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Those are 4 sites, one of which you aren't even a member of, so I don't know why it matters to you.

Because you said I act like this is the only site, right? Well tell me, if people on four other sites have seen and are sick of your crappy elitist, rude attitude, doesn't that say something?

The only reason I say I am being treated like crap is that you always hunt down the stuff that I do wrong. Just because I give harsh criticism doesn't mean that I am chastising anyone.

Do you remember what happened before? When all hell broke loose when you started bashing someone's MOC? And you weren't giving "harsh criticism", you were saying that his MOCs weren't good. That isn't criticism, that's being an megablocks. You said you could do better. That's not only incorrect, but incredibly elitist and egotistical. You think you're so amazing that you can but down what other people put time and effort into? Who the hell are you to do that? You've upset PLENTY of people whom you've talked to like this, it's why Saber-scorpion registered here to defend himself! He seemed pretty annoyed with your behavior over at his site as well. Is this all a coincidence? Some conspiracy? Or maybe is it just you?

I really think that this is something I should discuss with you in private through PM, AIM, or MSN, but that is next to impossible considering you have blocked me on all three systems.


Yes, and why would that be? You make crap up, you make excuses all the time, and you always try and make yourself some victim who gets this blame shuffled to them! Think about this, is it REALLY everyone else, or is it just you being an arrogant megablocks? You've made apologies for this EXACT BEHAVIOR before, and yet continue to do it? This only leads me to believe that you're just BSing every single time. Why should anything you say be taken seriously anymore, Lego2000?

Because you said I act like this is the only site, right? Well tell me, if people on four other sites have seen and are sick of your crappy elitist, rude attitude, doesn't that say something?

Do you remember what happened before? When all hell broke loose when you started bashing someone's MOC? And you weren't giving "harsh criticism", you were saying that his MOCs weren't good. That isn't criticism, that's being an megablocks. You said you could do better. That's not only incorrect, but incredibly elitist and egotistical. You think you're so amazing that you can but down what other people put time and effort into? Who the hell are you to do that? You've upset PLENTY of people whom you've talked to like this, it's why Saber-scorpion registered here to defend himself! He seemed pretty annoyed with your behavior over at his site as well. Is this all a coincidence? Some conspiracy? Or maybe is it just you?

Yes, and why would that be? You make crap up, you make excuses all the time, and you always try and make yourself some victim who gets this blame shuffled to them! Think about this, is it REALLY everyone else, or is it just you being an arrogant megablocks? You've made apologies for this EXACT BEHAVIOR before, and yet continue to do it? This only leads me to believe that you're just BSing every single time. Why should anything you say be taken seriously anymore, Lego2000?

1. Out of those 4 sites, I only found examples from 3, and thats including stuff from months ago.

2. You said I lack the skill to do military MOCs, how is that any different?

3. I never said he was a bad builder, I just said I don't personally like the use of decals on MOCs. You are putting words into my mouth. How do you know that it was just me that he was upset about here?

4. I rarely post an any of these sites anymore excluding Builders-Lounge. Examples from months ago don't necissarily count as viable proof.

It seems like you keep wanting to go at this until I say something that I will extremly regret so you can just punish me or something.


Not to sound brash or anything, but I probably can, and in my opinion, have done better.


You have the right to have an opinion, as much as anybody else. That

You have the right to have an opinion, as much as anybody else. That
1. Out of those 4 sites, I only found examples from 3, and thats including stuff from months ago.

I can find all four if you'd like me to.

2. You said I lack the skill to do military MOCs, how is that any different?

The simple fact is, don't dish it out if you can't take it. If you're gonna be an megablocks to everyone, don't expect one bit of kindness to come your way.

3. I never said he was a bad builder, I just said I don't personally like the use of decals on MOCs. You are putting words into my mouth. How do you know that it was just me that he was upset about here?

Because he specifically addressed you. Also, we talked in PM. That good enough?

