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Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J.............

Admiral it seems that the rebels have had rebel dogs on board a number of our SD's............

Our SD's had large exsplosive devices attached to our hyperdrives and communications relays..........

Many SD's have been destroyed or damaged.........My own SSD lost its communications for a few days......

Luckly the force alerted me to the danger...........

The rebel was captured and has been tortured like no other.............

I shall be with you shortly.........


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It's not much use of me to stay here anyway. Hmmm, perhaps I should take one of those Lambada shuttles. That seems good.

Alright, got one, and with the help of this pilot uniform, I passed those gaurds like butter. Alright, let's go. Like a hot knife on butter. Why am I saying "butter" alot?


Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J...........

Im told our sensors are reporting that a shuttle is speeding away from the DS??.................

Its not on the log as scheduled for departure......... Find out whats going on!..............



"Lambada shuttle, you are not logged for departure, state your reason."

-Uh, uh...*boom* twas a boring conversation anyway. So now they've found me. I can't stay here long. TIEs are pretty much inevitable.


G, I can't get the pass for hyperspace, hurry up you piece of junk! I wonder why they only sent out a couple of TIEs? It is very strange, they couldn't know I was here, then why would they send a few TIEs, did they put a track system down on this ship. Still no pass. Hurry up...*blast*. Ouch, that was a hard hit. Come on you piece of junk! Go to hyperspace!

OOC:Oh, look at that, it's joevig's b-day...hehee.


Admiral 4J to Lord *vader*:

My Lord, my apologies for being out of contact for the last few days. While making a trip through Hutt space to reach The Kid, it seems they tried to set up a blockade. Complete communications blackout. Thankfully the Hutts were rather...unorganized, so they were dealt with swiftly, but I think their space needs to have higher security. They've been worried about losing their criminal organization's control for too long, and are getting out of control. And as far as I am aware, the Empire does not cater to criminals.

I believe a few corrupt Lieutenants are in need of discipline...

Heading out again. Should be there by this time tomorrow.


Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J...........

Hmmm these criminals need to learn that we are the masters and they will obey us..............

Once we have finished with the rebels onboard the Death Star i shall send a few SD's to enforce our will.......

Lord *vader* to Bridge..........

Commander that shuttle out their........ Where is it heading?........ I sense something amiss here.........

Prepare the tractor beam.........



Come on. Yes! Ther...ack, what the? Shoot, they got me in the tractor beam. I can't be discovered here. No way of escape. Hey, look at this, a cargo hold under the deck. Ah, I fit perfectly. All I have to do is wait. This escape didn't work. But I have another idea.


Hmmmmm.........This shuttle disturbs me greatly.........

Something is very wrong here............

Lord Vader to bridge:

I want that ship searched as soon as its onboard........



TK to *vader*:

I've sent out a *crackle* to *fzzkkkbz* for the *schooweeeeee*...

Hello? I ...*pschzzzz* ...help... *crackle* ...HELP!!!... *crackle*


Lord *vader* to the Kid...........

Kid report............. What has happened?.......... Has the prisoner escaped her cell on board the DS?............

Are you in need of assistance?.......... I shall be back at the DS within the next hour or so.............

Lord *vader* to bridge officer.............

Get this ship back to the DS now!!!!.......... Or i shall show you the true meaning of the force...........

Lord *vader* to Hanger bay commander................

What have the scans of the shuttle turned up?..............

Lord *vader* to Admiral4j...........

What is your status...........


OOC: Imperialscouts i noticed it was joevigs bday too, to bad he got himself force choked and wasent able to celebrate X-D


Fellow rebels...

Construction of the new base is almost complete.

Agent ImperialScouts has been missing for some time now. Bothan spies reveal that he has succesfully infiltrated some part of the Imperial Navy, but we have no confirmation on this.

Our next objective is to disrupt Imperial shipping and mining convoys. Small groups of spies have been dispatched to secure vital data for our attacks.


"They're gone now. I suppose it's safe to get up. Lucky I still have this Stormtrooper armor on."...Nnngh...ughh..grrr...and out I am. Now to sneak pass the..."Stormtroopers pssing by, let's hear what they're saying."

(Storm 1): Have you heard? Those pesky rebels escaped.

(Storm 2): Yeah, but we'll get them soon.

"So, the rebels here escaped huh? Maybe it's my chance to find one of them and get off this..."

(Storm 1): What are you doing here?

Me?! Just checking the ship, there appears to be nobody on board.

(Storm 1): Alright.

"Slipped away. Now to go about the Death Star, maybe it'll be better if I snag an Imperial Officer uniform. Oooh, here's one. And it fits, lovely. Now, I can get off this ship and find one of the rebels aboard."


Lord *vader* to the Kid.........

Kid i have returned!.......... State your current location................

Lord *vader* to General Ti........

General dispatch 3 squads to troopers to the Kids last location..............



Admiral 4J to Lord *vader*:

My Lord, we've appeared in system and are heading at maximum speed towards The Kid's location, but we've lost communications. Any idea what's going on?


Lord *vader* to Admiral 4j..........

Admiral the Kid was onboard the Death Star......... But recieved a transmission from the planet Vile.......

It seems he then boarded his Tie and went to Vile......... The transmission informing me of this was lost when those rebel dogs took out our comunications system..........

As the planet Vile is only par sec away from here i have dispatched 3 squads to look for him.........

Proceed to Vile Admiral........... The Kid may be in serious danger............

Now i have to see whats going on with the shuttle that we captured.............. Keep me informed Admiral.....



Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J..........

Hmmmm........ Damn those rebels for destroying our comunications!!!!!!..............

My officers are trying to retrive the lost transmissions......... Though this might take awhile............

The squads are reporting that theirs no sign of the Kid on Vile.........

So maximum speed to Hoth Admiral..........

Lord *vader* to the Kid.........

Confirm location Kid............ I repeat confirm location...............................


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