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The comunications room? And nobody is in here. Great. A little breaking here, a little breaking there, that should creat some havok.

*After a long walk aroung the Death Star*

Still no rebels sighted and...eep! It's Lord Vader! Uhm, hide!

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Lord *vader* to Imperial Spy.........

Spy you have done well.........

Keep a close eye on the rebels i.......Wait somethings not right!....I....Hmmmm........ Troopers search this area!........

Now where was i....Oh yes.......Imperial Spy i wish to know how heavily armed they are.........



Lord Vader! I have spotted a few rebel scum over in the prison block area 66-2, they are trying to free the other rebels. Should I take a squad of stormtroopers to secure the area?


Officer?....... Your name escapes me.... Nevermind, take a squad and secure the hanger..........

This area is of no value to a rebel...........



imperial spy to lord *vader*

It appears they have a massive fleet

their is 25 mon cal cruisers

50 nebulon b frigates and about a 100 correlin converts

I dont even want to say how many fighters

Not to mention the wannabe jedi, Grevois is leading the attack


Ka-Kashyyyk. I'm on Kashyyyk. I was never on Hoth or Vile. Must be a bad communication. The wookiess jumped me. I've seen GM *yoda* here too. He didn't look too happy. I'm their prisoner. I need help. Please! uh oh. Here they come-




Troopers, check over there! Uhm, crud, I have no idea how to get out of this one. I'm really into it this time*gulp!*.

OOC: TK should get his final place right! The Empire will give up on you if you keep changing places :-P .


They're making me work for them. I have to gather materials for something that they're building, but they won't tell me what it is. I have my suspicions, though...


OOC: Yeah, but I never finished that word. It was actually a "wamp" as in being hit. ;-)


Rebel! Hey! Over here!

"Who are you"

A rebel. I got myself into this trap of a mess.

"Good, look go over there an-"

Hey! I only take orders from one person and thats me!

"This is not the time to be joking."

I know. Alright, how do you propose we get out of here, I already tried to escape from a shuttle, but that obviously didn't work.

"There should be transports leaving soon. We could stow upon those."

Good idea, but I checked the logs and they wont leave for at least half a day.


Yeah, hey listen, is there any other rebels you ran into?

"No, haven't seen any others. They might have all been caught."


OOC: I'm being overly critical here X-D . But, when you said Wamp- the dash refers that there could be an extension on it. *Wamp* ow I got hit. It was obviously Hoth :-P . Why say Ho- Hot...?


Admiral 4J to Lord *vader*:

I'm currently at an Imperial Base in the Hoth system refueling my entire fleet since it was all wasted going to Hoth at maximum speed for a rescue of The Kid. Fleet should be ready for departure to Kashyyyk within 3 standard Galactic hours. Though I've dispatched a probe this time to make sure he's really there before I waste more fuel.


I have an idea.


Let me put these binders on you, and you'll look like a prisoner.


Then...uh, where do we go?

"I don't know, another empty hangar?"

I suppose, it would look suspicous for us to look about, and I said, taking a ship of our own is futile, they'l shoot us down or bring us back. Our only option is to escape via an authorized ship.

"That wont work"

Why not?

"I checked the logs and they said all shipments were hauled."

Grrr. This makes it really tough.

"So, any more ideas?"

Well, no. But...wait, I got one! You will stay in a safe place, hidden. I will go up to the bridge and get te authorization for a shuttle to go to Apatros to pick up some of those minerals there, the name escapes me.

"That sounds like a good plan, let's just hope it works."


Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J............

Good.......... Let me know when you arrive........

The Kid has got himself into more trouble than first thought.....

Lord *vader* to The Kid......

Help is on its way..... Secure your postion and wait for the Admiral..........

Hmmmmm......... Now where did that officer go?......... There was something strange about him...........



Grrr, I forgot, this isn't a Star Destroyer, I have no clue where it is. Oh! Look! A guide, there's the bridge, let's go up there and figure the computers to allow authorization to a ship.

OOC: A imperial base in the hoth system? That seems a little unlightly as the rebels are going to build a base there in the near future :-D

OOC; Well later the emperor decides he wants nice carpets in the rec rooms on the Death Star, so funds for the base are cut and it's abandoned :-P


"Commander Gree........ A young officer passed me earlier which way did he go?........."

"That way My Lord"

"Hmmmm...... towards the bridge....... Commander Gree bring a squad and follow me........."


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