Lenny: Truly, Chief?! I would certainly like to try!

Chief: Very well then. We shall make an attempt tomorrow. I hope your swimming skills are good.


*The next day, our party sets sail early in the morn, with the guidance of Chief Muluhulu.*

Chief: Ahh... I have not set foot on a ship in so many years. The nostalgia in brings.

There's the island... The tides are less hostile during this season, but we should still keep a safe distance from the rocks.

*As we approached the location of the wreck.*

Chief: Yes, my ship lies somewhere beneath.

Lenny: Right, I'll take a look.


Lenny: "There's her wreck, exactly as told. And I guess this might be the chest?"



Lenny: I found something!

Chief: Ah yes, that's the chest. Well done, young Leonard!

Let us return to the village and we'll see if the contents have been preserved.


[This scene is also the MCRA for Feb 2016]

Edited by CelesAurivern

Nice little scene - the first picture has a nice underwater effect, and the sunken ship looks good, overturned and with weeds growing out of it.

I would imagine an easier way to retrieve a chest of gold would be to bring down a line, but I guess he must be a very powerful swimmer? pirate_wink.gif

Always a pleasure following your story!

  • Author


*Early on Sunday morning at the Flask and Flagon*


Diego: Buenos dias. Senorita Miranda, I presume? I am Diego Fargundez, representative from Eslandola. The secretary of state sends his regards.

Miranda: I am indeed. Welcome to Port Raleigh, sir. Isabella, drinks for the gentlemen, please.

Diego: Gracias, senorita.

Your ship is docked over by the harbour. This is the title for the ship. She's been licenced as "Clear Conscience", but you may rename her at your local registrars office if it does not suit your fancy.

*Down at the docks a little later on*


Diego: Here she is. She's a little weathered and might need to be refitted, but it's a good bargain.

Miranda: Indeed, a fine addition to our merchant fleet.

Diego: If you could just sign here for the receipt please?

Miranda: Most certainly.

Diego: Thank you, senorita. It has been a pleasure doing business with you. Hasta la vista.

*The Eslandolan representatives then take their leave*

Miranda: Not a bad investment for sixteen doubloons. The hull and structure look to be in good condition.

Though we might need to replace the sails and mount some guns on her. Oh, and perhaps paint our colours on. Elliot, could you please tell Ivoire to see to it?

Elliot: Aye, aye, sir!

  • Author


*Miranda calls a meeting of her most trusted lieutenants.

Velvetine: Oh, I love going to the velvet room. Lovely how it's named after me, don't you think?

Anyssa: I'm just glad to be out of the tavern for a change. Miranda should make you work as a barmaid too.

Isabella: Then you'll have to share your tips.

Anyssa: Oh wait, you're right. Scratch that. You reek of gunpowder anyway.

Velvetine: Oy! That's mean!


Miranda: Ah good, you're all here. I have new plans for us.

Ivoire: I hope zis means we are moving out soon?

Miranda: Well, some of us are.

As you know, the empire has just claimed two new islands, Cocovia and Serentia.

New settlements have been erected very quickly, which means new opportunities to expand east.

It serves us little good for all us to be bunched here, we are going to split into three parties.

Velvetine, you will have command of the Valkyrie for this month's trade and supply run.

As with last month, we're sailing under the Coyle shipping alliance.

Velvetine: Roger that.

Miranda: Ivoire and Hilda, I want you to take the new ship and rendezvous with Lenny.

Word from the landing parties in Serentia say his Peregrine was spotted along the coast.

I'll leave it to your discretion to follow up from there.

Ivoire: Oui, the ship has been renamed as ze Sea Sparrow, as you have requested.

We have refitted ze ship with new sails and a new paint job, but have run into some problems getting her armed.

Lieutenant Bridgewater insists on following protocols, says he cannot transfer ze cannons to us until he has obtained clearance.

I even offered to let him touch my breasts, but he refused. *shrugs*

Hildegarde: Faggot. *snorts*

Miranda: Dear old Byron, always a stickler for the rules. Anyway, no choice but to wait then.

The rest of us will remain here to oversee development of this colony.

The tavern is doing far better than expected, so we can't just leave it now.

Anyssa: *fistpumps*

Miranda: We're also going to need more manpower for expansion.

Elliot, write a letter to Sandeep. Tell him to recruit another twenty to thirty labourers, ten more able seamen.

Then send them here together with five of our regulars who will serve as trainers.

Elliot: Aye, aye, sir!

Miranda: If there are no further outstanding matters, then we are adjourned.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Author

Scene 12

*Back on the mainland, Sheikh Khalid arrives in Bellson for his monthly business transactions. Sandeep takes the opportunity to meet with the Sheikh.


Saddam: Master, the representative is here.

Sheikh: Let him in.

