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A ragtag group of heroes slowly make their way through the streets of Eubric Freeport to the headquarters of the Guild of Invision. The group includes:

petaldan_parfenius.jpg Paladin Petaldan Parfenius (Played by Palathadric) *Party Leader*

5-year-old male "wonder" Knight *Immune to *Stunned*, *Bound*, and *Petrified**

Level 7

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 7

Health: 18/18

Gold: 0

Equipment: Daugslyr (WP: 5; Longsword), Shield (SP: 5; Shield), Gloves of the Boy Wonder (SP:2; immunity to *Stunned*, *Bound*, and *Petrified*; suitable to Petaldan only; handwear)

Inventory: 5 Slimy Sword (WP:2, can be split into several weaker Slimy Swords or combined with other Slimy Swords to increase WP and split apart again at any time, longsword), Emerald, 4 Potion, Phoenix Essence, Bedroll

19745451253_0970632efb_m.jpg Ezeran Yavarr (MysticModulus)

42 year old male human Mage

Level 11 *Absorbs darkness* *Immune to wood* *Enemies that hits Ezeran becomes slowed*

Power Bonus: 0 (Spellpower: +2)

Defense: 3

Health: 15/15

Ether: 15/15

Gold: 0

Equipment: Ancient Sapphamber Staff (WP:8, doubled against Ancient enemies, Wind-elemental; staff), Hood of the Elementalist (SP:1, *Absorbs darkness*; headwear, suitable to anyone), Sneezing Demon (SP:2; enemies that hit the wearer become slowed; immunity to wood; suitable to Ezeran only; bodywear.)

Inventory: Trickster’s Baubel (WP:5, each hit causes one random effect: stunned, poisoned by 1, asleep, blinded, sealed or confused; wand), Ebony Scorpion Dagger (WP:5, deals Poisoned-by-3; dagger), Shackles of War (Prevents anyone from fleeing battles; accessory.), Emerald (Wood), Ruby (Fire), 3x Potion, Grand Tonic, Remedy X3, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb

22476602193_881303c9d6_q.jpg Hunkan Silvertoss (BountyBeast)

53 year old male dwarf Rogue

Level 2

Power Bonus: 0

Health: 8/8

Gold: 19

Equipment: Longsword (WP: 3)

Inventory: Potion, Venom, Phoenix Essence, Nostrum

reddson.JPG Kid Reddson (dum)

19 Male Human (1/4 Leprechaun) Ranger

Level 1

Power Bonus: 0

Health: 6/6

Gold: 0

Equipment: Crossbow (WP 3)

Inventory: 3 Smoke Bomb, 2 Potion, Phoenix Essence, Bed Roll

photo-thumb-43982.jpg?_r=1438604472Torald Waruelf (Alfadas)

20 year old male human Barbarian

Level 9

Power Bonus: 2

Defense: 3

Health: 18/18

Gold: 76

Equipment: Sludge Glaive (WP:8, pierces defense and causes either fragile or weakened; halberd), Tricorne (SP:3, headwear; suitable to anyone)

Inventory: Ebony Scorpion Spear (WP:5, deals Poisoned-by-3; spear), Old and Rusty Greatsword (WP: 3), Crocodile Belt (Max. Health +2; accessory.), 6 Potions, Mead X7, Phoenix essence, Tiger Balm, Fighting Boots (Power +5 on the front row; suitable to barbarians, knights, rogues, beast warriors, chi monks, dragoons, harlots, infiltrators, marauders, skirmishers, regulators, vindicators and winged warriors; footwear. Spark Hammer (WP: 8 Lightning elemental Hammer. Double WP against flying and mechanical)

photo-thumb-157379.jpeg?_r=1458913380Wolfwind (Kappy)

38-year-old Male Werewolf Mage

Level 1

Power Bonus: 0

Health: 5/5

Ether: 5/5

Gold: 0

Equipment: Staff (3 WP)

Inventory: 1 Potion, 1 Opal, 1 Remedy

At the guildhouse the party was instructed to find Dr. Cula's laboratory on the second floor. Eventually they came to a door with the correct name on it.


Inside, the group is met by the pale doctor who is busy at work with his latest concoctions.



"Ah heroeth! Your timing it abtholutely perfect. I vath jutht telling my athitant how difficult it had become to find good help given the forming of the alliantheth. I am Doctor Alphothe Cula, at your thervithe and thith ith my laboratory. Ith thith all of you? I'm not thure how many of you Julian athepted."


