February 24, 200718 yr OOC: You are assigned a rank upon entering this game if you wish to join the Empire L2K, so until you earn your strips a stormtrooper you will be and not a commander. Lord *vader* to Stormtrooper L2K.......... Proceed to my ship..... Your reason for leaving your post had best be good............ If its not then you shall feel my force grip up close and personnal.................. *vader*
February 24, 200718 yr OOC: You are assigned a rank upon entering this game if you wish to join the Empire L2K, so until you earn your strips a stormtrooper you will be and not a commander. Lord *vader* to Stormtrooper L2K.......... Proceed to my ship..... Your reason for leaving your post had best be good............ If its not then you shall feel my force grip up close and personnal.................. *vader* OOC: Sorry, *vader* It seems the Rebels have taken the bait, and are going to the surface of bespin to investigate. The perimeter is set with motion sensors that will detonate a bomb when they exit their ship, exploding it. With their lack of transport, they will run out of air in their gas masks, and die from the poisonous air. -l2k-
February 24, 200718 yr Stormtrooper l2k, I think you might have "intercepted" a message they wanted you to intercept. Bespin is a gas giant, it has no surface. Any attempt to land on the core would be futile, as the pressure would crush you. It seems they may be laying a trap there for us. Besides that though, the upper atmosphere is quite breathable.
February 24, 200718 yr TK to casewindu: Hmmm... this makes it seem like Vader already knows the whereabouts of the message source... maybe he wants me to look for it... could be a trap. Be careful. Sneak around. See what you can find out. Use your status to get clearance. Any restricted areas, LMK. I may join you. I will need an alibi, though, so Lord vader doesn't find out. TK to Pro F: report in. I need you to act as an alibi for me. I am sending you the details. Once again, they are encrypted in the message. TK
February 24, 200718 yr Lord *vader* to General TK.......... I trust the Star Destroyer is to your liking?............ As you now know i have assigned you a new Astro Droid....... It is yours to use as you see fit........... Now tell me what news is their of the rebels?............. Lord *vader* to Stromtrooper L2K............... The Admiral speaks the truth.......... Go to the Cloud City their you will hack into the citys computer.......... I want you to download the transmission logs........... Once down encrypt them and bring them to me....... Oh and be sure to destroy the city computer once done........ And if anyone trys to stop you destroy them..... *vader*
February 25, 200718 yr TK to Lord *vader*: The astro-droid is a-ok, as is the SD. Thank you, My Lord. The rebel leaders captured at the small rebel base have been detained. The threat of Rianna Saren is no more. And we need a new administrator for Cloud City. TK out. ... TK to casewindu: I have heard that a stormtrooper by the codename of l2k is going to hack into the computer of Cloud City, to download transmission logs. I have further information that the surface of Bespin is uninhabitable... so where are you? Go to Cloud City. I need a copy of the transmission logs before the Stormtrooper 'l2k' gets them. We won't be able to retrieve them when he takes them. When you have them, bring them back to my SD. I will give you further orders when you arrive. TK to Pro F: I no longer need you as an alibi. Commando casewindu will shortly be joining you on Cloud City. He will give you the details of his mission. When you have done, return to me with him. TK
February 25, 200718 yr Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J............. Admiral the one called Tharwn that you brought before me has proved to be a highly skilled warrior......... I see great things in store for him............. Now on to more pressing matters....... The Emperor sends word that the a Hutt has been raiding ships close to your postion........... Find the Hutt responsible and destroy him......... *vader*
February 25, 200718 yr Yes, here are the plans. When doo you think my order can be completed? Soon. Thank you. I will return soon to recieve my order.
February 25, 200718 yr Im not very sure what it is but I think its a display were all the cool tie fighters are. *y* *vader* *yoda* *alien*
February 25, 200718 yr I will join the TIE army. By Avatar and Sig, I'm a elite stormtrooper with a lightsaber but no force. Lord, I have been on Tatooine killing Tuskan Raiders and getting DNA to make Tuskan Raider-Stormtrooper units. I will be taking a TIE Intercepter to Kamino to get more Commander Xalax, Out. To: My lord From: Commander Xalax in the Kamino atmosphere My lord, I have made it to Kamino to make the new genatic storms.(BAMM!!!) Wait! I'm being attacked by Rebel fighters. X-Wing and Y-Wing class. They seem to be guarding Kamino so we can't make any more units. Wait......There is........new wepons on the X-Wing......Sir, there is snipe cannons on that X-Wing. I bet I all my bricks that they got a new technision...Losing you.....Breaking up......Tranmission Block Brick on the Y-Wing......Losing....... I'm...almost out cold......Commander Xalax, .....Out! AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!!!
