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I'd go for Dr. Who lego, but I'd think we'd have to wait for it to have a larger impact in the States or Europe. It's really big in the UK, but it doesn't have the fame of Starwars to make it big.

I don't like the idea of a "war" theme with tanks and helicopters and machine guns, sure they would be great models and look cool, but the theme is about killing. Lego shouldn't have any thing to do with killing, some may say Indy is just as violent, but is really isn't since it involves archeology and not war.

With that said I hope there is never a "war" theme, except some nice vehicles in the Indy line like the "flying wing" and a German tank.

I would like to see these themes

- Zorro line *wub*

- Pirates

- Red Barron line( great chance for some sweet planes!!)

Hopefully they will exist, eventually once all the license themes are gone..........


No offense, but 2 of your ideas conradict your problem with a "war" theme. You say you don't believe that lego should have anything to do with killing, but you suggjest a pirates theme whitch basicly thriveonviolence and war,and of all things Red Baron??

A German Pilot that flew in World War one? Seems a bit hipacritacl. And yes while the Indie theme focus's on archeology, it still has plenty of voilence. As do the Star wars, and batman theme's.

As for another idea,how about off roaders?

You could have differnt type of off road trucks and jeeps with suspention systems. Rock crawler vehicles, transport trucks, a garage with a couple of service bays, and even an offroad RV.

No offense, but 2 of your ideas conradict your problem with a "war" theme. You say you don't believe that lego should have anything to do with killing, but you suggjest a pirates theme whitch basicly thriveonviolence and war,and of all things Red Baron??

A German Pilot that flew in World War one? Seems a bit hipacritacl. And yes while the Indie theme focus's on archeology, it still has plenty of voilence. As do the Star wars, and batman theme's.

None of them focus on a "war" direct theme. Pirates had nothing to do with war, just small sea battles against the Navy. I define a war as two countries fighting against each other(No Wikia Definitions here please :-| ). Pirates don't have a country. The red baron was involved in a war, but I wanted the theme to revolve around the planes and airfields ,not dogfighting or killing soldiers

Sure Star "Wars" has wars in it. No lego line directly involves violence, although there may be guns, and laser cannons and swords and weapons. They "suggest" violence, since that is what they were made for.

I don't like war themes with tanks and helicopters and machine guns and other stuff. However I am fine with SW and Indy lines.

And finally I didn't feel like explaining myself :-|


I'd just love to see the return of Avatar. Some Earthbenders, Apa, Toph, Zuko's sister (I forget her name...), seriously, there are plenty more set oppurtunities in the 2nd/3rd season. TLC only took some from Book 1. But I guess that's not a new theme. For a new theme, I'd like to see some sort of musical addition to town. This could introduce new instruments molds, or even minifig scaled brick-built ones. Maybe even some new hair pieces. And for a large set they could have a big concert, with a stage with lighting and everything, a band with instruments, and some civilians for the crowd.


I'm probably the only one, but I feel that they need to focus on tightening up the house of LEGO and focusing more on successful themes; discarding the ones that simply didn't work. I don't need thirty new one-year themes that sell poorly and place LEGO in financial crisis. Themes like Dino Attack and Mars Mission need to go the way of the dodo for more consistency in the successful lines.

The thing that made the 80s and early 90s beautiful was that the four themes (Castle, Pirates, Town, Space) were continuous. A buyer could start to amass an impressive collection in a single theme leading to some wonderful building opportunities. With newer one or two year themes, this isn't possible anymore. Look at the Vikings line. Within two years, everything Viking has disappeared meaning that we probably won't see a huge following for this theme in teh future. I don't need a new line that is going to die out within a year to pop up at the expense of something that has real staying power. This was how Castle, Pirates and Space died in the first place.

I'd just love to see the return of Avatar. Some Earthbenders, Apa, Toph, Zuko's sister (I forget her name...), seriously, there are plenty more set oppurtunities in the 2nd/3rd season. TLC only took some from Book 1. But I guess that's not a new theme. For a new theme, I'd like to see some sort of musical addition to town. This could introduce new instruments molds, or even minifig scaled brick-built ones. Maybe even some new hair pieces. And for a large set they could have a big concert, with a stage with lighting and everything, a band with instruments, and some civilians for the crowd.


