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New link to the trailer(other is been deleted.)


Well, to be strict we've had a sneak peek of the damaged half too.... (The toy version, if you remember....) :tongue:

Well, I also was quite sceptical at first.... His comics image is too strong to forget, but that version is also quite.... interesting.... ) :classic:

And his behaviour in the film is really sometimes frightening..... )

I don't remember; do you mean the Lego version? Could you provide a pic of what you are speaking about? :blush:

Hmm, the batcycle seems quite similar in the teaser I saw. Strangely lego included those crap flick missles while the real one doesn't have them. :hmpf:

The Joker just looks... 'Good evenin' ladies and gintlemen!'

Different. Either I like him or I don't... I'm confused. :wacko:

(note: The misspelling 2 lines above was intentional)

He's growing on me. It's mainly the bleach that I'm missing, it's a character essential. Joker is a very dapper character, always clean and whatnot, so I don't see why he is so grubby. I guess the best way to describe it is that as a character the Joker is meant to blow everything away, be totally out of comprehension to the rest of the world and basically be totally out there. The TDK Joker seems to fit right in the realistic 'verse.

Still, he has the character down pat, I love the "Here's my card" scene, so casual! :laugh:

Well, I also was quite sceptical at first.... His comics image is too strong to forget, but that version is also quite.... interesting.... ) :classic:

And his behaviour in the film is really sometimes frightening..... )

Yes, it is looking to be a great film and a great interpretation, thoughm ore of an elseworlds tale than a true Joker still....

Funny thing, Brainbox is a bigger comic geek than I am yet he is the one who has no problem with it.

I don't remember; do you mean the Lego version? Could you provide a pic of what you are speaking about? :blush:

it was an action figure doll that has a few released pics of :wink:

Hey Batbrick. If by, "suggested Matches Malone", you're referring to the Snake Oiler head idea, you should really credit Brainbox since (although we arrived at the idea independently) he posted about it first. If you're referring to the suit idea I suggested for Matches then I should point out that that torso isn't in the Cruncher Block truck set. It's the Professor Lupin torso found in some of the old HP Prisoner of Azkaban sets.

Ah, he did say it first, my mistake. No I'm not using that torso, i'm using the cruncher Block one, as I knew the Lupin one didn't come in that set. I like the Cruncher Block one better anyway, as it has the lines and blue (the Tales of the Demon Malone has a blue tint to his suit) colour, plus it is more proper in a way.

I remember you mentioning earlier that you were planning on using the Cruncher Block head for Ra's. I'm using that head for Harvey Bullock. With some Brasso and a toothpick I removed the half circles under Crunchers' eyes to make him look a little younger. With an Indy fedora (eventually to be painted grey) it makes a pretty good surly looking Bullock.

I also just finished making a Ra's al Ghul fig (3 different versions actually) using yet another Speed Racer head. The Cannonball Taylor head from the Grand Prix set has 2 facial lines on either side of the mouth. I Brasso'ed off the top half of the lines so they more resemble Ra's's chin whiskers. Add a vampire head piece (aka Jokers' hair in black) with the temples painted white and it makes a great Ra's.

That is rather strange, as I think the Indy head works much better as Bullock, it has his brown whiskers and slap black (or a grey fedora as you are) hair on him ands he IS Bullock. I don't quite understand why use Cannonball taylor, who make a great Salvatore Maroni with brown hair btw, as the Cruncher Block head already has the classic Ra's look, add the whiskers and beard, plus your hair and he IS Ra's. Still, would youp lease post a pic when you're done? :sweet:

Hm, I really need to get a digital camera so I can post pics of my stuff.

Oh, never mind.

Yeah, I'm finding that the Speed Racer minifigs are making great Bat-fodder.

Yeah, me too. I have (thanks to you and BB1) Snake Oiler head with Cruncher Block torso as Matches Malone. Speed Racer blue shirt with Grey Ghost smug looking face and black exo-force (or normal) hair is Dick Grayson. Smiley Spritle with mechanic red shirt, sand blue jeans and black Robin hair makes for a great Tim Drake. Ra's already said for me. Trixie pouty face with Castle Princess brown hair, revolver and Marion body makes for a nice Talia Al Ghul. And grey hair over Cruncher Block's Driver with appropriate torso makes for an effective leslie Thompkins.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

BTW, Batbrick, will you be so kind and post that action figure image.... :classic: I can't find the link.... :hmpf_bad:

I was browsing the latest set of pics from brickshelf and something kept bothering me about this one:


After thinking about it for a while I realized that the printing on the torso is wrong. The red and black sections should be reversed - i.e. on the upper part of Harleys' torso the black should be on her right side and the red on her left; on the lower part the black and red should be reversed also.