4. I rarely post an any of these sites anymore excluding Builders-Lounge. Examples from months ago don't necissarily count as viable proof.

So because it was a month ago means you've changed? Despite all your cries of reformation, you're the exact same childish kid you've been since you registered.

It seems like you keep wanting to go at this until I say something that I will extremly regret so you can just punish me or something.


Actually I responded before your EDIT saying you wanted to drop it. But just because you want something doesn't mean you can always weasel out of it. Nobody can make you do something you don't want to.

I do give kindness, I just don't think that candy coating everything with just a "good job" will always help. I have recognized that I am not the best at giving criticism, but being hostile towards me just makes me less inclined to actually help or be kind at all. I appreciate your advice, Asuka, and I will try to get to work on it more in the future as I had promised before.


You give kindness? I have yet to see you post anything that's kind. You don't have to candy-coat anything, but saying "My stuff is better than his" is just arrogant and rude.

And hostility towards your bad behavior makes you less inclined to help or be kind at all? Then you don't need to be a member here, do you? If you're not gonna "candy coat" anything, why should I?

You give kindness? I have yet to see you post anything that's kind. You don't have to candy-coat anything, but saying "My stuff is better than his" is just arrogant and rude.

And hostility towards your bad behavior makes you less inclined to help or be kind at all? Then you don't need to be a member here, do you? If you're not gonna "candy coat" anything, why should I?

I see your point, and I have said that I was in the wrong before in this thread. I said hostility towards me personally would make me less inclined to help, as in posting in general, the same would go for a lot of people I know. I know that I can be arrogant and rude sometimes, and I have acknowledged it, but you can't expect people to change just like that. I never said I was better than Scorp either, I was exclusivly mentioning his halo MOCs, which I know to be at least a few years old, and therefor do not match up with his current style OR skill.

What I meant by the "MOCs that utilize (decals) aren't that impressive", I was talking about the figs, not his MOCs. I think his MOCs are pretty decent, and I never said nor expressed that they were the worst out there.


Edited by Chuck

I see your point, and I have said that I was in the wrong before in this thread. I said hostility towards me personally would make me less inclined to help, as in posting in general, the same would go for a lot of people I know. I know that I can be arrogant and rude sometimes, and I have acknowledged it, but you can't expect people to change just like that. I never said I was better than Scorp either, I was exclusivly mentioning his halo MOCs, which I know to be at least a few years old, and therefor do not match up with his current style OR skill.


You weren't referring to his Halo MOCs.

Not to sound brash or anything, but I probably can, and in my opinion, have done better.

Was in response to

Hi, I'm new here so don't hate me for what I'm about to say. I think Saber-Scorpion makes great models, mifigs, and decals. I don't think anyone should judge his stuff if they can't do better, I know I can't.

I don't see anything about Halo MOCs. All he said was Saber-scorpion makes great MOCs and decals, and you had to reply, for whatever reason, specifically to say you do better. There's no excuse for that.

You weren't referring to his Halo MOCs.

Was in response to

I don't see anything about Halo MOCs. All he said was Saber-scorpion makes great MOCs and decals, and you had to reply, for whatever reason, specifically to say you do better. There's no excuse for that.

Since this thread was about his Halo MOCs, I thought he was referring exclusivly to his Halo MOCs. Once again, you said my military MOCs are bad, but you persecute me for saying some one elses MOCs aren't the best I have seen out there.


Since this thread was about his Halo MOCs, I thought he was referring exclusivly to his Halo MOCs. Once again, you said my military MOCs are bad, but you persecute me for saying some one elses MOCs aren't the best I have seen out there.


I said I'm not impressed with your MOCs for two reasons:

1. They aren't that impressive to me. They're fragile, they make extensive use of techniques which damage the parts, and they don't have any realism to them. Ships and mecha need power sources.

2. If you can go around constantly berating other's MOCs, you should be fully well prepared to hear the same about yours. I'm sure there are many out there who are biting their lips, but haven't said anything because they're too nice. But the fact is you're not so great that you can go around saying your MOCs are better than anyone else, or even that you're a great builder. And frankly your behavior towards others is sickening.

