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The food shortage on Bardo have left the town storage empty. While waiting for shipping bright minds within the WGO had the idea of renting out small spaces to individuals, allowing them to travel to other places in these hard times. Having the opportunity of leaving their belongings behind also gave them a reason to return, when the crisis passes. For a small fee, that in turn gives the town means to import food until their own production is up and running.


Marcel Penidãs, a robust man well into his thirties, had worked at docks his whole life. He was to be in charge of handling the daily business. With direct access to the sea and a crane, his workload was less than before and the was pay a little bit better.


His first customer was a young man that were going to seek his fortune as a sailor after being dismissed at the textile factory, due to an accident that had ruined his depth perception.


To reassure people that their goods was safe, the city watch had dispatched a cannon and assigned guards to watch the entrance day and night.


Comments: This build draws heavy inspiration from 6244 Armada Sentry, but I hope I have made enough changes so that is not a problem. The two openings towards the back of the roof is intended for a future city wall extension, and the reason it is offset of the baseplate is that I intend to raise the main level of the city using a 2 cm plate of wood (2 brick height). I took this pictures at the same time as my first free build and the challenge entries, and am aware of the hard shadows. I got some good advice from Dr_Spock (here, and Gideon was kind enough to share his photo setup-up (here, that I will try to replicate as best I can for my next builds (without the tripod unfortunately).


Nice classic feel to this warehouse Sir Stig, the colors look great, and I really like your battlements as well! pirate_satisfied.gif A couple of suggestions would be to tile or SNOT the roof and cobblestone the road or at least give it some variation, which would improve the cleanness of the build a lot pirate_classic.gif


My first thought was "Armada Sentry!" You've modded it heavily, so I see no problem with it. It's small but looks great apart from the undecorated plates in the front. Interesting story, and your future plans sound good. Keep it up. :classic:


A good classic look. The studded plates help with that sweet old school feel. I see you have cut corners in your bottom rear corner. It's a good time and money saving trick in movie set production for an area not going to be filmed or shown to the viewers. :classic:

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