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Lord *vader* to Fett............

You have been summond to take care of the empires problems................. I find your lack of a response disturbing............

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VM to Mutley,

Lack of responses to Vader from Fett? That's because we've got tied up in one of our Mc Yub Yub places being forced to eat Stormie Pattys! Sorry for my absence. We have a new target. A mysterious rhymer. Oh, I was gone because i have a mind controlling hotsauce! Put it in our burgers and we'll have a far greater army then the Empire, and peace will be restored!

Oh and Vader, funny how your "BEST" bounty hunter got captured. He was trying to get me when we had an accidental meeting. But Fett underestimated my two hidden troopers!

And for your proof! Propaganda, NO!

I have this broadcasted message of Fett in captivity:

*MESSAGE PLAYING: Kiku Fett in Mc Yub Yub eatig awayMESSAGE END* We've already tested if he's a fake, and my hotsauce really did the trick on him!

VM out,


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ...................

It seems that the rebels are reporting the capture of our fett..........................Is this true??

Also have the fleet put on alert.........It seems that we have an unexpected ship in our area...........


GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord, I think that Fett rumour is totally BS !!

Our operation Bombing Rebel Restaurants is on !! Our Bombers do make a nice BOOOOM symphony hehe

I was alerted by someone called "JIPAY" aka "In love with Sienna Miller" or "Matrix" !! Do you know that character my Lord ??

GM *yoda* out.


We are well alert that youa re bombing our resteraunts, and Fett is in one. All the Rebels have deserted the resteraunts.stop the bombing or Fett is dead meat!


Lord *vader* to Rebel scum....................

Foolish rebel i am Sith...............I dont make deals with traitors to the empire...............

Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ..................

Continue the bombing GM leave nothing alive....................... Hmmmmmmm this ship seems to be heading to coruscant............ I trust that the fleet is on red alert just in case?


GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord, that troublesome news led us to have the alerts on red (just in case) !! A stupid Gungan ignored the "forbidden" perimeter and was blown to bits !!

Its time to contact our spies on Coruscant...



Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ..........

Excellent GM keep me informed of what you learn from our spies................

Ahhh gungans will they never learn..............


GM *yoda* to LOrd *vader*

My spies reported to me: They found an empty ship (apart some crates inside) !! Wonder what they will find inside !!

I will order a Gungan to go inside the ship just in case !! If its a trap, who cares !! Also I have some snipers standing by just in case !!

For now the perimeter is secure !!

Will report shortly my LOrd.

GM *yoda* out.


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ...............

Hmmmm this situation concerns me..............I have sent orders to the ISD in orbit to lock onto the crates postion............if theres something inside that i dont like i shall blow the whole area up...........


the imperial spies opened the box inside of the ship... Their eyes could only see the shape a woman lying at the bottom of the box. As her eyes opened, some digits appeared on them, starting a 10 seconds countdown while a voice is saying :

"This explosive sienna miller bot is my gift for you mister yoda" Muahahahahahh. The voice was obviously Thrawn's one, the first challenger of vader in the empire.

The landing plaform exploded, spreading gungan meat all over the place. people were running in the street, acclaiming the emperor for "those free fire works and BBQ !"


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ...........

Hmmm so someone claiming to be Thrawn has sent us a little present............. I wonder why he targetted you????..........

Anyway theres no need to waste a good bbq..............Gm make sure your troops charge for the gungan burgers......

  • 2 weeks later...

Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ..............

I require an update on our current status..............

All field troops its time to report in.............


GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lord, Nothing has been happening lately (apart that "incident" where no proof of Thrawn's involvment was recovered - I sense yet another propaganda here !!).

Maybe all of our subject are in front of their digital screens to follow a weird sport that is happening on Earth right now called Football *wacko* I don't see why that "thing" is so popular compared to our Gunganball !!

Dillon, any status report ??

GM *yoda* out !!


Lord *vader* to GM yoda..............

Ahhhh yes the gunganball Galaxy cup is well underway and i was delighted to hear that our Empire team are doing so well.................

Those pathetic rebels are leaderless and our ares for the taking...........remember though all tweek girls are to be viewed by myself first ..............


Lord *vader* to The Fett..............

Good good...................Fett track down and destroy that rebel scum for telling such lies........your reward will be great for his demise...........


Dillon to GM *yoda*

I sent you a status report back on page 107, but I don't think you recieved it. I think my communication computers arn't working so well, so I'm thinking of calling in someone to check them out, and make sure they're running proporly.

Other then that, things are running very smoothly, we also have finished the Decoy Base II.

Dillon out.


GM *yoda* to Dillon

Excellent Dillon, this is good !!

Can you give me an estimate of the Production number of those Furr balls ?? Also how well is the cloning facility working (especially the aging process that permits to have a steack 4 days after they are born hehe).

GM *yoda* out !!

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