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Atticus Cuervo and his wife Jazmyn have finally finished construction of their new home on the island of Torrach Bonn. Atticus felt that the island was the perfect location to set up his new venture. Along with his supportive wife and quite a few others, a venture was begun, and a small camp was established at the mouth of the Great Serpentine River in the Southwest corner of the island. The first actual building to be constructed was the Cuervo Villa. Atticus and his dog Zatara have just left to go on a hunt for dinner, as we see Jazmyn waving to her husband.



This is a small residence, licensed in the unnamed town, on the island of Torrach Bonn.


I took my pics today at about 1630, which was the right idea, but unfortunately, the sun was already starting to get low in the sky so...I get shadows. Live and learn right? Also need to get a different background. The sheet is the right idea, but it's going to wrinkle no matter what so I need to find an alternative.


Nice to see Torrach Bon finally getting populated.

As to the sheet: That looks like a medium weight cotton sheet. I've found that heavy linen doesn't wrinkle much. I have a large piece that was left over from some low budget stage production.


Very nice residence, always enjoy seeing this roof technique used! The fence looks great as well. :thumbup:

If you take pictures in the shade then no shadows!


The house is great and I love the fact that together we develop a somewhat unique Eslandolan look!

- as for photographing, try to shoot in the shade or on an overcast day, don't worry about the brightness, you can easily change that on your comp

- use a large piece of white, grey, blue .. whatever oversized paper and take it as a background


Great looking little villa - I too really like the style being developed for Eslandola! The patch of garden, the flowers out front, and the creeping vines are all great details, and I really like the balcony and the roof. Adding round 1x1 plates at the bottom of the roof is a brilliant way to avoid the hollow bottom of the round bricks used for the roof. pirate_blush.gif

My only critique is that the road seems rather plain compared to the rest of the build.

And as this is sitting on a 32x32 baseplate, and is in two layers, I would say you could easily license this as a medium residence.pirate_satisfied.gif


A great Eslandolan house! And the surroundings are very nice. I keep dreaming one day i will see a mega-MOC with those Mediterranean houses littering huge numbers of baseplates... aaah, keep dreaming..


Excellent build in the Eslandian style, the red roof, white walls, and balcony are great, and the blue flowers and garden patch add some color and a touch of everyday life! pirate_wink.gifpirate_satisfied.gif I might advise using a couple less colors in the path up to the house though, especially the black looks a bit out of place pirate_laugh2.gif Great job overall though, and as Kai and Kabel mentioned, shooting in the shade or on a cloud day will help with the shadows! pirate_wink.gif


I really forgot how much I wanted to compliment you for that lovely house. Glad I just found it in an old tab.

Really lovely scene, the plants in the garden are a nice touch, the house is really well done overall, but my favourite part is the small balcony with the lady on it, just love it.


Beautiful villa. The design is perfect for the setting and the scale is believable as well. The red roof looks great with those white walls and the landscape is nice. I actually like the lighting - perhaps it doesn't suit the professional mind, but the build brings to mind a warm sunny environment and not the cloudy overcast look of indirect light. Good work.

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