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Main Character: Victor Servadac of the White Glove Order.

Victor was a young and promising architect who lost his legs in an accident where one of his buildings collapsed.

23768612683_ff95ef5a80_z.jpgDefect Building by Stig Ove Bjørnstad, on Flickr

It was said that he must have swapped some of the materials with a cheaper quality than what was ordered by the customer.

23768613323_4678f51dac_z.jpgRubble by Stig Ove Bjørnstad, on Flickr

Victor took the fall hard. He had brought shame upon his family name and left the country for many decades. He traveled throughout the continent collecting inspiration and getting to know people. From the Madrice Peninsula through Corrington, to Olean and even further, but everywhere he went the rumors eventually followed. Although his reputation suffered, he still managed to get the odd job from people that had a different view on using cheaper materials. He fancied a glass every know and then at the local taverns, and discovered people confided to him without him saying much. This was noted by certain individuals and because of this he got aquainted and inducted into an old fellowship, known as the White Glove Order. After many years, he has gained enough trust within the Order to lead their initiative in New Terra. Victor see the discovery of new lands across the sea of storms as a possibility to gain a fresh start, and his friends in the WGO see it as a way to gather new influences.

24312932661_0f20df6f56_z.jpgPortrett Servadac og co by Stig Ove Bjørnstad, on Flickr

Character: Gilroy O’Dougahallahan of the White Glove Order.

Gilroy is making sure the books are ajour, so the money comes as it should. And goes where it should. He always carries a case with dueling pistols, but being a renowned pugilist, he does not shy away from fisticuffs if it comes down to it.

Character: Alfonso Stabboni of the White Glove Order

Stabboni, a man of few words, but when he speaks he does it with his whole face and body. His sceptisism does not earn him many friends, but he reckons he has the friends he needs. Alfonsos main duty is to ensure that the contracts that Servadac make on behalf of the WGO are fulfilled, whatever way he see fit.


Uuuh, a mysterious secret society! I am liking where this is going, and will be looking forward to following the adventures of the WGO! pirate_classic.gif

I really like the first build and the idea of an accident. And you have shown it really well with the fallen rubble. There is something off with the colours in the first picture, but other than that, your pictures seem nice to me. (Gideon will probably give you more input to this pirate_wink.gif )

Great story, cool characters, and nice intro builds!

Will you be opening the WGO to other members in the future, or will it remain a closed soceity?


Uuuh, a mysterious secret society! I am liking where this is going, and will be looking forward to following the adventures of the WGO! pirate_classic.gif

I really like the first build and the idea of an accident. And you have shown it really well with the fallen rubble. There is something off with the colours in the first picture, but other than that, your pictures seem nice to me. (Gideon will probably give you more input to this pirate_wink.gif )

Great story, cool characters, and nice intro builds!

Will you be opening the WGO to other members in the future, or will it remain a closed soceity?

Hmm, that's a possibility. I intended it just to be something to riff on, storywise. But if there is interest, I am intrigued by the thought. The White Glove Order does not want to get their hands dirty though, so members have to use diplomatic approaches and remember to wear their white gloves when doing the Orders official business. I also want to rebuild my whole Lego city into a port. As I have understood it, it is possible to move licences and builds later on. So I am thinking after a little while to apply for a charter(?), and if/when, then others would also be welcome to build in other parts of that city.

Wow, two wooden legs! Those have to be challenging to walk on!

Indeed. That's why most endeavors that requires physical fitness will be carried out by characters in his posse. I fear they will be many, since I have a hard time discarding cool (even if one-dimensional) minifig creations.

Interesting! pirate_satisfied.gif

About moving buildings and licenses: I think there might be some initial options, but generally, property is fixed to its location, and I would suggest finding the location (possibly waiting for the new islands to become available after challenge 1) before really starting to build up your city.

You can apply for a charter (there are a few different kinds) and create your own city, where you are the mayor and take all important decisions, as well as approrpiating some income! pirate_wink.gif


Hi ! And welcome !

Nice intro ! Good build and clever idea this 2 wooden legs character !

You've got a nice story and this White Glove Order is intriguing me...

I can't wait to see more of this.


Welcome to Eslandola!

(Not related to Hector Servadac, is he? pirate_laugh2.gif )

;) I tip my hat to you sir, you sure know your references. You may or may not be seeing some builds based on the brilliant adapted animated version from the 70ies.
Posted (edited)

;) I tip my hat to you sir, you sure know your references. You may or may not be seeing some builds based on the brilliant adapted animated version from the 70ies.

Curious about the name, i just found its wiki article


It surely is one of the least known works of Jules Vern and one of the most strange ones...

gj sir Stig

Edited by blackdeathgr

That's a very clever (if not painful) way to introduce a character! But two peg legs... I'm picturing wobbly, unsteady, wavering - I suppose he could conceal his drinking with his handicap. At least he won't have to worry about the press-gangs since he wouldn't qualify as an A.B. seaman! But it makes for a memorable intro and the WGO sounds like an interesting story waiting to be told. Keep it up.

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