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Hi all. I've begun a project to build a Minifigure scale Ghost from the show Star Wars Rebels, complete with interior. I've looked online to see if anyone else had attempted the same, but to my surprise I haven't found anything. The closest I've seen is the rather impressive half-Minifigure scale model built by a member of this forum. I'm in the process of organizing/sorting my collection, so build progress will probably be slow until that's complete. So far I've worked out two parts of the ship; the central corridor and the front gunning bubble. I have prototypes of each built in person with mishmash colors, so I remade them in LDD and rendered some images with BlueRender.


The front gunner station is the first part I worked out. Sadly, the very piece that inspired this entire build isn't included. The front bubble is supposed to be made of two construct-a-buzz outer shells that plug into the front pegs. The result is an 8x9 dome that perfectly recreates the slightly oblate bubble of the gunner station. I might upload an image of my miscolored mockup later to show how the attached dome looks.


Here's the central corridor. In the show, the four doors lead to the ship's lounge, two airlocks, and an elongated corridor that leads to the cockpit. The ladder leads up to the top turret. You may notice that there are gaps in the angled corners. unfortunately, the 1x6 plated that would normally fill the gap is too tight a fit for LDD. The ladder is not yet connected to the room, and as of right now the connection will likely be higher up towards the turret.

Thanks for taking a look, I hope you guys like what I've got so far :classic:

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This will be a great project! Looking forward to following it. Good luck!


Bookmarked. This looks to be a very promising build! Unfortunately, I'm no MOCist so I can't help or give any advice, but I look forward to see what you come up with! :classic:

I was waiting for someone to tackle this project. I was really wanting to, but I have a few projects already I need to get done and then life to deal with in front of that. this looks like a promising start. I will be looking forward to future progress, the corridor looks amazing already and the cockpit has some nice techniques.

Can't wait to see more. I love Rebels and the Ghost specifically, but I was shocked to see that the official Ghost model is so terrible out of proportion (I started watching the series only a few months ago, after the sets came out), hopefully you'll be able to rectify that problem. I'd love to build a minifigure scale Ghost too at some point, so this will be interesting to see how your's turns out.

You only built half a corridor and one seat and already your model is more detailed than the official set, wow. ;)

You are probably aware of this but the bubble directly connects with the cockpit on top leaving a gap in front of the pilots console, through which you should be able to see the gunner beneath. I can't see if you left space for that gap but I think it's a quite nice feature of the Ghosts cockpit.

As I am not sure which some parts you mean, I'd really like a picture of them in place. Have you already thought about what you want to use for the main cockpit's windshield? I can only think of the small cockpit for the sets scale but that is way too small for your model..

Keep us posted with more updates! This looks like it will be really great!

Bookmarked too. This looks really good so far, I can't wait to see the finished product. I've been itching to mod mine, not to UCS scale but more close to the half-minifig scale of the other MOC Ghost, and any inspiration is great.

I didn't know you could bookmark a topic until now. Consider it done because this is one of my favorite new canon ships (even if I dislike rebels lol). Perfect job so far! I don't know how your'e going to get it all together but i'm looking forward to find out.

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Thanks everyone for the encouraging words. I don't know how often I'll be updating; as the combination of school, job searching, and my collection being an unorganized mess are not in this project's favor.

You are probably aware of this but the bubble directly connects with the cockpit on top leaving a gap in front of the pilots console, through which you should be able to see the gunner beneath. I can't see if you left space for that gap but I think it's a quite nice feature of the Ghosts cockpit.

I did take that into consideration, which is why I only have one layer of top slopes as opposed to three layers of slopes on the sides and bottom. There's a ~3x3.5 opening at the top, which I think is appropriate.

As I am not sure which some parts you mean, I'd really like a picture of them in place.

The piece I'm using for the gunner station is the outer shell from the Contruct-a-Buzz set, which was the only release it had. As for the center corridor, there should be 1x6 light bley tiles and 1x1 orange plates in the red circles. Half of them weren't able to fit, so there are small gaps in the corners.c09YlWi.jpg

Have you already thought about what you want to use for the main cockpit's windshield? I can only think of the small cockpit for the sets scale but that is way too small for your model..
That might be the hardest part of the build, since there really isn't a decent translation in LEGO. Someone in the other Ghost thread suggested using three of these pieces to shape the cockpit. That's the best solution I've heard so far, although that part only comes in trans black when the parts I'm using for the gunner station only come in trans clear. Maybe I'll brick build it like the UCS Falcon. I'll get to that part last, hopefully LEGO will release a decent alternative by then.

