April 25, 200519 yr EDIT: I would love to see a brand new UCS line devoted to architecture (like they did the Statue of Liberty): you would have the most famous exemples such as the Pyramid of Kehops, the Parthenon, the Eiffel Tower... how 'bout a UCS theme: "the 7 wonders of the world"?, things like the Pyramid, Babylon, Tower of Alexandria,... Have it in several series: series 1: "the 7 wonders of the world" series 2: "wonders of the 19/20th century" I would definitly go for that ;) allright, why don't we give TLC's CEO a phonecall and arrange this? :P :P :P
April 25, 200519 yr Bring it on ;) EDIT: Also we can tell him that we would like other historical UCS models such as the first submarine, a big classic sail boat, a nice "wooden" Riva Super Aquarama... I love those UCS, really nice decoration ;)
April 25, 200519 yr YEAH! the seven wonders of the world and the 19/20th century would be pretty awsome..i would really like for them to come out with an army theme but i doubt that would ever happen :'(
April 26, 200519 yr i dont know halo would be cool and all but i think 7 wonders or somthing like that maby new knights stuff would be awsome
April 26, 200519 yr Halo is too over-rated, it sucks. There are many other licenses that can be done which can be more successful than Halo. It's just a game and I haven't seen LEGO do any sets based on video games, so the chances of LEGO getting license for Halo are slim to none. Might as well get license for Doom, or what else...Sony, so they can make LEGO replicas of computers, TVs, etc. Sheesh....
April 26, 200519 yr hey speeking of lego computers i found a site a while ago on brickshelf and these guys made a computer out of lego (so they put all the computer parts in a lego case) it was pretty shweet
April 26, 200519 yr 7 wonders would be awesome! Especially pyramids. I know Johnny Thunder went to Egypt, but it would be cool if they'd expand on the ancient Egypt theme. Sandy looking blocks, a big ol' pyramid....A Sphynx set... that would be cool! Or maybe just a Las Vegas system with the Luxor casino.. Heh.
April 26, 200519 yr 7 Wonder would be good but i would rather see a roman set, can you imagine a gladiator set with an arena :oD But knowing legos stand on violance i doubt if they would go down that route :(
April 26, 200519 yr I really think TLC should give us historical themes for several reasons: 1) army building 2) history 3) playability 4) educational value
April 26, 200519 yr oooo yes a roman theme would be awsome i would love to have a huge roman army and the biggest set coould be a trojan horse that would be awsome
April 26, 200519 yr oooo yes a roman theme would be awsome i would love to have a huge roman army and the biggest set coould be a trojan horse that would be awsome I once made a few roman soldiers and a temple. It was in my earlier building days, I can't remember buit I bet it was crap
April 26, 200519 yr here's another idea i once built a space ship/car factory, including test launch platform, transport vehicles, repair shop and of course, lots of cars and ships... so a theme could be something like this: set1: main factory plant set2: smaller plant to build cars set3: transport truck set4: set with additional cars/ships set5: test launch platform set6: repair shop set7: damaged space ship, waiting to be towed to the repair shop set8: designer's headquarters ... no violence, this time :P
April 26, 200519 yr You just gave me an idea for a space theme snefroe1, A kind of retro-ish space theme where humans cohabitate with robots... Like the Jetsons or Futurama to give you an idea. Also no violence ;) BTW, great idea snefroe1 ;)
April 26, 200519 yr You just gave me an idea for a space theme snefroe1,A kind of retro-ish space theme where humans cohabitate with robots... Like the Jetsons or Futurama to give you an idea. Also no violence ;) BTW, great idea snefroe1 ;) it's one of the only things that I actually still remember ever having build :P I must have been 10 years old or so... that's basically 20 years ago... do i hear another idea for a second eurobrick event module as well, Master Yoda? Surely a city needs droids, busses, cleaning machinery,... :P
April 26, 200519 yr I'd like a more SW AND better KK2 option,but I chose better KK2.They need more help than SW.
April 26, 200519 yr the minifigs of KK2 are really horrible. TLC should indeed redo not only the minifigs but also the rest of the sets... if any other historic theme will go the same way as this is going, then they better drop it entirely. i don't want to see a roman theme like this... the first test, however, are the vikings... we'll wait for that one for the time being
April 26, 200519 yr 7 Wonder would be good but i would rather see a roman set, can you imagine a gladiator set with an arena :oD But knowing legos stand on violance i doubt if they would go down that route :( They could do it with lions instead.
April 27, 200519 yr I once built a large pyramid with front opening and used many of the classic knights as Roman and Egyptian soldiers. I built a few chariots and had a great very early Roman theme. The historic themes would be great even with opposing forces. I'd also like to see some Greek Mythology with some new monsters (similar to Vikings). Kids love anything with monsters too.
April 27, 200519 yr Seeing how much the Romans changed how most of the world lived im really surprised that lego hasnt explored doing some sets, what problems i see arising with a roman set is that lego seems to need to include storys in most of there themes these days and a villan/monster would be needed. What villan they could include could be a problem for them and perhaps thats whats holding them back :/
April 27, 200519 yr Seeing how much the Romans changed how most of the world lived im really surprised that lego hasnt explored doing some sets, what problems i see arising with a roman set is that lego seems to need to include storys in most of there themes these days and a villan/monster would be needed.What villan they could include could be a problem for them and perhaps thats whats holding them back :/ Lord Vader, You're only forgetting one little thing, the Romans were AFTER the Greeks ;) and they took a lot of thing from the Greek. I've got a brilliant idea of a maritime theme: the Glorious battle of Salamine where the city of Athens crushed in an epic maritime war the whole Persian Empire (poor Darius ;) ). If you want Villains, TLC could do a Greek Mythology theme, another theme with a lot of potential ;)
April 27, 200519 yr Indeed the Greeks were before the Romans but the Romans are IMO better known around the globe for the way they influanced todays world. Another theme im surprised lego hasnt done yet is an Atlantis theme, there would be no end to what lego could do with a line like that.
April 27, 200519 yr Indeed the Greeks were before the Romans but the Romans are IMO better known around the globe for the way they influanced todays world.Another theme im surprised lego hasnt done yet is an Atlantis theme, there would be no end to what lego could do with a line like that. Who hasn't suffered with Roman law :-D :-D TLC should definitly stop creating stories like Alpha team, Dino attack (...) and read a lot of Mythology, all the greatest stories are there. Concerning Atlantis, which is a fantastic idea (maritime theme, yeahhhhhh), however there might be a legal licence issue due to Disney's picture.
April 27, 200519 yr The Atlantis theme could be used along with the adventures line, in fact im shocked that johnny thunder hasnt been there yet :-D
April 27, 200519 yr The Atlantis theme could be used along with the adventures line, in fact im shocked that johnny thunder hasnt been there yet :-D After Atlantis, he can be shot in space in a new Space adventure :) A cosmonaut Jhonny, yeah thats right, that would rock ;)
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