Scouty Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 They took to arms to protect the galaxy! Not turn it into a corrupt place! Those cheerings were merely corrupted by the emperor! The chaos is caused because of him, not the jedi. I heard from old files that the emperor was in the help of the seperatists, only to lead them to their downfall to aid him rising his empire! Making him a Grand Army of the Republic not the empire. Quote
Starwars4J Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Where did you hear or see recordings of the Emperor having ANYTHING to do with the Separatists? In fact he ordered our Lord *vader* to hunt down and kill them all, for they were the cause of chaos. As for the Empire, what chaos have WE caused? None! We bring peace and order into the Galaxy. We enforce the rules that the Old Republic could not, the reason the Old Repblic became corrupt and fell. We do not hav beurocrats only out for credits, we have imperial officers here to guard and protect. The Galaxy was faced with a threat that the Old Republic could not meet, it needed a great man like our Emperor to come and take control, for the good of us all. Would we be any better off, under control of the separatists? Lifeless droids causing havok and discord? Is a single unified government not better than one torn asunder? Our Emperor saved us, saved countless lives by his quick decisions, and decisive actions. And our Lord *vader* , who hunted down and killed the assassins of the Old Republic, the Jedi. And yes, the clones were to form a grand army of the Republic, but the Old Republic existed not that long ago. Surely you remember the decaying stench of corruption that reeked from every orafice of the old system. If you do not grow, if you do not change, you stagnate and become a harm to yourself. That was the Old Republic. We are the new, the better, the Empire. We are here to unify and protect all beings, from the terror of you rebels, and those of your kind. Quote
Vader Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J................... The Emperor has sent word that you have impressed him........... Continue like this and your name shall be held in the highest regards........ These rebels forget so easily, the galaxy was overun with corruption and everywhere we turned people were suffering yet the so called mighty jedi stood by and watched............... Then when the senate was at its lowest the Emperor took the mighty task of restoring the galaxy to its former glory........... Who else in the senate stood up and battled the evil Separatists?.......... NO ONE........... Then when he had all but won the war the jedi turned on him and tried to seize power!......... Having no other option he was forced to kill those that attacked him........ Even after all this he has achieved his goal and the galaxy is at peace once more............. Yet you rebels still dont accept it......... You are seen as nothing more than terrorists...... And the members of the senate scream for you to stop your evil ways......... The Emperor has given me full control over the fleet and the senate has backed any action i take in stopping you........... *vader* Quote
EXO-CHAMP Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 So says the mighty Vader. Slayer of defenceless children..... Quote
Vader Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Lord *vader* to rebel scum............ Those children were hardly defenceless............... Yoda had trained them well and i recieved a 3rd degree lightsabre burn on my ankle from them............ If i hadnt of slain them then they would of grown to be jedi..........And as you know the jedi were traitors to the galaxy........... *vader* Quote
Zarkan Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 These rebels forget so easily, the galaxy was overun with corruption and everywhere we turned people were suffering yet the so called mighty jedi stood by and watched............... Then when the senate was at its lowest the Emperor took the mighty task of restoring the galaxy to its former glory........... Corruption, yes. Suffering, yes. But now, under you and the Emperor's leadership, that corruption and suffereing has increased many times over! Aliens of all kinds are persucuted and executed secretly for crimes they didn't commit! Segregation and prejudice rules, and inisant forrst creatures are turned into dangerously unhealthy treats, all for money and power for you! The economy is in turmoil (other than you own private economy), and crime has increased so much, that women can not even walk on the streets without fear of being robbed! And worst of all, taxes have been increased so much by your leader, that trillions of people and aliens live in complete poverty! How is that better then what was before the Empire? :-| Plus, the people are many, but the Jedi were few, and they can not be the sole saviors of the people when they need so much more help than from a few thousand men, woman and aliens! Plus, they did not just stand by and watch, but they were very occupied in a war started by the Emperor himself! >:-( Who else in the senate stood up and battled the evil Separatists?.......... NO ONE........... The Jedi did. They fought along side people they though they could trust, and in return, you backstabed them by killing them! Then when he had all but won the war the jedi turned on him and tried to seize power!......... The biggest lie of all. The Jedi simply were trying to end the war once and for all, by killing the person who started it! If they had killed the Emperor, they would have given control back to the senate, the senate that now is manipulated by him, and thus has gotten nothing done! Having no other option he was forced to kill those that attacked him........ Even after all this he has achieved his goal and the galaxy is at peace once more............. It is NOT at peace. Not at all, all thanks to the Emperor and you. (Read the first answer to the quote above) Yet you rebels still dont accept it......... You are seen as nothing more than terrorists...... And the members of the senate scream for you to stop your evil ways......... Hah, the protests that have been erupting against you for many days straight say otherwise. "Down with the Emperor! Down with Vader! The Empire must fall!" They shout on hundreds of words, and many of them also call for a new Republic to begin! ;-) The Emperor has given me full control over the fleet and the senate has backed any action i take in stopping you........... Try as you might Vader, the Rebels will always live on, and we will eventually win against you, It may take hundreds of years, but you will fall, Vader, as will your master. You can count on that. >:-) Quote
Vader Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Lord *vader* to the Gunga.... Im mean rebel................ Tell me rebel what is better the odd robbery or hundreds of droid carriers unloading their bombs onto the streets killing thousands of innocents?.......... The economy is healthier than ever......... Why you would think otherwise is beyond me..... Let me ask you this rebel who stood before the senate and recieved thunderous applause for stopping not only the war but for also destroying the jedi traitors?........The Emperor thats who......... You say their is no peace?................ You rebels are at fault for that............ Your terrorist ways prevent the galaxy from being at peace............ You want a New Republic?........... The old one was pointless and many worlds were ravaged by other systems......... The Emperor has stopped this and now those worlds that were attacked are guarded by us.......... You will see the error of your ways rebel.........One way or the other........ *vader* Quote
Sir Dillon Posted November 15, 2006 Posted November 15, 2006 Lord *vader* to Dillon.............Ahhhh Dillon......... Its been a long time since you last reported in........... You are correct about these rebel dogs........... Since the Emperor took over the galaxy has been more peaceful than ever........ No tell me Dillon have you completed your mission?.................... If so are you ready for reasigment?....... *vader* Umm. I'm a little unsure. 8-| Last I checked, I was the Endor Admin, and have been shipping out yub yub burgers to various places. But kind of got lost in all the commotion. BTW, Lord *vader* Since I've had a bit of spare time on my hands, I have contructed a model of the late Darth Maul's (may he rest in peace *sad* ) ship the Sith Infiltrator, complete with cloaking device. I was wondering if this would be any use to the empire? If so, I can ship it/drive it to you. :-) Quote
Zarkan Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 Lord to the Gunga.... Im mean rebel................ Rebel. I am NOT a "Gunga," for the last darn time. If you really think I'm a Gungan, then you truly have lost your head, Vader. |-/ And believe what you want Vader, but you will eventually be proven wrong. ;-) Quote
Vader Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 Lord *vader* to Dillon............. The gungan rebel seems to be upset.......Was it something i said?............ :-P Anyway Dillon you are welcome to continue your job as endor admin.................... But should you wish to further your career then im sure we can find you a higher postion.............. A new Sith Infiltrator?............... Hmmmmmm now that i like the sound of............ Perhaps it would be wise to bring it to me................ Shipping these days takes far too long........... Ahhh Darth Maul now there was a great sith.......Shame he went to pieces whjen confronted by a jedi......... *vader* Quote
Starwars4J Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 But note that the Jedi used the very tactics of the Sith that they so bitterly put down. Anger. Aggression. Emotion. Trickery. These were the tools the Jedi used to claim victory. Just another case of Jedi hypocracy. "Do as I say, not as I do, or I'll slice you in half with my lightsaber" Quote
