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16 hours ago, Waterbrick Down said:

Skrall gazed up at the flag, "Burn the sigil of Heroica? What sort of soddin' piece of metaphor are they tryin' to prove? Like that'll change anythin'?"

"I believe it was meant to symbolize that, when the time comes, we are ready to do what is necessary even if it means dealing with our own friends and comrades..."

Thalion created a small fireball in his hand and with the small flames dancing around in his palm he looked at the others: "So? Are we ready to do this...? Are we going to do this...?"


"It appears they have a vendetta against both us and subtle symbolism.  This is a real whack you in the face sort of deal."  Boomingham chews his cheek.  "So, what are we thinking?  Flaming arrow?  Or do you want the honor, elf?"


Nerwen remembers the bridge. She traces a finger across her stomach, the memory of a mortal wound with, thanks to the veterans magic, not even a scar. She looks back over her shoulder at Tra-Serral. Enemy, now ally. The world turns, only memory remains.


...does not belong there. Burn it down please Master Thalion.

On your guard everyone. 

7 hours ago, -obelix- said:

"I believe it was meant to symbolize that, when the time comes, we are ready to do what is necessary even if it means dealing with our own friends and comrades..."

Thalion created a small fireball in his hand and with the small flames dancing around in his palm he looked at the others: "So? Are we ready to do this...? Are we going to do this...?"

"Nay, I would not stand fer that. If Ms. Nerwen is correct 'bout it bein' the grip that Heroica has had on this region, then yes perhaps it is time that past. This land is built upon the hard work of the peoples of Baltarok and the Northern Kingdoms, it ain't founded on our group." The ogre removed his cap. "Light it up, Master Thalion."


Thalion pondered for a moment on Skrall's words, "Hmm... Very well then, it is done."

OOC: Sorry guys, I will be going away for the weekend and will not have internet access. If any actions need to be taken, Chromeknight has control of Thalion.

Posted (edited)

Thalion spends 1 ether to create a small fireball and fling it at the flag. It catches fire instantly - and the spread is incredibly rapid. It takes seconds for the flag to burn, and the sigil of Heroica is the first to go, blackening into a familiar T-shape before the entire thing thing falls to the ground. The interior of the tower appears consumed in flame, but the harsh stone of the Augustus Bridge appears very resilient.

From within the flames stirs a strange shape - a figure rises from the burning ash like a phoenix, a figure who certainly wasn't there before. Another sodding piece of metaphor? Or something equally symbolic? More shapes began to stir; half a dozen members of the Wandering Silence stood before them. As the flames crawled up the sides of the tower, two of them slid through the burning trial of fire like shadows - against the light and heat, their 'teleportation' seemed far less mysterious.

The member standing in front of them, however, standing atop the final scraps of the flag, was clearly their leader.



And his armor, though unfamiliar, housed a voice very much so - the hoarse voice, from atop the rooftop of the palace. Were the others of this group merely shells?



The heroes could hear the figure's slow, rattling breath even from inside the helmet.


"....is...." The halting voice teetered on the edge of uncertainty for a brief second.


"...a...relief. I feared Heroica had....become lesser. My fears....are assuaged."


"The Burning Pilgrim. You've much to answer-"


"Spare me, orc," cut off the Pilgrim with a suddenly harsh edge. It melted away instantly. ".....I.......apologize. But have some patience. Please. For an man whose time is......long since past. This is a.......reunion. One that.......I never anticipated."


"....With who? The orcs? Is that why you tried to kill our clan leaders, you tin-plated lunatic?"


"Nobody here....believes that any longer. Your fellow Vauno do not. The heroes do not. Am I mistaken?"

Tra-Serral's eyes dart around at the others of his order. They have crossbows at the ready, but don't appear hostile. In fact, they are absolutely silent.




"I thought the members of your little order worked alone."




"...This isn't about Baltarok at all, is it," stated Tra-Serral dryly.