It's even wrong on the box art:


In fact, the only pic in that gallery that has a correct version is this one:


I know I've seen other pics with the correct torso (the Harley at NY Toy Fair was ok), so hopefully this incorrectly printed torso was from an older preliminary version and not a recent error.

My only other problem with the Harley fig is that her hands are white. The right hand should be red and the left hand should be black, but that's a minor nit that is easily fixed at home.

:grin: Ok, the next time I rob someone, I'll take Raven and Doris with me! )

Well, close enough!

:laugh:, I still can't believe the "Anti-Batman" angle they tried to force on him, it just didn't work at all :laugh:

Would be a great fig though...

He was quite good in Batgirl: Year One. A bit of a loser, but still good.

Yeah, you got me, I just want the moth-mobile.

That looks great! I love the look you've given it, the castle parts have been used effectively so as not to make it "castley" but instead more of an asylum as it should be.

Thanks. I really need to find some time to work on it some more, as I'd quite like to get it finished.

Great Dalek poster there too, I really need to brush up on my Dr.Who knowledge, I know so much about the old ones but very little of the new series, though I did love the "Dalek" episode and the two-parter too.

As I mentioned in my interview, it's just another of the things I have a near-encyclopedic knowledge of. I think I have to say though, that I prefer the classic series to the new series. Sure, the new series are great, but the classics just have that... I don't know. Especially the UNIT years. The Brigadier is just fantastic.

Er, anyway, I could have sworn she had a recent run in a small series...

Probably Seven Soldiers.

(Oh dear I'm overfeeding your ego)

Ego? No, I'm much to great to have an ego... :wink:

Hey Batbrick. If by, "suggested Matches Malone", you're referring to the Snake Oiler head idea, you should really credit Brainbox since (although we arrived at the idea independently) he posted about it first.

How about we share credit?

New link to the trailer(other is been deleted.)

:laugh: So has this one!

After thinking about it for a while I realized that the printing on the torso is wrong. The red and black sections should be reversed - i.e. on the upper part of Harleys' torso the black should be on her right side and the red on her left; on the lower part the black and red should be reversed also.

Um... yeah, you're right. Funny, why didn't I notice that?

The penguin set looks pretty <insert that tiresome argument>...the other ones look ok.

Thanks Chuck. Great construction on the sets, though the Tumbler is giant! 18 studs wide! That's bigger than the Battank, I'll probably downsize it...

Batbrick Away! :devil:

Some close-ups:

7888-0000-xx-33-1.jpg Set 7888

7884-0000-xx-33-1.jpg Set 7884

7885-0000-xx-33-1.jpg Set 7885

7886-0000-xx-33-1.jpg Set 7886

Looks good On


Looking at the instructions for the Batcycle set, I see that the cover pictures Harley with the reverse printing torso that I posted about a couple of pages back (the artwork inside though shows her with the correct torso). I sure hope that this reversed torso doesn't show up in the actual sets and if they do I hope LEGO is prepared to offer a replacement like they did with the Qui-gon Jinn head mix-up last year.

On another note, someone over on FBTB says that they found the Penguin Sub today at a Walmart in Texas. No pics to back up that claim however.

Instructions up:

Thank you Chuck! :sweet: The tumbler is absurdly large. :oh: The last one was too big for one lane; this one looks too big for two! I want the Hammer Truck though! :wub: I wanted it for Harley, but the set is pretty good too!

Batbrick and Brainbox: I'm all for the occasional off-topicness, but you guys have taken it too far. Take it elsewhere please; feel free to create a topic to discuss comics in community, but this is supposed to be about Batman '08 you have made this un-readable. I might have to clean this up and move your discussion elsewhere...

EDIT: I moved 14 of the posts here.... Please don't do this again.