And is this persecution, calling you out when you've pissed off not only other members, but an admin at another forum who signed up specifically so he could defend his own creations? That just crosses the line. And you didn't just say "his aren't the best in the world", which would have been bad enough, and entirely uncalled for. You said nothing but negatives about them, THEN came in with some self-serving advertisement of your own "skills". There was nothing right about what you did, and what you're continuing to do.

I said I'm not impressed with your MOCs for two reasons:

1. They aren't that impressive to me. They're fragile, they make extensive use of techniques which damage the parts, and they don't have any realism to them. Ships and mecha need power sources.

2. If you can go around constantly berating other's MOCs, you should be fully well prepared to hear the same about yours. I'm sure there are many out there who are biting their lips, but haven't said anything because they're too nice. But the fact is you're not so great that you can go around saying your MOCs are better than anyone else, or even that you're a great builder. And frankly your behavior towards others is sickening.

And is this persecution, calling you out when you've pissed off not only other members, but an admin at another forum who signed up specifically so he could defend his own creations? That just crosses the line. And you didn't just say "his aren't the best in the world", which would have been bad enough, and entirely uncalled for. You said nothing but negatives about them, THEN came in with some self-serving advertisement of your own "skills". There was nothing right about what you did, and what you're continuing to do.

Name one thing that is fragile? You have never seen them in real life, nor have you touched them. The techniques I use are the same used by many builders, but nobody complains then.

Other than that, I agree with you, and once again I will say that I very much wish to drop this whole thing on the basis that you are right and I am in the wrong.


Name one thing that is fragile? You have never seen them in real life, nor have you touched them. The techniques I use are the same used by many builders, but nobody complains then.

Other than that, I agree with you, and once again I will say that I very much wish to drop this whole thing on the basis that you are right and I am in the wrong.


Funny, you say you want to drop it, but then ask for a reply...


See those hands? See the binocs in the claw grip? That's very fragile in comparison to regular connections. Knock into it wrong and the hand goes flying off. How do I know? I've tried that connection myself.

Funny, you say you want to drop it, but then ask for a reply...


See those hands? See the binocs in the claw grip? That's very fragile in comparison to regular connections. Knock into it wrong and the hand goes flying off. How do I know? I've tried that connection myself.

I also said that my palet was limited at the time that I built that, so I didn't have many other options. Does it matter if they are fragile or not? I have been told that it is a good MOC nonetheless, so should one part make you think that it is a bad MOC? You have also told me before that a MOC is what you say it is, so if I say that something has a small power source, such as this mecha or my hardsuits, then why can't it?


I also said that my palet was limited at the time that I built that, so I didn't have many other options. Does it matter if they are fragile or not? I have been told that it is a good MOC nonetheless, so should one part make you think that it is a bad MOC? You have also told me before that a MOC is what you say it is, so if I say that something has a small power source, such as this mecha or my hardsuits, then why can't it?


It can, I never said it can't. You asked for why I said what I said. In my opinion a MOC needs what I listed, which is why I said so. You can make it run on magic for all I care, but that doesn't mean I need to like it, right?

Also, you asked for fragile techniques. I listed one, that's all there is to it. But again, this thread, and the subject being talked about isn't your MOC. It's about Saber-scorpion's.

There's the old phrase which you apparently never heard. "If you don't have anything nice to say, then don't say anything at all.". I'm sure you're rolling your eyes at that, but it's true. People improve with constructive criticism, and there's nothing constructive, or kind, about "His stuff isn't so great, I could do better".

Chuck and 4J: Please, I'm not trying to tell you what to do, but could you please continue your discussion elsewhere? This topic is about Saber's MOCs, and it's not being discussed because you two have an entire page for your discussion. Please, can you PM each other instead?