QM Note: Welcome to Quest 149 folks! Glad you could all join us. For those of you for whom this is your first time on a Quest I'll pop in with "QM Note's" every once in while to give you advice or guidance, otherwise the world is pretty free range. Most things included in the pictures are there for a purpose so don't feel afraid to interact with what you see. If you ever want to do something specifically make sure to bold it. Likewise important facts or questions will also be bolded throughout the quest. This quest was designed to be fairly straight forward and relatively short (maybe a month or so depending on activity level). The general rule of thumb is that I will update at a minimum of every 24 hours if not sooner, I expect the same from my players. If you need to take a leave of absence please state so in the quest or send me a private message. Important, if you have not posted in 72 hours and have not given any notice of your absence you will be dropped from the quest, there are of course exceptions, but generally such behavior is considered inconsiderate of both my time and the fellow players. If you have any out of character questions (OoC), please use the appropriate abbreviation or shade your comments. Please refrain from just posting OoC comments only posts unless absolutely necessary. Feel free to at any time send me a private message if you have any questions or post non-quest concerning talk in the discussion thread of this sub-forum. With that please confirm that your stats are correct and have fun and thanks for coming along on the adventure! :classic:

Edited by Waterbrick Down

OOC: my stats are good. When you say shade ooc stuff, does it have to be the grey shade or can I keep using this green? I can do whatever.

Kid entered the laboratory, puzzled by all the potions and contraptions.

​Forgive me Alphy- can I call you Alphy?

Kid does not wait for a response.

I'm calling you Alphy. Forgive me Alphy, if you have said it already, but what exactly will our quest entail?

Ezeran steps into the laboratory eyes glittering like a demon spawn at grogmas eve while his eyes beheld all the equipment. He discreetly made his way to a pale blu crystal sotting on a box and touched it curious about its potential. The symbiont also seemed curious about the surroundings as its tongue wagged pointing in all kinds of dire tions while its mouth formed an anxious "o".

Ezeran nods towards kid "Greetings young marksman, good to see tou here!"

Ezeran then turns to the doctor. "As a proud member of the union I hereby greet you with honour dear doctor. There should be six of us I think."

OoC: Stats ok.

Edited by MysticModulus

  • Author
  On 4/1/2016 at 1:51 AM, dum said:

OOC: my stats are good. When you say shade ooc stuff, does it have to be the grey shade or can I keep using this green? I can do whatever.

QM Note: The green is OK, however generally we use grey as it tends to be more aesthetically non-distracting and other players tend to use the general colors to represent their speech. See below for an example:

  On 7/25/2015 at 7:56 PM, Zepher said:

OoC: Sorry all, got stuck in the city unexpectedly last night. We'll be off to the races in just a bit. :thumbup:

Guts and Hybros are let into the mansion by U'Or. The rest of the heroes will simply have to wait.

  On 4/1/2016 at 1:51 AM, dum said:

Kid entered the laboratory, puzzled by all the potions and contraptions.

​Forgive me Alphy- can I call you Alphy?

Kid does not wait for a response.

I'm calling you Alphy. Forgive me Alphy, if you have said it already, but what exactly will our quest entail?


"Doctor Cula will suffithe, thank you. I vill require your help in athertaining vhy one of my motht important pietheth of laboratory equipment ith broken. I already thent one athithtant and he did not return."

  On 4/1/2016 at 4:59 AM, MysticModulus said:

Ezeran steps into the laboratory eyes glittering like a demon spawn at grogmas eve while his eyes beheld all the equipment. He discreetly made his way to a pale blu crystal sotting on a box and touched it curious about its potential. The symbiont also seemed curious about the surroundings as its tongue wagged pointing in all kinds of dire tions while its mouth formed an anxious "o"."

Ezeran then turns to the doctor. "As a proud member of the union I hereby greet you with honour dear doctor."

The blue crystal appears to be a solid piece of mythril. Cables and wires are attached to the metal and run hither and thither about the laboratory.


"Ah, Mr. Etheran your previouth vork for the Guild is motht noted and I'm glad Julian had the thenthe to bring thomeone familiar vith our vork along. I trutht your fellow heroeth are jutht ath loyal to the Union? Thpeaking of vhich, vhere ith the retht of your party?"

QM Note: Once everyone has checked in, we'll get this quest rolling.

Edited by Waterbrick Down

  On 4/1/2016 at 5:42 AM, Waterbrick Down said:


"Ah, Mr. Etheran your previouth vork for the Guild is motht noted and I'm glad Julian had the thenthe to bring thomeone familiar vith our vork along. I trutht your fellow heroeth are jutht ath loyal to the Union? Thpeaking of vhich, vhere ith the retht of your party?"

QM Note: Once everyone has checked in, we'll get this quest rolling.

Ezeran bows a little. "I'm glad to be of service. Torald the barbarian is certainly loyal to our cause as he too is an esteemed member of the union. The others, well to be honest I don't really know about their loyalites. The boy wonder sure is a skilled hero but with a boys values. The others are fairly new to me and I hope we can sway their loyalities in the right direction..."

Edited by MysticModulus

  On 4/1/2016 at 5:42 AM, Waterbrick Down said:


"I already thent one athithtant and he did not return."

"Curious, don't you normally have quiet competent assistants? Who did you send and where? We'll get to the bottom of this so you can continue your important work for the guild."

Edited by MysticModulus

Ezeran turns to Kid. "Mister Reddson, I can't remember if I've introduced myself formally. My name is Ezeran, it was nice fighting by your side in the fields. Where are you from?" The symbiont gives the impression of glaring at Kid even though it has no eyes.

Edited by MysticModulus

Hunkan wanders around the hall and stops upon seeing Ezeran and Kid through an open doorway. He steps inside. "There you are! I got a bit lost on the way here, am I late?"

