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Stauder to Casewindu

The remaining ship is within tractor range sir! There is some life on board, not sure if its intelligent tough...

Occ - Take no offence.

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Lord *vader* to Dark Apprentice.........

The time has come Apprentice...... Though i am loathed to admit it....... There remains more jedi than i first thought...... Some rebels have even shown to be force sensitive.......

The Emperor wishes me to leave them to the troops to track down..... But i know the troops will struggle to do so......

This is my bidding Apprentice...... Track down the jedi that remain and then return to me and together we will end the Emperor's reign............



Jifel, I'm here to pick you up...


Report, all personelle evacuate. System faliure, all systems crashing...explosions caused by hyperdrive leaking into fuel cells....


Fires extinguished, safe to go to pods. All personelle, this is last call to evac. The ship is a useless reckage all evacuate. Evac. All personelle eva...kssssshhhhhhh

Mayday mayday, ship was shot down, need assistance...HELP!!!!! Oh, no, the radio is gone, the message wasn't sent. I better get out of the bridge.


Commander! Come on here, I'll get you out of here...ruble falls The exits are sealed off. I'll rest you down here, something to...remove this ruble...ah, ruble to remove ruble. Hack...hack...hack....hack....hack....hack, free.....awww, fire blocking the exit now...the ship rumbles and vibrates in stress


Creeks and more rumbling and vibrating and then only the sound of fire and space is heard...the ship is motionless in space.


Posted (edited)

OOC: MM I dont know what happened to you either. Your ship was in the unidentified ship. Lets just say you both got out! ;-) ImperialScouts where just having a bit of fun I laugh when I read that Iambad has spilt his coffee or stauder is listening to his i-pod, this is suppose to be fun. ;-)

Casewindu to Stauder :

Stauder it is pointless to give chase they seem to have gone for good. Return to my SD and we can await orders from Lord Vader.

MM and Iamded if you are both still alive then please return to my SD here are co-ordinates.

Edited by casewindu
OOC: MM I dont know what happened to you either. Your ship was in the unidentified ship. Lets just say you

MM and Iamded if you are both still alive then please return to my SD here are co-ordinates.

both got out! ;-)

Okay. We're coming, but we're stuck here, floating in no where. We'll have to make some repairs...

*gets on spacesuit, goes outside*

NO!!! My... My paint job!!!!! :'-( Hold on casewindu, I need to make a stop...

*One hour later, at a Galactic Home Improvement Center*

Hello, do you have paint? I need a lot, prefferably a lot of one color.

We got pink. Ya know, cuz nobody likes pink? I'll sell you the lot for a hunerd credits.

P-p-pink? Oh well, If it's all you have....

Posted (edited)

Okie dokey. We somehow escaped, whoever we were supposed to rescue is no longer in need of help, and we are in dire need of paint, which we now have. Now there's only one thing we must do, a great task that lies ahead... we must re-paint the ship. Until we get more important orders. Sheesh, what a great task for Lt. Ded...

<Starts paintin' away at the ship, whistlin' a merry little tune>

So, uh, Mr M... pink, huh? I never thought of you as, you know. But I'm cool with it, you know, I don't have anything against... those people. I'm not one myself, and don't really plan on it, you know, but it's cool if you are, I'm cool with it. It's cool. I, I really don't mind. Don' think any less of you or anything...

<Keeps rambling on as MM glares at him until he trails off, when MM explains pink was all they had left, leaving Ded feeling slightly embarrassed...>


<Keeps painting>

Just so you know, if you were, you know, I'd be cool with it. Yeah I'll, I'll stop talkin' now. Just keep paintin' Ded. Keep paintin'.

<Keeps paintin', extra quick too, thanks to his shiny arm that is getting splatters of pink on it, unnoticed by Ded>

Edited by iamded

sir, I'll keep this short because are radio was hit. We've been attacked by pirates, and only 3 fighters are left... We are all damaged and ask for coordinates for the nearest star destroookrgthrhtehtd... aftdfok... reinf... help... fthfh...

*radio falls out*


Stauder To UnIndentified Ship

This is Lt.Stauder Of The Imperial navy. Roger that. HEading to your coordinace. What is the problem?

Occ - Your a yet to join the

fleet I see...


TDF: Trooper Davin Felth reporting for duty! No, I am not a pilot. No, I don't have a scout trooper's survival skills. No, I am not a good forest trooper. No, I can't swim ruling out swamp trooperdom thus far. No, I have no training with a lightsaber so I can't be a Shadow Trooper. No, I am too robust to be a basic Stormtrooper. I'm a Sand Trooper!!! Yes. No. No. No. Yes. No. Yes. Yes. No. No. Maybe. Yes. Yes. Am I done?