That would be Azula. ;-) Yeah, I want Avatar back too, it was great. As for a music theme, that would be awesome, as I love music! Imagine a Lego violin! :-P

I can't think of any other separate theme's right now, I just want to see more City stuff! X-D

None of them focus on a "war" direct theme. Pirates had nothing to do with war, just small sea battles against the Navy. I define a war as two countries fighting against each other(No Wikia Definitions here please :-| ). Pirates don't have a country. The red baron was involved in a war, but I wanted the theme to revolve around the planes and airfields ,not dogfighting or killing soldiers

So sea battles are ok, but wars on the land with tanks and helocopters are bad? Thats basicly what your saying. :-| And anyways, didn't they have a Red Baron USC type set? If so whats wrong with a Hummvee, Abrams Tank or other militray type USC vehicle? Heck, you don't even have to have guns on them. You can just have a troop carrier, militray police,or just a basic Hummvee or jeep. If people wanted to they could add weapons on themselfs.

Anyways, nobody ever said that a "war" theme had to envole any two said countries. All we really want are some modern day Weaponary. You don't like that idea, than thats fine. But don't say that its wrong for lego to be assosiated with anything violent, when not only are there curently themes already associated with violence, (and you admit they are) but you sugjest theme's that are impelmented by war. You can try and defend it by calling them "Battles" :-| but the real deal is there the same thing.

Sure Star "Wars" has wars in it. No lego line directly involves violence, although there may be guns, and laser cannons and swords and weapons. They "suggest" violence, since that is what they were made for.

Um, this makes absolutley no sence at all. first you say..

Sure Star "Wars" has wars in it. No lego line directly involves violence,..

Then you say...

although there may be guns, and laser cannons and swords and weapons. They "suggest" violence, since that is what they were made for.

This makes no sence what so ever. Its ok for these lines to have wepons and be assaiated with viloence, but if it has modern vehicles, then its not ok? Geez, how more hipacritacall can you get. :-|

Look,i'm not trying to pic a fight with you, nor am i trying to force my ideas on you. If you don't like the idea of modern day weaponary in Lego for whatever reason, thats your right. I just feel that there can be a happy meduim for everyone. I realize this is a touchy subject for some, but i like many know that this could be done. I know there are many out there that feel the same way i do (i might just be more verbal about it).

This makes no sence what so ever. Its ok for these lines to have wepons and be assaiated with viloence, but if it has modern vehicles, then its not ok? Geez, how more hipacritacall can you get. :-|

You should probably try and avoid calling others on these forums names. Just because you find Piranha's argument to be lacking doesn't mean you should be calling him a hypocrite. If you find that his argument doesn't make sense, that's one thing but to outright insult him is going a bit far.

Look,i'm not trying to pic a fight with you, nor am i trying to force my ideas on you. If you don't like the idea of modern day weaponary in Lego for whatever reason, thats your right. I just feel that there can be a happy meduim for everyone. I realize this is a touchy subject for some, but i like many know that this could be done. I know there are many out there that feel the same way i do (i might just be more verbal about it).

I'll chime in here because I actually agree with Piranha on this one.

Take a look at the Indiana Jones line. You'll notice that it has been significantly de-politicized with the removal of national flags and identifiable military equipment. I wouldn't be expecting a Hitler minifig anytime soon. It is for this reason that I wouldn't be holding my breath for modern day LEGO military sets. LEGO has a reputation as a very child friendly brand. Moving into modern war toys would probably not go over well with alot of consumers or parents groups.

The problem with modern warfare is that it is inherently political. A theme focusing around what would presumably be the US military would undoubtedly come under alot of criticism. Even if the sets don't go as far to show any actual combat scenarios (i.e. Afghanistan vs. US or Iraq vs. US sets), the politics associated with these events would not go ignored. There are many people who are strongly opposed to glorifying modern warfare (probably moreso outside of the United States). I'm not sure if this is a bridge that LEGO wants to cross.