The model made by DarthTwoShedsJackson is very well executed and well worth the UCS label.

I have quite a lot of experience when it comes to UCS. I can tell for sure that :

- your design process is wrong. Starting with details is wrong. You can not make it this way. You must start with a structure and other key parts of a design process

- your scale is wrong. For example, you will be totally screwed when you will have to deal with windscreens.

To sum it up : want a UCS Ghost ?

Go with DarthTwoShedsJackson design.

His approach is very subtile (and successful !).

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The model made by DarthTwoShedsJackson is very well executed and well worth the UCS label.

I have quite a lot of experience when it comes to UCS. I can tell for sure that :

- your design process is wrong. Starting with details is wrong. You can not make it this way. You must start with a structure and other key parts of a design process

- your scale is wrong. For example, you will be totally screwed when you will have to deal with windscreens.

To sum it up : want a UCS Ghost ?

Go with DarthTwoShedsJackson design.

His approach is very subtile (and successful !).

I appreciate the input, but the point is that I want a minifigure scale Ghost. DarthTwoShedsJackson's design is excellent, I agree, but it's not what I want. And it's a bit premature to assume that I don't have any sort of structure planned, since I do. I'm also aware that the scale will make designing the cockpit difficult, but that's part of the challenge!

Minifig scale is not a scale but a concept. DarthTwoShedsJackson design is minifigscale.

But with experience I have learned that most people will never understand that.

Anio, not everyone builds like you do. It actually is possible to build something using a different process than you do, and be successful.

I mean look at your AT-AT, that didn't turn out as good as the rest of your UCS mocs. I don't understand how you can say minifigure scale is not a scale, but a concept and immediately after, say someone elses model IS minifigure scale, when you just said it is a concept (definition:idea, therefore not a precice measure).

Vstarvan is going with his own 'concept' of minifigure scale-which a lot of us understand to be suitably close one way or another in scale to the minifig as if real life. Which becomes a compromise of height and width.

I'm looking forward to your attempt at this Vstarvan, and it looks like you are off to a good start. I don't envy the cockpit canopy troubles you may face though!

I mean look at your AT-AT, that didn't turn out as good as the rest of your UCS mocs.

Full Interior with minifigs, nice textures, hinged everywhere, stable build, totally modular design.

I am sorry if you are disappointed with the model, but the final model totally matches my expectations and standards. And according to the many emails I get, also matches the expectations of many people.

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Minifig scale is not a scale but a concept. DarthTwoShedsJackson design is minifigscale.

But with experience I have learned that most people will never understand that.

"Size does matter and yet it doesn't... Although it is possible to build this ship in minifig-scale, I settled for a half-minifig scale." -DarthTwoShedsJackson

While there is no set established "Minifigure scale", what can be called Minifigure scale must lie within the bounds of reason. Darth's Ghost isn't Minifigure scale. In fact, it might even be more appropriately scaled for microfigures, but that doesn't diminish the fact that it's a fantastic build. LEGO seems to have a strong Idea as to what Minifigure scale is to them, since the UCS Falcon, Slave 1, X-Wing, TIE, TIE prototype, etc. are all built almost exactly to 1 meter = 3 studs. The only time they build at a different ratio is when the ship is too big and they size it down (Kylo Ren's shuttle, non-ucs falcons), or too small so they size it up (Rey's speeder, Eta-2 Interceptors, Snowspeeders, etc.). 3 studs/meter is what I personally like to build at for Minifigure scale too, in fact I was using it before I even knew LEGO did.

Darth's Ghost isn't Minifigure scale.

It is.

Like 10179 and 75105 are both minifig scale.

Whatever. Designing a (good) Lego model is not a matter of scale. If you apply a ratio on each dimension of the real ship to convert it to the "scale" you chose, you are bound to fail.

Things do not work like that.