"Smart girl. No. It is not. But your kind were....formative for me. It seemed...appropriate that my reunion happen here. Especially considering those you...cohort with now." The Burning Pilgrim stepped forward suddenly. His finger danced on the trigger of a strange-looking crossbow. Its design was...old. Unrecognizable...for anyone who hadn't gotten lost in time the past hundred years or so. Boomingham recognized the weapon immediately, a scorpio, a forgotten weapon of High Kingdoms make.

Olmstyr pulled his sword halfway out of its sheath, and the other Pilgrims tensed as well.


"Are you here to force some kind of...ultimatum? You want the heroes," he snapped. "Not the orcs. Not Baltarok. But if you expected them to be alone in this country-"


"Then you ARE as dumb as you look!" Daske raised her spear, and even Aazy looked as though he was rearing for a fight. Tra-Serral, for once, drew in close to the rest of the Vauno, standing between the heroes and the Burning Pilgrim.


"You misunderstand. My Pilgrims have no intention of joining this fight....so long as you don't, Vauno."

He strode forward further, staring right past the Vauno and at each member of the party.

"You and I will duel, heroes of Heroica, on this spot where the world was changed forever. And then the Wandering Silence shall be at your mercy, and you shall have every answer you wish from me."

Edited by CMP

Nerwen speaks gently to Olmstyr.

Stand down Strakvaun, this is just another test.

What do you think Boomingham? Is he as old as his weapon? As well kept? He certainly seems to have no qualms about taking on all of us at once.



Skrall crossed his arms as he questioned the Pilgrim, "Ya expect us to entertain every single challenger who has a bone ta pick with Heroica? Get in line, then. Why should we have any interest in duelin' ya when ya've done such a good job of explainin' what beef ya've got with all of this. 'sides what good will it be if'n ya are to defeat us? Ya think that'll cause the hall back home to just close up shop?"

1 hour ago, Waterbrick Down said:

Skrall crossed his arms as he questioned the Pilgrim, "Ya expect us to entertain every single challenger who has a bone ta pick with Heroica? Get in line, then. Why should we have any interest in duelin' ya when ya've done such a good job of explainin' what beef ya've got with all of this. 'sides what good will it be if'n ya are to defeat us? Ya think that'll cause the hall back home to just close up shop?"


"Your party leader.....Nerwen.....is in the right. And you, also, are.....right." The ragged, singed capes obscuring him shrugged and waved in the heat of the flames. "If I wanted to destroy Heroica, I've done a...poor job. I just want to see....what you can do. I have watched you from afar. Through the eyes of my followers. But you cannot know a warrior without facing the bite of their blade. And I....want to know you once more."


"If experience has taught me anything, it's that those who want to fight one-on-one aren't exactly stupid, because they often are able to handle themselves fine all things told, but are over-all pretty stupid because they're picking a fight the one of them versus the four of us."  Boomingham draws his sword.  "As for his age, can't exactly wager on it with that damned mask, but you can bet your behind I'm looking to find out.  Alright, chappo, we can dance."

16 hours ago, CMP said:


"Your party leader.....Nerwen.....is in the right. And you, also, are.....right." The ragged, singed capes obscuring him shrugged and waved in the heat of the flames. "If I wanted to destroy Heroica, I've done a...poor job. I just want to see....what you can do. I have watched you from afar. Through the eyes of my followers. But you cannot know a warrior without facing the bite of their blade. And I....want to know you once more."

"Yer really unhinged aren't ya? Ya setup an elaborate plot for a chance to satiate some soddin' curiosity when ya could of just showed up in Eubric an' went 'Oy how about we square off in an arena for funsies, no hard feelings, just felt like stretching my legs a bit.' If ya wanted our attention, there were certainly quite a few more civil ways of doin' it and If it's a fight yer rearin' fer then ya'd best get yerself ready." Skrall drew his Unlucky Crossbow and nodded to Nerwen, "I'm ready to put this all to rest."


