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Agent oo7 reporting status...

This is almost hopeless, where is our leadership, the Empires' followers are always getting new orders, but our rebel leaders have abandoned us, senceless cowards. >:-(

We should elect a new leader! We are the last beacon of truth in these troubled times, and I know if we band together we can bring the galaxy into a state of tranquillity and happiness.

Agent oo7 over and out...

there is a perfecty good leader in mon mothma! the rebellion always recruits people who can think on their own, not a bunch of clone morons! i am only a commander of a part of the rebel fleet and not your leader! if you feel the nead to be dictated to, join the empire!


Lt Robiwan to Lord *vader*

My lord I don't found the rebel the kid for the moment! His last trace leads me to the Hoth system, but he had exit it..........

But I found a rebel ship with ewoks onboard .... I don't know what the rebel want with them. I confiscated the Ewoks and had destroyed the ship .... I bring the Ewoks to the next yup yup fabric ....

I report me when I know more!

Lt Robiwan out


P.S. The reason I quit the rebellion was because I was bored... at least I had something to do in the TIE Army... which is why I would like to re-join once and for all!!! 'Specially since the rebels... killed my brother! Yeah, that's it! He was terminated by those darn rebels for being a spy!

And now he's gone... :'-(



Lt Robiwan to The Kid

Sorry but you couldn't make a career in the TIE Army!! Lord will you see dead.

And I will find and destrox you!!!! *skull*



Lord *vader* to Lt Robiwan.............

This rebel should pose no problem for you but should you need help then call Admiral 4 J..............

Hes very close to your present location...........


Rebel kid.......... Perhaps it is because you cant be loyal to anyone........... First the empire now the rebels.....

The Empire does not take traitors back.............. We execute them!...........



True...if you wanna join back...you must earn it.

Anyway, Good to hear rebel mutely. After what I've been through, I'm just going to build up my strength again and start out...


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ...............

GM when will you arrive for battle.................

Lord *vader* to Lt Axle...........

I do trust that you have joined the GM and are on your way also................

The rebels are week and leaderless........... Now is the time to strike..............



Ah yes the invisable leader who says nothing..................... Perhaps this leader is in your head rebel........

Either way their tactics are usless and you have failed...........



GM *yoda* to Lord *vader*

My Lordship,

I am still waiting for our Fett to arrive and board my ship for some rip off trade with the fat green slime ball aka Jabba !!

Waiting for our Fett I really enjoy reading all that rebel propaganda, its quite entertaining !!

GM *yoda* out !!


Lord *vader* to GM *yoda* ....

If the Fett dosent turn up soon then you must leave him.............

Though we need him to take the cargo to the slug we cannot wait any longer to start the attack.........

The rebels do indeed like propaganda........



Vader, you called me foolish for saying that the Galactic Time's staff was safe, because they supposedly were willingly under your control. Well, it appears you were wrong, because in truth, right before they printed the story of the light side traitor Yoda's dissapearence, they had willingly joinned me and the rebels and moved out of the galactic times building. Your sorry commander Starwars4J thought he had killed them, but in truth he had killed clones that had been made of them before their side switch. I released the clones by hacking into the facilty they were kept in (don't try to trace it. I hacked it on my ship :-P ), and Starwars4J killed them, not having a darn clue that they were and still are safely opperating an underground newspaper in the Rebel base (which is still hidden from your eye doctor lacking troopers and staff, as well as you).

In short, you FAILED, Vader. You FAILED, Yoda. And, you FALIED, Starwars4J. The rebels have won another victory against you, and we will continue to do so until your empire is no more. ;-)

Vader, you called me foolish for saying that the Galactic Time's staff was safe, because they supposedly were willingly under your control. Well, it appears you were wrong, because in truth, right before they printed the story of the light side traitor Yoda's dissapearence, they had willingly joinned me and the rebels and moved out of the galactic times building. Your sorry commander Starwars4J thought he had killed them, but in truth he had killed clones that had been made of them before their side switch. I released the clones by hacking into the facilty they were kept in (don't try to trace it. I hacked it on my ship :-P ), and Starwars4J killed them, not having a darn clue that they were and still are safely opperating an underground newspaper in the Rebel base (which is still hidden from your eye doctor lacking troopers and staff, as well as you).

In short, you FAILED, Vader. You FAILED, Yoda. And, you FALIED, Starwars4J. The rebels have won another victory against you, and we will continue to do so until your empire is no more. ;-)

1. The rebellion lacks the technology and financing to make clones. It took the wealth of the Old Republic to finance the operation for the clone wars. Do you take us for fools? More propaganda. As for hacking into an Imperial facility? We've stopped making normal clones awhile ago, and if they WERE clones, they'd all look the same. However no two people looks alike.

2. The Galactic Times has been making articles in favor of the rightful government ever since the incident. Failure number two for the rebellion.

As said before, the Rebellion is powerless against the Empire. So you resort to trickery and deceit to make yourselves feel better. The fact is that we haven't failed. We are in control of the Galaxy, we have brought peace and order to a chaotic galaxy. You have tried, and failed to tear this society assunder, and have paid for it with many of your lives. Go crawl back in your holes you rebel dogs.

Oh, and the Emperor doesn't deal with gnats, he has no need to deal with the likes of you.


Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J...................

Well done Admiral......... You have answered the rebels claims in an excellent manner............

This rebel must of missed the last few issues of the Galactic Times.............. Before making such a bold claim he really should of done his homework............

Support for the rebellion has dwindled and we have thined their numbers through sheer brute strength..........

Now Admiral tell me have your probe droids discovered anything new?................



Your two reasons fail to comply with my argument. Why? Because first of all, the clones came from YOUR cloning faciility, which as stated earlier, I hacked into to release the clones. Second, the staff now running the Imperial newspaper is different from the staff the rebelion saved. The new staff is loyal to you, Vader, the old staff is not anymore, and they now are making a new underground newspaper within rebel grounds.

I am not being a liar like so many of the imperials are, and I had no need to do my homework, as I was involved the rescuing scheme (Duh!). Seems as the entire Imperial staff needs glasses (including you, Vader, and you Starwars4J). ;-)


Admiral 4J to Lord *vader* :

All probe droids have returned. Nothing was found, though I have some information on the third planet in that system. I'm going to send a second wave of droids to scour the surface of that one.


Lord Vader, I have located the Grand Moff. However, the rebels appear to have discovered his location as well, and they're blocking the route to the planet. How about sending me some back-up?


Lord *vader* to the Fett............

Extra ships have been sent to help............ But if you dont make it their in the next few hours then the GM will have to leave...........

I need his tactical skills asap....................

Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J...............

Let me know what you find............


Guest The editor

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