February 25, 200718 yr OOC: The rebellion does not have X-Wings or Y-Wings as of now. Our presence is not on Kamino... I'm acting like a jedi, why? I think there should be something for new recruits...
February 25, 200718 yr What do you mean, "as of now" I'm pretty sure the Rebels had X-Wing and Y-Wings before Ep. IV Also: I'd more like to become a Rebel. So GO REBEL ALLIANCE!!!!
February 25, 200718 yr "Commander Xalax: Welcome to the Alliance. Thank you for your wise choice. There have been some strange things going on Korriban. You should go out there and check it out." OOC:They did, but where we are, the Rebels don't have them yet. But we will, we will.
February 25, 200718 yr OOC: Guys lets keep discussions like the last few posts out of here, if you wanna talk about rolls and ranks etc then please do so in the Tie Army Guidline Thread. Oh and welcome all newbies :-)
February 25, 200718 yr clone commando casewindu to general TK : I have landed in a discreet part of cloud city and am making my way to the main computer. I have also seen an imperial landing craft close by and i believe that L2K is already here. The good news is that i know a short cut up a ventalasion shaft and it leads right into the main computer room... i am going to try to get up there first. >:-) over and out , casewindu (OOC :1 standard space hours later) I have reached the computer room and surprisingly L2K isn't here yet , he must have been held up somewhere. Anyway, i am now going to retreive the Data but it looks like there maybe a sercurity code, this may be tricky! casewindu over and out.
February 25, 200718 yr TK to casewindu: Good work. I know you are good with computers. Hack the system. Find out whatever you can. Just make sure to leave no sign you were there. If I find the security code I will tell you. TK
February 25, 200718 yr thank you for your assistance general but i will not be needing it. I have retrieved the Data but in doing so set of a trip alarm and imperial troops are on their way to investigate, i will have to make haist and return the way i came. Casewindu out
February 25, 200718 yr Lord *vader* to Stormtrooper L2K.............. Trooper i am informed that an alarm has gone off in the citys main computer room.............. If someone has got their before you and the information is lost then your chances of making it into the 501 will disapear.............. Get me that information no matter what...........Or you will feel my wrath............... Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J............ Admiral have you found out anything on the Hutt attacks?........... *vader*
February 25, 200718 yr Great news Rebels! My order has been finished! I'm happy to say that the rebellion has new ships. We've got single-manned fighter X-Wings, and two-manned Y-Wings. We will replace the older models and place these new ones in. Thank you.
February 25, 200718 yr Brilliant Commander!! Now with some ships to penatrate the TIEs..... Commnader Xalax, out!
February 25, 200718 yr TK to casewindu: Vader's heard about the alarm, get out of there! Get in the first ship you see, and get out of there! In case you still need clearance to get out of the city, I have encrypted the code. TK
February 25, 200718 yr Tk Lord *vader* : I have downloaded the Transmission Log and destroyed the city computer system. While I was at it, a few rebel scum tried to stop us, and one of our squad lost their lives, but we took them all out. We should arrive to your ship momentarily. -l2k-
February 25, 200718 yr casewindu to general TK: general i have managed to escape by the skin of my teeth and am making my way back to your SD as we speak. Somehow Stromtrooper L2K managed to download another transmission log (somehow) aswell. i also saw , as i was flying away from the city a squadron of X-wings flying towards it and i have no idea whats happening there now. all i know is that lord *vader* will have the download aswell as us and that the citie's computer has been destroyed. Be there in about 3 standard space hours casewindu out.
February 25, 200718 yr TK to casewindu: Good. Lord *vader* needs a copy, otherwise he'll get suspicious since the logs were gone. TK
February 25, 200718 yr Mr Tiber to Imperial Scouts: My fighter has been hit by an unknown object, perhaps it was an enemy fighter. I'm forced to land at Cloud City. Mr Tiber
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