(My stats are correct.)

  On 4/1/2016 at 10:41 AM, BountyBeast said:

Hunkan wanders around the hall and stops upon seeing Ezeran and Kid through an open doorway. He steps inside. "There you are! I got a bit lost on the way here, am I late?"

(My stats are correct.)

Ezeran greets the newcomer with a short nod. "I haven't got a clue if you're considered punctual or not, I guess you could be considered on time since we are still missing half of our party. We were just speaking with the good doctor."

  On 4/1/2016 at 5:42 AM, Waterbrick Down said:
"Doctor Cula will suffithe, thank you. I vill require your help in athertaining vhy one of my motht important pietheth of laboratory equipment ith broken. I already thent one athithtant and he did not return."

Of course he did. Figures. Kid mutters to himself.

  On 4/1/2016 at 8:07 AM, MysticModulus said:
Ezeran turns to Kid. "Mister Reddson, I can't remember if I've introduced myself formally. My name is Ezeran, it was nice fighting by your side in the fields. Where are you from?" The symbiont gives the impression of glaring at Kid even though it has no eyes.

Where am I from? Well, I'm not necessarily from anywhere. I stayed with my extended family for the beginning 10 years of my life, but eventually became a wandering ranger out of pure boredom.

Edited by dum

Squinting one eye and scratching his beard Ezeran looks like a man that suddenly remembered something. "Hey Kid, I actually think I've introduced myself to you before, you're that guy that were running around the hall pointing your loaded crossbow all over. I won't hold it against you though."

Sorry for being so late! Here I am! Torald walks in the room, careful not to touch anything. Torald knows he can be a bit clumsy and doesn't want to ruin any important work.

Stats seem to be in order.

  On 4/1/2016 at 11:10 AM, Alfadas said:

Sorry for being so late! Here I am! Torald walks in the room, careful not to touch anything. Torald knows he can be a bit clumsy and doesn't want to ruin any important work.

Stats seem to be in order.

"Welcome old friend, I'm relieved to see that you found your way here as well. Say is that a new hammer sticking out of your backpack? It glitters like the wrath of some deity of the heavens!"

  On 4/1/2016 at 11:13 AM, MysticModulus said:

"Welcome old friend, I'm relieved to see that you found your way here as well. Say is that a new hammer sticking out of your backpack? It glitters like the wrath of some deity of the heavens!"

Thank you, thank you. And yes, I traded my elemental swords for this Hammer. You know, with that Giant in the Hall. Hope it serves me well!

  On 4/1/2016 at 11:21 AM, Alfadas said:

Thank you, thank you. And yes, I traded my elemental swords for this Hammer. You know, with that Giant in the Hall. Hope it serves me well!

"I'm sure it will! I'm holding on to this old staff for now. It seems to have a nack for smashing ancient things which might come in handy!"

  On 4/1/2016 at 11:25 AM, MysticModulus said:

"I'm sure it will! I'm holding on to this old staff for now. It seems to have a nack for smashing ancient things which might come in handy!"

Good! Let's go! Let's save your assistant. O wait, where are that Wolf and Kiddo? No, not you Kid, I mean our 5 year old wonder knight.

  On 4/1/2016 at 11:32 AM, Alfadas said:

Good! Let's go! Let's save your assistant. O wait, where are that Wolf and Kiddo? No, not you Kid, I mean our 5 year old wonder knight.

"Yes where is that symbol of boyish wonders and miracles? And where is that mysterious wolfman?" Ezeran takes another look around the laboratory looking for interesting tools of the Doctors trade in the meanwhile.

Torald carefully walks around, trying to not knock anything over. His eyes meet an orange flask, on top of the shelves. What's that, doc?

"Hello everyone, Doctor. I am sorry I'm late, I ran as quickly as my legs could carry me. It's good to see you all again.

"Doctor Cula, I am sorry to hear that one of your pieces of equipment is broken. We will do our best to get to the root of the problem."

Edited by Palathadric

  On 4/1/2016 at 1:01 PM, Palathadric said:

"Hello everyone, Doctor. I am sorry I'm late, I ran as quickly as my legs could carry me. It's good to see you all again.

"Doctor Cula, I am sorry to hear that one of your pieces of equipment is broken. We will do our best to get to the root of the problem."

"Greetings yong master knight, we've been expecting you!"

"It's funny, I thought we left the hall at the same time...maybe I dozed off on the way here." :blush:

Edited by Palathadric

  On 4/1/2016 at 1:08 PM, Palathadric said:

"It's funny, I thought we left the hall at the same time...maybe I dozed off on the way here." :blush:

"Isn't it called 'quantum irreguralities' or something like that? I dozed through that lecture though... "

I just look at Ezeran questioningly.

  On 4/1/2016 at 1:41 PM, Palathadric said:

I just look at Ezeran questioningly.

Ezeran looks back at the young knight. "Or maybe I got it wrong, it could have something to do with cats in boxes..."

Hunkan stares at all the tubes and flasks of bubbling liquids. He can't help but wonder what would happen if something burst. "Doctor... Cula, is it? What can you tell us about the equipment that you need fixed?"

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