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*Rebelscum rulez*

*Spray pants REBELSCUM ROXXORZ on one of the Star Destroyer's hulls*

Its a special A-Wing.

This'll be the shortest, one man offensive of all time!

*Recruits more Rebelscum to help me defeat the TiE's*

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Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ...............

Oh GM have you heard this nonsense???? Oh these rebels sure have been smoking some good stuff........

Non of our SD have been touched in anyway...................I can see it now that foolish rebel has got so high that hes no doubt sprayed it on one of his own ships................ Ahhhh well it should make it a more visual target for our fighters.


*Rebelscum, GASP*

*Realizes one of my own Mon Calamari ships hath been destroyed*

*Realizes I'm still working for the Empire, and I was sleepwalking due to the enormous quantitiy of DeathSticks I gave myself the night before*

WTH am I doing in an A-Wing?







You accuse me of lying? To what do I owe this insecurity?!

After all that happened to me, you still think I'm lying. That's not very kind. >:-(

Any way, how about a new position?


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* .......................

After studying logs and footage of what happened to Yoda601 on endor i do believe that he has been loyal to the empire.................

Perhaps a promotion is in order.....................


GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord, the hot nurse came back with the results of Yoda601 and its as I suspected, he is indeed clean !!

Since Endor was given to Dillon to administer, we could give him the admin of our new facility on Kamino once finished. I shall free him from "cell" his once he toned down.

Regarding L2K, we need to run another batch of testing.

I have that Dino Bot scum spamming my computer my Lord. Its really irritating !!

GM *yoda* out


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* .........

The promotion of Yoda601 is something that needs more thought...............i shall discuss it with you more during one of our encoded discussions................I have an interseting idea when it comes to his promotion one that would suit him and us.............

Lord *vader* to Fett...............

Here is a list of the 6 most wanted targets.......................

1. Sarg...............This rebel seems to have the ability to disappear completely

2. Mutley.............It seems that he is the leader of the rebels at this time

3. Languages.......Sources claim that hes an ex bounty hunter with to much time on his hands

4. VM..................Former trooper whos skills were usless to us and has now turned traitor

5. Dino Bot..........After reading some of his comunications i believe hes been smoking the Gungan vine again

6. Lost Viking.......A rebel who seems lost, hes hardley ever seen in known space

Lord *vader* out.......................


Gm *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord, I totally agree with you on Yoda601's promotion !! I will call him so you can announce it directly to him !!

G, my poor Gary is still drinking water like crazy !! Idiotic creature !! Her was not well tyraeted by that crap sponge >:-( He should be TAWTed too !!

GM *yoda* out !!


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ....

Good once hes summond before me i shall tell him of his promotion...........

Ahhhh yes the rebel sponge....................one day he shall beg before my feet for mercy............


Lord *vader* to Fett..................

Hmmmm lets see who to hunt first..................... Ok Fett ill let you choose between VM or DB..................

Feel free to use disintergration on both...............

Now where is Y601??? GM *yoda* have you seen him???????

So the rebel sarg has disappeared once again......................Its a shame hes a rebel........he would of made an excellent ARC Trooper....................Hmmmmmm i wonder?????


GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord, my hottie nurses came back with the result of L2K, he seems clean my Lordship !! I just sent Gary to bring him a yub yub burger in his cell !! I don't want that "guest" to die on me !! Awaiting you orders my Lord.

This ISD is really huge, and this Yoda601 is nowhere to be found now !! If that continues he can kiss his promotion of (beeeeeeep) bye bye and will clean my ISD for the rest of his life !! I will come back shortly my Lord.

GM *yoda* out !!


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ........

Hmmmmmm i grow tired of waiting for this Y601............. My wraith will be mighty should he fail to show soon.........

As for our trooper L2000 i believe its time he was re assigned..............Give him a Tie (Not a new one) and let him take it for a spin..............Make sure he can handle it...oh and have the cockpit wired with a thermal detenator just in case he decideds to betray us.............

GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord, my hottie nurses came back with the result of L2K, he seems clean my Lordship !! I just sent Gary to bring him a yub yub burger in his cell !! I don't want that "guest" to die on me !! Awaiting you orders my Lord.

This ISD is really huge, and this Yoda601 is nowhere to be found now !! If that continues he can kiss his promotion of (beeeeeeep) bye bye and will clean my ISD for the rest of his life !! I will come back shortly my Lord.

GM *yoda* out !!

Oh, I'm a "hottie" now am I? *wub*


Lord *vader* to Fett......

Do not hunt him yet...........This could be the Fleet that the Emperor promised to send..........if its not then we shall crush them!!!!!


Lord *vader* to Fett..........

Ahhhh yes Jangos ship was most impressive indeed............... with that extra ship you should have no problem in hunting those rebel scum............

GM *yoda* ....................

I still havent heard from our trooper dillon.................send a squad of troops to find him................

And have his Yub Yub Burgers witheld for one week for keeping me waiting..............


GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord, are you confused ?? Have you abused Gungan Ale again ??

Dillon is on Endor Admin, and as such he supervises all our operations there: currently the reconstruction in a different spot of our decoy base.

The one you are looking for is our former Endor Admin Yoda601 who is still hiding somewhere in my ISD !! I think he really doesn't want his promotion >:-(

Anyhow, he shall not touch a Yub Yub Burger for a week !!

GM *yoda* out !!


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ..............

It seems that the officer who encoded my last transmission got the name wrong and not me.......i clearly stated to him that it was Y601 that i was looking for.........I am beyond making a mistake like that.....cough cough.....

That officer shall be force choked for this of that you can be sure...............

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