February 17, 20169 yr Well a lot of arguments that has been laid here say so - AFOLs around here already have the sets and generally do not care about play features.
February 17, 20169 yr AFOLs on a Lego forum are not the intended audience for a $250 ultimate collector series set? The giant sets are apparently good sellers with kids as well. I couldn´t believe it too with the death of the middle class and everything, people buying Lego sometimes for the monthly minimum wage of first world countries. I wonder how the buyer ratio of these sets is when AFOLs make 5% of all of Legos profit. I would expect AFOLS to be way over 50% with the Expert sets, or how do we call those things that get announced by the monthly press releases? Well, I just hope that Lego makes some Battlepack with those hoth rebel and snowtrooper designs, the Hoth Attack set is really bad at being an add-on/battlepack when you get additional Hans with every Hoth set you buy now. Should have been 2 rebels, 1 rebel technician and a snowtrooper while removing Han and the probe droid and maybe made that white/tan base smaller. Maybe I get Zevs helmet separate (Wedges helmet is dark green when the movie shows it clearly as dark grey like the old 2006 helmet, I just keep that one. What does Lego have with being prop accurate v.s. the actual movies look?). Han is overproduced already, Luke from the 2010 set looks identical except for the face and hat color. Rest of the figures are soldiers or so utterly generic background characters, I would rather own an army of Episode 7s Totally-Not-Just-Female-Yoda. Maybe get some of those white 2x2 with mudguard overhang pieces for that nice speeder cart design but everything is just so underwhelming or plain bad and toyetic. At least kind of better than 7879, that weird 2012 set. Only good thing about that was Hoth Leia, Bacta Tank Luke and 2-1B. Cloud City would have lent itself much better for a Death Star / Endor Village kind of diorama set. Does Lego and/or Disney want to segregate people of colored bespinian descent out of the theme? They sure as hell are great at it. Well a lot of arguments that has been laid here say so - AFOLs around here already have the sets and generally do not care about play features. I doubt kids would find it that much better. The gate can´t fit anything bigger than the Snowspeeder. If you want a base for your rebels you would have to park the Flacon and X-Wings outside like a poor person. Those countless stud lasers are nice but I doubt that they like stationary turrets that much. Children apparently hate most stationary things like bases which is why Lego does so few sets of them, spring loaded lasers just make the sets "not bad" for them, not "perfect" or "ok" and kids can get loads of those same lasers through battlepacks and many other sets already (I doubt that they are likely to leave things like the Galactic Empire battlepack station thing together). Kids could get older snowspeeders, is the 2014 Luke one already out of production? The rest of the functions are just tacky stuff with no purpose and better in most other sets. Oh wow, a yellow crane again. And a watchtower on a 10L technic axle, very nice. WHAT DITCH WALLS WITH HINGES, I CAN`T BELIEVE IT! Too few soldiers to really populate the base and many of the figures are just boring like the Astromech and K-3PO. Wampa and Tauntaun are the only things children would find very attractive and they are old as well, very likely that they got them in the cheaper sets or relatives could try to scope up some of those cheaper sets or the separate figs on the secondary market. All these things, turrets, gates were in every Hoth set that came before and at a much better price/playvalue ratio than here. All possibilities are cheaper than buying this giant box of white slopes. I wish they were white basics, then I would have at least considered it. Edited February 17, 20169 yr by Navy Trooper Fenson
February 17, 20169 yr At first I was upset about this set, and I still am. But I have moved on and look at the positive which is I will be saving $250 by not buying it :). I really think the set will sell well with parents however, especially around the holidays. A Parent and kid walks into Lego store and sees this on the shelf. Bet you more than one will be walking out with it. I mean look how well the Death Star sold -- it was in production for 8 years and that was priced at $400! There is the rumored UCS Snowspeeder and Death Star coming this year so I will get my fix there. I collect UCS only, but prefer the ships as I can display them as collector pieces. Play sets are for kids imo - no matter what badge they throw on there.
