April 12, 201410 yr Here are a couple SWAT officer and SWAT hockey vest decals I made some year back. Others might be found in the MCW Index, probably best in the Town and/or Licensed/Batman sections.
April 13, 201410 yr Hi everyone, I'm looking for an some Arrow decals. Mainly green Arrow, Black Canary and Roy Harper. Has anyone already made decals for the Arrow TV series?
April 16, 201410 yr Could someone make this, but with all the Blue Parts in Black? https://www.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DqXP4GbzeZxA&h=rAQHyW6-O
April 16, 201410 yr @Sam, I found some Green Arrow decals for ye https://www.flickr.com/photos/cartj2a/8460529145/
April 18, 201410 yr Can someone make a decal for one of the contruction workers from The LEGO Movie? Here are some pictures. Thanks in advance! :) All I need is the torso and face decal of the guy holding the chicken wings! THANKS! Edited April 18, 201410 yr by superboh
April 20, 201410 yr I am looking for KOTOR I and II minifig decals, and I was wondering of how. Thanks
May 1, 201410 yr Could somebody make a triangular shield decal with the Oak Tree design from the CMF Forest Maiden, and the triangular variants of the 2013 castle line's shields.
May 3, 201410 yr Hey everybody, i was about to make a custom c3po and mr gold minifigures, and i just found out that it is very difficult to find the decal of those two minifigures, so can anyone please make these decals? Or if anyone already have those decals i really" apreciate it if you send it to my email in rio_suwendy@yahoo.com Here are the links: C3p0 front https://www.thedailybrick.co.uk/media/catalog/product/cache/1/image/700x700/9df78eab33525d08d6e5fb8d27136e95/b/0/b000t7lrv0.png C3p0 back http://www.brickfile.com/blog/wp-content/gallery/cache/3275__720x720_lego-star-wars-chrome-gold-c-3po-7.jpg Mr gold http://img3.wikia.nocookie.net/__cb20130423013830/lego/images/e/e1/Monsieur_or.png Lots of thanks Edited May 3, 201410 yr by Dario78
May 11, 201410 yr Could someone do the Series 6 CMF Roman Legionnaire Torso and/or a custom legionnaire torso. It's just because I'm trying to make a large army, and don't want to spend horrendous prices on BL for bulk. thanks, LOTRfan
May 12, 201410 yr My old Legionnaire design might be useful https://flic.kr/p/cGoFKw. In description to the image you will find a link to SVG repository. SVG is a vector file format that is easy to edit. Edited May 12, 201410 yr by NickAb
May 12, 201410 yr My old Legionnaire design might be useful https://flic.kr/p/cGoFKw. In description to the image you will find a link to SVG repository. SVG is a vector file format that is easy to edit. Oh wow thanks, not bad for your first vector design! This is truly useful.
May 17, 201410 yr Does anyone have or could make decals for the ASM2 SDCC Spidey? After seeing the movie I decided I finally needed a good Spidey since Lego keeps insisting on that bad USM one in sets. Thanks in advance.
May 17, 201410 yr Does anyone have or could make decals for the ASM2 SDCC Spidey? After seeing the movie I decided I finally needed a good Spidey since Lego keeps insisting on that bad USM one in sets. Thanks in advance. One Amazing Spider-Man coming up! (Credit to Pivote342 on Flickr)
May 19, 201410 yr Don't thank me, thank Pivote342 on Flickr for the amazing decal (Thank me if you wish though)
May 30, 201410 yr My Fiancé and I are getting married in little over a week, and I'd like to surprise her with a minifigure of her in her dress, I wondering if anyone might like to help me out with this. Thanks so much! Edited March 4, 201510 yr by Sleaxor
June 2, 201410 yr What, do you think brides buy and try on their dresses on the day of the wedding? Of course he's seen the dress. Edited June 2, 201410 yr by Cult_Of_Skaro
June 3, 201410 yr What, do you think brides buy and try on their dresses on the day of the wedding? Of course he's seen the dress. Yeah because he has to be there when she tries it on....
June 4, 201410 yr What, do you think brides buy and try on their dresses on the day of the wedding? Of course he's seen the dress. Very off topic, but that means reeeaaally bad luck
June 5, 201410 yr Please stop this train of off-topic comments, people. They add nothing to the thread. Thanks.
June 5, 201410 yr I went to the index but see very few white astronaut suits. Does anyone have any of the other designs? Looking for a minor tweak to a few different suits for some figures. Edited June 5, 201410 yr by xtent
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