March 14, 20168 yr Author This truck really is good looking and realistically build!!! This is right down my alley... Accept for the technic beam approach, but we have to have our differences...haha... :laugh: Great that you also have a steering system with levers, that is more or less the same approach as in my trucks. I have to go with M_longer, there is something happening with that cab that I am sure of you could do better... It has to with proportions I agree on that, not sure what to advice... No need for advice, you figure it out yourself that is what I am sure off!!! :thumbup: :laugh: Crane is a great build as well. Are these supposed to be combined? Nice to see you have a platform that enable you to extend the chassis and add axles!!! Well done... hey 2Lego it's great to have more opinion (and your's means a lot to me) and I'm sure I'll find out what's wrong with the cabin...then solve it! Yes the crane goes behind the cabin and then there is a tipping most of truck like this does! But I'm planning different combos with different attachments!
March 14, 20168 yr It looks very realistic! Love the fact that it's made almost entirely out of technic parts. Also love the crane!
March 14, 20168 yr Looks very good. Although I must agree with opinions that it does look a bit too tall or thin, compared to the real truck. I know it may be hard to redesign a section now, but i am sure you will make it perfect at the end! Crane is awesome as well!
March 14, 20168 yr Author Ok guys, today coming back home I had a look at the model and I think the problem it's just given by the way I took photos (maybe wrong lenses-zoom- 35mm) but to me the model looks very good...not tall at all! So what I'll do is to show you some comparison double check with blueprints and if then there is some changes to do I'll try to apply them where possible! Also I'll try to take different photos hopefully will show it how it really is! And some more pics of the chassis, axles and steering system are on the way! Thanks so far for all the positive comments and also helpful opinions given by all of you!
March 15, 20168 yr Wow i really love this crane....and the truck!!! I can't wait to see the two parts together!!! it will be something like this?
March 15, 20168 yr Very well done rendition of the MAN. A snowplow, crane and a tipper? Bit much for one truck I should think.. I do agree with the others that the cabin is a tad too tall. I think the specific problem is the hight of the grille- (it's seems to be one stud too tall) As you may know, I have been toiling away at my own MAN 8x8 and am curious where you found the blueprints. I could not find blueprints for the front and back of the truck. If its not too much would you mind PMing me them? Also how did you connect the driveline of the first two axles? So far, I've used the regular UV joint and and a CV joint to connect the two, but do not have enough vertical travel. I'm not quite sure about your choice of drive motor; I think one L motor may be two weak. I believe you may have your widths incorrect or I might just be missing something. From your photos the back of the cabin is 18 studs wide, and the mudguards look 20 studs wide. I'm dying to see the final result.
March 15, 20168 yr Author Wow i really love this crane....and the truck!!! I can't wait to see the two parts together!!! it will be something like this? Yes will be very similar! Very well done rendition of the MAN. A snowplow, crane and a tipper? Bit much for one truck I should think.. I do agree with the others that the cabin is a tad too tall. I think the specific problem is the hight of the grille- (it's seems to be one stud too tall) As you may know, I have been toiling away at my own MAN 8x8 and am curious where you found the blueprints. I could not find blueprints for the front and back of the truck. If its not too much would you mind PMing me them? Also how did you connect the driveline of the first two axles? So far, I've used the regular UV joint and and a CV joint to connect the two, but do not have enough vertical travel. I'm not quite sure about your choice of drive motor; I think one L motor may be two weak. I believe you may have your widths incorrect or I might just be missing something. From your photos the back of the cabin is 18 studs wide, and the mudguards look 20 studs wide. I'm dying to see the final result. It won't be all those things together.....maybe I'll do a snow plow version with salt spreader About the driving motor I'm not happy with only one L motor but it was a wise choice in order to keep the chassis lower and to create space for the compressor. About the front axles: one suggestion is to avoid using UV joint to connect them two....this doesn;t happen in real life...why people insist on doing this mistake in Lego?! The secret is to follow what happens in real life and re-produce it with lego my MAN has leafsprings and no use at all of shock absorber!! The cabin is actually 16 studs, the front grill 17 and the wheelarches 18. I know this sounds crazy....but if you look at the white 13 beam under the windscreen it has two 3L white beams attached at each side, but on top view these beams have almost a 45 degree angle to make the cabin more round (less flat) so this trick gives the cabin a 16 (actually 16.5) studs width instead of 17! Will take a pic of this detail aswell! Edited March 15, 20168 yr by TheItalianBrick