Interviewer: Yes. Take your station at post 359. You should see iamded there.

TDF: And what might he be doing?

Interviewer: Classified.

TDF: I hate classified almost as much as I hate you, wait, no, the hatred of classified rises above my hatred for you! (shoots interviewer) Now, what is iamded doing? PAINTING??? Oh well. Time to get the ol' space suit out, and break out the leaf blower, too.


<Whistled tune to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends whilst paining>

- What? It's a catchy tune!

<Continues painting, then stops to admire his shiny silver robotic arm - but wait...>

What's this? Pink?!! My shiny silver arm is not shiny silver! It's pink! Oh the shame! Well, if anyone has anything to say about it, they can have a closer look... at my FIST! Hahaha!

<Notices TDF standing there with a leaf blower, looking at him strangely>

Oh, hey. There's a paintbrush over there, and a bunch of buckets of paint right there, so, uh, I guess you can start painting now! And, uh, what's the leaf blower for?

<Realizes TDF is looking strangely at the pink hull of the ship>

Oh, right, let me explain...

<Explains to TDF about the pink paint, tells him the story about how he lost his arm, can't be bothered going into telling him about TK, gets TDF to ask Mr. Mandalorian about it>

Oh, and I just thought of something. Me and MM can paint, an you can use your leaf blower to dry the paint! This is, until we get more important orders. Trust me, it gets more exciting than this. :-P

Oh, and my name's iamded, but you can call me Ded. Lieutenant Ded, that is. :-D And you are...

<Trooper Davin Felth introduces himself>

Nice to meet you Trooper Davin!

<Continues to paint, whilst whistling the tune to Foster's Home for Imaginary Friends>


TDF stands wondering why iamded is whistling a Cartoon Network showtune. He snaps out of it, and says:

TDF: Lieutenant Ded, you should put the paint in my leaf blower and blow it onto your ship! That should cut your work in one-sixteenth!


OMG, that's genious!

<Takes TDF's leaf blower, and pours tins of paint into it. Starts spraying paint all over the ship, MM, TDF and any other passerby unfortunate enough to get in the way of Ded's painting>

Wow, this thing is wild!

<Keeps, er, spray painting :-P>


*whistles while painting*

*starts singing*

I was painting along one daaaaay

And I w- Arg! Ack! Ptooey! Ah!

*Stares down at newly pink armor*



casewindu to MM, DED and TDF:

erm MM I have recieved word that you and the crew have started painting you ship, it had better not clash with my carpet and drape sceme, and dont dare get any paint on those silk cushions I purchased!

anyway Vader has told me that a group of pirates have been seen snooping around are command center on the planet of kashykk. Now you know what pirates are like with their "yo ho" and "bottle of rum" and I know that they are trying to steal our eccquipment. Make your way over there I shall join you soon, and with new paint! ;-)

Posted (edited)

Don't worry, CW, we put them in bags to keep them safe. ;-)

Hey, MM, I'm emtying the trash. Where's the compactor?

Over there by the sofa. Wait... Where'd the pillows I put in trash bags go? Oh well.

Ooh, would you also mind grabbing that "classic space" decal? If we're gonna be pink, we'll be pink in style!

Sure. Let's go put 'em up.

*go outside to put the decal on*

Wow, that's sure a big decal. I'm putting it on now.

Little to the left... Ok! Move aside so I can see it. This is gonna be so co- NO!! That's not classic space! That's... Clickits!!!!!


but- I could have sworn- they both start with Cl, okay!? Uh, Iamded? Clear the sofa... MM passed out. When we get in, do you think you think you can take the ship to CW's coordinates?

Edited by Mr. Mandalorian

(lands on kashykk watches MM, DED and TDF land their ship)

:-X what the hell ship is that!?! pink with clickets! hmm didn't know MM was.....(trails off)

(DED and TDF come off ship)

you two! where is MM? ( DED tells casewindu what happened) oooohhhh! I thought MM was....you know....

yeah me two.....

oh well come on lets get him awake, TMF you will need your leaf blower!


Ingenius indeed! Good thing I brought my paint solvent along! *pours solvent all over armor and scrapes off paint* Squeaky clean! *TDF looks at MM in his sorry state and hands him paint solvent* It's only fair, I made you pink, now I make you pink no more!

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