Indeed, Penguin's comic is fun, but.... it seems that Robin has some nuclear weapons there.... He managed to blow up my sub with those two little torpedos! :angry::grin: And i relly like the way the sub is done.... I think I deserve a bigger sub, so it's really easy to mod. )

Oh, and I'm a bit disappointed in Tumbler (first of all because it is a Tumbler! :classic: ). He's enormous! I can imagine this thing turnig half of Gotham into ruins.... :hmpf_bad:

But overall the new line is great! ) Keep it up, TLC! ) :laugh:

Good day, gentlemen! ) :sweet:

Batbrick and Brainbox: I'm all for the occasional off-topicness, but you guys have taken it too far. Take it elsewhere please; feel free to create a topic to discuss comics in community, but this is supposed to be about Batman '08 you have made this un-readable. I might have to clean this up and move your discussion elsewhere...

EDIT: I moved 14 of the posts here.... Please don't do this again.

:hmpf_bad:, we did discuss the sets in almost every post though. While we may have been off topic, I think you are taking it too seriously. Thanks for making a new thread, but lighten up a bit, it seems like you're getting mad about twenty pages too late when oyu could have told us earlier :sceptic:

Anyway, thanks for the new thread, we'll try not to go too offtopic, but don't be offended if we mention the subject material, it IS Batman after all :wink:

EDIT: Looking through the pages, I can hardly say we knew we were doing anything wrong, this started and stayed since page 10, thirty three pages ago :look:

Batbrick Away! :devil:

Edited by Batbrick

:hmpf_bad:, we did discuss the sets in almost every post though. While we may have been off topic, I think you are taking it too seriously. Thanks for making a new thread, but lighten up a bit, it seems like you're getting mad about twenty pages too late when oyu could have told us earlier :sceptic:

I don't think so at all, and I hate saying it, but I don't care for your attitude. Yes, it has been tolerated for far longer than it should, but that doesn't mean what you were doing was OK. It just meant that it was tolerated. If you would prefer that I complain every time you go off topic I can do that. This is an adult site and for the most part we allow members free rein. However I discovered how un-readable this topic was first hand today when while trying to find a post related to the actual sets and I needed to sift through your conversation with Brainbox… Thus I had to clean it up. Considering the time it took me I think I was exceedingly polite, and I am more than a bit surprised at your reply.

Batbrick and Brainbox: I'm all for the occasional off-topicness, but you guys have taken it too far. Take it elsewhere please; feel free to create a topic to discuss comics in community, but this is supposed to be about Batman '08 you have made this un-readable. I might have to clean this up and move your discussion elsewhere...

Yeah... sorry about that. It just sort of happened, in the lulls between set information. Thanks for the new thread, and we'll keep our geekery there from now on. Sorry again.

Anyway, I finally got the Tumbler instructions to work. It's pretty big! I sense I may have some difficulties incorporating this into my Batcave layout. There are an awful lot of slopes as well.

Oh, and I'm a bit disappointed in Tumbler (first of all because it is a Tumbler! :classic: ). He's enormous! I can imagine this thing turnig half of Gotham into ruins.... :hmpf_bad:

You really don't like the Tumbler do you? And you say the 'turning Gotham into ruins' bit like it's a bad thing :devil:

You really don't like the Tumbler do you? And you say the 'turning Gotham into ruins' bit like it's a bad thing :devil:

I am really not a big fan of that.... vehicle. ) :classic:

Well, as a legitimate entrepreneur it is not within my interests to see the nest in ruins.... ) :sweet:

And Batman is not such a bad lad after all, he can be very batsy handy.... )

I don't think so at all, and I hate saying it, but I don't care for your attitude. Yes, it has been tolerated for far longer than it should, but that doesn't mean what you were doing was OK. It just meant that it was tolerated. If you would prefer that I complain every time you go off topic I can do that. This is an adult site and for the most part we allow members free rein. However I discovered how un-readable this topic was first hand today when while trying to find a post related to the actual sets and I needed to sift through your conversation with Brainbox… Thus I had to clean it up. Considering the time it took me I think I was exceedingly polite, and I am more than a bit surprised at your reply.

Yes, perhaps I was a bit too over-the-top, so my apologies. But if you were to move some of our conversation, I would've expected you to be a bit more understanding as well, considering that we were basically keeping a topic that would've been dead anyway. Fair enough though, you realise I see your logic of course, I was just caught out of the blue. Again my apologies there, perhaps we could both learn form this little encounter?

