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(Tactical Command Channel)

Onyx 3: Sir, we have lift off of... vrrrr...(Static)

Jax: Man, these guys are really tolling up the cost in blood and spoils...

Onyx 5: Sir, that Stealth X is inbound on Trident...

Jax: All craft, mark coordinates 321... all batteries fire. Destroy that craft.

(Captain Natasha Vrils) to Jax: Commander, what is it?

Jax: I just... sense something... a presence I would not like to endure again. Seal off the Hangars.

Vrils: Palin, your trembling... whats wrong...

Jax: Nothing Captain... I just... I will be in my quaters... You have the com...

Edited by Palin Jax
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Inertia to Event Horizon:

Sir, Most of the RUMORs have been destroyed, I'm pulling out... wait... Sir, you have more X-wings coming towards the ship, Engaging... Oh, fierfek, It's Pirahna, He's quite a good pilot and squadren leader, Firing.

Inertia to Slate Leader:

Pull all RUMORs back to the Event Horizon there's some X-wings going for it.

Posted (edited)

(Tactical Command Channel)

Slate Wing Commander to Inertia: Copy that Sir, but we are only down one wing. Don't rely on the instruments, their still out there.

Onyx Wing Commander: Closing in on Horizon. Sir, that X-wing got through unscathed... Who ever is piloting that vessel has either sold his soul to the dark side, or has Jedi training!

Vhrils: Good observation CSP: 4128... but keep the fight engaged out there... Horizon can handle herself. We still have the "Horizon" effect if all else fails.

Onyx Wing Commander: Mame, where's the Commander?

Jax: (From Modified TIE/ru) Right here boys... It's time for these soulless murders to receive reciprocity for there crimes! Remember Carida! {Locks onto the Stealth-X}

Edited by Palin Jax

Black One: Watch yourself General, incoming TIE fighters

Black one and Two cover me, I am attempting to land in the hanger of that ship


They're closing the hanger doors? Initiate secondary engines

Hopefully they will provide us with a enough power

*The Stealth X although fast is not fast enough, and doesn't clear the hanger in time*

Black Two: Ahhhhh!

What was that?

*Black Two's Stealth X is instantly blown up*

They must have though that was me, Black One proceed out of the area

Black One:I refuse to retreat, they killed Black two and destroyed a valuable fighter

We can't risk it Black one, Black one?

*Black One zooms toward Commander Jax's ship*

Damn fool! He'll be killed!

R5 follow him in

Switching to manual control...

Posted (edited)

Inertia to Commander Jax:

It's good to have you at the head sir!

*Explosion rattles TIE*

Surface Impact on the cruiser, not much damage done, some Stealth X must've tried to get inside.

*lasers* Commander! Incoming Stealth X!

Inertia to Slate and Onyx leaders:

Take out that X-wing! He's gunning for the Commnader

Inertia to Event Horizon:

Can you provide any fire from your flak cannons to the port side, Sir? Not too near us, lets see if there are any Stealth Xs around.

Edited by Inertia

{Event Horizon}TACCOM: In progress... {Takes out Stealth 2}

TACCOM to Jax: Sir, this is highly unwise... please Commander!

Jax to Horizon: TAC, noted, you are relieved. I will not sacrifice my men needlessly and hide behind weapons that could easily take out any snub nosed fighter! But just the same, cover me... Inertia, good scouting... You've earned that RUMOR!

TACCOM: Sir... we have visuals on a Third Stealth-X! Orders Sir?

Jax to Inertia: Your right about one thing. (to Horizon): Pull back all remaining RUMORs and MITHs. I want cover fire for the surface assult... General Windu will have to reprimand me later. Begin debarking the landing craft. I want AT-AT, AT-ST, and any other AT's swarming over the burning husk of the Rebel Order... Colonel Nacash... I want those filthy pig dogs... commence landing!(sorry, but I love Iron Eagle!)


Inertia to Commander Jax:

Thank you sir, I'm just doing my duty, Permission to Command an AT-AT, I've always wanted to command one, or would you rather me provide Aerial cover in a TIE bomber or on the Event Horizon, Your choice sir.

Posted (edited)

Black One Pull out immediately! Don't try and be a hero!

Black One?

*Black One's signal disappears from radar*

Black Four: General we have visual of heavy Imperial drop ships, most likely carrying ground assault vehicles

Take them out!

