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My opinion is I'll buy it if it comes with pf, and if it doesn't, I'll probably still buy it :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:. Although I really hope it is RC, it only makes sense considering TLG's pattern is RC every other year, and last year wasn't RC, so....

It can't be 3.8 kg, unless it has loads of Pf stuff in it. It must be over 3000 pieces to weigh that, but it doesn't the case IMO.

It can't be 3.8 kg, unless it has loads of Pf stuff in it. It must be over 3000 pieces to weigh that, but it doesn't the case IMO.

That only makes sense, I mean even if it only has 2 motors, 42030 was 3.6 kg, and that had 4 motors.

3.8 kg is the package weight, isn't it?

All it would take to push weight up quickly is a large, higher quality instruction book/manual, like those found in the Architecture line.

...and the simpler packaging is also reminiscent of the Architecture line, too.

I don't think we're getting a massive amount of PF, so much as we are going to get a massive amount of extra pages in the instruction manual, containing the history of Porsche plus design and performance info on the specific model in a bunch of languages.

the link says the package weight is 4.8kg and watching the video I think it has a new tyre and wheel, the writing on the tyre says 81.6 x 44ZR :sweet:

OK, so the package is 4.8 kg, and if the book weighs significantly more than the flimsy instructions of previous years, that 3.8 kg set weight could be wildly high. I'm just thinking how heavy the books were for recent UCS like Sandcrawler and Slave-1, as well as the books in sets from the Architecture line. They have like 30 pages in the front of the same stuff repeated in multiple languages, and if this is truly the first UCS Technic set, I think we can expect similar treatment of the book.

They did say that these sets were not final, so I expect changes like the colour being the obvious change and possible control system, TLG are trolling us good and proper :tongue:

Hopefully some more details will become available prior to the release. Must say I'm disappointed about the late release in 2016, would have thought that 1 July was a more appropriate release date given the summer. I do hope that the set will either feature the bright orange or the purple external color. Both would be quite nice, this in opposite to silver or standard black.

Forgive my ignorance, but could the licence factor into it?

Doubt it. In the Speed Champions line the Porsche 918 Spyder costs the same price as all seven other cars in the line. And the bigger Porsche sets in the line the prices don't seem to be inflated compared to the other bigger sets in the line.

To me if it was a licencing cost thing. They would cost more there. But again, the Technic set is a whole different animal, and depending on what's there compared to the real car, could come into play.

Another thing to think about would be the color. If say it does come out in a color matched(custom mixed color, not using the current orange or purple color Lego already has) Lava-Orange, or Ultraviolet. Could that have an impact on price being pieces in custom colors that wouldn't be used in any other set???

Edited by P3_Super_Bee

I'm not too bothered what colour it is.

I'm not too bothered as to whether or not it has PF built in.

I'm not too bothered how many parts it has or what it weighs.

All I do know is that it looks an amazing set, I will buy at least one and have a great deal of fun building it.

As for having to wait until the 1st August well that's normal for 2H sets and has been that way for the last view years, so a bit of patience is called for, plenty of things to keep me busy until then.


Doubt it. In the Speed Champions line the Porsche 918 Spyder costs the same price as all seven other cars in the line. And the bigger Porsche sets in the line the prices don't seem to be inflated compared to the other bigger sets in the line.

That's because the other cars are licensed, too :wink:.

I heard "Burnt Orange" bandied about as a possible color for this set by some AFOL's this weekend. Burnt Orange, at least to me, would fall somewhere between Lego Orange and Lego Dark Orange on the color spectrum.

Here in the States, Burnt Orange is usually associated with the University of Texas' team colors: http://cdn3.sbnation.com/photo_images/10535813/155984590_extra_large.jpg

I kind of hope its not... Purple would be awesome, or the dark silver/chrome color on the Star Wars Captain Phasma Constraction Figure would be neat, too.

Edited by BimmerBoy

I'm not too bothered what colour it is.

I'm not too bothered as to whether or not it has PF built in.

I'm not too bothered how many parts it has or what it weighs.

All I do know is that it looks an amazing set, I will buy at least one and have a great deal of fun building it.

As for having to wait until the 1st August well that's normal for 2H sets and has been that way for the last view years, so a bit of patience is called for, plenty of things to keep me busy until then.


