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Ah yes, General, you see; we have found a new tool to bargain with through the suffering he must endure...

Although why any Imperial would want to bargain with rebel scum is beyond me... then again, I know no compassion, merely anger... I am twisted by the Empire; a mentor of hate; anger surrounds me... and yet I am at peace with myself. Your words do not fill me with strength, General. Yet I will allow you to proceed. Do as you wish. I will return within the day. For now I must attend to other businesses involving the Weapon... perhaps we could test it again while bargaining with Scouts...


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Ah yes, General, you see; we have found a new tool to bargain with through the suffering he must endure...

Although why any Imperial would want to bargain with rebel scum is beyond me... then again, I know no compassion, merely anger... I am twisted by the Empire; a mentor of hate; anger surrounds me... and yet I am at peace with myself. Your words do not fill me with strength, General. Yet I will allow you to proceed. Do as you wish. I will return within the day. For now I must attend to other businesses involving the Weapon... perhaps we could test it again while bargaining with Scouts...


Talking to scouts leaves the rebels without a leader sir, so if you tryed the weapon there would be no one to stand in the way!, Good night Admiral I hope your trials suceed!

(back in interrigation room)

So tell me scouts what are you fighting for? What do you expect will happen if you get rid of the empire?


jifel: dang it, i cant stand this waiting, im going after our commander, inform veers to stay with the fleet at the meeting point.

carver: but pirana said he ws going alo...

jifel: i dont care what hesaid, hes not a superior officer, so im going.

*midnight hunter blasts into hyperspace.

several hours later, the midnight hunter apears in the middle of the imperial fleet

jifel: oh. crap.



(alarms start to ring, stormtrooper luitenant comes rushing into the room)

Sir, rebel ship has just appeared in the middle of the fleet, what shall we do?

blow it out of the sky duh!.... actually he must be comming after imperial scouts, get Commander Jax onto it!

General Casewindu to Commander Jax:

Commander get after that rebel craft, it's only one he must be a fool, take him out.

You may think your little friends are comming to save you rebel! but there's not going to be any daring rescue, because i'm taking the fleet to hyperspace!

Luitenant inform the officers to jump to hyperspace, here are the co-ordinates!

Certainly sir.


jifel groans as ties flock out of the hangars. jifel selects a slightly larger than normal star destroyer and blast all of his weapons as he dives toward the hangar, shields on max power. a bomber aims to ram him, but bouces off the power shields and into a sheild generator. the star destroyers hanger shields fade and jifel swoops low over the deck, smashing an officer before he lands, leaping out with a light sword and a a rapid fire rifle. he swiftly decapites a pilot and blasts two more before slipping inside to find his target.



Well, that wasn't very nice ( :'-( ). Cutting off my arm wasn't a very good idea. You've got nothing to gain and I have nothing to give. Even if you do find the location, what do you think will happen? The same thing as before! We will escape and regroup. We will destroy anything that will aid the Empire (but not the innocents) and if you attack back, we will retreat, but will come back to destroy more, and more and more of your ships and vehicles will find themselves malfunctioning and soon out of existence!

TK, or whatever your name is, what have I done to you? I have done nothing. I have not killed you or destroyed everything. I'm doing what I can to get the job done, and inflict no more. You must realise that cutting people up with whatever you got (what did you use, anyway?) just because of your own madness and insanity. The other officers here seem sane, you do not. But I am not here to criticise you or them personally, but the Empire and the Emperor.

CW: I fight for freedom and Democracy, which both are lacking under the current regime. My Generals and friends may try and get me, and I hope them their best. But you will see, in one way or another, I will leave unscazed...err...besides my arm.

Jax, the sensible negotiater, or interagator...

I hope to inflict as little deaths as possible, while doing as worse as possible on the Empire and the Emperor.

The rebel base location is everywhere, many have join our cause. Under the table, in the alley; they can aid without a shot fired.

I have no means to bring back the old Republic, but perhaps a new one. One that is more fair, and will see no corruption. That is not me to decide. I am not the direct leader of the Rebels. I am a Commander, just as yourself.

