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Posted (edited)

ooc: eighty, not eight. ten ships, each carrying eight men. ;-)

The contact must be mistaken, as I am not after Maul. Tell him to send this to the bounty hunter, The Kid.

Edited by Mr. Mandalorian
Posted (edited)

Ded to TK

Well, I am not transporting conscious, living, fully mobile and dangerous cargo back. It has to be dead, or knocked out and chained up. In a cage. Made of light-sabers. K, thanks! ^.^

Ded out.

Edited by iamded

You fools! You do not understand?

We will take you all...

And, we, WE shall rule the galaxy once more!

Lord *vader*...

Did you not recognise me from your Jedi Archives...?

I did wonder...

But now I have infiltrated the Empire, and I have what I need, and once more we SHALL rule. And you will not get in our way...



ooc: Can someone tell me how to wrap this in spoilers? This is long, and I want to save space.

MM to lord *vader* :

We have landed. We have split into four groups, and are launching our strike attack now:

*Three Rebel soldiers are at a guard station. One, wanting to stretch his legs, gets out of the booth.

Soldier 1: *sees glimmer of metel* What the- *Suddenly, a small dart protrudes from his neck, and he falls*

*Two holes suddenly appear in the transparisteel window of the booth, and the other two guards collapse*

Jaing: *lowers Verpine rifle* Coast is clear.

*The body of one guard falls on the alarm trigger, and the alarm unexpextently goes off*

MM: What the? Who did that? Everyone, get inside the building, NOW!

*MM, Jaing, and 20 supercommandos run inside*

Jaing: *Stops and looks in booth* Wayii! The little di'kut fell on the alarm!

MM: Seems we lost the element of suprise.

*voice crackles on the com*

Tagren: What the haraan was that?! Are you there?

Jaing: *opens comlink to all commandos* Men, we've lost the element of suprise. Oya! (Let's go/lets hunt/good luck)

Mass reply: Oya!

*in command station, a bith named Binda is watching the monitors*

Binda: Sir! Sir! We've got trouble!

Imperialscouts: Yes? What is it?

Binda: I don't know. Somehow, a score(20) or so men have gotten inside the building, and they're heavily armed!

Imperialscouts: What?! how?

Binda: Like I said, I don't kno- Wait! There's more! forty... sixty... eighty! eighty men inside the building!

Imperialscouts: How could the empire have gotten stormtroopers inside the star system without our knowledge?

Binda: They're not stormtroopers, sir. I'm not sure what they are. They look like, well, but that's impossible!

Imperialscouts: *checks screen* Mandalorians! *Turns to intercom* I want all men on duty, now!

*back at the battle*

Tagren: haha! It worked! We caught 'em with their nightgowns on!

Atin: Pay attention! Nightgowns or not, we don't want any men lost!

Tagren: yeah, ye-(glowing object streaks by) whoah! What was that?!

Commando: Sorry, Tag'ika! You should be paying attention!

Tagren: What? *Sees bodies of two wookies three feet away* oh. kandosii! (fancy)

*Back at command station*

Imperialscouts: Binda! Update!

Binda: Not good, sir. Most of our men were caught as they were coming out of the barracks. We only have twenty men left fighting, sir!

Imperialscouts: Oh, no...

*scream comes from outside*

Rebel trooper: grenade! Take cov-


Imperialscouts: Quick! *presses button on wrist communicator, door opens in ceiling and ladder slides down* Binda, take the men up that ladder. There is a fast ship hidden at the end of the passage, go!

*They leave*

*main door opens, Imperialscouts turns to see what is going on, and a chunk of the wall next to him shatters*

MM: Gotta love the verpine rifle. No noise, and no recoil. Now, drop your blaster and hold your hands up.

Imperialscouts: *Brings blaster pistol up fast, looses off a shot*

MM: *ducks, shot grazes his hip, and sprints at Imperialscouts*

*They collide*

*Imperialscouts drops his blaster. He throws a punch at MM, but gets a sore fist as his hand hits the chest plate*

MM: *Gets up and away from Imperialscouts, and levels his verpine at him* Now, put your hands up, or I'm going to have to have to cripple you.

Imperialscouts: never! Pulls vibroshiv from belt*

MM: Very well. *Fires* *nothing happens*

Imperialscouts: That's the problem with projectile weapons, they run out of ammo. Now, you put your hands up, Mandalorian, and tell me what you're doing here.

voice: Garrik! tracinya!

MM: *ducks as a wave of fire engulfs the room* Whoah! *checks room* Fierfek, he's gone! Wait, up their! *They look up as the secret door closes*

*Jaing fires a few rounds at the door, but shots ricochet around room*

MM: Yike! *ducks again as shot bounces over his head* Thank's for that.

Jaing: Kih'parjai (don't mention it)

MM: I was being sarcastic. I almost had him.

Jaing: What? He had you cornered. Your verp was broken!

MM: You should know better. I tagged him with a Dust round. He didn't feel a thing.

Jaing: Sorry. I meant for the best.

MM: I know. I- *Stops as a sudden roar shakes the building. They run outside, and see the small ship rocketing away* Hm. No doubt he was on that.

