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Commander Jax to THE-FORCE; Yes... I want you to make yourself available to all the citizenry down there on Carida. Pander first to the nobility, but also, have compassion on the poor. All denizens of the Galactic Empire need not fear our might...(takes CM-2008 aside)Also, look for healthy conscripts for the cause. Our cloning facilities have been pushed to their limits for some time now. We need to identify strong candidates to fill our ranks. Any "special" cases, please infer them to the Shadow Fist for processing. Also, keep a low profile, but my intelligence operatives suspect other insurrectionist may be masquerading to gain additional intel. I want you to ferret out any sleeper cells.

Jax to *vader* (Holonet): Mi Lord, I hope you have been keeping abreast of the situation down here. We await your arrival and are standing by for your inspection. There is... much to discuss, mi Lord.

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Posted (edited)

*Aboard Acclamator*

Captain Carver: General, Infiltrator has made it safely back to Polis Massa , Welcome back General it's good to see you again

Was the attack on Carida a success?

Yes we picked up loads of weapons and equipment, the academy was severely damaged and some sections were completely destroyed

It seemed it ended as quickly as it began, that's the key to victory, striking the Empire quickly and silently then disappearing as if we had never been there

Captain Carver: I heard rumors that the Empire has devolved stealth TIEs. Is it true?

Unfortunately it is, I witnessed there power up close, if I hadn't been in my Stealth X they would have quickly destroyed me

Captain Carver: I see you wish to set a course for Raxus Prime, the planet of junk

Not only a planet of junk but of useful equipment, the CIS first began there and was a stronghold

All we have to do is find the location of it and salvage as much as we can

Captain Carver: Is that why we had all unnecessary items in the cargo bays discarded?

Yes, now prepare to jump to hyperspace

Deck Officer: Setting Coordinates for Raxus Prime, we should arrive in several days

*Sighs* Now what to do for those days in hyperspace

Captain Carver: I might have something that would interest you *smiles*

*Acclamator disappears into hyperspace*

Edited by Piranha

CM-2008 to Commander Jax:

I am now on Carida.

I am getting the trust of the people down here.

But these cloning facilities of you sir... they burned down sir, the wild humans did it,sir.

I what should I do sir?

Posted (edited)

(While on inspection, speaks with CM-2008) Interesting, I was unaware that we had cloning facilities on Carida. I was speaking of the others spread throughout the Empire we have been using to turn out Stormtroopers. It is good to get the trust of the people, but remember to trust no one. As to what you should do, I would point you in the direction of the triage tents established by the burn out husk of the Academy. A good place to start. I have authorized the deployment of 3 full bacta tank prefab garrison units to be place on Carida, but am awaiting further authorization from Lord *vader* . I also expect that Admiral Windu will wish to inspect the damages for himself, and will make addition funds available. I know it's allot to ask for you to handle these assets, but your leadership will pay dividends and lead to further promotions, possible a distinct name and rank as well.

Edited by Palin Jax

CM-2008 to Commander Jax:

Yes sir!

I will get the wild humans away, sir!

*Gets a gun and shoot: bang bang*

*Start building the 3 bacta tanks*

Sir, the outpost has been build, sir!

Anything else sir?


Okay, Captain, take us into the atmosphere to group up with the others, there is still the Imperial Fleet to get through.

Yes, sir. We're done with loading the vehicles back onto the transport.

Very good.

Lord Sylp, that is a great idea, we will keep these ships and re-paint them in our colors.

Taking off.


General Pirhana, you'll most likely be catching up with the large Imperial Fleet. Manuver your ships carefully, we are most likely outnumbered.

General Jifel, join General Pirhana in space, aid him so that a clear escape root can be made.

And Veers...

Sir, they already left. Even if you send that coded message, it would not get through. The Imperial Fleet is blocking all transmissions.

That's no good at all. Can you boost power to the communications for it to get through?

Not possible, we'll need all the power we need in order to successfuly enter space

We'll do it when we are there, then.

Alright, Commander, though, we may be over run by Imperial Ships.

It shouldn't take long to send it.

Captain! We're picking up ships! They're not friendly!

Are the weapons systems working.

They should be


We've been hit with an ion blast, our ship is malfunctioning!

Hurry and ge....


We're going down!

