May 11, 200915 yr If no one objects, I could try to start these back up. i mean, I know it's really Studer's domain and all, but if he's not going to be able to do it, I don't see why the tradition should die with him. I may not know all the old jokes, but I'd be willing to at least try... I'd need a format idea, and the go ahead from the staff and the rest of the news team of course. Tell me what you think. Hello Zepher, It's nice to see that you have strong interest for this project. Although I am part of the EB News Team, but I will like you to inform ImperialShadows on your plans. I remembered awhile back ago, ImperialShadows and I had a discussion before, and I think he had done some of the interviews too which were never published. I strongly believed Staudie is now on a long break since the beginning of last year, focusing on his academic pursuits which is why EB News Interviews is currently in the lull mode. WhiteFang
May 11, 200915 yr Thanks. After writing that post I sent out a PM to Hinck and Shadows. Hinck told me to ask Shadows. I'm just waiting to see what Shadows says. I'm not sure when Studie's coming back, but 5 monthes mean it's time to move on for me! Edited May 11, 200915 yr by Zepher
May 11, 200915 yr We interrupt our regularly scheduled program for this important NEWS FLASH from the studios of EB News. Discussions are currently taking place to add Zepher to the EB News team as a Guest Reporter until we know the final status of our normal (he's never been considered normal before...) reporter, Staudie. Stay tuned for more details. We now return you to your regularly scheduled program, already in progress. Well, ok, basically, you missed the part where Francine tells Fred that the baby isn't his, but belongs to an alien from the planet Glarnox 6.
May 27, 200915 yr Special Announcement: EB News has, for a while, been a little inactive. A little. Shut up. It isn't that we don't love you, we've just been busy. Well, I've been busy, and WhiteFang was on fire for a while, then not so much, but still busy, and Staudie is off chasing women or being chased by women, or wishing he wasn't chaste, or something. We're not sure on that one. Whatever the case, EB News couldn't be allowed to die, so it was time for some new blood. Mmmm, new blood. With the addition of Zepher as Guest Reporter and Stash2sixx as Studio Photographer, the EB News Team is now finally complete and a new era is beginning, an era of fantastic interviews with good spelling and even better pictures. Don't worry, we'll still feature the same old tired and worn out jokes that we're famous for, including cameo appearances by your favourite characters like what's-his-name and those other guys. Oh yes, we wouldn't want to leave anyone out, most of all, you. So, it is with that in mind that I ask you to keep watching, both the show and your PM box. You never know when something magical might appear. Thanks for your loyalty, your kind words, and most of all, your advertising dollars, because without them, we'd just be another two bit, underfunded news program. Hmmm. You people need to spend more. Our first 2009, EB News Presents, Member's interview! Yay!
May 27, 200915 yr Good to see you back on air, we've missed you! The first interview was great, I look forward to seeing what this season of interviews has to bring.
May 28, 200915 yr To all whom it may concern; I"M BACK BABY! Now about this Zepher, Thanks for keeping the tradition alive. Since I plan to return to reporting soon, I want you and Stash to keep up the good work. While I will be back, I will still be busy alot, with being abroad and studying in general. So, what I ask of you now Honorary Members of the EB team, is to continue interviewing as we once did. I hope to get our shedule back to at least 1 interview a week. Stash and Zepher, if you can do one week me and Shadows can handle the next, then you, then us, then you, then us, then you, then us, then... Great, he's back for 40 seconds and he alredy stuck himself in a infinite loop... Somebody call the repair man! *Static* Edited May 28, 200915 yr by Stauder
May 28, 200915 yr To all whom it may concern; I"M BACK BABY! Stauder. Is it a ghost? Welcome back Staudie, good to see you again! We've missed you these last few months (I think ).
May 28, 200915 yr To all whom it may concern; I"M BACK BABY! Staudie! Out of the sudden, you just pop out of nowhere! Geez, I am glad you have returned again. Hope things are much stable and better, which will allow you to devote your time again, to rebuild the wonderful interesting EB News Interviews. Seriously, welcome back Staudie!