March 15, 20168 yr hey 2Lego it's great to have more opinion (and your's means a lot to me) and I'm sure I'll find out what's wrong with the cabin...then solve it! Yes the crane goes behind the cabin and then there is a tipping most of truck like this does! But I'm planning different combos with different attachments! Well you are welcome and thanks for the kind words my friend... If you say it is correct and double checked it, we just have to believe you...!!! :thumbup: Really would love to see it in real live someday and really would love exchange thoughts on our trucks. Our approach is similar: "The secret is to follow what happens in real life and re-produce it with lego pieces...". Well written, exactly what I think...that is what makes me curious, I really think I could learn a lot from this model... :wub: About single L motor, for my System build models that's not an option. Since your models are not that heavy, it really might work! Again: show us a video... :laugh:
March 15, 20168 yr Author Well you are welcome and thanks for the kind words my friend... If you say it is correct and double checked it, we just have to believe you...!!! :thumbup: Really would love to see it in real live someday and really would love exchange thoughts on our trucks. Our approach is similar: "The secret is to follow what happens in real life and re-produce it with lego pieces...". Well written, exactly what I think...that is what makes me curious, I really think I could learn a lot from this model... :wub: About single L motor, for my System build models that's not an option. Since your models are not that heavy, it really might work! Again: show us a video... :laugh: And thanks for your kind words as well!! Well if I don't make instructions I'll share the LDD file so everybody can build it and understand better how everything is made and works! Probably the chassis/suspensions at the moment it's what everybody is waiting for :blush: So tell me, when do you consider a model heavy? I always struggle with this....I mean this truck is around 3,5 KG with crane and tipping bed....and I know 1 L motor is just ok but 2 would be better. I was thinking of doing MAN TGX 5 axles to pull a low bed with something on this case I would have 2 XL.... How much your models weights more or less?
March 15, 20168 yr Aesthetically it matches very well and the crane looks gorgeous. I wouldn't worry too much about the cab dimensions, for me are fine. Obviously, I wait a video with the finished MOC in action!
March 15, 20168 yr And thanks for your kind words as well!! Well if I don't make instructions I'll share the LDD file so everybody can build it and understand better how everything is made and works! Probably the chassis/suspensions at the moment it's what everybody is waiting for :blush: So tell me, when do you consider a model heavy? I always struggle with this....I mean this truck is around 3,5 KG with crane and tipping bed....and I know 1 L motor is just ok but 2 would be better. I was thinking of doing MAN TGX 5 axles to pull a low bed with something on this case I would have 2 XL.... How much your models weights more or less? I am really curious wether your steering system would be anything like mine... I use a Servo that uses links/levers to direct the wheels! Well that changes my perspective... Pure Technic build models were supposed to be not that heavy, but man am I wrong!!! :laugh: A single tractor unit is about 2kg combined with a 1,5 to 2kg heavy trailer would be 3,5 - 4kg. The lowboy trailer with load and tractor would be about 5 - 6kg. Once I build a single L motor tractor with a very low in weight trailer, that worked really well! For heavier models, the once mentioned above I need 2 L motors or a single or double XL motor. When installing double XL motors it does not deliver necessarily more torque, but the stress is spread out more even. It gives the drive train more gears which makes it more durable so to speak... I agree with you that if you would build a semi truck with semi trailer you need at least one XL or two L motors. Heaving double XL motors would indeed be the best!
March 15, 20168 yr Wow, you did an amazing job. I am a big truck fan and i like it very very much. Can't wait for the instructions.