One of the biggest differences between a toyline that deals with modern non-fictionalized warfare and LEGO's other combat related themes (ie fantasy factions with fantasy vehicles) is that it invariably invokes thoughts about some politically contentious issues. Heck, even a discussion about WWII and the parties involved can stir some heated debates. This is precisely the sort of thing that LEGO has gone out of its way to avoid. Imagine the kind of debates that a modern warfare line would start. Remember, a good number of people outside the US are strongly opposed to the US' military actions. I couldn't see a military line doing anything positive for LEGO.

Edited by blueandwhite

i agree with piranha too. i interpret his meaning to be no "political war themes." fantasy war and violence doesn't seem to hold the same taboo that politics do.

as for a new theme. i still want a city sub-theme of industry with two opposing forces. one the eco-friendly fighters - and the second, the polluting factory workers and corporate "big men." much like the kids cartoon captain planet.

- BM

I've probably said this numerous times, but a zoo, safari or farm theme would be most wanted theme.


I've probably said this numerous times, but a zoo, safari or farm theme would be most wanted theme.


I actually think this is one of the best ideas yet. There could be some great sets from this, it could just be a sub-theme in city aswell. I would love to see some new lego animals, oh the possibilities! *wub*

You should probably try and avoid calling others on these forums names. Just because you find Piranha's argument to be lacking doesn't mean you should be calling him a hypocrite. If you find that his argument doesn't make sense, that's one thing but to outright insult him is going a bit far.

First off, i called his coments hypocritacal, whitch i'm sorry to say, are. You can't say that your against violence in lego, and sugjest lines that are equally as violent as the ones you apose. If Piranha took offence, i apoligize.

I'll chime in here because I actually agree with Piranha on this one.

Take a look at the Indiana Jones line. You'll notice that it has been significantly de-politicized with the removal of national flags and identifiable military equipment. I wouldn't be expecting a Hitler minifig anytime soon. It is for this reason that I wouldn't be holding my breath for modern day LEGO military sets. LEGO has a reputation as a very child friendly brand. Moving into modern war toys would probably not go over well with alot of consumers or parents groups.

Ok, then how come you can't do the same thing with modern military vehicles? I never said that a war theme, or anytype of military type theme had to focus on any countries. I never at any point sugjested that. You can have military type sets without putting country flags on them. It is possible. And if using "identifiable" military vehicles would be a problem, then don't.

The problem with modern warfare is that it is inherently political. A theme focusing around what would presumably be the US military would undoubtedly come under alot of criticism. Even if the sets don't go as far to show any actual combat scenarios (i.e. Afghanistan vs. US or Iraq vs. US sets), the politics associated with these events would not go ignored. There are many people who are strongly opposed to glorifying modern warfare (probably moreso outside of the United States). I'm not sure if this is a bridge that LEGO wants to cross.

Again, why does this have to focus on American military? Using the Hummvee as a USC set was just a sujestion. And i never at any point sugjested that you have an Afghanistan vs. U.S. or any thing for that matter. Of course that would have contriversy and rightfully so. Your starting to jump to your own conclusions and never at any point was trying to glorify modern warfare. I'm simply trying to state that many peoples arguments that lego will never do a military line because its policy is that they won't do anything asociated with voilence, when many of there themes reek with them now. When this is brought up, people try and defend it by saying stuff like

"Well, the pirates had smiliy faces,so it was ok." or

"Batman and Starwars are license theme's and there make believe so its ok" so extremely poor.

Violence is violence, no matter how you put it. I find that most of the time the excusses are made to defend the themes that currently have violence because there big fans of that paticular line.

One of the biggest differences between a toyline that deals with modern non-fictionalized warfare and LEGO's other combat related themes (ie fantasy factions with fantasy vehicles) is that it invariably invokes thoughts about some politically contentious issues. Heck, even a discussion about WWII and the parties involved can stir some heated debates. This is precisely the sort of thing that LEGO has gone out of its way to avoid. Imagine the kind of debates that a modern warfare line would start. Remember, a good number of people outside the US are strongly opposed to the US' military actions. I couldn't see a military line doing anything positive for LEGO.

