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blueandwhite-Knock it off. I said enough with the arguing, this is your last warning. Don't do it again.

I've got it!

The return of..........Paradisa! *wub*

I would really love to see a new theme based on it, since that theme was a great source of cool peices and female Minifigs.

Plus, it could have a caffe so I could finally get some icecream, croissant and bread peices :'-)

Batbrick is Back! >:-)

Take best lock for example. Their military was green vehicles vs. tan. That holds no political leverage, nothing. Unless you want to assume one country is this or that, but theres no flags atall. Nothing suggesting anything. You can assume all you want *wacko*

Licensing doesnt make violence ok either. It just means its more popular money making violence.

Ha ha! You know whats funny? I went to TRU today to seeif they had any new sets, and i saw these Best Lock sets for the first time. I would never buy them, but a few parts attually looked like they could have been usefull. :-$

Play nice and stay on topic please. Talk about your ideas for new themes and leave the off-topic political and war talk for other places.

I just said this somewhere else but I'll re-iterate it here:

I have no problem with people expressing their views on Eurobricks, but:

  1. Keep discussion respectful-everyone has a right to their own opinions and beliefs.
  2. Keep debate relevant-don't blow the issue out of proportion and don't ruin the thread with continued baiting.
  3. Don't stray too far off topic-take it to MSN or a community topic if you really need to go on for pages.

Now, just to get the last word before we move on, I want to point out that there are a good number of people inside the US opposed to US military actions as well.

Sorry. :-$ I couldn't help myself. Now back to the topic and stop straying off into this bickering political land. I'd hate to have to close this thread because you guys can't respect each other.

Sorry Hinkely. I can get kinda carried away when it comes to disscussing the hole military/lego violence thing. My apoligizes and i'll keep it on topic. *sweet*


I personally think that TLC could pull off a post-apoc ( *wub* ) theme easily. Look at Dino Attack, have minifigs like those, and the vehicles don't even have to be as warlike. They could make awesome, rough, assymetrical vehicles and sweet monsters. A base would be cool too and the whole thing would be a great source of frown and tan.

Mutant figs would be great too, with cool prints and custom heads! :'-)


Batbrick is Back! >:-)

This is a great idea. Last night i was thinking of an Area 51 type theme. Kinda like modern day alien/creature hunters. Your post-apoc theme kinda fits that bill. You couldhave jetsand helicopters battling against alien ships and creatures. Somthing along these lines could defenatly work.

I appologize for getting out of line. I should have read the thread more carefully. 5150 LEGO, I would also like to appologize directly to you for taking this too far.

No problem. :-) My apoligizes to you as well my friend. Somtimes i can get alittle to heated in a debate. :-$

I've got it!

The return of..........Paradisa! *wub*

I would really love to see a new theme based on it, since that theme was a great source of cool peices and female Minifigs.

Plus, it could have a caffe so I could finally get some icecream, croissant and bread peices :'-)

Batbrick is Back! >:-)

Agreed. Paradisa is a great source for parts! *y* Pillows, sleeping bags, differnt types of foods,(the ice cream and croissants are great) pots and pans, and the cabnets make for great accesories for techinc figures! I used quite a bit of Paridisa accesories in my last techinc/creator expedtion vehicle moc.

Bellvile is also a great source for parts. The bellvile cruise liner has so many usfull parts, its worth the buy, even if you don't like the set itself.

This is a great idea. Last night i was thinking of an Area 51 type theme. Kinda like modern day alien/creature hunters. Your post-apoc theme kinda fits that bill. You couldhave jetsand helicopters battling against alien ships and creatures. Somthing along these lines could defenatly work.

Thankyou! :-$

I like your ideas too, an Area 51 theme could be great because:

A: Its not strictly military based, it could include hunters, rescuers, alians and characters, like the Adventurers theme

B: We would get many different types of aliens, cool new molds and space age things set amongst modern technology.

C: It could be done many ways, so it wouldn't be strictly a "no can do because of this" thing.

So I like that idea lot *y*

Agreed. Paradisa is a great source for parts! *y* Pillows, sleeping bags, differnt types of foods,(the ice cream and croissants are great) pots and pans, and the cabnets make for great accesories for techinc figures! I used quite a bit of Paridisa accesories in my last techinc/creator expedtion vehicle moc.

Bellvile is also a great source for parts. The bellvile cruise liner has so many usfull parts, its worth the buy, even if you don't like the set itself.

Yeah, thanks, I think a theme like paradisa could be a hit. It would be like getting all those surplus Belville accessories, but instead of getting belville itself you'd be getting great lego sets with minifigs a plenty :'-)

Batbrick is Back! >:-)

5150 and blueandwhite-thank you. *sweet*

I'd like some sort of transforming robot line, with Mechs that turn into jets, cars, or some other thing. Just as long as it doesn't turn into something like that brick built transformers line Hasbro did a bit back :-X .