Sandeep: Welcome to Bellson, your exalted excellency. We are very honoured by your visit. *bobs head*

Sheikh: *waves dismissively* Let's get down to business. You say you have an offer for me?

Sandeep: Yes, your excellency. Good one that involving rubies. *bobs head*

Sheikh: *Squints* Rubies, you say?

Sandeep: Your excellency, token of goodwill from Emporium. *places a large, clear ruby on the table*


*The Sheikh picks it up and holds it up against the light, judging its clarity, then mumbles something in a foreign tongue to his captain*

Sheikh: And how many of these fine rubies do you have to offer?

Sandeep: Five standard chests full, which we trading for very fair price of five hundred doubloons and consideration of a partnership. *bobs head*

Sheikh: Five hundred... And what is this partnership you speak of?

Sandeep: Yes, your excellency. We wishing you be helping us to trade metals and minerals from new colonies. Starting an office in Arlinsport. *bobs head*

Sheikh: Hmmm, in Arlinsport, eh? Very well, let me consider it. Arrange for the goods to be loaded onto my vessel and I shall send payment.

Sandeep: Thanking you kindly, you excellency. Sandeep shall see to it at once. *bobs head*

*Sandeep then leaves the room*

Sheikh: Five hundred! For five chests of gems of this quality! They must easily be worth a raw two thousand on the market.

Saddam: Perhaps, Master, the origins are dubious? I have heard rumours that this 'Emporium' is a shady operation.

Sheikh: I am certain they are, but it matters not. We will be recutting them for jewellery, then no one will be the wiser.

And we also have a chance to obtain a new source of metals from the new world. I will become even richer still!

Saddam: As you say, Master.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Author

Scene 13

Port Raleigh, The Velvet Room


Mr. Townsend: Good afternoon, Miss Miranda. You wished to speak with me?

Miranda: Ah, Mr. Townsend. How good of you to come so quickly.

I wanted to seek your academic advice on a certain matter relating to our neighbours.

Mr. Townsend: Our neighbours?

Miranda: As you are aware, there is an indigenous tribe living on this island, long before Eslandola or Corrington settled here.

We have had a bit a conflict with them in the beginning, but that is starting to ease out.

Mr. Townsend: Ah, those neighbours.

Miranda: So yes, I was hoping if you would be willing to lead an initiative to study these natives and learn their culture, while at the same time, teach them Corlandish, so that we may better relations and expand trade.

Corrington is here to stay, so I would prefer that our relations with the Texasclansmen are at their best.

The Emporium will sponsor whatever you require, of course.

Mr. Townsend: Ténotclaxcans.

Miranda: That's what I said. Taximohicans.

Mr. Townsend: No ma'am, Ténotclaxcans.

Miranda: Okay. Technoclackens.

Mr. Townsend: Ténotclaxcans.

Miranda: Tenotclaxcans!

Mr. Townsend: It's e with an acute accent. Ténotclaxcans.

Miranda: *sputters* Ténotclaxcans!!!

Mr. Townsend: Wonderful, Miss Miranda.

Miranda: *Ahem* I take that you are willing to assist then?

Mr. Townsend: Indeed, anthropology is of great interest to me.

Miranda: Very good, sir. Please begin at soonest. Elliot will set you up with all that you require.

This story goes from stength to strength! i love how you are weaving so many different characters into it. More please!

I will echo Fuzzy's comment - MOAR!! NAOW! pirate_blush.gif

It is really nice how you weave all your builds and stories together (and react to what happens in the game-world), but I wonder if you would prefer us not to comment in this post? That is why I have held back my comments a bit so far.

But it is really a shame not to commend you for this excellent story-telling! pirate_laugh2.gif

  • Author

Not at all, gentlemen. Comments are most welcome.

In fact, we shall be requiring your participation quite soon as we are going GRRM :snicker:

GRRM? Someone (/everyone) dies? pirate_oh3.gif

  • Author

GRRM? Someone (/everyone) dies? pirate_oh3.gif

Not even main characters are safe! default_devil_laugh.gif

  • Author

Scene 14

Chichiwawa: Father! Lenny and his friends have suddenly turned very ill!

Chief: What?! I will examine them at once!

*The chief examines the three men.

Lenny: Mi...randa...

McRiley: Boooobies...

Higgins: ... ...

Chichiwawa: How are they, Father? Will they be all right?

Chief: It is as I have feared. Dilated pupils, a raging fever and delirium; they are down with Island Fever.

Outsiders lack the immunity to Island Fever that we have. It claimed all of my comrades thirty years ago, and nearly claimed me.

Chichi, fetch me the Qwatcha bark extract!

Chichiwawa: Yes, Father!

*The men are each fed a few drops of the extract.

Chief: Make sure that they stay hydrated and feed them the extract once at dawn and once at dusk.

Qwatcha may dispel the fever, but it also depends largely on one's constitution.