Thalion rolls his die until he is lucky, then drinks a Grand Tonic. If he becomes Jinxed, he uses a Remedy on himself.

He than draws Alpha and Omega and nods, "I, too, am ready to finish this!"


Nerwen looks between the silent figures on the the tower, the silent Vauno and the one standing before them.

Olmstyr. After this, Heroica and the Vauno will sign a memorandum of understanding. The Vauno will count as members of Heroica for all diplomatic purposes. And vice-versa. To challenge one is to challenge the other also.


I will get the final battle up tomorrow. Sorry, I had to cram a lot of college work in before visitors came over for Halloween weekend. 


Phew. Let me know if anything seems unclear with the battle. :sweet: It's gonna be a weird one. :laugh:

I'm running it a bit like Decamon: I've already determined the Pilgrim's actions for the next round, and I will continue to do so, we're both flying blind when the round is run. It's not as though he's reacting after each of your turns. :thumbup:

19 hours ago, Chromeknight said:

Nerwen looks between the silent figures on the the tower, the silent Vauno and the one standing before them.

Olmstyr. After this, Heroica and the Vauno will sign a memorandum of understanding. The Vauno will count as members of Heroica for all diplomatic purposes. And vice-versa. To challenge one is to challenge the other also.


"It would be our honor. I swore to stand by Heroica when you saved our people, and I will - I do not need papers to tell me that."


"I thank your....patience nonetheless. But this is a more personal matter."


"...So you say." Olmstyr looks sideways at Lord Boomingham, and slips him his own Oath of Reclamation surreptitiously, with a nod. 

On 10/23/2016 at 7:08 AM, Chromeknight said:

Thalion looks on attentively as the conversation with the Pilgrim unfolds.

"Know us again? You've fought Heroica before?"


"Not precisely..."

On 10/23/2016 at 4:43 PM, Zepher said:

"If experience has taught me anything, it's that those who want to fight one-on-one aren't exactly stupid, because they often are able to handle themselves fine all things told, but are over-all pretty stupid because they're picking a fight the one of them versus the four of us."  Boomingham draws his sword.  "As for his age, can't exactly wager on it with that damned mask, but you can bet your behind I'm looking to find out.  Alright, chappo, we can dance."

The Burning Pilgrim let out a dry, gruff chuckle.


"Old enough to know a king like yourself would never spur this kind of challenge."

On 10/24/2016 at 1:01 PM, -obelix- said:

Thalion rolls his die until he is lucky, then drinks a Grand Tonic. If he becomes Jinxed, he uses a Remedy on himself.

He than draws Alpha and Omega and nods, "I, too, am ready to finish this!"


"As you wish. But this is more than...an end."

On 10/23/2016 at 6:47 PM, Waterbrick Down said:

"Yer really unhinged aren't ya? Ya setup an elaborate plot for a chance to satiate some soddin' curiosity when ya could of just showed up in Eubric an' went 'Oy how about we square off in an arena for funsies, no hard feelings, just felt like stretching my legs a bit.' If ya wanted our attention, there were certainly quite a few more civil ways of doin' it and If it's a fight yer rearin' fer then ya'd best get yerself ready." Skrall drew his Unlucky Crossbow and nodded to Nerwen, "I'm ready to put this all to rest."


"I have other motives. Which I shall share...when we are done. I would not have thought an ogre like yourself to complain of a lack of civil ways Skrall, but believe me when I say this arrangement.....is......important. Perhaps not....to you. But to me."

The Burning Pilgrim walks forward. His steps are slow and almost lumbering. The flames dance on his armor like a moving panting, and the party only now realizes that it's not just for show. The man is clad head to toe in adamantine.


"I built the Order of the Wandering Silence...from little more than....an idea. Or a....crisis I once had. A crisis that could....should have destroyed me. But I endured. It was something I became....known for. Surviving....insurmountable odds. I should not have survived the orcs, but I did. I should not have survived....my first quests, but I did. When my kingdom burned and my body was ash, and burned, and dead.....still I lived."

