December 18, 200717 yr My first SW LEGO is 6211 which is the wedding anniversary gift from my wife. After that, I am full addicted to SW LEGO and I spent approx Euro $8800 since then....and rising! My inventory: My LEGO Inventory
December 18, 200717 yr My first SW LEGO is 6211 which is the wedding anniversary gift from my wife.After that, I am full addicted to SW LEGO and I spent approx Euro $8800 since then....and rising! My inventory: My LEGO Inventory You've got a rather collection Ymp.
December 19, 200717 yr Flash Speeder. However, it may have been a three-pack containing Naboo Fighter, Slave I and Gungan Patrol. I'll always like the Flash Speeder the best. ;) I'm re-buying it for sure, no matter the cost, MISB and in practically perfect condition.
December 19, 200717 yr The first a wing that was ever built. I rember i was swooshing it and it wasnt complete and it broke so i got pissed off and dumped it somewhere but rebuild it afterwards :-P
December 19, 200717 yr I bought my first star wars sets when they were on sale in januari 2001, first the droid fighter from episode 1, and right after that, the landspeeder from episode 4 with Luke and Old obi-wan and the Naboo swamp from ep 1 with a guy called Qui-gon, Jar-Jar and 2 droids (I still hadn't seen The Phantom Menace :-P ). The little swamp was terriffic and it had my first normal brown bricks and new foliage. Later that week I bought the lightsaber duel with Qui-gon and Darth Maul and the speederbikes from ep 6 with luke, 2 bikerscouts and a great little tree with 2 new foliage pieces for me. And so I was transported out of my dark ages.
December 20, 200717 yr It was both final duels between DV and Luke Skywalker. After that, I went after the big fish. Slave I and OBi Wan's starfighter.
December 23, 200717 yr yes its me X-D I'm a SW geek and proud of it :-P Actually I don't remember my very first set !! I first saw one jedi duel and bought it for memmories and to have a MF once again, and I opened the set, loved it and returned to the shop for the second duel set X-D So my first day of Lego afetr so many years of dark ages was with the following: And then I was hooked on the OT :-P *yoda* i think i was the same :D
December 23, 200717 yr I got a mini Tie-fighter free at a club event at Windsor, and then the the same one came free with my Lego magazine that month - I have 2, and that's all the SW I own and probably will ever own... 8-| SlyOwl *must get out of this strange place*
December 23, 200717 yr Mine was one of those odd Dark Ages purchases. I was in San Diego at the time visiting California Adventure Park and I ran into the only part I liked; the Lego store. :-D I spent several hours there looking at Lego... but not buying because I was too old for that sort of thing. *wacko* Even so, I did buy these... they were small. Stupid Dark Ages... :-/ I started with the above, bought that one first then about an hour later i went back to the toy shop and bought every SW set they had there. :-D
November 9, 201113 yr Mine is 8083 Rebel Trooper Battlepack and I got it at Target in June 2010. PS. I was a city fan for 3 years then moved onto Star Wars in June 2010. Edited November 9, 201113 yr by Lord Of The Fries
November 9, 201113 yr We have a thread for this. But while I'm still here, 7259 ARC-170 Fighter was my first Star Wars set, taking me out of my Dark Ages and into Star Wars. Those were exciting times.
November 9, 201113 yr We have a thread for this. Indeed there is. Merged! Since I wasn't around then yet, here's my first SW set: Acquired this during my poor old college years and I had to save my allowance just to get this.
November 9, 201113 yr Mine was the 7128 Speeder Bikes for my 9th birthday. It is odd how I soon grew apart from the friend that gave it to me (as these things happen), but all these years later I'm still collecting SW Legos. Though I recently got rid of it so I could 'restart' my collection. Sad to see it go but it was discolored and the pieces were brittle. Future Me will be a bit better in taking care of his sets.
November 9, 201113 yr Ironically, my first was a PT set that also happens to be my least favorite UCS set, 10026 UCS Naboo Starfighter, and on top of that, I bought it at my least favorite store, TRU.
November 9, 201113 yr 7657 AT-ST A mate had the UCS X-Wing which I liked, but I started buying smalled sets first to see if I enjoyed bulding. Now I am an addict
November 9, 201113 yr I wanted 7200 Final Duel I, But I got 7121 Naboo Swamp because I liked Jar Jar at the time.
November 9, 201113 yr My first SW lego set is the 7104 Desert Skiff in 2000 (I received as a present) and this wasnt the end of my Dark Ages Years later I bought the Imperial Star Destroyer and Slave I (2006) and this was still not the end The end of my Dark Ages came when I received the AT-ST in 2007 also as a present.
November 9, 201113 yr Well, my first Star Wars sets were the 6205 and 6206 V-Wing and TIE Interceptor. Funny to think that they are actually in order... I'm using the box picture because Brickset's image is actually wrong... Just like in the catalogues. It's interesting how many discrepancies there are even between the "official" pictures sometimes
November 9, 201113 yr That was mine. I actually thought if I just got that one set, I'd be satisfied. Yeeeeeah right. That's pretty much what happened to me - "I'll just get a few, just enough to have a representative sample of the Star Wars universe in LEGO, not a whole lot"... and then man, did it ever spiral away from there. It's not even remotely limited to Star Wars these days, either - I'd always liked LEGO in general, but had been in my own dark ages since sometime in my teens. I was finally pulled out by this theme. It took a couple years of admiring the first sets before I finally took the plunge, though; I didn't get any sets until 2002, I think, and they were 7200 and 7201, Final Duel I & II.
November 9, 201113 yr Ahhh yes, what a great topic. Walking through a drugstore one day, I saw this: I was deep in the Dark Ages-- I didn't even know there was a Lego SW license. But for whatever reason, I had to buy that set and throw it in my car until after work. Now, twelve years and a near-complete run of OT sets later, I never really imagined what I was getting myself into...
November 9, 201113 yr I'm not really sure what my very first one was. I do know that it was either one of these: and Meaning that whichever one I didn't come first, did come right after. And I believe my third set was the one with Qui-Gon Jinn and Darth Maul. I do remember shouting out loud that they were making SW into LEGO (just like I did a few months ago with the Superheroes news). Regards, Mitch Edited November 9, 201113 yr by CF WeaZZel
November 9, 201113 yr Well mines was a birthday present it was The old Darth Vader transformation set great set and so many memories.
November 9, 201113 yr I'm not entirely sure myself. It could've been any number of the first releases, but I do remember, like most, the speeder bikes, that little Qui-Gon, Maul set, and the Nabbo sub.
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