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have you seen the trailer if so the thing that looks like a republic gun ship but with the roudn thing on top that would be a cool set (with lots of infantry clones) ;) :-D


Cool ship, thanks again Sam ;)

BTW do you have another picture of the cool starfighter that we see in the trailer, I wish that TLC would release it ;) (yeah, right xwingyoda, keep dreaming ;) )

hey sam thanks for the pic yes thats the one i mentioned

xwingyoda which starship are you talking about?

I was trying to post a pic of it but since I'm not to good with programs I never could lower the pixels of it.

I'll try to explain it to you: its a rather large spaceship with wide wings that aren't strai (they curve). You only see it very briefly, but its awsome ;)


sweet um rite click the pic of it then click save as then obviosly save it as its name or whatever you want then go open the picture in a picture program (im assuming you have one) then rite click the pic and click edit

that is what i had to do in my program maby you have it too its called microsoft office picture manager


I don't think that ship is a republic one (the one chewie was talking about earlier) It looks like the one from Star Wars: Battlefront, the ones that the sepratists use.


oh maby its not i thougt it was cause it looked like it was attacking the droid tanks and what not and it looked like a republic gun ship somwhat













How about the following:

- Yoda Escape Pod

- Dooku, Anakin, OB1 saber duel set

- Sidious Shuttle

- V Wing (seen in trailer escorting the Sidious Shuttle)

- Need to have some set with Grevious and his bodyguards

- Yoda vs. Sidious battle set in the senate chamber

- Jimmy Smits (I forget the character's name) rescue of Yoda on the speeder

That's just a few...


I would love to see a Hoth Rebel base. Would fit in nicely with the newer Falcon and At-At.

An open Death Star would be great to (like Bespin) with multiple levels/floors.

The list could be endless. Lego definately did well to purchase Star Wars building rights. I just wish we had some of these sets in the late 70s/early 80s.


good choice with the v-wing that would be pretty cool but about sidious shuttle you could just by the imperial shuttle and modify it but it would be a cool set

I think it would be awesome if they made a clone turbolaser platform

It could have a huge cannon, like the one in the trailer, a clone commander to use the turret and a few other clone troopers ;)

I gave you that idea earlier today! but who cares. I want to see a Kasshykk battle set with a captain, 5-6 troopers, a scout walker, 3-4 battle droids, 1-2 super battle droids, a corporate alliance tank and 2-3 wookies for $30-$45

I'll go edit the title ;)

EDIT: I've forgotten how to do it :'(

Don't worry Sam, I have sorted it ;)

And little-green-man, next time use a ? as you has a few people expecting new Lego sets :)



a kashyyyk battle set would be awsome im planing on making a wookie house in a tree to make my own kashyyy battle but still a battle set would be cool with lots of infantry clones! ;)

a kashyyyk battle set would be awsome im planing on making a wookie house in a tree to make my own kashyyy battle but still a battle set would be cool with lots of infantry clones! ;)

Does anyone know the setting of the battle? Special landmarks, terrain, proximity to wookiee camp, the directions all the armies are coming from, etc.

- Jimmy Smits (I forget the character's name) rescue of Yoda on the speeder

Maybe you're refering to Bail Organa ;) . I would like to see a Carnage of the Jedi Temple set, but since that won't be actually shown in the movie, TLC won't do that. I can only dream, but IF they WOULD do that, it could include a non-lightup Anakin with 5-6 blue marked Clone Troopers and some Jedi Children. Another set could be Mace and the gang trying to arrest Palpatine, Palpatine's Arrest :-D . Sets a man can only dream of >-|

Isn't all that stuff going to be shown? I thought I heard that somewhere.

Yeah it's going to be shown but by a survaillence camera, Obi will see this together with Yoda as they return to the Jedi Temple. They can see it in a holo image, so it won't be very detailed, that's what I meant with the italic "shown". After this Obi1 sees Anakin bow before the Sith and releases that he has truly lost his friend to the Dark Side.

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