Starwars4J Posted January 6, 2007 Posted January 6, 2007 Admiral 4J to Lord *vader* : Yes, my Lord. Pulling all fleet back to the Death Star. As for the fleet, could it be from the Unknown Regions? Quote
Scouty Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 Errr, hello? Any rebels out there? Been a few days and still no sign of any rebel ships. What's the matter? OOC: I've noticed that the TIE army thread is not as active as it used to be, what could be wrong? What could and can be done to fix this problem? Quote
Zarkan Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 To Imperial Scouts: I read you, IS. Unfortunately the squad of rebels that was sent to you was attacked by the Imperials several hours away. They are on their way now, as well as myself, but the attack slowed their arrival down. The Impeirals failed in their attack, however. ;-) Quote
Vader Posted January 7, 2007 Posted January 7, 2007 Oh i wouldnt call destroying most of your fleet a failure.............. Though im sure you will put this down to imperial lies again.......... Your outdated fighters and poor gungan pilots are no match for our Tie Fighters.......... *vader* Quote
Scouty Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 It's a bout time I hear from you guys! Destroyed, huh? Don't send more, if the Imperials hava blockade around us, and we try to bring in ships, they'll only be destroyed. Try a different approach, that may not invovle an rebellion ships. Perhaps a smugller. I know a good one, we've been friends for quite some time now. I'm not sure if he'll be able to because I think our little dealings in the Nal Hutta systems caused him to be jailed I believe. Don't worry, I'll find a way out of here. But first, I have to get what the Imperials are up to. There is way to much activity to just be a simple base. There must be something inside it. I must find out what it is. Quote
Vader Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J........... We have some of the rebels on the planet below us......... The area is secure........ Though i expect a foolish few rebels to try and break through........ My ships are laid out well so there will be no simple fly in through hyperspace for a quick snatch and grab this time........ Oh and i located the source of that tranmission regarding another fleet.......... I shall disclose more information about it soon............ Tell me is the Death Star secure?............ *vader* Quote
Starwars4J Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 Admiral 4J to Lord *vader*: Yes, my Lord. The Death Star is secure. The Emperor is requesting transport back to Coruscant, and Grand Moff Tarkin is...being his cheery old self. I'll be guarding the Emperor's transport. Is there anything else you'd need of me? Quote
Scouty Posted January 8, 2007 Posted January 8, 2007 As I suspected, they tracked the message. I gotta get rid of this and leave. Hmm, got my macrobinoculars, so, what's at this base? I don't know...hey! There's something going on there, looks like they're bringing in a cargo of some kind, maybe if I could sneak through there...a stormtrooper! NNng.....unng....that took care of him. Hey, I have an idea, I'll use his suit of armor and use it to my advantage, hehe. A blaster and all, how kind of him! Quote
Vader Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J........... Admiral go to the planet Csilla........... Find out more about this Thrawn............. If what you have reported is true he could be of great use to us.............. So Tarkin is still acting like the Emperors right hand man............ Hmmmmm soon i shall show him the error of his ways....... *vader* Quote
Starwars4J Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Admiral 4J to Lord *vader*: Yes, my Lord. The fleet is departing for the Unknown Regions right away. I'm not sure how much I can find out about this Thrawn, since he was exiled, however I'll do my best. If you need to meet with him let me known. As a bounty hunter, there was never a man I couldn't track. Quote
Vader Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J.......... Excellent.......... Report back every detail that you are able to discover.......... I shall review your reports and decide what action to take.......... Your skills are the very reason why i recruited you........... You have yet to fail me Admiral........ Unlike others......... *vader* Quote
imperial spy Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 imperial spy to lord *vader* what is thy bidding? Quote
Starwars4J Posted January 9, 2007 Posted January 9, 2007 Admiral 4J to Lord *vader*: It appears that the truth was rather different from my report. Thrawn was born a commoner, and gained status by pursuing a military career; on earning his commission in the Expeditionary Fleet, he became a merit adoptive of the Eighth Ruling Family Quote
Scouty Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Interesting things going around this base. Let's see if there is anything going on. Let's read the data base...Ah, there we go.Let's see what planet this is answer...Oh, no! I've raised the alarm! Gotta get out of...or blend in. Quote
The Kid Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 The alarm's gone off. They've all gone crazy here. Bloodthirsty. I'm going to help. EDIT: TK to Lord *vader*: I found a Twi'lek running around the base. She's told us her name's Zeeo. Doesn't sound like a girl's name. She was accompanied by a droid. We temporarily deactivated it. What should we do with them, My Lord? TK Quote
