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Just thought I'd like to share with you guys another LEGO fan website. The guy is known as Saber-Scorpion and he's created some great models in the Halo Genre. Basically, both the Covenant and Human armies. Not only are there models of the vehicles and such but very detailed minifigs as well. Check out his recent update of the Halo 3 Armor Permutations.

Concerning the whole Theme of Space And Mecha too, is his own universe called Nova Refuge. He's gone to great detail in describing the world and has some excellent detailed models for the respective armies.

Check out all his LEGO work here.

Yes, I have heard of this "Saber-Scorpion", and I honestly think he is very overrated. He relies too much on custom decals and modded pieces rather than the actual design aspect of a MOC. Even MOCs of his that don't utilize them aren't really that fantastic. There are a lot more Halo MOCs out there that are considered to be much better than that. Thats just my opinion though.


Edited by Chuck

Yes, I have heard of this "Saber-Scorpion", and I honestly think he is very overrated. He relies too much on custom decals and modded pieces rather than the actual design aspect of a MOC. Even MOCs of his that don't utilize them aren't really that fantastic. There are a lot more Halo MOCs out there that are considered to be much better than that. Thats just my opinion though.


Darn. It's happened again. I agree with Chuck. :'-(

I would have to agree with chuck - heavy decaling to get details, which isnt very nice. Some designs are ok - the new ghost is pretty good, however.

Overrated I must say aswell - but nonetheless, kudos for SOME good designs.

I quite like this warthog though -


Edited by brickmaster

I visit his site sometimes yes he does have some really impressive models! I ordered some Star Wars decals from him once and those are very high quality too :)

Yes *y* What I meant - (There is better out there!)

Edited by brickmaster

This is, so far, the best collection of Halo MOCs that I've seen.

Scorp's stuff is interesting, but, as Chuck said, too many decals.


That is a great gallery - I like it all except the warthog, ironically.

  • Author

Wow, I thought I knew what good was, but the other models you guys have posted are simply outstanding! And yes, without the use of decals for detailing. I didn't realize that decals were so heavily criticized. Dang, I'm glad I posted this topic! Thanks for the new insight you guys!

Hi, I'm new here so don't hate me for what I'm about to say. I think Saber-Scorpion makes great models, minifigs, and decals. I don't think anyone should judge his stuff if they can't do better, I know I can't.

Edited by Greyfox327

Hi, I'm new here so don't hate me for what I'm about to say. I think Saber-Scorpion makes great models, mifigs, and decals. I don't think anyone should judge his stuff if they can't do better, I know I can't.

Not to sound brash or anything, but I probably can, and in my opinion, have done better.


Not to sound brash or anything, but I probably can, and in my opinion, have done better.


Nah, chuck. That doesn't sound brash, just incredibly arrogant :-|

Seriously, do you ever post anything other than "that person doesn't MOC well" or "This is my MOC. Don't I MOC great? I think I'm better than everyone"? Because it's getting so old, so fast. You really didn't mean that apology at all, did you? Not that it's a surprise, I didn't think you meant it at the time...

well I find that these Halo MOC's are like American kids drawing manga, everyones doing it but only a handful stand out. I agree saber scorp is a little over-rated.

Edited by john cleese

i don't like the fact that he butchered the euroarmor. decals are okay in my books. too elaborate decals however make a moc look weird.

in fact, if you ask me i would have just use ryo's torso 973pb157c01.jpg for master chief. i like how he used trans-yellow head for the appearance of visor. either that or you can use the new metallic gold visor from MM sets. as for the height, you can use the moko technique: levers, grill plate, 1x1 round bricks and the tooth plate. :-P

i'll try it in the evening and post it here. :-P

I think the decals are a bit over kill for his minifig's, but I do still very much like Saber Scorpions MOC's. *wacko*

Edited by Lord Of Pies

I think the decals are a bit over kill for his minifig's, but I do still very much like Saber Scorpions MOC's. *wacko*

Yes I agree some of his weopens are very nice but I feel it would have been even better if he didnt use decals for the weopens because if your a fan of Halo you will know what they are anyway.

Saying that I do really think he is quite good and he is only showing people what he can produce, we shouldn't complain about them, maybe a little constructive critism but no "I can do better" stuff. If you can do it better show them to us and we can b the judge, simple as. ;-)

Hm. Someone e-mailed me about this topic and mentioned that I should take a look at it, so I decided to come defend myself. I should have known the one making the nasty remarks would be Chuck, who apparently still won't give me a fair chance. Come on, Chuck, can't you give me a little credit once in a while? And to be frank, I agree with what Starwars4J said, you need to reign in the ego a bit. Unlike you, I don't claim to be better than anyone, not even you; I'm just continuing my hobby of building LEGO, just like you. There's no reason for you to bash me at every opportunity...