Yeah... sorry about that. It just sort of happened, in the lulls between set information. Thanks for the new thread, and we'll keep our geekery there from now on. Sorry again.

Anyway, I finally got the Tumbler instructions to work. It's pretty big! I sense I may have some difficulties incorporating this into my Batcave layout. There are an awful lot of slopes as well.

Well atleast we get our own thread to run wild in eh? :grin:

Yes, I do believe the Tumbler is massively oversized, I will resort to making one like Wetwires for a second, better scaled one I think.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

Yeah... sorry about that.

It's OK.

Yes, perhaps I was a bit too over-the-top, so my apologies. But if you were to move some of our conversation, I would've expected you to be a bit more understanding as well, considering that we were basically keeping a topic that would've been dead anyway.

Actually I thought I was being understanding. Afterall, I moved the psots instead of deleting them. I did this as while it was a good conversation, it was dominating the topic too much. But there is no need to post here just to keep the topic alive, it is a pinned topic afterall. People, including me, come to this topic for new Batman set news, often after not checking it for a week. Your post were making it hard to find the news in between all of the chatter.

But I'm not going to disucuss this anymore here as I am now making this topic hard to read with my chatter. I will PM you to discuss this further.

According to this pic (from All-Star batman), he has at least 6 versions of the Batmobile, 1 tank-like-verhicle, 2 copters,

a plane, a glider, and a waterglider (?). Although, I�ve seen images of the cave with about 20 versions of the Batmobile.

So far, the only "new" vehicles are the Battank, and the Dragster.

P.S. If the link doesn�t work, copy & paste: http://www.batmans.de/images/large/all-star-batcave.jpg

The Battank is probably made up, but reasonable and isn't like "Batman's 4X4 W/MISSILES AND ROCKETS AND LOADS OF GUNS". The Batdragster actually could be real. Remember the Batmobile in Batman Returns? It splits up and makes a vehicle about half the size, with a similar and highly modular look. I'm guessing they just didn't know what to call it.

Is it worth buying all new Batmans? I only got Two-Face and Catwoman, both 5/5s.

The Battank is probably made up, but reasonable and isn't like "Batman's 4X4 W/MISSILES AND ROCKETS AND LOADS OF GUNS".

DKR Batmobile (scroll down a bit).

The Batdragster actually could be real. Remember the Batmobile in Batman Returns? It splits up and makes a vehicle about half the size, with a similar and highly modular look. I'm guessing they just didn't know what to call it.

That was the Batmissile actually. :wink:

Is it worth buying all new Batmans? I only got Two-Face and Catwoman, both 5/5s.

I'd say yes then. There are four sets, each with a different villain. They're all prominent Gotham rogues, and they're all cool figs. On top of that there's a new Batsuit and there's Robin, another key player in the Bat-mythos. The vehicle ideas are pretty cool, and the sets themsleves are fantastic.

DKR Batmobile (scroll down a bit).

Yes, and in certain comics he has used a very large riot control batmobile, so a Lego one is legal and very well done I might add. And the Batdragster is kind of like another Batmobile too, just like my built Dragster I'll post soon!

That was the Batmissile actually. :wink:

That's why I think Lego should keep pushing with this line, there are so many different Batmobiles and vehicles under many different names that they could release a lot more cool sets.

I'd say yes then. There are four sets, each with a different villain. They're all prominent Gotham rogues, and they're all cool figs. On top of that there's a new Batsuit and there's Robin, another key player in the Bat-mythos. The vehicle ideas are pretty cool, and the sets themsleves are fantastic.

I agree, the sets are brilliant, especially the Batvehicles, and they have fantastic bits for parts monkeys. The minifigs are in my opinion some of the best ever produced, TLC has done the mythos proud. And if you think the dragster was 5/5, you're in for a great surprise with the Batwing and co.

As for the upcoming sets, I'm afraid for the Tumbler, it looks hugantic! Great, but hugantic! I'll get it anyway of course, but at the very worse it becomes parts for a smaller Tumbler (like Wetwire's one) and other Batvehicles, or it becomes another Battank like mobile with a few mods. What does everyone else reckon?

Batbrick Away! :devil:

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