Thank you. :-)

Saber-Scorpion: I like the newer versions of these. But I think you should tone down on the decals. There's just so much in a small area that it's a bit hard on the eyes.

I know that I can be arrogant and rude sometimes, and I have acknowledged it, but you can't expect people to change just like that.

Self-knowledge is at least a good start. :-D *y*

Sorry for the off-topicness, Mr. Mandalorian, but well, it looks like that

Well said, Asuka. I agree with you completely, however this hasn't been the first time something like this has happened.

Thanks for taking the time to type this, EB's resident negotiator X-D

I'm sorry too, Mr. Mandalorian, I want to chime in with Asuka here too. I learned a long time ago that when your anger boils up to a numbered list, it's time to give yourself a breather and just relax for a moment. Then come back and make sure you are putting forward the person you want to put forward-especially on a forum where your reaction will be frozen in time for years to come...

Chuck, I've PMed you before about some of this stuff, so along with Asuka, I'm available to you if you need something. But, that's not unconditional. I understand it's hard to change, but really look at what you're saying before you post it. Make sure it's the way you want to represent yourself. I don't want to believe that you just do this for the attention, although I'm getting close. I'd hate to suggest that people just start ignoring you completely...So I hope we can stop this back and forth now and return to talking about Saber Scorpion's creations.

Saber-Scorpion, thank you for stopping by and discussing your MOCs with us. I hope you will remain a member here and visit us from time to time. I know you are busy with your own site, but I am glad to meet you and hear you talk about your creations a bit.

  • Author

Whoa, I made you more popular Saber-Scorpion! By the way, I do love your models, and I always check your site everyday to read your new comics! I'm not bashing you for your use of decals, it's hard to customize a minifig without straying away from just plain LEGO pieces, but like I said, it seemed that everyone posting at that time was bashing the use of decals. Your Halo 3 permutations are superb by the way. My favorite decals are the ones that go one the side of the visors, very well done.

But nonetheless, I helped Saber-Scorpion join Eurobricks! :-P :-P Nice profile pic by the way!

I don't mean to add gas to a fire here, but...

While I am a friend of Chuck, I do agree that often, he is very condescending and arrogant.

However, I find that he was excessively attacked in this thread. Since nearly the beginning he admitted he was wrong, but you guys, mostly you Starwars4J, continued to insult his dignity and his honesty.

You all may think that being harsh is just better builders being elitist scumbags, but I know from experience that being babied won't make you any better. And while I understand many builders are here just to have fun, you can't say someone is wrong for making critical comments in a topic that's reviewing someone else's MOCs.

Now, Justin has a point; he, as well as myself, find it absurd and insulting when someone says "I could do better," especially when all the builder was trying to achieve was a little satisfaction and fun. I think there's a fine line that many see much wider than it actually is. If someone's walking around saying "I could do better" without giving advice, then yes, they're being an elitist jerk, but when the person from the beginning says "Thats just my opinion though." it's totally different. He even says it in the middle of the comment that everyone's been flipping over.

Starwars4J, from what I read, you're just as much at fault as Chuck. All he was doing was contrasting the models versus his own skills. He was commenting on the fact that they were Halo, not the builder. And yes, Justin's models are overrated (sorry Justin, but it's true), but you had to jump on him for attacking Justin personally, and although there's been tension between the two in the past, this wasn't necessarily one of those moments.

I seriously think both sides need to cool it. Starwars4J, back off Chuck and maybe he won't be so defensive and feel so insulted. Maybe read over a post a few times and try to figure out where he's coming from before immediately going in for the kill. By talking to him on a friendly level, rather than a critical level, you may have more success, if not...d Chuck, calm down a bit, it's just plastic building blocks in the end. You may be better than many other builders, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're more respectable. Give kindness a chance, it may make you even better.

Now again, I don't want to reignite a burned match, but I felt these things needed to be said.

You're friendly pacifist,


Edited by Kcaster

I don't mean to add gas to a fire here, but...

While I am a friend of Chuck, I do agree that often, he is very condescending and arrogant.