"I left my old life behind, it was...our creed. But times change. When I heard that Heroica had.....helped the orcs, memories...surged. A twist I did not expect. How long, then...how long had Heroica been...changed, I thought. We started running into you again...my agents all across the world, all stumbling over heroes. And I wondered whether, maybe, I would fight alongside Heroica once again. And I might. But I needed to know two things.....for certain."

"The first, I know, because of your actions here in Baltarok. Heroica has grown....idealized in my absence, maybe, but the righteousness is...there. I feared the corruption would set...I was wrong, and that is a welcome pleasure."

"The second..."

The Burning Pilgrim stepped out of the flames, finally face-to-face with the party. Daggers and shurikens flashed in the night, strapped against his deep green armor. Twin blades were crossed across his back, and what looked like an ancient wand was lashed to his gauntlet like a trophy. None of this was counting the enormous, foreign scorpio he was wielding. There was only one other person the heroes could picture putting such an enormous arsenal to use.


"I am told....that a Copper Fox trains you heroes now. I hope....that he is a good teacher."

He shifted aside one of his capes. On the Pilgrim's melted armor was burned an all-too familiar sigil. A Shield, identical to the one on the flag they had just burned...in the form of what was once a badge.


"I did not think the Adamant Arbalest would spar with young heroes again, but I must face you myself. I am old, but my techniques are timeless...for you are still using them. "



  • After each hero acts, the Burning Pilgrim gets a turn immediately following theirs. His rolls are dependent upon the class he is Mimicking. 
  • Instead of lasting for rounds, negative effects last for turns – both the heroes’ and the Pilgrim’s turns count. Damage and heal over time effects – poison, bleeding, cursed, blessed – will still only take place at the end of the round.
  • For rolls of DAMAGE, the last attack type/equipped weapon the target used will be applied; if Thalion rolls DAMAGE while attacking the Pilgrim, and the Pilgrim cast a spell against Nerwen on his last turn, he will cast the same spell on Thalion. The same works in reverse. If the hero or Pilgrim last attacked from the back row, they will remain in the back row until they change rows.
  • For rolls of SPECIAL DAMAGE, the hero or the Pilgrim will use their current SHIELD roll with the same conditions. 
  • Note that modified DAMAGE and SPECIAL DAMAGE – such as DEFLECTED DAMAGE, SPECIAL GUARD, and SPECIAL DODGE – will be in effect even on the opposing party’s turn.



The Burning Pilgrim *Adamant* *MIMIC: BARBARIAN CHIEFTAIN* *Big Chief: Inspired*
Level 50 Armored
Armor: 50

