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Eh, sorry, I was drinking some hot chocolate and torturing ewoks... :-/

So, about that promotion? :'-)

Lord *vader* to Y601.............

Hmmmmmmm for keeping me waiting i had second thoughts about promoting you...............

But if you have been tenderising ewoks for our Deluxe Yub Yub Burgers then i shall over look your lateness..

You are offered the rank of Captain and with that rank you will be given your own Star Destroyer to command, the SD will of course come with its own fleet of Tie fighters primed ready for battle......................

Orders will still come from either myself or GM *yoda*............. But be warned we expect you to keep contact with the rest of the fleet as often as possible..................

If you accept this promotion you will forever after be known as either Captain Y or CY...............

Lord *vader* to Captain Y.........

Take your new SD out for a spin.................With it you can now help crush the rebel scum.........

Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ............

Whats the situation on Endor...............Have all the ewoks been rounded up for tenderising?????????

GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord I would need to ask that to Dillon but my guess is that with our new method of breeding and feeding, the Yub Yub meat is far more tender than when we arrived on that planet !!

Thats why our yub yub burgers are so well known and loved (also we destroyed all competition...) !!

You will see my Lord, Operation "Crabby Patties" will be a huge success !!

GM *yoda* out !!

Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ...............

Our Yub Yub Burgers have dominated the Galaxy for some time now............ I look forward to continuing to corner the market with our new menu's.............

What is the current status of our agent Dillon????

GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord, he hasn't come back to me, but I am positive everything goes according to our plans !!

You will see that the ocean crabby patties will be amazing as well hehe !! Right Gary ?? Meow !!

GM *yoda* out !!

GM makes sure the patties are tested before release to the galaxy...........I dont want to have to explain to the Emperor again why people have come down with poisoning like when that first batch of Yub Yub Burgers with the unwanted anti freeze were released.......

Test them out on some Gungans just to be sure...........

GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

No worries my Lord !! Those stupid Gungan shall be our tasters and shall suffer if needed !! They can serve another purpose than target practice hehe !!

GM *yoda* out

VM to Mutley,

I risked being on Endor for a moment to rescue a small bundel of Ewoks from becoming yub-yub burgers. I don't know what use we will have with them, but the empire has no right to make them ground beef!

I'm sorry for my absence, but with the sensors all over Endor, I can't communicate. I'm starting plans to rescue the rest of the Ewoks, they're so fuzzy and cute! :happy: Do you mind if I borrow a small squadron and two Blockade Runners to attack Dillon's ships before they get off Endor?

Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* .............

GM the rebels claim to of saved a few ewoks and now they wish to stop Dillons ships...........

I believe now is the time to bring those extra SD that we left on the darkside of endor into the battle.......

Also have our new Captain Y on stand by should he be needed.....

Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ............

Is this one of the troopers that you recruited??..............Or another rebel dog that needs putting down??????........

I'm back and would love to volunteer for the Tie Army!

I could be an informant among the rebels and train ewoks to fight for the empire (or for Yub Yub burgers) :-D

Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ............

It seems that we have more one time rebels turning to the darkside......................

GM his ship is near yours..........capture him and test him like you have others..........

GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord my ISD is finally back online !! It seems that a bloody Gungan did something and ruined the network !! Oh well he is floating alone in space somewhere hehe !!

Regarding Erik, I think he would be a good asset among our elite pilots !! I will take hiom on my ISD for some basic training to evaluate skills and will go from there !!

It seems that a certain individual code name "fur ball" has made contact with us !! Hmm interesting idea having a rebel yub yub spy !! Us processing thousands of yub yubs for food, who would imagine that hehe !! We could always enroll him and see what happens, keeping him on a strict need to know basis.

I will have him tested my Lord !!

Yub Yub don't move from your current location, I have sent a shuttle to pick you up !!

GM *yoda* out !!

FB to GM *yoda*

This is Yub Yub, complying with orders and remaining at my present location! I have ordered by Sith Knight Ewoks to give up their sabers to you and I will do the same!

a suggestion - we should start training some ewoks in the ways of the force, then we can use sith against the rebels! Ewoks would be perfect infiltrators due to their size. Perhaps an academy should be created for Sith Ewok training?

Lord *vader* to FB.................

There can be only 2 Sith..........Therefore their will be no training for any Yub Yub's..............

FB to *vader*

*shakes in fear* I, I, I'm sorry my L-L-Lord. I shall train the ewoks in the ways of the blaster and vibroblade. just PLEASE don't force choke me my Lord ;-)

Lord *vader* to FB............

This time i shall let you escape the deadly grip of my force choke................ But be warned next time i wont be so forgiving..............

Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ......

Let the experime........i mean tests begin on the Yub Yub.................

FB to Lord *vader* and GM *yoda*

What would you have me do my masters? Demonstrate my combat capabilities, give you me notes on Ewok anatomy, or show you my idea for Yub Yub Dogs! :-D

GM *yoda* to FB

My shuttle should arrive very soon to bring you to me for the "test" phase !!

Await peacefully !! I don't want my pilot to shoot you by mistake ^^

GM *yoda* out !!

Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ..............

The FB talks of Yub Yub Dogs..............He could be onto something...........

Talk to the chief about producing a few for our gungan test subjects..............

GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord, my shuttle just picked up that FB creature !! Lets see if he clears up all medical and... tests !! Once he does and if he does, I want him to show me how to process meat for Yub Yub dogs !! Usually this kind of junk food is made purely of Gungan meat because its cheap. Also the condiments to "hide" the meat taste

such as mustard, onions and Ketchup are easy to use and cheap as well, meaning loads of profits for us !!

I am also waiting for a report by Dillon on our Kamino facility !! Our crabby patties shall sell really quickly throughout the galaxy !!

GM *yoda* out !!

Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* .......

Ahhh yes the crabby patties........those will sell like wild fire through out the galaxy.................

Our profit margin will go through the roof and we can finally get the rest of the Death Star painted in a proper grey and not that bley that it is now..............

I look forward to view the reports from Dillon....................

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