However, I find that he was excessively attacked in this thread. Since nearly the beginning he admitted he was wrong, but you guys, mostly you Starwars4J, continued to insult his dignity and his honesty.

You all may think that being harsh is just better builders being elitist scumbags, but I know from experience that being babied won't make you any better. And while I understand many builders are here just to have fun, you can't say someone is wrong for making critical comments in a topic that's reviewing someone else's MOCs.

Now, Justin has a point; he, as well as myself, find it absurd and insulting when someone says "I could do better," especially when all the builder was trying to achieve was a little satisfaction and fun. I think there's a fine line that many see much wider than it actually is. If someone's walking around saying "I could do better" without giving advice, then yes, they're being an elitist jerk, but when the person from the beginning says "Thats just my opinion though." it's totally different. He even says it in the middle of the comment that everyone's been flipping over.

Starwars4J, from what I read, you're just as much at fault as Chuck. All he was doing was contrasting the models versus his own skills. He was commenting on the fact that they were Halo, not the builder. And yes, Justin's models are overrated (sorry Justin, but it's true), but you had to jump on him for attacking Justin personally, and although there's been tension between the two in the past, this wasn't necessarily one of those moments.

I seriously think both sides need to cool it. Starwars4J, back off Chuck and maybe he won't be so defensive and feel so insulted. Maybe read over a post a few times and try to figure out where he's coming from before immediately going in for the kill. By talking to him on a friendly level, rather than a critical level, you may have more success, if not...d Chuck, calm down a bit, it's just plastic building blocks in the end. You may be better than many other builders, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're more respectable. Give kindness a chance, it may make you even better.

Now again, I don't want to reignite a burned match, but I felt these things needed to be said.

You're friendly pacifist,


I don't want to make you feel unwelcome, but for your first post, do you really think it was wise to re-ignite an argument that had been dormant for days and seemed to have reached a conclusion? I'll let SW4J handle most of this part...

However-I, personally, am tired of people comparing constructive criticism to being babied. There are not two extremes: arrogant and candy-coated. There are many in-betweens on a long continuum. No one is asking anybody to baby anybody else. The arrogant attitude is what won't be tolerated. You can criticise without being a jerk and without candy-coating (period!).

I don't mean to add gas to a fire here, but...

While I am a friend of Chuck, I do agree that often, he is very condescending and arrogant.

However, I find that he was excessively attacked in this thread. Since nearly the beginning he admitted he was wrong, but you guys, mostly you Starwars4J, continued to insult his dignity and his honesty.

You all may think that being harsh is just better builders being elitist scumbags, but I know from experience that being babied won't make you any better. And while I understand many builders are here just to have fun, you can't say someone is wrong for making critical comments in a topic that's reviewing someone else's MOCs.

Now, Justin has a point; he, as well as myself, find it absurd and insulting when someone says "I could do better," especially when all the builder was trying to achieve was a little satisfaction and fun. I think there's a fine line that many see much wider than it actually is. If someone's walking around saying "I could do better" without giving advice, then yes, they're being an elitist jerk, but when the person from the beginning says "Thats just my opinion though." it's totally different. He even says it in the middle of the comment that everyone's been flipping over.

Starwars4J, from what I read, you're just as much at fault as Chuck. All he was doing was contrasting the models versus his own skills. He was commenting on the fact that they were Halo, not the builder. And yes, Justin's models are overrated (sorry Justin, but it's true), but you had to jump on him for attacking Justin personally, and although there's been tensi on between the two in the past, this wasn't necessarily one of those moments.

I seriously think both sides need to cool it. Starwars4J, back off Chuck and maybe he won't be so defensive and feel so insulted. Maybe read over a post a few times and try to figure out where he's coming from before immediately going in for the kill. By talking to him on a friendly level, rather than a critical level, you may have more success, if not...d Chuck, calm down a bit, it's just plastic building blocks in the end. You may be better than many other builders, but that doesn't necessarily mean you're more respectable. Give kindness a chance, it may make you even better.

