September 26, 20168 yr 13 minutes ago, Khscarymovie4 said: Can someone please help me find the drawings of 70347, 70348, and 70349? I have looked on reddit, brick picker, youtube, and Google search but I just can't find them. Wait a few hours and you should be able to see the prelims outright.
September 26, 20168 yr 1 hour ago, BrickJagger said: Wait a few hours and you should be able to see the prelims outright. WooHoo!!!
September 26, 20168 yr 6 minutes ago, NotMegalodon said: Really? Any suggestions on where to look? Search "Darkness No Money"
September 26, 20168 yr On 24/09/2016 at 11:44 PM, OC_Architect said: Yes, I am curious on the upside down shields and why they are that way as well as what the shield insert will look like. Will be pretty cool to get some of those shield inserts with printing right side up compared to the shield itself being upside down. I am curious as to the theme of this upcoming wave of sets. Not having been around for Ninjago I can't say if these two lines are following the same path but being a long suffering Futurama fan I know that whenever the creators got an order for episodes they never knew if the show was going to come back after that initial run and so they would write in an ending that gave the fans what they wanted and made sure the series went off on a high note. Nexo Knights had an initial order of 20 episodes so I wonder if the creators have written the storyline through 20 episodes creating a conclusion to the storyline but still leaving the door open in the event the show comes back for another order with the current storyline presumable being the defeat of Jestro/Book of Monsters? As we have seen from the new sets this is certainly not the case as Jestro is still around causing trouble and what more than likely will be the full manifestation of the BoM into Monstrux thereby continuing the current storyline on. I guess the question is would this and possibly a second 2017 wave be 'filler' until the fate of the show is determined and a new storyline is developed and produced at which point the building sets would reflect that new direction for the show? Ok, as this is a long speech I'll break down the answers into segments. Nexo knights ended on a setup so whatever happens next can come and make logical sense. The way Ninjago worked was it had so many series to coincide with the sets and it should have ended with Llyodd becoming the golden ninja in the final battle, but as the demand was high enough it came back and has since been running with the show only leaving its path open by master Wu saying they need to always be prepared. Cant go into many more details with out spoiling the show, if you are curios and have some spare time I 100% recommend the Nexo Knight Tv show.
September 26, 20168 yr They look great! They look more like Storm Monsters than Rock monsters, although there is some sort of Gargoyle in the background. Mech things look strange, for a second there I didn't see the figures inside and assumed they were on steroids.
September 26, 20168 yr Ewwwwwww... Those Action figures are hideous, absolutely grotesque... But I like what I'm seeing in the other sets! I love Patty's hair piece in that color! Looks really cool and frightening!
September 26, 20168 yr The knights seems the same but with visor in trans neon orange. The vehicules looks like rebuild of old ones. Except lance's one may be. I like the specter and the others violet monsters. Is it a dragon to the upper right? Action figures pieces can be usefull for mechs. At this time, this wave looks not so crazy for me.
September 26, 20168 yr Frankly, I am repulsed by the action figures... the proportions just don't work - If they are Mixels I would understand but aren't those supposed to be exo-suit or armour? I was expecting a proper mech. Oh well. The selling point of Nexo Knights is that it mixes both physical toys and digital play for kids -- as well as tie it up with a story through the TV show. I personally chose not to buy Nexo Knights because I am minimising the screentime of my kids....and I realise that this "interconnected nature" of Nexo Knights can drive it to success as well as cause it demise because without a powerful story driving this theme forward and not having a reason to use the game app at all, then the sets should at least be highly playable and memorable so that those kids will continue playing (and wanting more) Nexo Knights. But unfortunately, I'm not feeling that for this wave... all I am really getting are the villains.
September 26, 20168 yr Action sets aren't as bad as everyone is making them look like - if anything, they're good parts packs. Plus, the build is more interesting than the Ultimate sets... And there's some new parts for constraction MOCcing. Not too bad... The villains are looking more like icy rock monsters and less like standard rock monsters...
September 26, 20168 yr 5 minutes ago, legozebra said: Action sets aren't as bad as everyone is making them look like - if anything, they're good parts packs. Plus, the build is more interesting than the Ultimate sets... And there's some new parts for constraction MOCcing. Not too bad... The villains are looking more like icy rock monsters and less like standard rock monsters... Agreed. The Ultimate sets just provide pretty useless weapon racks, IMO. The mini mechs are way more playable! They just might be my first Nexo Knights sets.
September 26, 20168 yr Action sets are kinda weird and ugly. The hands don't look good in the slightest, since they're completely out of proportion and don't work well with the shields. Of all of them, I like Macy's the most. Incidentally, I think it's time Macy got a large vehicle of her own. Lance and Macy are the two Knights missing large vehicles so far. Assuming that the summer wave follows a normal price distribution, I hope she gets either the $80 or $120 slot. The other, they're better than most sets, but still not as good as winter 2016. They'll probably look slightly better when we see finalized pictures, but of all of the things from winter 2017 nexo knights, I am most excited for the Sparkz/Burnzie-style gargoyle from Clay's set.
