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Lord *vader* to the Fett..........

I leaked word myself..............

The rebels know of your skill and the mere mention of your name will scare them off.............

Dont concern yourself with this as the report only says that you are on a secret mission..........

Soon i will hand the rebels a crushing blow that will require their full attention.............



GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lordship, here is my status report !!

I was going to regroup with your ship after I successfully launched operation "Furrball" (meaning processing of Wookiee meat for the Empire fine restaurants throughout the galaxy). Btw, how do you like your new coat my Lord ??

I did a short stop on a small planet because my pilots needed some target practice, so I did some training exercices with them. Then I read that horrendous article about my disappearing and wanted to sort out that horrendous leak and kill the rebel myself but my idiotic navigator pressed the wrong button and my ISD ended out somwhere totally in uncharted territorry !!

It was a pink planet with rainbows, strawberry scent, carebares, fantasy flying horses and what have you !! It was scary as hell !!

I took the opportunity to destroy that place which took a little bit of time: I managed to save a couple of interesting items which I will sell to that Jabba greasball !! Its good to have a wealthy moron in the galaxy ready to buy any piece of crap we can sell !!

So i am finally going to regroup with you my Lord !!

GM *yoda* awaiting orders and out.


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ...............

It pleases me to hear from you GM.............. My coat is excellent, i shall use it next time i go to the plant Hoth for a stop of wampa shooting.........

GM as the Fett is nearby i suggest that he meets up with you............. Give him the items that you found.....

He is well known to that fat slug Jabba and will be able to gain access to his palace............. He can then sell the items to the slug...............

Now as make your way to these coordinates (*Encrypted*)............. Its time to show these rebels the true meaning of power.............



GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

Acknowledged my Lord !! I shall regroup to these coordinates as soon as Fett has boarded my ISD !!

It will be good to crush some rebel scum !!

GM *yoda* out.


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ..........

Yes GM it is time for the Empire to Strike back.............. And strike back we will...................

I want your ISD on full battle alert GM................. And all your Tie Fighters ready to destroy.............

This will be fun...............



GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My ISD is on a full scale red alert my Lord !!

Ammunition is beeing currently boarded on Tie Bombers, and every single Tie, Interceptor, Hunter and Defender is beeing checked and approved for combat my Lord !!

My previous training helped me determine which of my pilots would be in charge of beeing a squad CO (commanding Officer) and I already nammed all my COs who are currently briefing the pilots !!

The path of war is near my Lord and I am anxious to go into battle once again.

GM *yoda* out.


Lt Axle to Lord *vader*

My lord I had gotten lost in space after something whizzed by me at light speed,requesting permission to board your star destroyer.


Admiral 4J to Lord *vader* :

My Lord, we've exited Hyperspace and are destroying the last of the rebel garbage heaps, I mean ships. I find it funny that they say that they have battleships and destroyers when they're a rag-tag rebellion that can barely keep a few fighters and cruisers together! It must be for moral that they use these words, since they're definitely short on funds.

It's good to see you back , GM *yoda* . Pink, rainbows, carebears? It sounds like we've found the newest rebel base of operation! I'll dispatch a few thousand probes to that system. Expect word soon.


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ...............

Good..... Good...........

As soon as you arrive we can begin.............. With what i have learned the rebels will soon feel our wraith!....

Lord *vader* to Lt Axle..........

Lt you cannot board my ISD for reason that are classified......... But you may join us at this location (*encrypted*).......... Hurry Lt......

Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J..........

Admiral your defense of the outpost has given me the perfect oppertunity............

Secure the area for the Empire........... This planet that the GM speaks of does require further investigation......

When the outpost is secure you will proceed their and investigate........

Lord *vader* to Lt Robiwan........

How goes the hunt Lt?...........



Rebel you have no idea where we are or what we have planned..............

And your feeble attempts to suggest otherwise are not fooling anyone...............



I've....man...aged...to get....a...saf...e..locati..on..here....There. this darn transmision box is pretty bus...te.d....There. I spied on some Imperial forces...like the idiots they are...they got killed somehow..didn't stick around to see the result....This planet is...quite...swam..py. Good for hidin..g. I'll be safe for now....Also managed to get some supplies from an Imperial base.....Wait...got..so..m..e. tr..ou..ble...he.......


Same old song............... Ahhh then perhaps its time that my actions meant more than my words..........

You have brought death to your friends.......... Even now the rebel known as IScouts is being hunted to death.......

All because of your lack of vision................



Agent oo7 reporting status...

I shot down a couple fighters but then when we surrenderd I retreated. This is almost hopeless, where is our leadership, the Empires' followers are always getting new orders, but our rebel leaders have abandoned us, senceless cowards. >:-(

We should elect a new leader! We are the last beacon of truth in these troubled times, and I know if we band together we can bring the galaxy into a state of tranquillity and happiness.

Agent oo7 over and out...


HAHAHAHAHA......................... Leaderless and running for your lives...............

Surley you rebels must know you cannot win............ And to think this is only the beginning.........



Good news. I've been able to hijak a ship and get out of here. I'm heading back to the location of the rebel rendevous discard the stolen ship, and take a new one. Don't forget Imperials, we have taken your plans for Project Zero.


Nobody surrendered 007.

The fleet is still intact and in hyperspace. Glory hounds who stay to shoot down a few measly TIE fighters are of no use for the alliance...


Admiral 4J to Lord *vader* :

The plan with the "leaked" 0 plans goes well. The rebels will really fall into any trap these days, won't they? Of course if they had any brains they'd see the odds and surrender immediately! They must all be suicidal.

The last orders have been carried out, my lord. Soon the rebels will feel the wrath of the Iron Fist of the Empire.


*sad* That's annoying, the Empire is wasting all their money and time with us rebels. I mean, all these traps and such, it's like they're trying to get us...has anything happened yet....No. It appears the Empire is just a hoax with traps and such, lies, and more traps. It's all they do. They pressure the Galactic Times to make these bogus articles. Their tactic of actually doing something will never come. And I bet they will say "Lies, lies, lies." Whatever. Long live the Rebellion!


Quiet you Rebel dog. The Empire is expending all of our time and funds on the Rebellion? No more than the energy expenditure of a human swatting a fly off their rear. You really place far too much worth on yourselves. The amount of strength we've invested in you, a few Star Destroyers, hardy stands as a drop in a sea to the full might of the Empire.

And as for doing nothing? Your wreckage says otherwise. Now learn your place and surrender, terrorist.


Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J...........

Admiral you speak the truth............ The rebels have no idea how powerful we really are............

They do their little hit and run attacks like the one on the outpost and claim to of severly damaged the empire..........

The outpost is but one of thousands throughout the galaxy and even if they managed to destroy it we would hardly be damaged.............

Oh and rebels you call your self freedom fighters yet you attack an outpost that was manned by corusant civilians..........

You have slaughtered innocent lives for the last time in the name of freedom you terrorist dogs...........


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