Will you let me go? Will you kill me, angering more, tightening your grip? Will you force me to join you? Will you pursuade me to join you? Will you join me? Leave the evils of the Empire and come to the good side? The side that will bring more than the Empire?

[Talk about dramatic :-D ]

Posted (edited)

To General Windu: I am, uneasy with this man... He speaks in half truths, but half truth is still half true... If only he could see the error of His ways... He would embrace the Empire

Imperial Scout: I do sense in you a measure of honor, that much I concede. Be that as it may, as you have said, so that I am, just a Commander. But you see, my father is the Empire. My Mother is the Empire. I know nothing of love, nothing of nurture. No... only the said truth of facts... The same ones you you skew in an effort to besurmge the proud majesty of my Liege and Lord. You speak of the horrors and atrocities committed under the name of the Empire. I attest to you the gift of structure that has been gained. You speak of the rape of Freedom. I reveal that measure of your quest. Hences an in pass. We can spare you the pain... but we can never give you that freedom... Unless you join us. Save the universe... I promise you, if you succeed, you will only weaken this Galaxy, but together, we can bring peace and order to the denizens of the Empire... But alas, I must follow my orders...

To General Windu: As you wish, Sir... {departs for the bridge of Admiral TKs ISD}

To TF: You are welcome, it was a pleasure to do the right thing. Now, please see to our guest in my absence.

Edited by Palin Jax

What say you that you, the Imperials, take me and my Rebel friends, over there...and stick us in some jails in your spacestation...what was the name? The Death Star. Ah, yes, the Death Star. Stick us in there, I hope to get a tour as well *sweet* .

Posted (edited)

Well, Baaren, I've got to hand it to you. You have the ugliest peice of scrap in the galaxy.

Hey, vod, don't knock it 'till you've seen my baby in action. You'll never have a quicker boarding, take my word on it.

*All board the Metal Mouth. Inside, the ship is essentially a huge cargo crate, with a ladder leading up to the cockpit and sleeping quarters*

Usually I run a few...supplies, on the side, but business is a little slow right now. You two have the whole ship to yourselves to pilfer as much as you want.

Speaking of ships, I'll move the Rose to orbit, so we can transfer from ship to ship when we're done. Saves time if we run into trouble.

*I walk out of the huge hatches, which start to close. The last thing I see is two T-slit visors reflecting the planet's twin suns. Looks like the Imperials are going to have some supply shortages pretty soon.*

Edited by Mr. Mandalorian

General, Jifel? Meet me at the planet........

*Senses something wrong in the force*

No he didn't go in alone!

If only he could be more patient...

*JSF exits hyperspace to see the Imperials engaging Jifel*

Intercom :

Jifel fly into the hanger of the Event Horizon!

I'll cover you as you fly in.....

*Fires at the TIE fighters providing a gap for jifel to enter*


I'll be in the hanger shortly.......

*Lands JSF in Star Destroyer as a squadron of troopers enter*

*Draws lightsaber*

*Using the force I find the location of the Commander*

The commander is in the detention bock, lets head there

*Stormtrooper fire erupts in the corridor*

Cover Fire!


Not a very speedy ship, is it?

It doesn't need to be...

Well, I prefer being an overachiever. Hang on...

*Pulls out datapad and plugs it into the Metalmouth's dataport*

This should give us connection with HQ, as well as show the transponders of everyone.

*message pops up in the screen, reading- All units be aware that leader ImperialScouts has been captured by Imperial forces. Stand by for further notice*

Fierfek. *pulls up transponder map* Hmm... Looks like Jifel is already there, Piranha en route.

Baaren, I hope your ship is capable of taking on an imperial fleet, 'cause that's where we're going. Oya!


jifel crouces behind a crate and aims his rifle at a stormtrooper.two bursts zip out, and the stormie collapses silently. suddenly someone taps him on the shoulder, and he swings his sword around, yet it is counterd by a lightsaber.

pirana: shh. its me. hes in detention block3.perhaps you should set that for stun, as its quiter, and the tyrants will kill them all for failing to shoot us anyway.



