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Well hah hah apo, dont you have to go get the bus? It leaves in 22 minutes ;)

have to much time, right?!? go working, man!

Muahahah both sentences were excellent :lol: Well I check really often the forum, most of the time the name of doubleT appears with mine on the board but I can anderstand that not all the people have an internet connection as have at work. And since work is school for most of you, you can hardly check the forum in class.

Here are my recommandation : get a pda or a palm, install the wifi on it and then put a wifi born in the computer room of your school. then you'll be able to check the forum and also to cheat during tests ! What a great improvement to your life ;)


I know (: /

I also want to buy a laptop ! But I'm waiting to have enough money and also I'm waiting for mxm and Axiom, the two technologies developped respectiviely by Nvidia and ATI which will allow you to change your graphic card on your laptop ! Finally your laptop will be upgradable


Half life was such a good game ! I know version two is a really nice an cool looking game, but here is my tip : don't buy any computer : the AGP slot is going to b replaced by the PCI express norma. This will happened in seprember. So just wait.

BUt i'm sure you will wait since you dont have any money :lol: No it's not funny :(

Well I know what it is to have no money and I'm sure that later you will laugh at about this periode you were eating pasta every single and checking this lego forum called eurobricks ;)


Yes they missed the ll thing ! by he way the mostimportant is that w do not missed anything ;) AFter pne long year of efforts :)


I am so anooyed because my computer was down last night. I wish I could have been on.

Well, I see we have some new members and lots of guests. Watch out FBTB!!! :devil:



We have clearly made a giant step in one night :) I just want to see apo face tomorrow. Poor Apophys, always late... How many minutes will he be this time ? :P


erm... what night?!?

but after looking at the main page of this board, i can only say: WOW!!!! 11 guests and 2 members online the last 15 minutes, now 26 registered members... cool!!!!

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