Wow, I thought I knew what good was, but the other models you guys have posted are simply outstanding! And yes, without the use of decals for detailing. I didn't realize that decals were so heavily criticized. Dang, I'm glad I posted this topic! Thanks for the new insight you guys!

No, please don't become a decal-hater like them, MicVash. At least hear me out first.

First of all, I only use extensive decaling and cut/mold/mutilate parts FOR MINIFIGS - NEVER for actual models. This is a little thing you may have heard of called "minifig customization." There are many LEGO builders out there who take their hobby in this direction - have you ever been to the Minifig Customization Network? http://www.minifigcustomizationnetwork.com/ In the cases where I DO use decals on my actual LEGO models (vehicles, etc.), I always limit their use to faction emblems and other things that I cannot do with regular LEGO pieces. I try my best never to use them to add details such as greebling that could otherwise be created using regular LEGO parts. For more info on my policies, I have made a page here: http://www.saber-scorpion.com/lego/faq_philosophy.php Personally I consider using a few custom-drawn decals, if done well, to be a great artistic addition to any creation. Call it my "style," if you will, but don't hate me for it.

Secondly, before you go comparing my creations to all of the other Halo builders out there, please understand that many of my Halo models are quite old, made four or more years ago, and back when I built them there were almost no other Halo LEGOs on the Internet. So over time I have been improving and re-building my creations to keep up with the compeition, as you can see by looking through the tons of images in my Halo gallery at Brickshelf: http://www.brickshelf.com/gallery/SaberScorpion/Halo - and thus I have improved my skills over time. A good example of this is my LEGO ghost: http://www.saber-scorpion.com/lego/halo_ghost.php - scroll down to the bottom of that page and look at my old models, then compare them to my new one, which is one of my latest creations. Hopefully this will help you understand.

If you would like to see some examples of what I consider my best models, check these out (most of them are made for my little sci-fi universe called Nova Refuge, as the original poster of this thread pointed out):

The "Vampire Cat" Fighter: http://www.novarefuge.com/lego/other_vampirecat.htm

Grimm's Army Vulture Fighter: http://www.novarefuge.com/lego/grimm_vulture.htm

Grimm's Army STEG Mobile Command: http://www.novarefuge.com/lego/grimm_steg.htm

Yavakaro Goryo Aerospace Bomber: http://www.novarefuge.com/lego/yavakaro_goryo.htm

The "Kampilan" Walker (Mech): http://www.novarefuge.com/lego/zygbar_kampilan.htm

The "Manegarm" Walker (Mech): http://www.novarefuge.com/lego/xarkon_manegarm.htm

Slashrim Sovalok Beast: http://www.novarefuge.com/lego/helexith_sovalok.htm

BattleTech Daishi (DireWolf) Mech: http://www.saber-scorpion.com/lego/mechwarrior.php

StarTalon Fighter/Walker (B-Wing set alt. model): http://www.saber-scorpion.com/lego/sw_startalon.php

Imperial Voidfighter (built for an FBTB contest): http://www.saber-scorpion.com/lego/sw_voidfighter.php

Star Wars TIE Defender: http://www.saber-scorpion.com/lego/sw_tiedefender.php

I tried to pick out the more impressive models, but you can see all of them at my site, of course: http://www.saber-scorpion.com/lego/

Thanks for taking a look. And as always, keep building!

Edited by Saber-Scorpion

What great models! Thanks for posting this, saber-scorpion. You have a great ability to go for the militaristic style, something chuck greatly lacks in. Your models look nice and solid, and there's nothing wrong with some decals. Heck, if there was, I doubt the Minifig Customization Network would be such a great site! One I'm a member at, may I add :-P And it's really ignorant to go around bashing customizers. People should respect each other's hobbies...

It's unfortunate that some of the younger members followed chuck's negative lead like that. You're clearly a talented builder, who's fairly well known in the AFOL community. Don't worry about what chuck said, he's acted like this to others before, and pissed a lot of people off. Keep building those great MOCs, and thanks for sharing!

I really like your models Saber-Scorpion, but I still don't like the use of custom decals anyway by anyone really! However, I must admit they are the best Halo decals I have seen.

Wow, that

I understand how you feel Asuka. Scorp showed what I could do with Legos for me too.