February 17, 20169 yr My main concern about this set, is not really the set itself, but what the set represents Lego is casually throwing licensed $200+ sets out like this, and people buy it.. It is so uncharming and uninspired. Its like the people who decide to make sequels and prequels, digging deeper in the mystique, trying to find an answer for everything. When is was a kid, in the 90's, i used to love the smaller sets and i found much more playtime in those. I always wanted the larger sets (which of course were NOWHERE near the $200 price mark back then) but i usually tended to find those sets dull and boring. Maybe i was a weird kid, thats fine My point is, that Lego following the footsteps of Disney and Lucas Arts by smashing out large sets all the time, trying to keep the momentum going and trying to satisfy their customers all over the line, just seems so vague to me. Especially when it ends up in catastrophic things like this set. Why in earths name do we need to get all the iconic scenes in one set? For all i care, lego could have made just one model in this set, that be the hangar or the wampa cave, i don't care. just as long as the standard is kept, the mystique and creativity is withheld. Rather do one thing great, than many things half as great. And that is what has been done here.. Everything you see in the box art, is what you get. There is nothing left to experience when built. Lego, this is actually against your "only the best is good enough" philosophy, is it not? Harsh words? Yes hopefully, but my only true concern is if Lego actually gets the message I worked at the Lego store for 3 rather disaster full days until i hurried up and resigned from it. I was so sad to experience the "hive mind" from behind the scenes. Absolutely no charm, all about sale. This is no longer about a terrible SW set
February 17, 20169 yr Holy mega blocks! I didn't even notice that Wedge's helmet was green until someone pointed it out! I would have thought it was a given that it would be gray. Now that Wedge's only exclusive part is printed the wrong color (IMO), I don't feel bad bout missing him. I'm probably going to find a decal for Janson's helmet, and put it on the blank pilot helmet from the first advent calendar.
February 17, 20169 yr I just enjoy eating a bag of unsalted popcorn and reading the arguments on this thread, so salty I am one of those people too so I don't know what i'm saying
February 17, 20169 yr Holy mega blocks! I didn't even notice that Wedge's helmet was green until someone pointed it out! I would have thought it was a given that it would be gray. Now that Wedge's only exclusive part is printed the wrong color (IMO), I don't feel bad bout missing him. I'm probably going to find a decal for Janson's helmet, and put it on the blank pilot helmet from the first advent calendar. Wedge's helmet is green, so it is correct this version.
February 17, 20169 yr For a kid it's just a playset. For an creative adult it's a beginning of a huge diorama for the lonely Millenium Falcon or/and AT-AT.
February 17, 20169 yr Wedge's helmet is green, so it is correct this version. It's always seemed gray to me. Just like the recent white/gray Falcon debate, I could see it going either way.
February 17, 20169 yr I didn't realize that Han comes with Hoth Attack (along with the missing probe droid). So while we may not have Leia or Chewie, Han's twin can pick up their slack...
February 17, 20169 yr I didn't realize that Han comes with Hoth Attack (along with the missing probe droid). So while we may not have Leia or Chewie, Han's twin can pick up their slack... So long as we don't see a 'Slave Han' in the next movie...
February 18, 20169 yr The giant sets are apparently good sellers with kids as well. I couldn´t believe it too with the death of the middle class and everything, people buying Lego sometimes for the monthly minimum wage of first world countries. I don't know about that. In Australia, for the larger sets (12/14+), I tend to see more adults (30+) buying it. Once a kid hits teenage years, often they do not want to be seen by their friends owning or getting a Lego set (they're too cool for that). And that usually prevails through 20s. Kids (<12) often do not have the patience to complete a 1000+ pieces set on their own, let alone a 2000 pieces and mighty expensive one.
February 18, 20169 yr ^ I feel exactly the same and see the similar instances around here. Here in Czech Republic, Lego price per average income is way worse than in US and most other states. Therefore not many parents (from otherwise well doing families, no poor folks) could buy such set to their child, even if they wanted. I remember that the most expensive set I ever got as a gift was the 8455 Backhoe Loader with RRP $100 these days and that was really like one hell of a gift! I know that my country is probably not the best market sample (on the worldwide scale), yet I'm pretty sure this set won't find many customers here.
