May 19, 200915 yr I never was able to fix those. I just tried doing exactly what you said, but it had no effect on them. I was thinking that a particular batch of them might be bad, but I could never make any sense of the markings on them. I have 8 of these motors in total and all of them have different part numbers. I have two 8082s and the micromotors in both sets are quieter and turn more slowly than the others, although they don't have the same part number. The original broken one was from 6483, which came out the same year as 8082.
June 4, 200915 yr Hey Blakbird, I've found a broken link on your website? On this page: If you click the picture of the 8285 Tow Truck it randomly takes you to the info page for the 857 Motorbike Hope this helps Paul
June 4, 200915 yr Author On this page: If you click the picture of the 8285 Tow Truck it randomly takes you to the info page for the 857 Motorbike Wow, I'm impressed. You had to be looking at the web site pretty closely to find something like that! 8285 actually shouldn't be linked to anything at all because I haven't written about that set yet. How the link to 857 got there is a bit of a mystery. Chances are that I originally made the tow truck page by copying and modifying the motorcycles page. This would make sense since 857 is in the same position there. At any rate, I'll fix it in the next revision. I hope this egregious error does not scare you away from Technicopedia in the future.
June 5, 200915 yr Can't argue with that advice at all. The Airtech Claw Rig ranks as my favorite Technic set ever. ... The 8868's alternate model is worth a mention as well. It looks a bit strange but it has a pneumatic control circuit that runs through the functions in sequence automatically. It was the only Technic model ever to use such a system. ... This was a key set, for the sequential operation. It started me off in automatic systems and pneumatic logic and spawned all you see here. TLG really should revisit sequential pneumatic logic. It's a shame they didn't add two more switches to the JCB. That would have been enough to do my robot. I keep meaning to make another sequential pneumatic machine, especially now I know a bit more about real industrial hydraulic systems. The pick and place robot remains the only finished sequential pneumatic MOC. I've had it built since 1996! It should be possible to do a pneumatic building machine without an NXT, unless colour recognition is required Mark
June 8, 200915 yr Wow I can't believe there is such a great Technic resource that I haven't found before! I especially love the way you describe the parts that are released each year. I also like the way you describe the sets in great detail with renders. How do you manage this? Do you own all those sets personally, do you borrow/rent them or do you buy them as you progress? And... Isn't modeling and describing them in such detail not very tiresome? If it were me, I would get bored after a few months and stop updating, but then again, I'm not a die-hard fan (I only recently decided to become AFOL after being dormant for 15 years). Please continue the great work.
June 9, 200915 yr Author How do you manage this? Do you own all those sets personally, do you borrow/rent them or do you buy them as you progress? And... Isn't modeling and describing them in such detail not very tiresome? If it were me, I would get bored after a few months and stop updating, but then again, I'm not a die-hard fan (I only recently decided to become AFOL after being dormant for 15 years). Yes, I own all the Technic sets and they are all built and on display at my home. See this Brickshelf page for some shots of part of my collection. Yes, indeed it can become very tedious, so I guess that this reveals that I have some sort of mental problem. This comes as a surprise to no one. However, my deficiencies are your gain! If you have recently emerged from your dark ages, let my own example be a warning to you. This LEGO thing can really get out hand!
June 11, 200915 yr No worry, I already own something like 20 kilos of LEGO, of which the super car 8880 is the newest. I'm also only interested in super complex designs like the super car and the space shuttle (which I want ) and MOCs. I'm also a bit dissapointed that lego chose the path of the dark side... by disregarding the studded bricks in technic.
June 14, 200915 yr This was a key set, for the sequential operation.It started me off in automatic systems and pneumatic logic and spawned all you see here. TLG really should revisit sequential pneumatic logic. It's a shame they didn't add two more switches to the JCB. That would have been enough to do my robot. I keep meaning to make another sequential pneumatic machine, especially now I know a bit more about real industrial hydraulic systems. The pick and place robot remains the only finished sequential pneumatic MOC. I've had it built since 1996! It should be possible to do a pneumatic building machine without an NXT, unless colour recognition is required Mark Those models are very impressive. I had to spend some time looking over your diagrams to figure out how the models worked. I think the large number of pneumatics needed to make anything interesting is why we never saw any more official models using control circuits. 8455 was an exception though and the ideal set to collect for setups like this. It would have been nice if it had an official alternate model with a control circuit though.
July 9, 200915 yr good resource, i be using that to see if i can build all the models lol Do you have all of these models cause if you do you got more than me lol (not for long lol)
July 9, 200915 yr Author Do you have all of these models cause if you do you got more than me lol (not for long lol) Yes, everything on the site is in my personal collection. They are all assembled simultaneously so there is no stealing from one set to make another.
July 9, 200915 yr Full respect to that, I have about 150 city models, 80 bionicles, 50 or 60 technic, 20 star wars, pirate, castle, new castle, viking, arr the list goes on lol but my main hobbie is the technic. i think i need to build some more technic lol, i got enough parts to build most of the models probably
July 14, 200915 yr I just think this site is one of the best ever, I am going to build every model that i can!!!! It would be nice if it linked in with the instructions!