Can you send the transmission?

Let me patch... *SHOCK* AHHHH

Hold on!


Posted (edited)

Admiral Casewindu to Palin Jax:

Commander, well done on your tireless efforts, they will not go unnoticed by the empire! As for the academy, I will go to my hanger where a shuttle will transport me to the ruins, we need to honour the survivors by sending down this fleets entire medical force!

I shall keep my fleet in orbit to make sure there are no further rebel attacks, I swear to God we will have our revenge on those cowardly arses!

(escorted to shuttle with palin awaiting transportation down to surface)

Admiral one of our ships has come into contact with a rebel fleet trying to escape, our ion cannons have shot it out of the sky, and we can easily outnumber them they can not do anything but escape!

alright then try to keep them trapped and focus fire on the main flag ship, sorry commander the trips been delayed, get out there and try to destroy as many rebels as you can, remember what they have done to the academy and let that hatred flow through you!

men battle stations!

(oh by the way when was I made an admiral, not complaining but i'd like to know ;-) )

Edited by casewindu

Yes, yes it is him!

TK to Casewindu:

My friend, you do know which ship you have attacked? Yes, that of Imperial Scouts... I will be at the site immediately. Let no harm come to Scouts; he is mine.



copy that, scouts. men! get to a ship, any ship, and take off! target the engines and bridges of the outer most ships, and the gun turrets. if theyre disabled we can use them as shields to get by. also, if you are going down, try to hit something while you do it, but eject before the crash. ill have 3 gunships going around to pick up survivors. ill be in my ship, the midnight hunter. it doesnt have rebel symbols on it, because ill sometimes do, um, other things.alright, atack formations, and lock s-foils. we are going in!



*returns from hyperspace with another ship*

Sorry I bolted on you, Commander, but I was having a new warship being made for the Rebellion, and I thought this would a great time to test it. This is the MC-30 Frigate, Mon-Cal built, and can destroy capital ships with ease. I just wanted to show the Empire our new toy......


General Windu, what is the status of Scouts? I have arrived at the scene of battle; I have gunned down rebel ships but have not seen Scouts' personal fighter. I assume he is still aboard the main flagship. I am heading down to where it crashed.



General Casewindu to Admiral TK:

Good to see you admiral, the ships intelligence has picked up many rebel survivors of the crash, one possibly Imperialscouts, they seem to be signaling something possibly rescue craft! I'm sending down a fleet of ties to help you in your destruction!

General Casewindu to Palin Jax:

Commander, help the admiral take care of the survivors of the crashed rebel ship, if you find scouts bring him back up to the frigate, I will take care of the battle up here, the rebels seem to be ready to leave.


TK to Casewindu:

Good, good, many thanks... I have eliminated several other rebels, and... hold on, there he is! Imperial Scouts is in view. Stormtrooper!


You have a Stun Grenade Launcher attached to that weapon?


Good. Give it here. *takes aim, fires into band of rebels protecting Scouts* Excellent. Round them up, and bring them aboard. Kill any who stand in your way, but leave Scouts alive.

Right away, Admiral!


Excellent, he's walking right into my hands... to Carida, it seems...

TK to Lord *vader*:

I am heading to Carida. I have but one goal, Lord *vader*, and I strongly advise you do not stand in my way; I will punish those who have done this to me... Imperial Scouts will suffer...


Lord *vader* to Admiral TK........

Do not threaten me Admiral....... Remember the pain you suffered at the rebels hands is nothing compaired to the pain i can cause.........

Though you have overstepped the mark i shall allow you your chance at revenge...... Destroy the rebels Admiral.......

Lord *vader* to General Casewindu........

General........ Keep a close eye on the Admiral..... Even though he has been allowed his revenge, i do not wish to suffer high trooper loses......

Lord *vader* to Commander Jax..........

I will be with you soon Commander.........

And your requests will all be granted........ You have done well once again Commander.......


TK to Lord *vader*:

I apologise, My Lord... I did not mean to come across as threatening or offensive... however, I will do my best to rectify the situation and make up for our losses on Carida. We captured a group of rebels, who are now held aboard my Star Destroyer Extinguisher. Scouts may or not be one of them-

*kshhh* Admiral TK, we have secured the identities of the rebels captured. Scouts is not with them.