September 26, 20168 yr Wow, Lance's vehicle seems a lot smaller than I was expecting... I thought it was £20? I like Clay's the best, though I likely won't get it due to the price. Jestro's thing looks... stupid with that face imo, but the rest is nice. Triple-Rocker is pretty cool, might get that. Ruina's vehicle is disappointing, though I don't know what I was expecting. I'll admit the action sets look weird and kind of lame, but with a few modifications I think they could look pretty neat. I made a mock-up of what I was expecting earlier which I may post. Overall, a 'meh' wave for me, though I think over time I may warm up to these sets like I have done with every other Lego wave that I look at the leaks early with... Oh, also, trans-visors are cool, but I'd love if the knights also came with different prints to this year.
September 26, 20168 yr It looks the same than wave 2 with different colors and I personally find those mechs terrible but still more usefull than the ultimate sets.
September 26, 20168 yr I have to admit I am rather excited for this wave of sets! Also if you look in the background of the main picture you can see a evil castle( could be an Evil Fortrex)! I dont know what that brick thing by the Mo Mo Mo is but it looks very cool . Now I just have to finish buying all the current Nexo Knight sets... Also the shield packs are really interesting cant wait to build a shield wall! Edited September 26, 20168 yr by SodorBricks
September 26, 20168 yr 70347 - Neat little vehicle, seems to compliment the current small sets (Knighton Battle Blaster vs Globlobber and Chaos Catapult). 70348 - Looks good, but small for it's expected price point. 70349 - Looks weird, for now. 70350 - Similar to Moltor's Lavasmasher in a way. Even with the same big hands minifigure. 70351 - This one i will definitely get. Looks awesome and very swooshable. 70352 - The prelim pic looks better than the drawing. I think it's a semi steamroller truck kinda thing, where the prison-crane part can be left behind. Could be a great build. Those battle-suits really aren't that bad. Considering the price point, they're actually pretty good i think. Yeah, they look at bit funny with those weird proportions, but not bad at all imo. Edited September 26, 20168 yr by NotMegalodon
September 26, 20168 yr From these photos I know I am not too thrilled with the Action sets. Certainly seeing what they could do with the little Ninjago polybag mech that was posted on this thread i was really hoping for something more with these $10 sets - or at least I would venture to guess these are $10 in keeping with the Ultimates line. The good side for these at least it is a quick and cheap way to pick up all the knights in their standard printing particularly for Axl. The new tri-shiled piece could be fun and even from these photos it appears to be lots of customization that can happen with these as Aaron looks to have more attached to his shield than the other Action sets. I think the mechs just look a little too flimsy and weak to really put in to battle, although I don't think my son will mind that point. Of the builds I am still intrigued by the upside down shields of absorption pieces and their inserts. They appear to be almost characters unto themselves that the Knights are intended to fight. Monstrux in two sets is a plus even though it appears he is a pretty simple build. I wonder if his full manifestation will be a progressive thing and that eventually we will see him brick built in all his glory in later sets. I do like all the Knight vehicles and Clay's new one should look right at home next to Aaron's Aero Striker V2. Lance's I was hoping for another flying vehicle but it looks like it comes with a pretty cool bad guy and appears to be a pretty cool $20 set much like Macy's in the current wave. Ruina's looks pretty fun as well. Looks like a supped up version of the Munster's car or something. Triple Rocker still don't know what to make of that and is probably the set I am most excited to see in the flesh or at least more official pics. Jestro's one looks like a convoluted excavator and not necessarily in a bad way. With so many wheels on this thing I wonder if this has some other function or transforming capabilities. 6 tires in the back and those huge double tires in the front almost looks like those wheels can be turned in to hands of some sort. The little bad guy vehicle that looks like it is included with this set is interesting with what appears to be stud shooters for wheels. Macy's little vehicle looks cute and fun similar to her miniature mace vehicle in the Jestro's Lair set. With the exception of the Action sets I think there is some fun stuff here and certainly has me jazzed to see the full versions and more views of each set. All the trans blue, grey, and purple make for some interesting color combinations but set against the Knights sets presents an overall color scheme that is too similar I think. Too much use of cool colors as opposed to the current sets which pitted the cool colors of the Knights sets against the warmer palette of the bady guys sets.
September 26, 20168 yr 5 minutes ago, JurrasicPiggy said: Someone help please I can find them! Think about who historically has posted these before and who posted sketches of them. Then think of the place that pretty much all Lego leaks appear on. Also, Google is your friend - they've circulated around so much I'm sure you can find them somewhere by just using a simple search....
September 26, 20168 yr The villains look awesome. The sets themselves.... not so much. Those corrupted shields look amazing and very eerie. For real. The villain in 70348 looks very scary the new bottom piece is amazing Ruina looks good so far but I need a closer picture. The winged villain in 70352 looks perfect! Those new wings are very very interesting And finally, the new Jestro looks even more deranged then the current one. I wonder how will that happen in the show I'm pretty sure the hostage in Ruina's carriage is Robin. I can see the chicken on his chest.
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