July 14, 200915 yr Author I just think this site is one of the best ever, I am going to build every model that i can!!!! It would be nice if it linked in with the instructions! You can find all of the instructions on Peeron. I made a conscious effort NOT to link to any external sites because I don't want the maintenance associated with making sure the links don't get broken. I also wanted my site to be 100% content I created so I don't reproduce any copyrighted LEGO material. Less hassle that way.
August 16, 200915 yr Hi Blackbird, Are we due another installment of Technicopedia soon? Looking forward to 1994! Paul
August 16, 200915 yr Author Are we due another installment of Technicopedia soon?Looking forward to 1994! Yes, it is in work. I have all of the pictures and animations complete, I just have to write the text. As you can imagine, it has been a lot of work trying to do justice to 8880. I keep getting distracted with "improvements" to the sections already written. First I went back and improved the compression quality of all the images. Then I added rendered images to many models. Then I added revolving animations wherever I could. Most recently, I have been working on the LDraw model repository as discussed in this thread. This involves not only collecting and collating many MPD files, but also editing all of them to try to make them as "common" in layout as possible and making sure the most current parts are used. It is taking a lot of time but I find it rewarding. And then, of course, there's summer fun distracting me! Soon, I promise.
August 21, 200915 yr Good evening! What a great homepage! I really enjoy it and I am looking forward for the next years. Especially waiting for 8880 - and 8448 - and 8466 - and and and... Maybe you could include the sets that use technic features but are not labeled as "technic" - e.g. 10174 from the StarWars theme?
August 21, 200915 yr Author What a great homepage! I really enjoy it and I am looking forward for the next years. Especially waiting for 8880 - and 8448 - and 8466 - and and and... Next update coming soon. Maybe you could include the sets that use technic features but are not labeled as "technic" - e.g. 10174 from the StarWars theme? ????? 10174 doesn't have any Technic functions. But I will be adding the Technic Star Wars sets like the Destroyer Droid and Hailfire Droid.
August 22, 200915 yr Awsome site. You cover everything to do with the models but I have an idea. If you think it's a good idea (I can appriciate that your site takes a tremendous amount of work is it is!) you could include pictures of the box designs and such as it would be interesting to see how we got from the very nice boxes (with a see through lid so you could see all the peices and even a tray that shows you the special peices and a little diagram that just gave you a teeny tiny taster of the mechanics without giving much away as to how all the model works and so on) to just a box (with a lid on only the largest of sets). I really do like your site very much and whilst I don't wish to rush you of anything I do check back at your site most days to see if the next year has been posted. It's great! Can't wait for 1994 (8880!) but most of all can't wait for 1996 (8480!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!) There are sooooo many others I can't wait to see either. T H A N K Y O U V E R Y M U C H F O R T E C H N I C O P E D I A ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !
August 22, 200915 yr ????? 10174 doesn't have any Technic functions. But I will be adding the Technic Star Wars sets like the Destroyer Droid and Hailfire Droid. Good afternoon! Sorry Blakbird! I just misspelled the number. The set I mean is 10178. The walking AT-AT with PF. It is (as far as I know) the only technic set that can walk. And the mechanism is just wonderful. It recreates the stop motion look of the movie in a perfect way. Oh, and 7674 would fit in the technic section too. The way the wings move is great!
August 22, 200915 yr Author could include pictures of the box designs .......Can't wait for 1994...... T H A N K Y O U V E R Y M U C H F O R T E C H N I C O P E D I A ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Thanks for your praise. It makes the whole project worthwhile. You won't have long to wait for 1994. I am working on it right now! In fact I had to stop to type this message. As for the boxes, I had thought of that idea along with the instructions changing over time. However, box art and instructions are copyrighted and I am trying very hard to have everything on the site be my own work so I don't have to deal with the copyright and "fair use" quagmire. I may change my mind some day. Thanks for the advice! Sorry Blakbird! I just misspelled the number. The set I mean is 10178. The walking AT-AT with PF. It is (as far as I know) the only technic set that can walk. And the mechanism is just wonderful. It recreates the stop motion look of the movie in a perfect way. Oh, and 7674 would fit in the technic section too. The way the wings move is great! I actually don't have 10178. However, there was another walking AT-AT which was a Mindstorms set released as the Dark Side Developer Kit (9754). I have that one.
August 22, 200915 yr Good evening! @Blakbird: I have never seen 9754 before. And I have no clue how it looks in motion. But 10178 looks a lot more movie accurate. As far as I know your interest are technic and Star Wars as well. I recommend 10178 to you. It is a good combination of both worlds.
August 23, 200915 yr I think the most interesting SW Technic set is the 8002 Destroyer Droid. The fold-out mechanism is quite complicated and only works properly on some surfaces, but is very impressive to watch in action.
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