Very well, trooper. Lord Vader, I will continue my search. General Windu's fleet has come in great use; several rebel rescue transports were destroyed, with minimal losses on our behalf. The rebels will soon fall.



To ImperalScouts:

I have attached my ideas for conversion:

Make the two Larger Cargo bays into Hangers

Modify the Cargo doors (exterior) to hanger doors (w/ Gravaty and Life support sheild)

Each Bay should hold up to 5 X-wings

Modify 3rd smaller Cargo Bay into another Hanger, take out the roof and make Retractable roof with Gravaty and life support sheild.

That could hold 2 more X-wings or shuttle

Put 6 Lasor cannons and 4 Turbo lasors (smaller ones) For armament and make corradors from the bridge/Crew corradors to the hangers.

The crew rooms are anough for the normal crew (of 20) and 20 more


I can get a starship company who dislikes the Empire to refit it as soon as you wish for this weapons refit.


TK to Lord *vader*:

I apologise, My Lord... I did not mean to come across as threatening or offensive... however, I will do my best to rectify the situation and make up for our losses on Carida. We captured a group of rebels, who are now held aboard my Star Destroyer Extinguisher. Scouts may or not be one of them-

*kshhh* Admiral TK, we have secured the identities of the rebels captured. Scouts is not with them.

Very well, trooper. Lord Vader, I will continue my search. General Windu's fleet has come in great use; several rebel rescue transports were destroyed, with minimal losses on our behalf. The rebels will soon fall.


Lord *vader* to Admiral TK........

The strain on your mind must of been great.......

Once your mission is complete i trust you will be able to once again take your postion as the fleets Admiral.........


the midnight hunter swerves past a laser and tracks a tie bomber. jifel squeezes the trigger and lasers spurt into its engine. jifel pulls upas the bombs explode, sending a tie into a star destroyer. jifel sends several missles into the star destroyers bridge and it implodes, sending the destryoer into a final, doomed plunge. jifel corkscrews in between to more ties and nearly rams a third, pitch black fighter. the fighter dipped and spun under lasers as jifel deperately fires.suddenly an ion blast rocks the tie and it spirals away.

jifel: thanks delta 11! good thing i put those on our new L class fighters, eh?



Excellent, they're surrounded! Set for stun, and open fire- crap, where are they going? Commander, head round that way and cut them off!

Sir, several rebels have made a break for it, but I pinned a vanguard and stunned two more soldiers.

That's it, no more escaping, I'm going after Scouts!

*frantic chase full of explosions and pretty lights (:-P)*

Don't move! I'm holding a gun to your back and I don't care what I do, Scouts! You see what you and your men did to me? LOOK AT ME!! I'm going to make you pay...

*knocks out Scouts with a blow to the head*

Commander, I have Scouts, I am bringing him aboard the Extinguisher. Bring any other rebels you have found. Any left behind will be destroyed... I believe we can test our weapon again...



Commander Jax to General Windu: As you wish. I am en route to the Admiral... I only hope that he will spare the Rebel commander, otherwise we will not be able to interrogate them. A broken rebel leader spewn forth on the holonets, charged with the atrocities of Carida, will do well to bolster the loyalty of the citizenry. rrrgh...

{receives Admiral TK's transmission.}

Commander Jax to General Windu: Excelent... the Admiral has shown tremendous constraint. I can not fathom the depths of pain Imperial Scout inflicted upon the good man.

Commander Jax to Admiral TK: Excellent job Sir! I am on my way to the launch pad. I will embark once the RUMOR's are prepped and readied for flight!

Posted (edited)

Unknown tapcaf, somewhere in a galaxy far, far away...

(Jaing and I sit down opposite a Mando'a in gray armor.)

Suc'uy, vode. We have a proposition for you.

Oh yes? What would that be?

We're planning to pull a raid on a few aruetii cargo ships. We hear you specialize.

Kandosii! That I do, vod. What kind of aruetii ships?

Imperial. We don't necessarily mean a Star Destroyer, but we're open ended.

Di'kut. (Turns to me.) Kaysh mirsh solus. So, how much would I get out of this?

That's open too. We need the weapons and important things, but it you see something you like..

Koor! (Deal)

Edited by Mr. Mandalorian

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