Black Four:We tried Their shields and armor are two powerful!

Intercom: Commander Scouts and General Jifel, there are several large dropships that will be landing shortly carrying heavy assault craft, I don't think we can withstand the ground assault, Awaiting orders Commander

Oh and Commander one of my pilots turned hero and attempted to attack a large capital ship, should I pursue?

Black Four and Five proceed to follow the Imperial landing craft

Infiltrator Command Bridge:General we have jumped into hyperspace with as much cargo we can carry, you should see the bounty we took!

Great Work, proceed to our secondary control base

Edited by Piranha
Posted (edited)

Inertia to Commander Jax:

Thank you sir, I'm entering the Barge now, we're lifting off, will advise when we have landed, will you take command of Titan 1?

-On Titan 5's Barge-

"Pilot, land the barge near the front gate of the Citadel, we will hold the line there. Once we have landed I will take command of Titan 5"

Pilot: "Yes sir! Rebel fighters inbound."

"Fierfek, fire all Flak cannons, elimanate them with extreme prejudice!"

Gunners: "Excellent Sir!"

"AT-ST pilots, you will cover my flanks, we have 4 onboard."

AT-ST Pilots: "Yes Sir!"

Titan 5 Transmitting to Event Horizon:

Titan 5 reporting in, Inertia in command of Titan 5, we have landed near the Citadel's main gate, all Administrative personell have been evaced on the barge, we will await the arrival of Titan leader. Please Advise.

Pilot: Multiple contacts inbound, sir, T-4Bs! They just took out Omega 2 AT-ST!

"FIRE! fire at will everyone in Omega group target the lead tank!"

Pilot: Spec-ops troopers moving to the right!

"Omega 3 look into it!"

Edited by Inertia
Posted (edited)

{Jax returns to Horizon}

(Bridge)Captain Vhrils: (with a whisper) Palin, don't ever do that again!

Jax: I will not endanger my men then hide like an simpering bantha. I guess I will always just be a Commander.

TACCOM; Sir, we have rebel ships entering hyperspace bearing 180. Looks like a retreat.

Jax: Hardly... They've won the day. They caught us with our pants down. Let them go, and track them. We must see to Carida. The population will need diplomatic consolation, and a hefty influx of cold hard credits. Radio down to the assault team. Order them to use discretion, and try to keep collateral damage to a minimum. Those are citizens of the Empire down there.

TACCOM; Yes Sir... Good to have you back Sir!

Titan Commander to all units... Rebels in retreat, mop up straglers... Grant Quarter on a case by case bases. Use "diplomatic consulation" when dealing with the populace. Nice work Titan 5!

Edited by Palin Jax

Inertia to Titan Commander:

Just doing my duty, I don't trust their retreat Tactics...


Pilot: Omega 1 was just elimanated sir!

Inertia to Omegas 3 and 4:

Pull back to the rear of the column. Gunner, fire at that forest, there seems to be PLEX troopers in there.

Titan 5 to Commander Jax:

Two AT-ST casualties sir, one of the Pilots needs to be Medevaced, There's still a heavy concentration of Rebels in the Capital sir, we need a full battalion down here, the AT-ATs might cuase too much collateral damage.


Jax to THE FORCE: Thats your que CM-2008... give em the best care we can. They are heros, same as any in the 501st!

Jax to Titan Commander: All units coverge on center of Carida City. Remember, "tough love" tactics are in play. Deploy the Shadow Troopers... and a Legion of Storm Troopers for the PR...

Posted (edited)

Ground Control: We are now leaving the planet, as the Imperials descend

Great, I'll escort you out, the mission from my view was a success

Intercom: Commander, we are now leaving and jumping to hyperspace, the academy was destroyed and we raided it and picked up some nice equipment

I'm now jumping to hyperspace escorting our last cargo ship out

Command Bridge Infiltrator: General, we are ready to jump when you are

Intercom: Renegade Squadron, jump to lightspeed, the mission has succeed

R5 take us outta here.........

