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Sgt. Voltio to Sgt. VBBN: "This interference shouldn't be a problem; my squad is at the landing zone with the Mon Cal and Quarren captives, and we're only a few kilometers away from their location. We will quick-march to the LZ, and set off emergency signal flares to make sure the landing craft sees us."

Sgt. VBBN: "Troops, move out!"


General we are landing at the LZ now, the sergeants are both down there with the mon Cal.

Thank you pilot, land and retrieve them and the mon Cal.

Very good General we shal......kaboom!

Pilot Pilot what happened!?!

Part of the plant blew sir, pieces hit one of the landing craft, I dont think we have enough room for everyone in this one!

General Casewindu to Voltio and VBBN:

men as you have probably watched one of the landing craft is down. I recieve word that it would be impossible for all of you to get in one craft, your going to have to make more time for another to come down. The Mon Cal shall be loaded onto the first one as they hold vital rebel data. You two try to get down to the main cooling chamber and activate the cooling generators. If they haven't already been destroyed then they can by you some time.


Jaing and I are ready for a solo mission, General Piranha. Mando'a don't always work to their best with aruetii. Anything you need us for?

Posted (edited)

Sergeant VBBN to General casewindu:

"Copy that. We're moving now."

To Volito:

"Woah, the transmission is back. That's good. Let's go! If those are still in tact, we may have a better chance. Now that we don't have any Moc Cal to watch."

Edited by ~VBBN~
Jaing and I are ready for a solo mission, General Piranha. Mando'a don't always work to their best with aruetii. Anything you need us for?
Now then, there are some reports of Imperials near Mon Calamari,

Mr. Mandalorian, can you check that out and confirm it?

General Pirhana has left for Tatooine n a search for another Jedi.

General Pirhana has left for Tatooine n a search for another Jedi.

Whoopsie, missed that. Well then, we're off to Mon Calamari, sir.

Jaing! Come on, let's go!



Sgt. Voltio to Sgt. VBBN: "It's just as well that the second landing craft has not arrived. I'm at what's left of the power plant right now, along with my squad. We were too late for the cooling chamber, and an ancilliary reactor suffered a leak, but we have the blaze under control. We had already imprisoned the Mon Cal fire-response teams, so they could not arrive in time; we used emergency fire-retarding vehicles stored at a nearby warehouse."

Sgt. Voltio to General Casewindu: "Sir, the power plant is beyond repair, but should not prove damaging to incoming landing vessels. Some of my men may have been exposed to radiation, so I am requesting a medical detail at the LZ at first opportunity."


IMP Holonet: Lord *vader* : I have one fighter squadron standing by, mi Lord, awaiting activation... The 501st Shadow Scouts Corp are on the alert for deployment. I have already taken the liberty of dispatching my reserve squadron to General Windu flag ship to assist in ferreting out any residual rebellious entities on Mon Calamari. They should be arriving as we speak.

(From a reflec modified Theta-class T-2c shuttle code named "Viper")

IMP Command Chanel Alpha: Comscan Windu flag ship, this is Foxtrot-Omega-Foxtrot(501st) "Alpha Team". We are requesting docking in your hangar. We are here on assignment from the 501st to report directly to General Case Windu. Reporting for duty!


Dropship Pilot to Sgt. Voltio: "Sergeant, we're coming in for landing. Has the power plant been neutralized?"

Voltio: "You're clear for approach."

[The Imperial Landing Craft touches down. Sgt. Voltio's troops board first, so that the ship's medical droids can begin treatment for radiation exposure, followed by Sgt. VBBN's soldiers.]

Sgt. VBBN: "That's everyone, pilot. We're ready for departure."

[The ILC returns to General Casewindu's Star Destroyer.]


General Casewindu to Lord *vader* :

Lord my men have successfully returned from Mon Calamari. The slaves are being transferred to Admiral

TK for the weopen. Mon Calamari has be raised to the ground, I don't think they'll be bothering us any time


We request further orders Lord.

General Casewindu to Voltio and VBBN:

Very good work men, I see promoting you both to sergeant was a good move. Take your time to rest off as

we await further instructions from Lord Vader, you've both earned it.


(Transmission to Rebel Fleet)

Guys, we just picked up a distress call from a ship that says they're under attack. It sounds like it's being faked though. Should I check it out or hold my position?