Edited by Greyfox327

What great models! Thanks for posting this, saber-scorpion. You have a great ability to go for the militaristic style, something chuck greatly lacks in. Your models look nice and solid, and there's nothing wrong with some decals. Heck, if there was, I doubt the Minifig Customization Network would be such a great site! One I'm a member at, may I add :-P And it's really ignorant to go around bashing customizers. People should respect each other's hobbies...

It's unfortunate that some of the younger members followed chuck's negative lead like that. You're clearly a talented builder, who's fairly well known in the AFOL community. Don't worry about what chuck said, he's acted like this to others before, and pissed a lot of people off. Keep building those great MOCs, and thanks for sharing!

You criticize me for bashing other people, and now you are bashing me? I never said that Scorp was a bad builder, I just said that there are better Halo MOCs out there. As for me and military MOCs, most of the MOCs I build ARE somewhat military based. I havn't pissed a lot of people off, and you say that as if this is the only website I even visit. I posted my opinion of Justin as a builder, but you posted your opinon of me as a person. For one that says you should respect other people's hobbies, you sure treat me like crap...


Edited by Chuck

You criticize me for bashing other people, and now you are bashing me? I never said that Scorp was a bad builder, I just said that there are better Halo MOCs out there. As for me and military MOCs, most of the MOCs I build ARE somewhat military based. I havn't pissed a lot of people off, and you say that as if this is the only website I even visit. For one that says you should respect other people's hobbies, you sure treat me like crap...


You haven't pissed a lot of people off? Why have you been in the chamber then not once, not twice, but three times? Why did you feel the need to compare your MOCs to those of others? Why do you feel the need to do nothing but bash other people's MOCs? Oh, and you haven't only pissed people off here. You've pissed people off at classic-space, you've pissed people off at Builders Lounge. You want me to pull quotes from their sites? You've even pissed people off at Saber-scorpion's site, as he, the administrator said! Don't act innocent, it seems that no matter where you go, you cause trouble and piss people off. You have to be one of the most egotistical, childish people I've ever seen.

Tell me, chuck, why did he register on this site just to respond? Why have you been chambered so much? Are you a victim? Are you innocent? Hardly, you treat everyone like crap, chastise them for their MOCs, and then when someone comments on your behavior you cry that you've been treated like crap? This is just beyond ridiculous. Tell me, do you do your pathetic "I'm so sorry!" crap only when you get in trouble, or do you have a bit of maturity in you at all? Because you sure as hell have never shown it if you have.

It's amazing how elitist you act when you have absolutely no reason to. You have no idea how pissed I am at your constant crappy attitude and manipulative history.

You haven't pissed a lot of people off? Why have you been in the chamber then not once, not twice, but three times? Why did you feel the need to compare your MOCs to those of others? Why do you feel the need to do nothing but bash other people's MOCs? Oh, and you haven't only pissed people off here. You've pissed people off at classic-space, you've pissed people off at Builders Lounge. You want me to pull quotes from their sites? You've even pissed people off at Saber-scorpion's site, as he, himself said! Don't act innocent, it seems that no matter where you go, you cause trouble and piss people off. You have to be one of the most egotistical, childish people I've ever seen.

Tell me, chuck, why did he register on this site just to respond? Why have you been chambered so much? Are you a victim? Are you innocent? Hardly, you treat everyone like crap, chastise them for their MOCs, and then when someone comments on your behavior you cry that you've been treated like crap? This is just beyond ridiculous. Tell me, do you do your pathetic "I'm so sorry!" crap only when you get in trouble, or do you have a bit of maturity in you at all? Because you sure as hell have never shown it if you have.

It's amazing how elitist you act when you have absolutely no reason to.

Those are 4 sites, one of which you aren't even a member of, so I don't know why it matters to you. I am a part of many more sites, some of which you don't even know about. I don't know what you mean by classic-space, as I rarely post there much, and that happened once at Builder's Lounge, and it was a misunderstanding, which often happens over the net. The only reason I say I am being treated like crap is that you always hunt down the stuff that I do wrong. Just because I give harsh criticism doesn't mean that I am chastising anyone. I really think that this is something I should discuss with you in private through PM, AIM, or MSN, but that is next to impossible considering you have blocked me on all three systems.

EDIT: Perhaps it would be better for everyone if I just dropped this, now that I realize that I am in the wrong here. Sorry for any inconvienence, and yes, S4J, you are probably right that I am just being an elitest megablocks.


Edited by Chuck

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