March 15, 20168 yr Author Aesthetically it matches very well and the crane looks gorgeous. I wouldn't worry too much about the cab dimensions, for me are fine. Obviously, I wait a video with the finished MOC in action! Thanks Lucio! appreciate your kind words! One day I'll make an Iveco Stralis at this park next your amazing one!! I am really curious wether your steering system would be anything like mine... I use a Servo that uses links/levers to direct the wheels! Well that changes my perspective... Pure Technic build models were supposed to be not that heavy, but man am I wrong!!! A single tractor unit is about 2kg combined with a 1,5 to 2kg heavy trailer would be 3,5 - 4kg. The lowboy trailer with load and tractor would be about 5 - 6kg. Once I build a single L motor tractor with a very low in weight trailer, that worked really well! For heavier models, the once mentioned above I need 2 L motors or a single or double XL motor. When installing double XL motors it does not deliver necessarily more torque, but the stress is spread out more even. It gives the drive train more gears which makes it more durable so to speak... I agree with you that if you would build a semi truck with semi trailer you need at least one XL or two L motors. Heaving double XL motors would indeed be the best! The reason why is heavy it's simply: the truck is filled up with 5 motors, 2 IR receivers, batter box, switches, pumps, valves, air tank, and then the chassis itself had to be reinforced in order not to bend! But good thing I keep everything clean and sleek! For the steering have a look at the pics! man this is excellent.. Thanks very much! Wow, you did an amazing job. I am a big truck fan and i like it very very much. Can't wait for the instructions. Thanks one more time!! Some pics:
March 15, 20168 yr This is a really great truck with fine attention to detail! My next truck will probably be a european cabin style truck based on an Actros 4x2. Looking at the digital render, I'm not sure how the leaf spring suspension is working as I don't see where the resistance or flex is coming from. Thus far, I'm not aware of anyone successfully replicating practical leaf spring style suspension in lego.
March 16, 20168 yr Love everything about the truck; the crane looks massive. I believe this is what would technically be called "una figata pazzesca" :D
March 16, 20168 yr Love the tipper version. Also a killer job on the chassis and leafspring suspension. Edited March 16, 20168 yr by Dafgek81
March 16, 20168 yr Author This is a really great truck with fine attention to detail! My next truck will probably be a european cabin style truck based on an Actros 4x2. Looking at the digital render, I'm not sure how the leaf spring suspension is working as I don't see where the resistance or flex is coming from. Thus far, I'm not aware of anyone successfully replicating practical leaf spring style suspension in lego. these leafsprings work perfectly! No issues whatsoever, it takes a bit of experience to set up a good flex between when the truck is loaded/unloaded. To explain you how it works: the flex it's given by the 5 and a 5.5. axle connected with a #4 connector....these 2 axles plus the connector get the same shape of a leafspring when not loaded....if I load the truck the will star resistance! Simple as in the reality! Love everything about the truck; the crane looks massive. I believe this is what would technically be called "una figata pazzesca" :D Cheers, yes basically in italian you would say that! :) Love the tipper version. Also a killer job on the chassis and leafspring suspension. Thanks man! Hope one day I'll buildi this one too!
March 16, 20168 yr Hey man, love your truck. It is looking great. I really would like to use your leavesprings under my Straumann Giga Vitesse with the 2 axl steering tridem i am building for the Claas Xerion. Your chassis looks simple but effective and that is what you need.
March 16, 20168 yr these leafsprings work perfectly! No issues whatsoever, it takes a bit of experience to set up a good flex between when the truck is loaded/unloaded. To explain you how it works: the flex it's given by the 5 and a 5.5. axle connected with a #4 connector....these 2 axles plus the connector get the same shape of a leafspring when not loaded....if I load the truck the will star resistance! Simple as in the reality! Does it mean that you rely on the flex in the axles itself? How do you avoid permanent deformation? Or is it stiff enough that there is no (or very little) deformation when all the wheels are touching the ground? The black makes it difficult to see details, but I like how clean and straightforward the chassis and axles look, even in the 8x8 configuration. Very impressive! And that cab...
March 16, 20168 yr Author Does it mean that you rely on the flex in the axles itself? How do you avoid permanent deformation? Or is it stiff enough that there is no (or very little) deformation when all the wheels are touching the ground? The black makes it difficult to see details, but I like how clean and straightforward the chassis and axles look, even in the 8x8 configuration. Very impressive! And that cab... they only deform when flexed...and them come back to their normal shape....they axles are 5 studs lenght...hard to bend anyway! infact if you want to soften it you just need to use longer axles! Different situation at the rear where a 9 studs axle is this case there is more bend...but again not too visible!
March 16, 20168 yr Thanks Lucio! appreciate your kind words! One day I'll make an Iveco Stralis at this park next your amazing one!! Or maybe I'm making something like yours but in my Tractor Truck scale! Edited March 16, 20168 yr by Lucio Switch
August 27, 20168 yr Hey, impressive build. I really like the cabin and the chassis. Would be really great if you could share the LDD, photos, brick list or just whatever you have :) Edited August 27, 20168 yr by tismabrick
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