Now again, I don't want to reignite a burned match, but I felt these things needed to be said.

You're friendly pacifist,


I'd like to thank you for trying to spark up another flame war. I assume this happened because he was complaining about how "unfair" I was in MSN? He's done that before about me and other admins...

As you may or may not know, he has a history, a long history with being very elitist, and being very mean to members. He has continually apologized for his behavior, swearing never again to do it, only to continue once more. There comes a point where enough is enough, and as you saw from other's reaction, that was reached not only for me, not only for other admins and mods, but by many other members who were fed up as well.

I can understand you wanting to defend your friend's "honor", however to say I'm at fault is just ludicrous. He went out of line again, and he was wrong...again. We've tried letting things go, and trust me, he's caused many threads to ignite with his rude, and hurtful comments. You ask me to read his comment over again and see where he's coming from, and I do. He was trying to make himself feel superior. What reason is there, what reason could there be to RANDOMLY compare your own building abilities to those of anyone else, or declare your superiority over anyone else? Nobody has that right. It was rude. It was arrogant. It was wrong. And he has been treated with kid gloves for months now. He's been babied beyond belief, and yet he continued to troll. Nothing works with him.

If chuck has a problem with this, and continues to complain about this to people (though you'll probably just deny it), he can leave. I'm absolutely fed up with his behavior not only here, but on many other sites as well. And if you're going to start more trouble because he's too scared to complain even though he's doing it elsewhere, you can feel free to leave as well. Before you go defending him, maybe you should read other threads where he's done this before, and look at the point of view of everyone else who posted here who was pissed off.

Not only was what I said appropriate and just, it was overdue and toned down. He's lucky he's still here, and needs to show consistent improvement to his behavior. This site isn't a right, and trolling isn't allowed. If you have a problem with this, or he does, either of you can PM me. But to start another flame war is just not needed. I assure you, you would be greatly outnumbered anyway.

  • Author

So... 8-| ...HALO MOCS are SWEET!!! *sweet* *y* *y* *sweet*

:-) The only flame should be that of the fire spewing out of the Halo Flamethrower and being praised for its coolness. And yes, the decal makes it cooler. You gotta have the shark face! Appreciate your latest Halo MOCS, Saber-Scorpion. *y*

So... 8-| ...HALO MOCS are SWEET!!! *sweet* *y* *y* *sweet*

:-) The only flame should be that of the fire spewing out of the Halo Flamethrower and being praised for its coolness. And yes, the decal makes it cooler. You gotta have the shark face! Appreciate your latest Halo MOCS, Saber-Scorpion. *y*

X-D X-D I also like HALO MOCs. I never knew there were so many out there. This sure has been enlightening. Did you know that Armothe over at Brickforge is making some new NOT-HALO but cool looking custom helmets? You can see them in the HALO thread in the Embassy.

MicVash, your new sig-fig is awesome, BTW. Oops, don't want to get off topic! :-$

  • Author
X-D X-D I also like HALO MOCs. I never knew there were so many out there. This sure has been enlightening. Did you know that Armothe over at Brickforge is making some new NOT-HALO but cool looking custom helmets? You can see them in the HALO thread in the Embassy.

MicVash, your new sig-fig is awesome, BTW. Oops, don't want to get off topic! :-$

:-D Ha, all ready read the topic! Just never commented is all! ALL the new helmets are amazing! My favorite though is the one with the wing things sticking out! And yes, it's a very cool "H@L0" helmet. ;-)

Thank you very much! Just waiting on some more Bricklink orders to make Maverick! Oops, couldn't help but drift off topic a bit... :-P

Kcaster goodbye and thanks for dropping in :-|

Wow those halo mocs you have sabre are superb, i found your site many, many years ago and i was blown away by all your creations. It was also one of the first sites that i saw decals on that were well above avarage, in fact it was your site that first inspired me to start making my own...so thanks *y*

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