QFT :)

I decided to look at all of the Speed Champions sets, and compare them to the basic average of 10c/part. All of them meet that average, or even exceed it. That includes the Porsche ones. So, I don't think that liscensing adds to the cost, which means that either we are missing something, or this model is really special.

Here is a thought experiment. If we take all the posts in this thread, and split them into:

1. Questions

2. Real information

3. Repeat questions/answers

4. Speculations

5. Wishes

6 ...

I'm sure we can reduce the number of 'useful' posts from 1147 to maybe 50 at the most. The question really is, what is the signal-to-noise ration in this thread? what is useful, and what is not? ... No intention to offend anyone, naturally, but it's becoming very difficult to keep track. I'll just wait until the set is out, that the most logical way.

Note: This post also qualifies as 'useless' comment.

Edited by DrJB


maybe I can help a little bit:

Here is a link to a swiss online-shop which have some weight/size data on this set: http://shop.swisstoy.ch/product_info.php?products_id=19146

product gross weight (incl. box & manuals) in kg: 4.825 product gross size (incl. box) in cm: 48x37.8x15.3

I assume that the box und the manual(s) will have on kg in total (maybe a little more), so we have a model weight of around 3.8 kg ... am I wrong?


maybe I can help a little bit:

Here is a link to a swiss online-shop which have some weight/size data on this set: http://shop.swisstoy...oducts_id=19146

product gross weight (incl. box & manuals) in kg: 4.825 product gross size (incl. box) in cm: 48x37.8x15.3

I assume that the box und the manual(s) will have on kg in total (maybe a little more), so we have a model weight of around 3.8 kg ... am I wrong?

No, sounds right, which means 3.8 kg (8.36 pounds), just a question, does anyone know how much the BWE weights? Because that might answer a few questions.

Not sure what to make of this, but I'll be the first to go on record and say 3.8 kg is rather excessive. How reliable is that swiss website? Do we have the mass/weight of other flagships, just for comparison?

Here is a thought experiment. If we take all the posts in this thread, and split them into:

1. Questions

2. Real information

3. Repeat questions/answers

4. Speculations

5. Wishes

6 ...

I'm sure we can reduce the number of 'useful' posts from 1147 to maybe 50 at the most. The question really is, what is the signal-to-noise ration in this thread? what is useful, and what is not? ... No intention to offend anyone, naturally, but it's becoming very difficult to keep track. I'll just wait until the set is out, that the most logical way.

Note: This post also qualifies as 'useless' comment.

I agree, it seems like a lot of the newer posts are a bit irrelevant, I think we have pushed the limits of the information received from the short video, and modeled a mockup of most of the bodywork.Though most of the model seems to be sorted out, there has to be several pages about speculation on new PF parts and possible color schemes.It seems so far that the new PF parts/implication of PF are not present in the model. I wish this thread would still retain to posting information that is relevant to what can be proven by outside sources and information on the actual set. Not just a wish list of I want the car to be xyz color, I think this was relevant a couple pages ago, but I don't think it helps to add more information that makes it difficut for others to find meaningful information in a thousand different posts. So I suggest if people are going to post more information here, try and make it add to the already known information and make new additions, rather than the not so benifical speculations without any new content or sources to back it up.

Maybe for future sets, or with this current one there could be a separate topic, then moderators/contributors could concise important information about the model, so people wouldn't have to dig through lots of replys to find actual progress. Maybe in the future have a discussion/speculation topic, and a topic for reverse-engineered components, and information on the set.

Edited by Tommy Styrvoky

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Maybe for future sets, or with this current one there could be a separate topic, then moderators/contributors could concise important information about the model, so people wouldn't have to dig through lots of replys to find actual progress. Maybe in the future have a discussion/speculation topic, and a topic for reverse-engineered components, and information on the set.

Actually I was thinking about changing this topic to "Porsche Speculation" and creating a new one when we have actual information about the set.

Actually I was thinking about changing this topic to "Porsche Speculation" and creating a new one when we have actual information about the set.

:thumbup: :thumbup:

Actually I was thinking about changing this topic to "Porsche Speculation" and creating a new one when we have actual information about the set.

I second this.

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