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No, no, you've got to go...

Sir, the hyperdrive was disactivated, the analys was incorrect.

What!? Well, hit it to hyperspace...now!

Yes, sir

Good! See, I'm alright.

Jump into hyperspace...

Preparing...and we're set...go!

Few, I'm glad I got out of that one...but nerving to know that the hyperdrive was disactivated...who could've done it?

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So, you've got the Jedi Archives, I hope. Well, to be true, I'm not really sure what to do with them. We could take a look at them, but it takes a jedi to open one of these pads...so, I'm not really sure what to do with them. Any ideas?


Use the force to open them?

But I have been trained in the jedi ways so I must open it and look at the history of the jedi

Then use it against the empire



Ded to casewindu:

Uh, it appears your fancy Egyptian hat just activated their hyper-drive, because, well, they're off. And I'm pretty sure, great though they are, the plasma blasts from the turrets can't travel at light speed. :-( Just a suggestion, but shouldn't we jump to light-speed too? I'll ask Vader if there's anything more important he wants us to tend to, meanwhilst you should warm up the hyper-drive, get it ready.

Ded to Lord *vader*:

We are about to pursue rebel general Piranha's ship, do you have anything specifically you want us to do?

Ded out.


Casewindu to Ded:

hmmmmm yes my hat didn't work to well did it.... ok MM blast into hyperspace we will follow Pirhana and then surprise them all!......oh and Iamded....... dont make fun of the hat.. ok? X-D (OOC: joking)

Casewindu to Tanotrooper:

trooper, this is commander Casewindu speaking. We will be needng some assistance with a rebel matter, and I request your pressence to capture them.

Our ship is about to hit hyperspace and when we reach our destination I shall send you our co-ordinates.


Lord *vader* to Commando Casewindu.....

You have done well..... Your courage in tracking down the traitor TK was noted by the Emperor himself......

As we are currently without a General for this sector i appoint you as the new General....... Do not fail me.....

Lord *vader* to Iamded........

Pursue the rebel Piranha....... Hunt him down and recover the Jedi Archives.........

I do not care how you do it....Just get it done.......

As you have proven yourself i will promote you to the rank of Lt. Iamded........


Casewindu to Lord *vader* :

thank you Lord, I will not fail you.

casewindu to Tanotrooper:

trooper, this is your General. We have come out of hyperspace now and are sending you our co-ordinates.

so MM picking up any readings?


Shh. It's TK. Don't move, don't say anything. Just back out of the room. Slowly. That's it. Come on.

Now, General, I have a proposition for you...

Join me.



Sir, Imperials have been spotted coming out of hyperspace.

They've found us. Prepare to evacuate, get all of the shuttles prepared. We must evacuate quickly. We'll have some fighters protecting the transport ships, once those have all left, we'll evacuate the remaining troops and head on out beyond the Outer Rim.

Yes, sir

General Pirhana, Ltnt. Jifel, we'll worry about the archives latter, for now, we have to evacuate. Ltnt. Jifel, you will stay and command the troops to repel the Imperial ground forces until all the shuttle have left.


There they are...WOW (CW narrowly misses a laser turret blast)

lock on to those turrets and take them out Iamded, MM use all of your driving skill to dodge those blasts.

we have re-enforcements on the way....well Tanotrooper.

General Casewindu to all imperial pilots:

All pilots make your way to this position there are many rebels that need to be taken out!

AAAAA! (CW falls out of ship)

dammit! dont worry guys I will start the ground assalt! take some curses you rebel scum! hat activated!

MwA mWa MwA mWa MwA mWa MwA mWa MwA mWa MwA mWa (kills a bunch of rebels)


Good. Very good. Excellent! I knew I could count on you, General! Now, the information?

They are currently engaged with Rebels near the Outer Rim.

Excellent. That makes it easier for us, if they are distracted. Okay, I'll take the Commandos in my ship. You will be in the Vanquisher, I assume? Good. We'll need an escort too.

Very well. General *access denied* to Pilot Squadron 421: Get to your ships, you will be escorting us today.

Right away Sir!

Very good. Stay in comms range. We'll make the jump in exactly 1 Standard Galactic Hour. Be ready.



The first and second transport ships are out, we have five more to go.

Alright. How long will that take?

Less than an hour

Ok, get them all out and we'll be on our way.

Imperial forces have landed on the planet.

We better hurry then.


Sir, we've just come out of Hyperspace.


General! What is your status?

I'm here.

Good. Now, neither the rebels or Imperials have noticed us yet, which works out much better than I had anticipated. You stay here. There is a former colleague of mine on this planet I need to... attend to. Try to stay hidden for now. If they look like they're going anywhere, follow. Don't wait for me.

...Very well. It will be done.

Good. And General?


Thanks. Be careful.



Sir, there are some unusual forces approaching the planet, what shall we do with them, sir?

Unusual forces? Do nothing, but keep an eyeful watch of any unusual activity.

Yes, sir.


Transports 3-4-5 have gone into hyperspace, only two left.


Jifel, we're done here, get the remaining troops and get to an escort. All of the data in the base has been destroyed, so the Imperials wont find anything there...though, a little data pad will hopefully give them a wrong impression of where we are going.

Let's go.

Yes, sir

MM use all of your driving skill to dodge those blasts.

:-D With those words, here we go! And you had better not let them scratch the paint!!


guys they are leaving pick me up again!......what the?...... MM my com link in my helmet has spotted an unidentified ship in the atmosphere now it maybe a rebel ship so I want you to go and investigate, I will carry on searching here, maybe the rebels have left something beind.

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