FYI, you don't need to live outside the U.S. to opose its military actions. Again, your jumping to your own conclusions. This was never a debate about the U.S.'s current military situation. I really, really sugjest you don't go there. It was never once sugjested by anyone that it be based on U.S. military, or ANY paticular military faction. Like i already said, hummvee's jeeps, and such are merrly just sugjestions for usc type sets. There's absolutly nothing wrong with these style sets. I'm not saying that this line wouldn't cause some people to rasie an eye brow or two. Heck, the Indie line is contrversial by itself. But if done right, i see no damage to lego.

Not to get on anyone's case, but frankly I agree with 5150 here. He, or anyone, didnt specify anything, and it just seems youre jumping to conclusions. If there was a military line, it would probably be one color vehicles vs. another, not nationality mentioned, nothing. Violence is just a given nowadays with the current generation in toys, anyway.

Take best lock for example. Their military was green vehicles vs. tan. That holds no political leverage, nothing. Unless you want to assume one country is this or that, but theres no flags atall. Nothing suggesting anything. You can assume all you want *wacko*

Licensing doesnt make violence ok either. It just means its more popular money making violence.

Play nice and stay on topic please. Talk about your ideas for new themes and leave the off-topic political and war talk for other places.

I just said this somewhere else but I'll re-iterate it here:

I have no problem with people expressing their views on Eurobricks, but:

  1. Keep discussion respectful-everyone has a right to their own opinions and beliefs.
  2. Keep debate relevant-don't blow the issue out of proportion and don't ruin the thread with continued baiting.
  3. Don't stray too far off topic-take it to MSN or a community topic if you really need to go on for pages.

Now, just to get the last word before we move on, I want to point out that there are a good number of people inside the US opposed to US military actions as well.

Sorry. :-$ I couldn't help myself. Now back to the topic and stop straying off into this bickering political land. I'd hate to have to close this thread because you guys can't respect each other.

... like as I was saying, I think zoo lego would be a great idea, when expanded outside of the duplo universe! :-$

.. Sorry Hinckles.. didn't mean to fuel the fire. :-$

Now, just to get the last word before we move on, I want to point out that there are a good number of people inside the US opposed to US military actions as well.

Sorry. :-$ I couldn't help myself.


I personally think that TLC could pull off a post-apoc ( *wub* ) theme easily. Look at Dino Attack, have minifigs like those, and the vehicles don't even have to be as warlike. They could make awesome, rough, assymetrical vehicles and sweet monsters. A base would be cool too and the whole thing would be a great source of frown and tan.

Mutant figs would be great too, with cool prints and custom heads! :'-)


Batbrick is Back! >:-)

... like as I was saying, I think zoo lego would be a great idea, when expanded outside of the duplo universe! :-$

.. Sorry Hinckles.. didn't mean to fuel the fire. :-$

Hinckles :-D

Thank you and no worries. It's just important to remember to respect each other. I'm even okay with discussions going off topic for a bit. I'm the king of it after all :-$ . But just, everybody, please remember, everyone's entitled to their opinion, so please respect each other especially when hot-button topics like this come up.


Hinckles :-D

:-D Hope you don't mind me calling you that. I like to create little nicknames for people :-P

It seems I'm also pretty good at getting topics off topic for alittle aswell, but atleast it's always in good fun, which in my eyes is always appreciated, just like what most other people do, which is just a nice part of the great community here :-D

Like now, that was way off topic :-$

And as for Batbrick's post: I agree they could pull off something post apocolyptic like the Dino-Attack theme again. I think the only downfall of that theme was the giant moulded dinosaurs, perhaps some other sort of enemy would be great here.

Or heck, post apocolyptic doesnt always have to be violence related, I'm sure the Lego Company could create some other plot. As I would give you an example, but, you see, I suck at that. So I wont.