*Metal Mouth emerges from hyperspace next to a fleet of star destroyers*

Fierfek! Isn't this a bit close?! They could see us from this range!

No. The ship is painted black, remember?

Classy paint job still doesn't do shab against ther sensors, vod.

Remember, I do this for a living. Two words- stealth hardware.


*The Metal Mouth comes neatly up against the largest star destroyer. Baaren closes the bulkhead doors, and then opens the twin hatchways. They clamp on the the Star Destroyer's hull, and the docking ring seals against the hull, and then glows white as it burns through the hull.*

We're in! Go go go!

Posted (edited)

{Onboard ISD Extinguisher} COMSCAN to Commander Jax: Commander, we are receiving an urgent transmission from Event Horizon. It appear the rebels have managed to get onboard, and are looking for the Rebel detainees.

Jax: Damn fools! Looks like the bet on Horizon. It is a good thing Admiral TK brought the prisoners aboard his vessel. Lock this ship down tight, and head for Coruscant. I will disembark immediately and try to help save the Horizon. Notify Captain Vrils I won't let her down! Tell her to unleash the Kaths of War!

{Onboard Horizon}: Capt Vhrils: (receives message} Good... Now tell me again, how in the nine hells did a single fighter, without knocking out our deflector Shields or main shields, with minimal and antiquated weapons, not only penetrated those said shield, but managed to pass through them unscathed. Then, with his full intact vessel, managed to land in our hangar bay... Then, and this is the most unbelievable part, stood toe to toe with the 501st?

Lt. Dales: Well Mame, he was determined!

Vhrils: Determined, ha... And now, now there might possible be a fugitive Jedi aboard?

Dales: Yes Mame. He is determined too...

Vhrils: Say that again, and you'll lie dead on that deck...

Dales: (gulps) Yes Mame... What do we do now?

Vhrils: We hold the line, boy... we hold the line

Edited by Palin Jax

piranaslices a door open and jifel leaps through, hacking into a squad of stormies. pirana uses the force to slam them into a wall as jifel plays "clumsy surgeon" with a helpless officer

the room is secured and jifel coms mr. mandolorian, instructing him to search a nearby ship.

jifel: pirana, are you sure this is the right ship? we cant take any chances here...



What is this? Me? Insane? But of course... your rebel friends have left me in this way... you may not have done anything to me personally, Scouts, yet you are the man behind it all, Commander of the rebel scum, and they are the ones who have brought me to this.

You claim you shall simply regroup; find new territory in which to restart your little terrorist actions. However, I beg to differ... with the supposed loss of their once great, yet oh so foolhardy leader, they will lose their little heads...

Commander Jax! Spread the word. Scouts has been 'killed'. The rebels will be distraught. Everything is going according to plan...



{Jax, in a TIE RUMOR... receives transmission from The Kid}Jax to Admiral TK: Yes Sir, Sir... on it... though I would suggest we start with "Rebel leader, Imperial Scouts, missing in action and presumed dead after the atrocities committed on Carida". With all do respect, I suspect we may garner negative support, ie make Scouts a martyr for the Rebel cause, especially for the openly more liberal Senators... if we show we have had a hand in his fate. I must be brief, as the rebels vermin have infiltrated my defenses onboard Event Horizon. Time to call in... the Orkin man!( *sing* )


Hmm. A wise move. Do as you will, Commander. And rebels, you say? A rescue attempt, I suppose? Ha. Foolish. There will be no rescue. Not for the 'dead'... a second Star Destroyer is being sent in to take care of them.


Posted (edited)

Jax to Admiral TK: Sir, with respect! Oh hell with respect... That is my ship... More importantly, those are my men... I can not... No! I will not risk a single one of those mens lives on just some mop up job! I allowed those treacherous dogs to infiltrate my defenses, then I will stand to those charges... But I will see to their safety first! You would ask no less of your commander! Lord Vader asks no less of me. But I have sent the command to the Imperial Propagandist Corp... And they do assure me that the message was well recieved.... (calms down) I am sorry Sir for my outburst, but I would die... gladly... for the 501st!