*Glances out the cockpit window to see the Imperial Navy being deployed and landing on the planet salvaging and picking up all the surviors, knowing that this time the Rebellion had succeed in the mission*

*Stealth X, Infiltrator and Renegade Squadron disappear into the black of hyperspace*

Edited by Piranha
Posted (edited)

Inertia to Commander Jax:

Fierfek, they jumped system... We should've had an interdictor. The Rebels may have thought they had won, but we killed many, they took something easily replaceable. There's a lot of dead Rebels down here, Permission to call for a cleanup crew?

We should wait for General CaseWindu then take the fight to the Rebels, lets make a full assualt on a Rebel planet.

Edited by Inertia

*Aboard Command Bridge Infiltrator*

Job well done around! You fought bravely, we lost many of our comrades, their lives were not lost in vain, the mission was a success! Captain do you have a cargo list?

Captain:Yes I do, Sir

*Hands the data pad over to me*

200 A-280 Blaster Rifles

100 Pulse Wave Rifles

50 DC-19 Stealth Carbines

10 DX-2 Disrupter pistols

5 Flare S-Swoop speeder bikes

3 ULAV (Ultra Light assault vehicles)

Most Impressive, Captain.......


Alright, we've had our fun. Everyone, load up the ship!

*ship loads up*

Good, now Pilot, set course for Mandalore.

Why, Sir?

Well, do you think this raid was all pillaging? No, there was some plundering involved. I "borrowed" a couple new ship schematics. Were paying a visit to Mandal Hypernautics. I have some friends who might make these schematics into reality.

*opens transmission*

Commander Scouts, we're going to Mandal Hypernautics shipyards to get some new ships built for the Alliance. I think you'll be pleased when I'm done.

*Closes Transmission*

Oh, and just for good measure, fire some Diamond Boron missiles at the Event Horizon.

Bombs away!


Now let's get out of here.

*jumps to Hyperspace*


To ImperialScouts:

Sir, I suggest keeping these freighters, I've found a way to convert them into light attack and fighter transport. They are top of the line Imperial and even if converting them doesn't work they'll be good transports.


"Good job blue squadren, thanks for working with me"

Blue squadren pilot: "Was a pleasure sir! Hope to work again with you."

"You too blue seven"


IS, im detonating the explosives i placed now every ones out.

a massive explosion destroys the entire academy as jifel entrs hyperspace



Captain: Where to General?

To the planet Raxus Prime

Captain: The Junkyard planet?

Yes, there tons of useful metal we can use

Captain: What about all the cargo we picked up

I will leave Infiltrator in my Jedi Starfighter and go aboard my flagship Acclamator

You will return Infiltrator to our base on Polis Massa with all its valuable cargo

Deck Officer: Set coordinates to Polis Massa

Captain: Farewell General, and may the force be with you

Same to you captain

*Goes to hanger and jumps in Jedi Starfighter*

*Astromech R5 is loaded on*

R5 take us to Acclamator


*JSF disappears to hyperspace*


To Commander ImperialScauts:

Attached I have a list of supplies the soldiers who were stationed on my ship took:

4x Heavy Repeating Blaster (Eweb)

934x HRB rounds

28x Heavy Missile systom (Merr-Sonn PLX-2M)

1x Flechette Launcher (Golan Arms FC1)

98x Missiles

45x Blaster Rifle (40x BlasTech E-11, 5x BlasTech T-21)\

1466x Laser rounds

34x Blastes (Many)

29x Gradades-Multi type



( SD enters atmosphere)

Sorry about the wait guys, the star destroyer needed fixing, my fleet is ready, we can sneek up behind the rebel ships and blow them to peices,

first of all Jax I need a status support.


{Onboard Admiral Windu's Flag SD}Commander Jax before Admiral Windu:(Strong salute) Sir, the status of Carida is tragic indeed. We are in grave danger of losing not only the Academy, but also the ability to train our Imperial High Command as well. We must see to the defense of Carida! Besides, in the world of public opinion, the Rebels have dealt themselves a blow so dire that now, I question whether they will be able to draw any more systems to their cause. Once Imperial Propagandist begin to spin it that way anyway. My further recommendation is to salvation what we can here and see to the populace. This will not only strengthen the abilities of this Academy, but will bolster the commitment and resolve of our Galactic citizenry. Let Carida ring through the universe as rally cry against the tyranny of the rebellious swine.

If you still wish to track them, my TAC officer predicts, with high probability of error, that their next hyperspace exit is likely Raxus Prime. What in universe that they could want there escapes me, for it is a planet of junk.

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