(Transmission ends)

IMP Holonet: Lord *vader* : I have one fighter squadron standing by, mi Lord, awaiting activation... The 501st Shadow Scouts Corp are on the alert for deployment. I have already taken the liberty of dispatching my reserve squadron to General Windu flag ship to assist in ferreting out any residual rebellious entities on Mon Calamari. They should be arriving as we speak.

(From a reflec modified Theta-class T-2c shuttle code named "Viper")

IMP Command Chanel Alpha: Comscan Windu flag ship, this is Foxtrot-Omega-Foxtrot(501st) "Alpha Team". We are requesting docking in your hangar. We are here on assignment from the 501st to report directly to General Case Windu. Reporting for duty!

Lord *vader* to Commander Jax...........

Good work commander......... This new shadow division will help us control the galaxy like never before....

It will also help find those members of the Empire, that are sympathetic towards the rebels........

General Casewindu to Lord *vader* :

Lord my men have successfully returned from Mon Calamari. The slaves are being transferred to Admiral

TK for the weopen. Mon Calamari has be raised to the ground, I don't think they'll be bothering us any time


We request further orders Lord.

Lord *vader* to General Casewindu.........

Excellent work General.......... Now then it's about time you had the chance to hunt those rebel dogs..........

Take your ship to the outer rim......... The Emperor senses rebel activity there........

Lord *vader* to Admiral TK.......

Admiral i will be with you shortly......... Tell me have you found a test site for the weapon?......



My Lord, a while ago we found activity on the previously deserted planet of Krant...

If this was found to be nothing, I suggest Krant as a test site...



General Casewindu to Voltio and VBBN :

Men, Lord *vader* wants us to fly to the outer rim as rebel activity out there is possible, as it's quite far away from the nearest imperial settlement.

Prepare the jump for hyperspace.

(fleet jumps to hyperspace)


*The Dawn Rose's engines roar to life, sending vibrations rumbling through the hangar deck*

This is Garrik Vhrett to Rebel hangar control. Requesting clearance to launch.

We hear you, sir. Feel free to go when you're ready.

Copy that. *The Dawn Rose lifts above the hangar deck, and smoothly pulls out of the hangar*

Garik, nice one. I was a bit worried...

What, afraid that we wouldn't take off after what you did to my ship?

Pfft, whatever... Anyway, hyperspace coordinates cleared. Jumping to hyperspace in five...four...three...two...one. Lauching... now!

*The Dawn Rose's engines kick, and the stars streak past the cockpit*

My Lord, a while ago we found activity on the previously deserted planet of Krant...

If this was found to be nothing, I suggest Krant as a test site...


*vader* 's SSD arrives at the weapons location.....

Lord *vader* to Admiral TK.........

Admiral i want the weapon powered up straight away....... My SSD is in postion to monitor the weapons power..........

The Emperor himself wants the footage hand delivered once we finish...........

Fire when ready Admiral..........


(Transmission to Rebel Fleet)

Guys, we just picked up a distress call from a ship that says they're under attack. It sounds like it's being faked though. Should I check it out or hold my position?

(Transmission ends)

Hold it. We don't have any records of any Rebels out besides Mr. Mandalorian and General Pirhana. If you like, check it out, but proceed with caution, and maybe find why this transmission was sent.

Hold it. We don't have any records of any Rebels out besides Mr. Mandalorian and General Pirhana. If you like, check it out, but proceed with caution, and maybe find why this transmission was sent.

Alright, I'm gonna check it out. I'll keep you updated.


(Transmission to Rebel Fleet)

I haven't found anything yet, but a cold chill just went down my spine. Something bad has happened.

(Transmission ends)


*The Dawn Rose jumps neatly out of hyperspace in front of a blue planet*

Ah, Mon Calamari.

Really? I thought we were on Tattooine. I've set coordinates for one of the shabbier towns. No need to announce our arrival, even if we are only bounty hunters.

*comm unit crackles into life*

Kkkk...Unidentified ship, this is Mon Calamari traffic control. Please state destination.

We hear you, traffic control. This is the Stagnant Hutt, destination Del Carrah.

Acknowledged, Stagnant Hutt. Land in the designated spaceports. Deviate from your path and you will be arrested.

*comm unit dies out*

Stagnant Hutt? Nice choice. Fits with where we're going.

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