A Jules Verne theme; you could have various locations from Around the World in 80 days (kinda like Adventurers, but perhaps opportunity for more modern locations - of the book's era).

Journey to the Centre of the Earth would also provide some amazing set opportunities.

Then of course you have the undersea opportunities of Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea.


Another idea would be Greek legends; huge scope for all kinds of creations. I mean, I don't know about kids nowadays, but those always held great fascination when we learnt about them in school.

Edited by brickzone

I'd like some sort of transforming robot line, with Mechs that turn into jets, cars, or some other thing. Just as long as it doesn't turn into something like that brick built transformers line Hasbro did a bit back :-X .

As cool as this sounds, it seems far too complex to be done well. I could see something like Mask where the sets hide weapons/enhancements, but transforming robots (that are stable enough to be sold as children's toys) seem beyond LEGO. Alot of the amazing mechs and robots on Brickshelf are very fragile. I still like the idea of transformable features though, so long as the hidden features are well hidden.

I would have to agree, if any transformation, I would expect it from one vehicle to another, which has already been alot, as seen in the new Mars Mission sets, aswell as the ice Alpha Team sets, which were alright.

When I was younger I used to build transforming jets out of life on mars sets, I had quite an obsession, and I remember build some (what I though at the time were..) pretty good transformers.

As for my ideas? Anything with more purple.

I love purple.

just mixing in my idea again, sets only availible online, designed for afols. they could be based on existing themes or could have their own. many of your ideas can be themes for this i think.


I'd be interested in a zoo type theme as mentioned earlier in this thread. It would be possible to combine many of the themes mentioned before in a theme park way. (I'm thinking mainly of the underwater and zoo ones). You could also sell the shops / stalls and benches etc and combine many of the city and theme elements to create scenery with possibly a railway running around. Both large and small rides could be included such as bumper cars and merry-go-rounds along with possibly, a log flume or a rollercoaster.

If combined you could create a diverse theme park incorporating a safari park (Lego land rovers *y* !) with some rides and shops. (Ironically like Windsor safari park... the place that was bulldozed to create Legoland Windsor!!!)

What about steampunk? That would be great. We could have everything from majestic airships to giant mechanical spiders. I think the designers would have a lot of fun with this theme and I'm guessing kids would go into the stores and say holy crap upon seeing the sets, if TLG did it right. I see something close to time-cruisers. Wacky vehicles with steamtanks, pipes propellers and each set, (even the smallest one) would have a working mechanism.

hey why not bring back time cruisers/twisters?

What about steampunk? That would be great. We could have everything from majestic airships to giant mechanical spiders. I think the designers would have a lot of fun with this theme and I'm guessing kids would go into the stores and say holy crap upon seeing the sets, if TLG did it right. I see something close to time-cruisers. Wacky vehicles with steamtanks, pipes propellers and each set, (even the smallest one) would have a working mechanism.

hey why not bring back time cruisers/twisters?

I think it could work, but as I recall I don't remember timetwisters being a horribly popular line - but I have to say it was increadibly playable. Why? You can have it go with any theme possible, any time line. They can travel through time, it might even lead to you somehow making a time portal to have space and castle meet, and fight!

Ok, getting carried away and rambling on the playability. Personally I would like to see the line, or any line like it atall, but I'm not sure that would happen with what lego is aimed at - younger children that want action-y things? Im just unsure of how popular it may be.

Tis a good idea though.

I think it could work, but as I recall I don't remember timetwisters being a horribly popular line - but I have to say it was increadibly playable. Why? You can have it go with any theme possible, any time line. They can travel through time, it might even lead to you somehow making a time portal to have space and castle meet, and fight!

Ok, getting carried away and rambling on the playability. Personally I would like to see the line, or any line like it atall, but I'm not sure that would happen with what lego is aimed at - younger children that want action-y things? Im just unsure of how popular it may be.

Tis a good idea though.

ahh I know lots of people hated the timecruisers/twisters line -some even said it was a scam to get rid of surplus pieces. I would like to see them come back, it's my favorite line but I know many would hate that.

I have to disagree with you that this wouldn't appeal to a younger audience. Just because kids don't know what steampunk is, doesnt mean they wouldn't find the theme appealing. I think kids would go in, see all these neat contraptions and say "daddy I want that." Of course we'd have to throw in a couple guys with chainsaw arms but it's workable. :-D

Lego Disney That would Appeal to younger ones.. I might be hard to do because of all the weird shapes and sizes. Mr Incredible for example, wouldn't look normal as a minifigure. They would have to give him pregnant Padme's belly! X-D

Wow that is disturbing........