Vader Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 imperial spy to lord *vader* what is thy bidding? Lord *vader* to Imperial Spy........... Hmmmmm......... Tell me spy what have you learned of the rebels?............. Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J.......... Bring him to the Death Star Admiral........... No matter what it takes......... I shall join you once we have recaptured the rebel.......... Lord *vader* to the Kid........... Well its about time you reported in.............. I was just about to hire a few bounty hunters to find you....... Bring her to the Death Star....... There we will find out who she is and what shes been doing........... *vader* Quote
The Kid Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 TK to Lord *vader*: Setting off now. TK out. Quote
Scouty Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Another One of these Imperial faction... "You there! What are you doing?" -Me? I...I.. "Get over in sector 8 and watch there for the intruder!" -I...yes, sir. Quote
Zarkan Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Your outdated fighters and poor gungan pilots are no match for our Tie Fighters.......... Vader, I only have a slight knowing of where you get your info from, but whoever it is (if it even is a lifeform), I really pity him. He must be a poor, dememted soul if he constantly makes up crazy info like the info that you are reporting. :-| ~~~~ I've infiltrated the Imperial base Imperial Scouts is located in. The stormtroopers have not noticed me yet, due to a little "harmless" mind-mediling. I'm going towards the spot where I sense death, which is probably a stormtrooper or pilot killed by Imperial Scouts. Whoops, a stormtrooper batalion is coming down the next hallway. I'll just redirrect the commander.... Ah, good. Now to travel the the death site. Quote
Starwars4J Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Admiral 4J to Lord *vader* Yes, my Lord. We're in negotiations as we speak. I believe by convincing him that he'll gain sufficient technology to return to his home system to defend them that we will be able to get him to cooperate. If all goes well, we'll have him back on the Death Star shortly. Quote
Vader Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Vader, I only have a slight knowing of where you get your info from, but whoever it is (if it even is a lifeform), I really pity him. He must be a poor, dememted soul if he constantly makes up crazy info like the info that you are reporting. :-| ~~~~ I've infiltrated the Imperial base Imperial Scouts is located in. The stormtroopers have not noticed me yet, due to a little "harmless" mind-mediling. I'm going towards the spot where I sense death, which is probably a stormtrooper or pilot killed by Imperial Scouts. Whoops, a stormtrooper batalion is coming down the next hallway. I'll just redirrect the commander.... Ah, good. Now to travel the the death site. Rebel fool......... It is well known throughout the galaxy that your fighters are old and battle worn......... (ooc) Time for you to do a little research on the rebels. Oh and rebel i suggest you turn around........... The stormtroopers were just a little distraction used by me.... I have been here for days waiting for you........... Now you face the power of a Sith Lord wannabe jedi....... And their will be no running from me this time....... *vader* *vader* *vader* *vader* *vader* Quote
Scouty Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Imperial Officer- "YOU! Get over to the ship, your battalion is ready to leave." Uh, YES, SIR! *On the Imperial Landing Craft* Stormie-"So, what do you think of those new blasters? -What? This one? Errr, it's alright I suppose. By the way, where we going? "We're going to the Executer, Lord Vader's flagship. Exciting. I hear he's giving the 501st a promotion. I wonder what we will get." -The...the Executer you say!?! Tha...that sounds, err, awsome. "Yeah, shouldn't be long, he's just outside orbit. Oh, we're taking off" -*Oh, dear, this isn't good, if the 501st is going to get a promotion, I'll probably have to be there, no mistake they'll know where I'll be. I hope Vader wont remeber me.* Quote
Zarkan Posted January 10, 2007 Posted January 10, 2007 Ah, vader, I sensed you right from the begining. I would duel with you, but right now I have other buisness. *shoots explosive barrel by the wall with a previously concealed laser pistol* BOOOMM!!! OOC: P.s. The part of my posts in parenthasees is in my head, and force protected, so you shouldn't know what I am thinking unless you are trying to break through my force blocks. OOC: I meant the part about our warriors being gungans. ;-) (Good thing I still cary a gun, but that won't keep him for long. I got to get out of here. Good thing the death spot is just around the corner....) Quote
Vader Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 BOOOOOOMMMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!! Rebel my sith powers have easily stopped the flames from reaching me.............. You have no jedi powers with which to sense me!!!!!!!!!................... Your gun has been seized by my sith powers........ Though i have left you with your lightsabre that you must of found................ Now face me warrior to warrior................ There is no escape i have closed all exits from this chamber............. You have no other options......... Use your sabre................ *vader* Quote
The Kid Posted January 11, 2007 Posted January 11, 2007 The Twi'lek's been locked up in cell AA23 on the Death Star. She is awaiting further interrogation. TK Quote
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