Health: 80/80 160/160
Ether: 60/60
Special: The Burning Pilgrim activates his current class’s SHIELD roll.
Passive Special I: Veteran Mime – At the end of each round, the Burning Pilgrim will Mimic a random Veteran Job Class’ battle style. This will determine his own attack rolls, as well as his attacks on rolls of DAMAGE and SPECIAL DAMAGE, for the next round.
Big Chief: As a Barbarian Chieftain, the Burning Pilgrim is inspired. When he changes classes, his current and maximum health will be halved.
1.    SHIELD: Onslaught – The Pilgrim fearlessly attacks all enemies with strength equal to twice his level.
2.    EXTRA CRITICAL HIT – The Pilgrim attacks with strength equal to three times his level.
3.    CRITICAL HIT - The Pilgrim attacks with strength equal to twice his level.
4.    COUNTER – The Pilgrim is struck by the hero’s HIT or SPELL depending upon what attack the hero used last, but attacks back at the hero with strength equal to his level.
5.    DAMAGE – The Pilgrim is struck by the hero’s HIT or SPELL depending upon what attack the hero used last.
6.    SPECIAL DAMAGE: The Pilgrim is stuck by the hero’s SHIELD.
Passive Special II: Opportunist – While casting spells as an Archmage, or attacking as a Sylvan Ranger, the Burning Pilgrim is Ranged, fighting from the back row and ignoring heroes’ row while remaining at full power.
Passive Special III: Adamant – Negative effects inflicted on the Burning Pilgrim last a maximum of three turns. Instant kills, the doomed-effect, and petrified-effect kills will reduce his current health by one half. 
Passive Special IV: Hero’s Cocktail – When a hero uses a consumable, the Burning Pilgrim can choose to instantly copy it, granting himself any bonuses from a positive consumable, or using bombs/negative consumables on the user. 
Passive Special V: Arsenal – The Burning Pilgrim has three different weapons to choose from during attacks. They have no effect on spells:
Adamantine Scorpio: The Burning Pilgrim’s attacks restore health to him equal to the total amount of damage he dealt divided by five, rounded down. 
Cleansing Claymore: The Burning Pilgrim’s attacks strip the target of a random positive effect - permanent or not- or immunity if the target has no positive effects.
Charred Longsword: The Burning Pilgrim’s attacks have a 1/3 chance each to inflict the fragile-, weakened-, or stunned- effect.
Note: Damage against Armored enemies is divided by their current Armor value. Each individual hit against the enemy reduces their Armor value by 1 after damage is calculated. Armor cannot be pierced or ignored. Armored enemies have no elemental weaknesses.


Nerwen Calmcacil, Champion of the North Kingdoms (Chromeknight)
265 year old female elven Shaman
Level 42.8 *Immune to sealed* *Gains Double EXP* *Restoration* *Absorbs last element* *Counterstriking* *Party Leader*
Power bonus: +8
Defense: 1
Health: 64/64
Ether: 38/50
Gold: 293
Equipment: Mourning Star (WP: 10; fire-elemental; inflicts Fragile-effect; mace), Lesser Ethereal cloak (SP:1, Max. ether +3, immune to sealed; backwear), Medal of Valor (Double experience from battles; accessory), Chameleon Vest (Max. Health +10, the user becomes able to absorb the last element it was damaged with; bodywear), Counterstrike Gloves, Barbarians boots (natural respite becomes restoration)
Nocturne Flute (WP:6; causes asleep-effect; instrument), Mutt's Flute (WP:10; inflicts Weakened-effect; instrument), Party Maracas (WP:4; user is hastened; instrument), Battered wooden flute (WP:6; Darkness-elemental; instrument), Sword of the Warrior of the Light (WP: 14; Light-Elemental, Meditate becomes hits; longsword), Bent Crowbar (WP: 8; 3x damage to Mechanic enemies; hammer), Singing Sword (WP 10; causes bleeding, longsword/instrument), Champion’s Voulge (WP: 14, gains 1 WP when the hero protects an ally by reducing or preventing Damage or Special Damage, axe)
Artifacts: Leather armour (SP:1; Bodywear), Zap-Tap Badge (1/2 chance to Electric counterstrike an opponent who has dealt damage to a hero, equal to the hero's level; Accessory), Shield (SP: 5), Nordic Stomach Guard (SP: 3; Immunity to Ice and Water; Bodywear; Suitable for Barbarians, Regulators, and Beast Warriors), Shield of the Red Lizard (SP: 2; Immune to Blind), Seal of the Warrior Priestess (At the beginning of the battle the user has a 1/6 chance to be Transcended, a 1/6 chance to be Blessed, and a 1/6 chance to be Inspired; Accessory; Suitable for Paladins), Trickster's Mask of the Angel, Razor (user is Blessed and Immune to Bleeding, Enraged, and Encouraged; May take up any artifact slot; requires a shaved head), Helm of the Lord of Light (Immune to Light and Jinxed; headwear; Suitable for Knights), Sylvania's Cowl (Permits Animal Talk, Headwear), Encore Plectrum (if the same Battle Song is sung for more than one round in a row, the song’s ether cost for the consecutive rounds is halved; suitable to minstrels; accessory.)
Spell Items: Opal (2), Topaz (2), Diamond (2), Amethyst, Garnet, Sapphire, Emerald, Aquamarine, Ruby, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Fragile, Scroll of Confusion, Hero Hymn (Inspired-effect to all allies for 10 ether; song)
Consumables: Phoenix Essence (2), Potions (10), Grand potion (2), Tonics (3), Grand tonic, Ether Core, Ambrosia (4), Elixirs (2), Remedies (6), Neutralisers (2), Tiger Balm (3), Nostrum (2), Venom (4), Mulled Wine, Dragon Scale (lucky & blessed), Titan Heart (encouraged & inspired), Fire Bomb, Ice Bombs (2), Lightning Bomb, Water Bombs (2), Dirt Bombs (2), Air Bomb, Bone, Milk (restores 15 HP and 15 Ether), Red Death Blood (Once applied to a weapon the first successful hit deals doomed, consumable) (2), Sushi (restores 5 health and ether), Feather of Lithe (user is nimble for three rounds, 1/3 chance to avoid rolls of COUNTER and DAMAGE and Free Hits), Grating Stone, Bright Polish (2), Meads (3), Mulled Wines (2), Health Core, Eldritch Jelly (Causes a weapon to permanently deal double damage to holy, humanoid, and luminous enemies when it's used on it, giving it the "Eldritch-" prefix. Once used, the weapon can no longer be upgraded, enhanced, morphed, or enchanted. Consumable)
Tools/Treasure: Shovel, Bedroll, Magnifying Glass, Telescope, 3 Scrap Metal, 

