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This is my first attempt to make a review of the LEGO set. For this I have choosen new 75141 Kanan's Speeder Bike.

First a few official information

75141 Kanan's Speeder Bike

Year: 2016

Number of parts: 234

Minifgures: 3

Speed off with the containers loaded with weapons!

Help Kanan sneak past the Stormtrooper on his speeder bike and hook up the containers loaded with weapons. Can he make a quick escape before they spot him? It’s up to you to decide.

  • Includes 3 minifigures: Kanan Jarrus, a Stormtrooper and an Imperial Combat Driver.
  • Features Kanan’s Speeder Bike and 2 buildable, opening cargo containers.
  • Cargo containers include blasters and thermal detonators.
  • Link the containers, attach them to the speeder bike and make a quick escape.
  • Weapons include Kanan’s Lightsaber, the Stormtrooper’s blaster and the Imperial Combat Driver’s blaster pistol.
  • Accessory elements include an Imperial Combat Driver helmet and Stormtrooper helmet.
  • As featured in the Star Wars Rebels animated TV series.
  • Speeder bike measures over 1” (4cm) high, 5” (15cm) long and 1” (5cm) wide, and over 10” (27cm) long with cargo containers attached



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The Box is standard for SW theme, this year it shows Kylo Ren in upper right corner (it is the same artwork as in Episode 7 sets from last year), the speeder bike with minifigures in action and minifigures included in set in lower right corner. There is also Disney Logo in Lower Left corner.


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Shows play features, selection of weapons included and some nice schematics of vehicle.

Upper Side

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Shows once again all minfigures with Kanan in 1:1 scale.


Inside we have 2 numbered bags, instruction and a sticker sheet

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Contains 48 pages, it is easy to follow, there are also parts list and advertisement pages.

Sticker Sheet

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Contains 10 stickers, there are numbers which show in instruction where to apply them. They are easy to apply.

Content of Bag 1

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Content of Bag 2

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There is nice selection of part. Especially is nice to see so many SW Blasters (4 medium size and 1 short) and explosive devices in form of printed flat silver 1x1 round tiles. Those tiles were included only in 6 SW sets before in smaller number. Now we have 5 of them (including 1 extra). There are also rare parts and parts in new color.

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Trans-Clear Wedge Plate is rare included before only in one set: Super Heroes 76026 Gorilla Grodd Goes Bananas. Triangle Road Sign Clip is for the first time in Dark Green and Handlebars with Angular Handles for the first time in Black.


There are 3 included: Kanan Jarrus, Stormtrooper and Imperial Combat Driver. Only the last mentioned is exclusive for this set. First two was seen in other sets before.

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Kanan Jarrus

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Appear before in 3 sets: 75053 The Ghost, 75084 Wookiee Gunship and exclusive The Ghost Starship from Fan Expo Canada 2014. All of them are rather expensive, so for the first time we have him in much cheaper set. It is a very nice detailed minifigure in dark brown hair and eyebrows version, with double sided head, torso with front and back printing and printed legs.


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Standard Rebels animated cartoon version stormtrooper which appeared before in 4 sets (in cheaper ones and expensive ones: 75053 The Ghost, 75078 Imperial Troop Transport, 75083 AT-DP, 75090 Ezra's Speeder Bike) so it isn’t a rare minifigure, but always welcome especially for army builders. It has standard clone head (very common one in clones and stromtroopers in recent sets), front and back printed torso, printed legs and nice detailed helmet. Its printing is more cartoonish in style than standard recent version stromtrooper.

Imperial Combat Driver

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Exclusive for this set. It is very similar to AT-DP driver, the same prtinting of head, very similar printing of torso, legs and helmet but in dark bluish gray (torso, legs) and light bluish gray colors (head, helmet). Very nice addition to imperial forces.


The Build is modular from the first bag we build speeder bike with Kanan and Stormtrooper and from the second bag two containers. The build is easy but entertaining, especially the speeder bike which has very interesting use of some parts to obtain those angles in vehicle. Build of containers is repetitive because they are identical. Highlight of this set is inclusion a nice selection of weponary.

Build from bag one

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extra parts left

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Build from bag two

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Extra parts left

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Complete build

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- nice selection of parts (some rare and in new color, number of weapons included, especially that now in battle pack there is no standard SW blasters, so good to see them)

- great selection of minifigures

- very clever design


- speeder is out of scale (too big compare to Kanan minifig as it shown on photos)

- stickers (some elements could be printed especially tiles)

I really like this set, I give him 7/10.

Thanks for the review! I'll be getting this, but for the parts and figs (that Imperial Combat Driver! :wub: ) The build is just hilariously oversized. In the cartoon Kanan's speeder is more or less a hover motorcycle, here it's Luke's landspeeder in green.

And what's the price of this set?

Edited by Junior Shark

Nice review! Like others, I'll be getting it for parts & figures more than the bike itself (the crates are nice, but better for other uses than the "Spark of Rebellion" crates they stole with the Imperial bikes)

I've already built DarthTwoShedsJackson's Kanan bike build. Much more to scale. There are other similar MOC builds out there that have some good points, too, so it'll be fun tweaking it over time. Kind of a shame that they keep making the bikes so big!

Wish they'd done something different for the coloring of the combat driver... maybe pearl dark grey for the suit, with regular dark bley for the hands, helmet, head, and chest armor print. The figure looks good, but changing the colors would free 'em up to maybe revise the AT-DP Driver minifig with a light bley helmet & light bley body, with dark bley hands & armor print & the same white head they already used. That'd be a bit more screen-accurate, IMO.