Ahh! The crossposting! :-P I kid, I kid because I love! *wub*

I would also like to expand on my fanatical obasession (obasession? what was I typing? *wacko* ) with post-apoc. Factions could be included, and it could be like the vikings in that we get heaps of torso prints! :'-)

And dead tree molds would be great. And lots of fire peices. And imagine a base, it could be surrounded by a fence and be on stilts, with cool features like a secret escape door. It could be done so many ways!

Post-Apoc On! *wub*

Batbrick is Back! >:-)

EDIT: I just read Brickmasters post. I think I agree with you, no more giant molded dinosaurs, but factions and brickbuilt creatures. And like you said, a post-apoc theme can be exciting, it doesn't have to be violence related

Edited by Batbrick

They might not be ideal, but violent toys sell. It's an unfortunate fact and if LEGO hadn't introduced some guns and a few more weapons they might not be as popular as they are. I'm not saying it's right or that it's an absolute fact, but that is my guess.

I do think that LEGO seems to have dropped their anti-violence stance quite some time ago. Of course, they wouldn't announce something like this, but it does appear to be way lax compared to the gunless spacemen of the early 80's. I think people still assume they have the same policy although the themes and new weapons seem to suggest otherwise.

Also, I really like the big molded dinosaurs. :-$

Frankly, I missed out on the entire DinoAttack line - so I don't even own one, yet here I am bashing them :-$

Hypocrite? Maybe so I guess :-$

I think the moulded dinos led to the new castle dragons, however. I own one of these, and I must say though, I really like them. They do have large peices but they go togeather very well, and if used correctly can be incorperated into other mocs. The dragons I quite like :-D

As for the viking dragons made of bionicle, Ive never owned one of these aswell, but being the owner of quite abit of bionicle, Im guessing they had the chronic problem every ball jointed creation did - when you played with it, every appendage went any which way, and you had to constantly rearrange, pose.. etc.


I actually liked the dinosaurs better than the new Castle line dragons. They were a little more organic and not as cartoony. I like their articulation better too. They may have the exact same number of points of articulation, but the Dino Attack Dinosaurs were more reptilian and just cooler, IMO.

Which leads me to my dream line! My idea for a new line would be a creature maker theme. It would consist of creatures and monsters, ie. centaurs, trolls, wooly mammoths, giant gorillas, all types of different animals, mythological and real. But, they wouldn't necessarily be like the new trolls or dragons, they would be more like the Bionicle characters or-dareisay-Galidor characters are built. Their limbs could be interchangeable so you could make any sort of creature you wanted. There could even be interchangeable panels for different types of fur and scales.

I love discussions like this. They make me feel like a badass kid coming up with cool ideas for my favorite toy and impressing my friends with my creative ideas. :'-)

They might not be ideal, but violent toys sell. It's an unfortunate fact and if LEGO hadn't introduced some guns and a few more weapons they might not be as popular as they are. I'm not saying it's right or that it's an absolute fact, but that is my guess.

Also, I really like the big molded dinosaurs. :-$

I'm not saying it couldn't be violent, just that it wouldn't have to be, and that if it was, it wouldn't matter.

And about the Dino Attack Dinosaurs, I will admit to kinda liking them, I loved them when I first got them. But the problem for me now is what to do with it, atleast the new castle dragon has parts that are useful. But I did like the fact that they looked more serious.

I love discussions like this. They make me feel like a badass kid coming up with cool ideas for my favorite toy and impressing my friends with my creative ideas. :'-)

You? Badass? :-D :-P Not possible or convincing "Hinckles" X-D

But I do love your idea, though I think some bricks should be used. I think elements you speak of should be vague enough so they can mix-n-match to create all sorts of cool critters *y* :'-)

Batbrick is back! >:-)

I appologize for getting out of line. I should have read the thread more carefully. 5150 LEGO, I would also like to appologize directly to you for taking this too far.

Edited by blueandwhite

Hinckles said we all should probably stop arguing, frankly I think if you want to continue to argue, you should atleast do it in private messages? :-$

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