*Atin runs up*

Atin: Jaing, three dead, and twelve injured, though only one seriously. He should be all right, though.

As for the Rebels, thirty-one dead, and forty-two taken prisoner, including twenty-one injured.

MM: Only three dead? That's amazing.

Jaing: What, you think all we do is sit and let the crops grow? We've been training hard.

MM: And it paid off. Hold on, I need to contact Lord Vader.

So, lord *vader* ! There you have it. Imperialscouts escaped, but like I said, I tagged him with a Dust round. Dust is microscopic transmitters. It can also be loaded in a special round. When shot, it explodes on impact, scattering all over the target. When calibrated correctly, the target never feels the shot. So, since it is coating Imperialscouts at the moment, we can now track him. However, Dust has a limited range, as it is so small. If he is on a planet that is monitored by the Empire (which is nearly everywhere) we can find him in an instant. I leave his capture in the hands of your Empire. The time is ripe to catch him.

Also, I must talk to Jaing and the supercommandos; I will ask them to stay with me. Many of them have families back at the settlement, but I am relatively certain that they will accompany.

Lastly, you also have thirty-eight prisoners, Lord *vader* . Do what you want with them. I shall commandeer a civilian craft and have them sent to you. Perhaps someone will have information.

MM out.

Posted (edited)

Ded to Lord *vader*

It's been a couple of days. Are you sure you don't need me to join some battle, or pick up some one else, instead of waiting for a corpse which according to TK doesn't even exist anymore? Er, your highness?

Ded out.

Edited by iamded

*First dropships land*

Alright men, set up a base here. I want a perimiter set up while the base is built, onece 2 levels are up we move out leaving 100 men behind.

*Work starts on the Prefab Base*


Lord *vader* to all members of the Empire.......

It seems that our former General TK wants to rule the Empire......... He has also somehow given himself to someone who claims to be DeVil.........

I do not care what they have planned or hope for............ It matters not........

The Emperor has foreseen their downfall and we shall crush them swiftly...............

All troops report to these coordinates (encrypted)......... Once their you shall be given further orders......

Lord *vader* to TK............

I thought you would of learned your lesson before..........

Now you will die before me...........


Posted (edited)

Stauder to Lord Vader

I am sorry lord vader, but the landings on Kaysyyk have just begun and I am not confident that the Officers can handle it yet. So I will remain here once the last troops land and the planet is secure I will do so, my lord.

But to make it up to you I made you this shirt -



Edited by Stauder@55

OOC: lol. Though I can't imagine lord *vader* wearing casual...

To lord *vader* : Please respond to my last post... I am awaiting orders.

MM out


Captain Casewindu to stauder:

luitenant, I have just recevied a message from Lord *vader* requesting I go and help him in search of the renegade General TK. You may stay here if you wish or you can come all the way back up here meaning that all your work to make a camp is for nothing. Your decision. we leave in 5 minutes.

Captain Casewindu to Lord *vader* :

Lord i will arrive to assist you with my fleet as soon as luitenant Stauder decides whether to travel to you aswell or to stay on kashyyk. I await orders.

All troops report to these coordinates (encrypted)......... Once their you shall be given further orders.....


Lt.Norrington to Lord *vader*

I have arived at the cordiantes and are awaiting orders sir.


Casewindu to Stauder:

fine with me luitenant I wish you well and I expect to find many rebel prisoners when I get back. Remember what I said about the wookie population.

Casewindu to engine rooms:

set her for hyperspace boys.

right captain!

5 hours later

Casewindu to Lord *vader* :

Lord my fleet are at your co-ordinates and are awaiting instructions.


Lord *vader*, I would beware...

We're coming...

You see, TK here, having infiltrated your pathetic Empire, knows exactly where you're going to be...


*MD + TK*



So, Lord *vader*... I see you've brought your men...

Ah yes... "casewindu"... you are so gullible...

As are the rest of you... now... prepare to die...


OOC:Plan,what Plan???

Ouch the bull rancor is slowly biting off my leg

OUCH!! Now I need a cybernetic replacment........

However if I can just reach my blaster

*grabs blaster


*Two bolts go right into bull rancors head

*rancor drops dead

Finally,you stupid beast is dead

*crawls back to shuttle and goes to medical bay

*Gets new cybernetic limb

Dam you Bull rancor!!!

General Piranha


Well, I certainly am not staying on the same planet as this traitor and his dark little buddy.

Ded to Lord *vader*

I am following your set coordinates now, and shall arrive soon.

Ded out.


OOC: Since when could we take over who talks. Anyhoo...

This...dust...is itchy. Best to wash it off.


Clean and destroyed.

OOC: No more transmitty thingies.


Hahahaha... "ded", you really think we're still on that pathetic planet? No... we're at these "set points"... just like your friend Stauder...

*laser fire*

I don't think so!

*stabs Stauder in leg with vibro-sword*

That's him taken care of...

(OOC: Don't worry, I haven't killed you :-P)

Now, for the rest of you! DeVil... intercept Lord *vader*... he is on his way here... he must not know you are doing this; keep secretive... ambush him...

Casewindu... ah, yes... my gullible fool. Hehehehehe...


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