{Jax lands his craft on the receiving hangar deck of Event Horizon!}

Edited by Palin Jax

General Casewindu to Commander Pax:

friend, the Admiral has told me of your loyalty to the 501st yet I must insist I come to oversee the proceedings. After all if you were to die, the empire would have lost its best commander since...well...me! X-D

If you do not wish us to interfear, i shall stay at a safe distance from Event Horizon. But the moment you send us the signal there'll be a thousand tie fighters to your rescue before you can say "rebel scum"

Be careful commander, and good luck! ;-)

(end transmission)

Posted (edited)

{Jax, onboard Event Horizon} Jax to General Windu: Sir, I... overreacted there... Yes, please, do come and assit... If I had but know that the Good Admiral was intent on sending the greatest General of all time... Barring the Great Grand Moff himself... well, I would be remiss to turn down the opertunity... Please, and if you could be so kind to send in your team... well, then I will take all the help I can! But I must go... rally my men!

Jax to Lord Vader: Mi Lord, the never ending reports of failure I am sure are causing you to reconsider my role in your command chain. I will not let you down... I will repeal those whom seem to see that Imperial firepower is something to be trifled with. They shall be burned!

Jax to the men of the 501st: Via ship wide intercom. Men of the 501st... It has come to my attention that Rebel mynoks have infested our beloved home in my absences. I call on all of you to give them the poison they so desperately crave and deserve... I need not remind you that this is a Ship of the Empire, and failure is not an option... Sweepers, Sweepers, man you guns, give the ship a good clean sweep down fore and aft... Sweep down all lower decks, ladder-backs, and passageways. Now sweepers! Grant quarter only to those whom throw down their weapons, otherwise... Fire at Will!

Edited by Palin Jax

General Casewindu to Commander Jax:

Commander you flatter me, I am sending down six tie landers as we speak each carrying 13 of the new "storm commando" model soldier, given to me by Lord Vader to oversee your safety. Your deffinatly a well respected imperial body Jax, and we can all see why.

Once they have secured the hanger a 7th tie lander will be sent down carrying myself, from there, we can make arrangments to where we shall meet up.

were going to fight these scum together commander, and I hope for their sake they don't find us.

(transmission ends)

Posted (edited)

{Jax meets with the repelling crew from General Windu's ISD and secures the area with no shots fired and no rebel on imperial engagements}Commander Jax to General Windu: (strong salute) Good evening Sir! We have set up a forward Command post in Hangar Bay 2... Coms to the Bridge have been severed, I can only assume the worst. I have been unable to reach my Captain... This personally upsets me the most. If they have singed but a hair on her chestnut colored hair... I mean... (regains his professorial composer)

Forward batteries are inoperative, so I am unsure if they have reached the canon magazines. I suspect that if they assumed the Rebel Commander was being held in the detention area, they would be heading that direction. My men have already begun sweeping the ship for detention/ sabotage devices... Even though they are but a small contignet... we must respect them and certainly not underestimate their courage nor their resolve. We have also headed toward the infiltration point of an unknown vessel... We suspect it's name to be the Metalmouth, but since it is not in our current registry data banks, we cannot say with certainty. If they have come, they have came prepared. We have also confiscated one Republic era Jedi Starfighter... and have removed any and all sabotage devices... We have also removed the mech-droid and are interrogating it's programming. This a surprising good fortune for as we will now be able to locate the main Rebel base.

Edited by Palin Jax

stormtroopers flood down a hallway and jifel tosses a grenade before running as fast as his legs could carry him.it ignites and the roof collapses. several minutes later pirana lifts the rubble to find the troops have left. they charge forward to the detention block and open all the doors and the prisoners rush out, and the few guards are quickly mobbed.

jifel: IS isnt here, he must be on the other ship.


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