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Location: G02 (Freegate)

Tags: Spying, Land Vehicle

TL;DR (in the spoiler):

Some MANTIS agents uncover a dangerous secret in their corporation. Pictures at the bottom of the post.

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Well let's see what's on the repair backlog today...hmmm...well I finished the Jurin II satellite calibration, I can check that one off..and that one...

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg Hey, Scroggins, you up to much right now?

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Oh, it's you Anders. Nah, I've already fixed this broken D.O.R.I.S. (Drone of Really Irritating Supervision). I might try and see if I can get that new modulator to work in it, but that's all I have.

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg All you had, you mean. Laszlowe's got a job for us, 'n it sounds like actual spy woik dis time!


24201488979_256f0862c1_s.jpg Thank you both for being available. I know interrogations aren't something you normally do, but since that idiot Starstriker is missing--

25487055931_0148b0a60f_s.jpg Scorpio is missing?!

24201488979_256f0862c1_s.jpg --Ahem. Since know one seems to know where he is, we'll have to do with you. Frankly, I think we're better off without him...

25487055931_0148b0a60f_s.jpg But I'm just a mechanic!

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg When can we start? Are dey savage killas?! I hope dey'ah savage killas! I'm gonna grill dose suckas right outta Andromeda if I hafta!

24201488979_256f0862c1_s.jpg --or maybe not...Ahem. You will be interrogating three Merchant Confederacy pilots from ship that Hawk apprehended last week. They may have important knowledge about Octan's movements, but certainly aren't hostile.

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg ...:hmpf_bad:

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg ...:classic:

24201488979_256f0862c1_s.jpg This way, please. We'll use interrogation room 18. We believe they will comply with the interrogation, but they may take awhile to feel comfortable sharing any information. It is believed that average people like yourselves will help them feel better at ease than professional interrogators. However, if you have any problems, I will be in my office for the next hour or so. Alert me of anything urgent.


25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg Aw right, you goons! Start spillin' youh guts or I'll cut ya!

24949229904_d337fa2ee9_s.jpg25579700035_ff2e4ab3cc_s.jpg25212135839_ea08004653_s.jpg ... :oh:*oh2*:oh3:

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg I said start blabbin'! I don't wananny funny bizniss from you guys!

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Anders, maybe we should try another approach?

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg ...:angry:

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg You guys are merchants, huh? Where were you headed?

24949229904_d337fa2ee9_s.jpg ...

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg What kind of freight were you carrying?

25212135839_ea08004653_s.jpg ...

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg ...uh, You guys seen the new prototype Gemini engines? I was just reading in Andromeda Today about it, but personally I don't think it'll provide the thrust the makers are claiming it will...

25579700035_ff2e4ab3cc_s.jpg What?

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg What, did I say something wrong?

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg ...:smug:

25579700035_ff2e4ab3cc_s.jpg How yoou think Gimini weel not provide soofficient throost? It is designed foor freighters like the kind we fly.

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg What, you think they are for real, then?

24949229904_d337fa2ee9_s.jpg Ceartainly, yoong man. My coousin was one of the testers for theece neew engine, and he says they have made major breakthroough.

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Well, but you have to agree that given the conversion capabilities of the fuel system...

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg ...:angry:


3 hours later...


25579700035_ff2e4ab3cc_s.jpg Soo I says too Mabel, I says...

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg ...Can we get on wit it already?!

25579700035_ff2e4ab3cc_s.jpg What is prooblem?

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg We've been heah all day and if I have to sit through one more story or joke I'm gonna cut ya! Alluhya! EVERYLASTONEUHYA!

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg I'm afraid she means it this time, guys.

25212135839_ea08004653_s.jpg What woould you like to knoow?

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg We were under the impression you had some information about Octan's activity in the sector. Perhaps their fleet movements or something?

25212135839_ea08004653_s.jpg Why shoould we have sooch informatioon?

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Well because...ww thought with your encounters with the Zoids you would have...

24949229904_d337fa2ee9_s.jpg Everyboody knoows the Zooids get their informatioon froom MANTIS.

25487055931_0148b0a60f_s.jpg WHAT?!

25212135839_ea08004653_s.jpg Yoou doo not sell your secrets to them?

25487055931_0148b0a60f_s.jpg Of course not! We may be Mean and Nasty but we still have a moral code!

25579700035_ff2e4ab3cc_s.jpg But aren't you all drapers?

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Nonsense! Why should we all be drapers? I myself prefer upholstery...

24949229904_d337fa2ee9_s.jpg25579700035_ff2e4ab3cc_s.jpg25212135839_ea08004653_s.jpg ...:oh:*oh2*:oh3:

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg It's true, he does.

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg ...:blush:

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg ...:smug:

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Anyway, I can assure you we would not be selling information to a ragged group of slavers like the Zoids.

24949229904_d337fa2ee9_s.jpg Then it is yoou whoo dooes not knoow. Foorst, not all Zooids are slavers. Also, we knoow that Zooids get informatioon from MANTIS.

25579700035_ff2e4ab3cc_s.jpg Poorhaps there is insider?

25487055931_0148b0a60f_s.jpg You think? Anders, this is big; we need to let Laszlowe know at once. Oh, wait wait wait! Would you happen to know the whereabouts of Scorpio Starstriker?

25579700035_ff2e4ab3cc_s.jpg Whoo?

24949229904_d337fa2ee9_s.jpg I have never heaard this name befoore.

25212135839_ea08004653_s.jpg Soorry.

25487055931_0148b0a60f_s.jpg Well, thanks anyway. Let's go, Anders.


25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Laszlowe? Laszlowe!

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg He ain't here, Scroggins. Maybe he's back with youh new best friends...

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Come on, they were perfectly nice guys, and their information might be valuable. Laszlowe! Where could he be?

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg Yeah, well three hours of my life back without havin' to listen to those borin' stories would be moah valuable to me! Didya heah dat crap about the Terrilian ape? I mean...

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg The D.O.R.I.S.!

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg What?

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg I'll send the D.O.R.I.S. I just fixed to find Laszlowe, and then we can open a secure channel to inform him.


25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Ok, it's all programmed in, it should get a lock on him within a few minutes.

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg I'll monitah da video from heah, so we'll know when we've found him. Ya know what, even though we'ah trackin' one of our own, it finally feels like we'ah doin' some actual spy woik!

24953142483_eff2141a47_c.jpg2016-03-07_01-19-21 by rodiziorobs, on Flickr

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg ...and there he is! Move in closer...

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg But...wheah is he? He ain't even in da buildin' no moah.

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Yeah, that's strange. He's outside the complex in the cold. And why?

24953099483_635877e7d7_c.jpg2016-03-07_01-16-43 by rodiziorobs, on Flickr

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg Waitasecond! Didya see dat briefcase? Do ya suppose them pilots was tellin' da truth about an insidah in MANTIS? What if Laszlowe...?

25284129470_7383783b62_s.jpg Anders, have the D.O.R.I.S. drop back but stay on him. Try and keep it out of sight! I'll go inform the CEO...

25068462412_f2a46ea663_s.jpg Aw right, I'll start recording and letcha know in case it was all a false alahm. Now dis is moah like it!

25212265649_02e69ddf69_c.jpg2016-03-07_01-17-39 by rodiziorobs, on Flickr

Edited by rodiziorobs

I like where this story is heading! :thumbup:

What iz wit thees aczentz? :grin:

The judges awarded you 3 points.

Fuunny stoory. I liked the accents. I look forward to the next chapter in your story.

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