Edited by Venkefedo

Thanks for the review. Im getting this set cause I still don't have kanan yet. The crates look useful, as do more blasters, but the speeder bike is simply ridiculous. You have to wonder how certain designs are approved in the first place. It looks bad even in the official pictures, like he's riding his dad's bike.

Thanks for another good review, but the set itself...... not so good. Aside for the minifigures and parts, I didn't really find any reasons for me to buy this set at all.


- speeder is out of scale (too big compare to Kanan minifig as it shown on photos)

No way! A LEGO Star Wars set that is out of scale ..?! This is an outrage! *oh2*

Thanks for the review!

I will definitively be picking this set up when it comes out in America.

The imperial driver, the crates and their contents are the highlight and will be a nice addition to my display of Rebels sets.

The bike is oversized and looks funny with Kanan on it but it's still a very cool bike. I like it.

7/10 is spot on for this set.

Edited by duboismerci

Thanks for the review! I pretty much agree with all of this.

The minifigs are just perfect: the exclusive dark version of the Combat Driver looks magnificent and works much better than its lighter counterpart. I do not think we will see many of them in the near future, making this set more attractive. I don't have Kanan and I have no intention of buying the Ghost or the Wookie ship, so another plus in my book. A Stormtrooper is always welcome as he helps army building...

... and the set does too! Just combine it with the Stormtrooper BP and give the poor troopers from the BP real blasters from this set. The crates look good and they were fun to build. The bike is not great, but then Lego speeder bikes are problemtic anyway.

So yes, good set. A Rebels' fan should get it.

Nonetheless I think it should not go unnoticed that the set is very late to the show. It is mid-season 2 of Rebels now, and Lego releases a set from the opening episode which was aired in October 2014 (and previewed even earlier iirc). I am aware that Lego will be catching up to season 2 in summer, but it also means the overall coverage is probably less than impressive.

I almost feel bad for saying the crates are by far my favourite part of the set. The Combat Driver looks nice too but not the most exciting minifigure. The oversized speeder bike just looks ridiculous.

  • 1 month later...

Nice review! Like others, I'll be getting it for parts & figures more than the bike itself (the crates are nice, but better for other uses than the "Spark of Rebellion" crates they stole with the Imperial bikes)

I've already built DarthTwoShedsJackson's Kanan bike build. Much more to scale. There are other similar MOC builds out there that have some good points, too, so it'll be fun tweaking it over time. Kind of a shame that they keep making the bikes so big!

Wish they'd done something different for the coloring of the combat driver... maybe pearl dark grey for the suit, with regular dark bley for the hands, helmet, head, and chest armor print. The figure looks good, but changing the colors would free 'em up to maybe revise the AT-DP Driver minifig with a light bley helmet & light bley body, with dark bley hands & armor print & the same white head they already used. That'd be a bit more screen-accurate, IMO.

Just stumbled on this review and noticed your comment. I have tried searching for the alternate build you allude to but cannot find it. Would you by chance be able to provide a link? I am curious to see how to mod it, I will be picking this set up soon and it would be nice to have it more to scale with the figure. Many thanks in advance!

Edited by Japanbuilder

i modded it to look like the simple bike from the old droid escape set.

Thanks very much for the tip =) Ill look into it.

Great review! It looks like this will be $30 dollars in the states, Im torn whether to get this or to buy two additional battle pack, we shall see

LEGO website has it at $19.99, great price for what you get. 200+ pieces and three figures.

This looks like a nice set, would go great with the Ghost, so they can drop some cargo of for the rebel fleet. Been awhile since we've had a set in this price range

No way! A LEGO Star Wars set that is out of scale ..?! This is an outrage! *oh2*

I find it OUTRAGEOUSLY out of scale. :wink: kind of like Rey's speeder, but at least she has some handle bars she can actually grab onto. Kanan or anyone riding it looks out of place while sitting on it. the speeder bike is spot on, looks-wise, just doesn't mesh well with minifigs.

I bought it just for the crates basically which could be useful in a lot of sw setting, however neither the bike or minifigs are especially dear to me, the combat driver I sold off straight, didn't think he belonged to the setting at all, would have been better with an imperial officer, rebel version hondo ohnaka or someone else more fun...


Here's DarthTwoSheds' Kanan's speeder bike build. It's more or less flawless, IMO.

@Forrest: Actually, I just bought this set for $20 here in Colorado! Very happy cuz I also thought it would be $25-$30.

LEGO website has it at $19.99, great price for what you get. 200+ pieces and three figures.

Thanks guys I didn't see that until now. Very surprising. This has moved to a must have set for me then!

I wish they'd stop giving us angry clone heads. Any other flesh colored head would be fine, these are just so useless when ever Stormtrooper has one.

the combat driver I sold off straight, didn't think he belonged to the setting at all, would have been better with an imperial officer, rebel version hondo ohnaka or someone else more fun...

I am looking forward to this set FOR the Combat Driver (as a replacement for the Stormtrooper in the Ezra Speeder Bike set). Does anyone recall Stormtroopers riding speeders on Rebels? I always thought TLG's choice was wrong and had considered the AT-DP Pilot but without going back and watching old episodes, was thinking that this Combat Driver was more appropriate.

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