The older one in particular seems to be in a poorer condition that the others. I fear...

Anyway, all we can do now is to keep an eye on them and wait.

McRiley: Whiskeeeey....



Lenny and company are in a grave situation!

Will they pull out of this alive? Or will their adventure end here?

Readers are invited to decide on the fate of our ill-fated trio. Send us your votes.

Lenny: Life or Death

McRiley: Life or Death

Higgins: Life or Death

  • 2 weeks later...
  • Author


Officers of HMS Sparta

Commodore Anselm Whitegate (35), Captain of HMS Sparta, Royal Navy Transport Fleet


Commander Gerald Stewart III (35), Master and Commander of HMS Sparta, Royal Navy Transport Fleet


Major Sebastien Strong (39), Royal Marines Detachment



Anselm: So this is what our proud navy has been relegated to. Babysitters for the capitalists.

Now we even have to ferry their goods for them.

Gerald: Would you rather be languishing on shore with half-pay then?

Without investment from the capitalists, we would probably be dining on hardtack and water. Perhaps with a side of weevils for protein.

Times are changing. And now, it is the rule of the coin.

Anselm: The caustic truth, my friend! Yours and mine both.

Gerald: Your pedigree aside, even you would not have a chance to make Commodore had our transport fleet not been elevated to a position of importance.

In times of peace, the crown surely has need of us more than she needs warships. Look at the silver lining, Anselm.

Anselm: That, I concede.

Gerald: Nothing but the bare facts of the matter.

Strong: Sir! The men have been assembled!

Anselm: Major, you may proceed with the drill.

Strong: At once, sir!

Strong: Marines, to the rail!

Strong: And, fire!

Strong: And, change ranks!

Strong: And, fire!


Edited by CelesAurivern

Life to Lenny and the old man, death to the guy in the middle... (I feel like Cesar in Coliseum now :P )

And with the crew of the Sparta now added, your storyline takes even more epic proportions! Great work! :)

I am wondering though - in the British navy during Napoleonic times, "commodore" was a rank given to captains while they were temporarily in command of a whole squadron. (Sort of a temporary Admiral) When the squadron was disbanded, the captain lost his title.

But perhaps the title have a different meaning in the Corlander merchant fleet? :)

  • Author

Haha, looks like Caesar is entertained and the rogue has earned a thumbs down!

But what will the crowd say? :D

I sort of thought of Commodore as a senior captain appointment, since this character is now leading the RN transport fleet.

If one can distinguish himself while in this appointment, it would be fair recommendation for a promotion to Rear-Admiral?

If he is leading the transport fleet, it makes perfect sense to appoint him commodore. And yes, I suppose so, as I am certain Corrington is a meritocracy. In the British navy back then, admiral-rank was mainly a question of seniority, but that seems an unwieldy system for a scientific nation like corrington. ;)

  • Author

Scene 16

*On a fine afternoon in Port Raleigh, Mr. Townsend visits his favourite seafood bar, down by the docks.*


Koyuki: Irasshaimase! Ah, if it isn't Townsend-san.

Townsend: Hello, Koyuki. Might I have the akami, tamago and whatever's good today.

Koyuki: At once!

*slice slice slice*

Koyuki: Here you go. With a side of fresh hotate, caught this morning.

Townsend: *munch munch* Delicious, as always. So, what's the latest?

Koyuki: You know the Eslandola versus Mardier case?

Word is that the judges ruled in L'Olius' favour and some elements in Eslandola are contemplating war.

Townsend: Word! War? Over a ship?

Koyuki: Hai, lost ship equates to lost coin and coin means more to Eslandola than anything else.

Townsend: Surely, it will not come to that?

Koyuki: Time will tell.

In other news, the Society of Natural Philosophy has received a Royal Warrant of Appointment by Queen Annetta.

This brings back the prestige of science and discovery to Corrington.

Townsend: Ah, now that's some good news indeed!

Recognition for the academics. Long awaited and much deserved. *strokes handlebar*

Koyuki: In Oleon, King Philip is currently touring the country soon after his coronation.

The entire nation is in celebration and his popularity is soaring among the populace.

Townsend: Perhaps we'll finally see an era of peace with such a well-liked monarch reigning.

Surely, we are all tired of all this endless conflict between our nations.

Koyuki: Also, Charlatan Bay has been made known to our trade routes. For some reason, Eslandola and Oleon ships are banned from docking.

*whispers* Don't say you heard it from me, but I hear Ms Miranda is planning to set up a trade office there.

Townsend: You don't say...

Well, I must be getting back to my shop soon. It's the end of the month and there are many letters to be written.

Edited by CelesAurivern

Word! You mean they said "word" back then? :laugh:

The two prior installments are pretty good too, especially that fine looking crew of officers and soldiers.

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