February 18, 20169 yr I am from Czech republic as well, middle class, two kids (4 and 1), we just bought our son 60052 for about 130 USD for Christmass. 100 USD represent an expensive but occasionally affordable gift for us. Incidentally when I was a kid I got a 6781-1 Space Police set for about a monthly wage of my mum (wow...). 200 USD is a MAJOR consideration though, I have to agree with that (I would not pay that just for a toy). Lego is pricey, that is why I tend to buy the sets from second hand, or bricklink them (hello 40 USD enhanced Cargo Plane).
February 18, 20169 yr 2100 bricks of nothing. This is best way to describe this set. - 15 minifigs and only 2 imperials...way to go.... - Missing key characters like leia...also clap clap.... - 2100 bricks used but it looks like 500 pcs...... - They didn't even menage to build proper power generator - ion cannon looks like microfighter build.... .......and the list could go on and on.......... This set is crap.
February 18, 20169 yr This set already showed up in the Dutch s@h store for €279,99. It will be available on April the 30th and will be the 4th UCS available at the same time if TLG doesn't discontinue any other set soon. And I didn't even the count the 10236 Ewok's Village with that, which is also still available. There's too much to choose from!
February 18, 20169 yr I don't know about that. In Australia, for the larger sets (12/14+), I tend to see more adults (30+) buying it. Once a kid hits teenage years, often they do not want to be seen by their friends owning or getting a Lego set (they're too cool for that). And that usually prevails through 20s. Kids (<12) often do not have the patience to complete a 1000+ pieces set on their own, let alone a 2000 pieces and mighty expensive one. Indeed. I missed out on the first 3 modular buildings during my teenage years because, like you said, playing with Legos was not "cool". That's about the time period one you'd have their dark age.
February 18, 20169 yr This set already showed up in the Dutch s@h store for €279,99. It will be available on April the 30th and will be the 4th UCS available at the same time if TLG doesn't discontinue any other set soon. And I didn't even the count the 10236 Ewok's Village with that, which is also still available. There's too much to choose from! What the hell?! €280?! That's $310. I've never complained about the pricing, but this is absolutely ridiculous. Slave I = 2000 pieces = retail €200 New Batcave = 2550 pieces = retail €290 Assault on Hoth = 2150 pieces = €280 Edited February 18, 20169 yr by bountybossk
February 18, 20169 yr Slave I = 2000 pieces = retail €200 New Batcave = 2550 pieces = retail €290 Assault on Hoth = 2150 pieces = €280 I don't know where you got those numbers from, but Slave 1 is 219,99 and Assault on Hoth 249.99 in France.
February 18, 20169 yr I don't know where you got those numbers from, but Slave 1 is 219,99 and Assault on Hoth 249.99 in France.
February 18, 20169 yr Well, I feel like Lego hates France, hiking up the price of Slave 1 and trying to offload that abomination of Assault on Hoth at a "discount"... Edited February 18, 20169 yr by Pomodoro
February 18, 20169 yr This set is a mix of other sets. Its too expensive. A child could never afford this set. Plus for what you get.... a shame..... the droids are cool though. :)
February 18, 20169 yr Seeing this new set made the decision very easy for me to put in an order for Slave I
February 18, 20169 yr It's really growing on me. I think it can be appreciated more if you can envision the hangar doors closed. It looks rather bare with it open. It seems to be a very good starting point for a MOC interior. I wish there were a couple more snowtroopers, oh well. I'll be picking up at least one (maybe two?!?) the day it comes out at my local lego store.
February 18, 20169 yr Well, this set did something I didn't think was possible: it made the also meh Classic Batcave look good! I was gonna pass on the Batcave for this set, but then this was revealed, and now I think I know what I'm gonna use some VIP early access for....
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