Vader Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 Lord *vader* to Admiral 4J............ Exactly Admiral Obi Wan struck me down in anger then showed emotion by crying.............. Neither of these were to be shown by a jedi.................. No more proof is needed than what he did........... One day Obi Wan.......... One day i shall find you and strike you down with all my anger and hate.......... *vader* Quote
mutley777 Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 One day Obi Wan.......... One day i shall find you and strike you down with all my anger and hate.......... *vader* what like you did to senator Amidala!! who was with child! Quote
EXO-CHAMP Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 Yeah. Its not hard being a dark lord, when all you have to fight is pregnant women and small children. You're a real inspiration to the Empire.. Quote
Sir Dillon Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 Dillon to *vader* As you wish my lord. I shall bring it to you asap! It shouldn't take very long, because this baby is fast! Also, I would like to take you up on your offer of a different position. While I am grateful for the work on Endor, things have gottan a little boring of late. Dillon out! Quote
Vader Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 Lord *vader* to Dillon.............. Excellent............. I shall meditate on what role would best suit you............. Oh and rebel dogs the name Amidala means nothing to me.............. I have never heard that name before........ *vader* Quote
Starwars4J Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 Yeah. Its not hard being a dark lord, when all you have to fight is pregnant women and small children. You're a real inspiration to the Empire.. So you're calling yourselves pregnant women and small children? I guess that isn't too far off... Quote
Scouty Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 But Vader never really fights us now does he? Quote
Sir Dillon Posted November 16, 2006 Posted November 16, 2006 We all know that Amidala was a spy, and only pretending to love Vader so she could squeeze valuable secrets from him. Besides, Vader never actually killed her, he only was a bit rough on her when he found out about her trickery (who wouldn't, under those circomstances?) and she then commited suicide, because she couldn't bare the shame of failure. *sad* Quote
Vader Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 Lord *vader* to Rebel scum........... Ahhhh yes now i remember..... As my loyal troops have stated that woman was a traitor and had to be stopped......... Though i didnt kill her she died because i found out the truth and that she could not live with.......... As for fighting you myself i am the Dark Lord of the Sith and it is my duty to hunt jedi not you.............. My troops are more than capable of hunting you down and i have faith that they will do so.................. But if you really want to feel my wraith then just wait till the GM gets to my location and my plan unfolds.......................... *vader* Quote
Zarkan Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 Um...... Vader: Where is she all right?Sidious: Your anger has destroyed her. Vader: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!! (destroys medical equipment) :-D That makes me think otherwise, Vader. You loved her, and you destroyed the Empire's medical room because she had died. How can you think she was a traitor and loved her to death at the same time? You are the king of contradictions, Vader. ;-) Grevious, the HUMAN rebel pilot and beginer jedi, out. Quote
Sir Dillon Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 Vader screamed 'No' because he wanted to kill that traitor himself. Grevious, the HUMAN rebel pilot and beginer jedi, out. Hah! :-P Quote
EXO-CHAMP Posted November 17, 2006 Posted November 17, 2006 It's quity entertaining to see all of Vaders pet dogs trying to distort the truth... ;-) Quote
Zarkan Posted November 18, 2006 Posted November 18, 2006 Yes, their bumbiling remarks make me throw myself on my starfighter's controls in laughter. :-D Hah! I am a beginer jedi, Dillon, but my master was killed by Order 66. But if that's not what you mean, then...... (grumbles about the Empire's lack of brains and knowledge and the spagetti that takes their place) :-| Really, guys (all who work for the empire, that is). I think I should forget about reasoning with you at all. You are all too thick headed and pasta brained to tell the truth from lies, and you are really crybabies. (why should someone cry just because they didn't get to kill one person? What a toddler... X-D ). I predict that the empire will soon fall due to this.... ;-) Quote
Starwars4J Posted November 18, 2006 Posted November 18, 2006 That little exchange must have been made up (between our Lord *vader* and Emperor). How would you have heard it? From what you say, it was an enclosed room. There's no way he would have had knowledge of it, my lord. OOC: Guys, remember, try to keep in character. You didn't WATCH the movies, you lived in the Universe it created :-P Quote
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