  • 4 weeks later...
I'd be interested in a zoo type theme as mentioned earlier in this thread. It would be possible to combine many of the themes mentioned before in a theme park way. (I'm thinking mainly of the underwater and zoo ones). You could also sell the shops / stalls and benches etc and combine many of the city and theme elements to create scenery with possibly a railway running around. Both large and small rides could be included such as bumper cars and merry-go-rounds along with possibly, a log flume or a rollercoaster.

If combined you could create a diverse theme park incorporating a safari park (Lego land rovers *y* !) with some rides and shops. (Ironically like Windsor safari park... the place that was bulldozed to create Legoland Windsor!!!)

Steam punk is cool and with a theme you can have tons of sub themes even a war theme maybe a civil war like theme with walkers,airships,steam tanks ...it would rock if they made that.

And with a war them maybe a mix with WWII and modern or a futuristic WWII theme set in the 40s 50s

With mech

Edited by Hinckley

What about steampunk? That would be great. We could have everything from majestic airships to giant mechanical spiders. I think the designers would have a lot of fun with this theme and I'm guessing kids would go into the stores and say holy crap upon seeing the sets, if TLG did it right. I see something close to time-cruisers. Wacky vehicles with steamtanks, pipes propellers and each set, (even the smallest one) would have a working mechanism.

hey why not bring back time cruisers/twisters?

I'm with you on the steampunk, some lovely bronzey colours would be great, I'd love a zeppelin.

It may be a bit Amero-Centric and possibly controversial, but a Huckleberry Finn line would be interesting. I just had this idea recently and haven't had time flesh-out just what sets could be had. A little raft would be good and maybe a paddleboat.


One word - SPACE. As in, a brand new space line for 2009 that combines the classic space designs with new building techniques and a sleeker style. *sweet*

- Two factions to start off - a blue, good faction, and a red, bad faction. They could add more factions in later years, like a space pirate faction and an alien faction or two.

- At least one large command ship a year, plus HQ's for each of the faction.

- Lots of large and small ships of different styles (the good guys could have a Unitron-Mtron style, while the main bad faction could have a more angular style with lots of fins and unusal designs).

- Other vehicles too, like moon walker mechs (in Battletech style, not exo-force style), rovers, space drones, and giant wheeled explorers.

Oh, and I'd also love to see a theme based on classic aircraft, without the violent aspect and in minifig scale. They could make the P-51, the Zero, the Me-109, the Spitfire, the B-17, the Me-262, the F-86 Sabre, the Fighting Falcon, the Tomcat, the.... *goes on into infinity*

But yeah, that would be awesome. Great for displaying if you're an adult, and great for the kids since they can have dogfights, even thought TLC wouldn't have to advertise that part. ;-)

I'd love a P-51 Lightning, they were my favourite plane, I loved the Twin Boom design *wub*

I couldn't care less about the Messerschmidt's though, give me a Focke Wulf Fw 190 *wub*

That said, I would rather see the Space line you mentioned, with not much focus on "Conflict", more of a Space race between two rival factions.

Batbrick Away! >:-)

Didn't read through the whole thread, but the first thing that popped into my mind would be a Jungle theme. TLC already has a ton of pieces to utilize - crocs, fan leaves, vines, rock walls, parrots, "lost tribe" MF's, and monkeys galore!! EF has stepped up, but let's get the Jungle Look going again!!

An Agents mission to a deep, dark Jungle?

A Crusade Knight went South instead of North on his way home?! :-P

Indy of course...

Bats needs to find a rare herb/ plant for a sick friend?

A City family vacation to see elephants, and other animals!

A tech lab theme or LotR.

I would like some gothic horror line, something set in the victorian age with several classic horror themes intermixed, with vampire/witch hunters (van Helsing anyone?), werewolves, vampires, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde minifigs, Frankenstein's laboratory, graveyards, ghosts houses or castles etc.

Maybe with some Halloween special sets...

I would also love LotR Sets! *sweet*

I would like some gothic horror line, something set in the victorian age with several classic horror themes intermixed, with vampire/witch hunters (van Helsing anyone?), werewolves, vampires, Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde minifigs, Frankenstein's laboratory, graveyards, ghosts houses or castles etc.

Maybe with some Halloween special sets...

I would also love LotR Sets! *sweet*

Ooooh - Yeah! More horror!

LotR is quite popular, but does anyone really ever think we'd see sets based on the property and/ or movies?!? It just seems like such a longshot... :-(

I also though about the possibility of Gundams, after the success of Exoforce to mecha and space fans until I found this:


This doesn't look like Lego to me *sing* *n* .

It is LEGO its a custom kit from http://www.foundrydx.com/rx78.html there are more to

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