Hint : you should focus on key parts which will set the scale of your model.

The model made by DarthTwoShedsJackson is very well executed and well worth the UCS label.

I have quite a lot of experience when it comes to UCS. I can tell for sure that :

- your design process is wrong. Starting with details is wrong. You can not make it this way. You must start with a structure and other key parts of a design process

- your scale is wrong. For example, you will be totally screwed when you will have to deal with windscreens.

To sum it up : want a UCS Ghost ?

Go with DarthTwoShedsJackson design.

His approach is very subtile (and successful !).

Listen to Anio!!! He is one of the most experienced UCS builder on these forums. He is 100% correct. Start with the frame, room sizes and basic shape first in LDD and then add in details later. Everything will not fit together correctly and will look nothing like the Ghost. I would not give in however and try again rather than just go for DarthTwoShedsJackson's design. I reckon you can do it looking at your current work you seem to look like a good builder. Good luck,


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It is.

Like 10179 and 75105 are both minifig scale.

Whatever. Designing a (good) Lego model is not a matter of scale. If you apply a ratio on each dimension of the real ship to convert it to the "scale" you chose, you are bound to fail.

Things do not work like that.

Hint : you should focus on key parts which will set the scale of your model.

The word for sets like 75105 is "play scale". Most toys are play scale. Action figures are designed to an exact scale, but it's easy to find vehicles for them that are 'too small' for the sake of playability. As I said above, the piece that really inspired the build is the construct-a-buzz dome, which is the perfect size for a 3 stud per meter scale. You seem pretty intent on telling me I won't be able to do this, but in truth only time will tell.

That is because the AT-AT is living off your previous successes. All your points you mentiined have nothing to do with actual exterior shaping, which is where yours falls short, especially on the head. But I'm not going to hijack Vstarvans thread so I will talk no more of it here. If you have anything to reply, pm me.

Vstarvan, I'd ignore Anio's insistance about minifig scale. Maybe it is lost in translation for him, or whatever, but he, as you have pointed out, has a different concept of minifigure scale as the rest of us do.

Absolutely no one has to 'conform to Anio's process or be a failure' as he implies. That is how people come up with different techniques, implement the frame in part of the details, have different build styles...

You do it how you are doing it and you will find ways around problems. There is absolutely nothing that proves taking a creative licence while applying a rough ratio can't work.

Keep at it, and you will be successful.

Just not to certain people...

I'd like to see pics of your real-brick mockups as well :) Good luck with this project, trully ambitious one.

I was sorting bricks to start a similar project...

I like the interiors you've made so far. I want mine to look good inside and out. Trial and error... making it fit together.

I'll keep an eye on the topic to see how it goes.

For the cockpit and forward copula, I thought of using a Windscreen 8 x 8 x 3 Dome in front of Windscreen 8 x 6 x 3 Curved Top Angled Canopy with Millennium Falcon Pattern (or Mars Mission).

I have to dig for the second one and see if they fit nicely. it's located... somewhere in a bin. :sceptic:

I've fished around online and found these drawings of how the interior is made. It will be a great help.


Have Fun Building !!!!

****Did this instead of fishing for parts... will have to doodle a lot to make it look "kosher".


Edited by BwetDude

I'm quite interested by this project. I've had thoughts in this direction myself (maybe one day, when my Falcon is finally finished, I'll do this one too.)

vstarvan, thank you very much for posting your work-in-progress here. I really like what you've done so far. I'm a big fan of the studless look, and it works perfectly for the stylised and clean imagery of Rebels. I think you've got the scale right, and I think you should build it any way you like.

For the cockpit and forward copula, I thought of using a Windscreen 8 x 8 x 3 Dome in front of Windscreen 8 x 6 x 3 Curved Top Angled Canopy with Millennium Falcon Pattern.

Just a quick impression at first glance:

In terms of the curved shape and the scale, the first sketch you posted, with the trans-neon green 30536 , looks spot-on, and it bet it would work with vstarvan's Buzz Lightyear dome solution.

I'm not nearly as sold on the other two sketches, with the old Falcon cockpit, although I think they could work for a smaller scale. The old Falcon cockpit is just too flat on top - it looks wrong.

Just my 2p.

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