June 1, 200915 yr YAY your back Can't wait for some more inteviews, simply the one of the best bits of the community forums!
June 22, 200915 yr Ok, it has been a while since our last Interview, this is because of BrickWorld and us being kind enough not to take anything away from it´s spotlight. That and they took Stash2sixx. But worry not we are working on a interview that will block your socks off. Stauder.
July 14, 200915 yr Just for future reference, where's the other 6% of EB News Presents? Is someone missing? *pulls out magnifying glass and Sherlock Holmes hat* I'm on the case! I counted up Stauder's percentage in his signature and it appears that someone, or something, is missing?
July 15, 200915 yr Just for future reference, where's the other 6% of EB News Presents? Took somone long enough to noice. The 6% is frequent updates. Stauder.
July 15, 200915 yr Took somone long enough to noice. The 6% is frequent updates. Stauder. Ah, yes. Sorry, I wasn't sure if it was someone else you didn't bother mentioning. Anyway, I can't wait for the next interview, I love EB New Presents, you guys are hilarious!
July 31, 200915 yr EB News Presents: UPDATE! Good whatever time it is, I am ImperialShadows. And I am that other guy with the toast. Tonight, we wish to announce that we are working on the big one. You tought Jipay was the big one? Wrong. Things have been put in motion, and we will try to, if we can, interview a very special person. We won't reveal who, or what we are interviewing just yet. But this is worthy of announcement. Also means that ImperialShadows will have to do some work since I officialy announced it. Huh? Work? Who said that? *runs to hide* I am Stauder, this was EB News Presents: UPDATE saying "We are still alive!" *static* Edited July 31, 200915 yr by Stauder
July 31, 200915 yr EB News Presents: UPDATE!Good whatever time it is, I am ImperialShadows. And I am that other guy with the toast. Tonight, we wish to announce that we are working on the big one. You tought Jipay was the big one? Wrong. Things have been put in motion, and we will try to, if we can, interview a very special person. We won't reveal who, or what we are interviewing just yet. But this is worthy of announcement. Also means that ImperialShadows will have to do some work since I officialy announced it. Huh? Work? Who said that? *runs to hide* I am Stauder, this was EB News Presents: UPDATE saying "We are still alive!" *static* Oooooh! Exciting! Can't wait to see who you're going to interview now, IS and Stauder. Could it be.... Svelte? Perhaps, but I won't be told anyway, because it's [stamp]TOPP SEEKRUT[/stamp].
September 1, 200915 yr Well Laddies and Gentlemen, Boys, and Girls it has come to my attention, that TWO years ago the most tragic disaster hit Eurobricks. Yes, I am talking of nothing other than, the First Interview.I would like to thank all the Members, EB Staff, and EB News Crew for their help and support in making it possible for us to still be around. Unfortunaltey our plans to interview somone special went down the drain, but Zepher is cooking something up for you, so keep the faith! Toast On! Stauder.
September 1, 200915 yr In for more reviews, I read some from the link in your sig. Great idea, and 2 years strong.
September 2, 200915 yr In for more reviews, I read some from the link in your sig. Great idea, and 2 years strong. You meant the interviews? Or the set reviews? Actually, there is one or two more coming up, but I didn't have the time to write up the draft script yet.
September 2, 200915 yr You meant the interviews? Or the set reviews? Actually, there is one or two more coming up, but I didn't have the time to write up the draft script yet. Doh, I meant interviews. The ones in this thread. On a side note, I also like the reviews.
September 10, 200915 yr The person I sent the interview to has not responded, even to tmy question if he recieved it. Could you talk to him Stuader?
September 11, 200915 yr *ALAAARRRM* Code RED, this is not a drill, Code RED. All hands man your battlestations. Time to pay im a little visit. Hand me my Dynamite. *signal fades* Stauder.
September 15, 200915 yr Um... This must be serious... If Stauder has to break out the dynamite, than this is an issue. I'll help! *grabs machine gun*
December 16, 200915 yr The 6th EB News Review is now added to the index. Hopefully, I am able to get my 7th EB News Review ready in the near future. 2009-12-16 3783 Fabuland Constable Clarke
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