Thalion Dwinlas, Super Sleuth, School Inspector (-obelix-)
213 years old male elf Mystic Knight
Level 34.75 *Immune to all elements, sealed, blinded, weakened, confused, sleep, fragile, cursed, doomed, sudden death, poisoned and bleeding* *Permanently Nimble* *Lucky*
Power Bonus: 0
Defense: 16
Health: 45/45
Ether: 29/44
Gold: 1063
Equipment: Alpha and Omega (WP: 14, dual healing/spellcasting at the cost of 2 ether, Hollow [Grand Potion stored], staves), Ribcage Shield (SP:11; every time the wielder takes a hit, the shield loses one SP; gives immunity to Doomed and Sudden Death for as long the shield has SP left), Norgh Armor (SP:5, Immunity to Darkness, Light, Fire, Ice, Water, Wood, Wind, Lightning, Earth damage and Sealed, Blind, Fragile, Weaken, Sleep and Confused, bodywear), Blessed Amulet (Protects from Cursed-effect; accessory), Sterile Gloves (Immunity to Poisoned and Bleeding, handwear), Elven Boots (Wearer is permanently Nimble; suitable to elves; footwear)
Despair (WP: 21, darkness-elemental, physical attacks and spells deal double damage to enemies inflicted with any negative effects, staff), Nightfall (WP: 11, Darkness-elemental, absorbs 2 health on successful hits, Hollow [Grand Potion], dagger), Sleeper (WP: 4, deals Asleep to enemies it hits, Hollow Upgrade [Grand Tonic], melee/throwing weapon), Duplovian Swift Halberd (WP: 10, deals Stunned on successful hits, Hollow [Phoenix Essence]) Broomstick (WP:9, ranged), Handy Shield (SP:4, Immune to Blinded)
Artifacts: Slightly Less Lucky Die (Randomly causes the Lucky or Jinxed effect when used, costs 3 ether), Duplovian Helmet of the Guard (SP:2, Immune to Magic and Healing, headwear), Winged Sandals (Protects from Bound and Slowed effects, footwear), Heart Locket (Protects from Enamored-effect; accessory), Snake-Eye Charm (Protects from Petrified-effect; accessory), Shackles of War (Prevents anyone from fleeing battles; accessory, lent to Boomingham), Paper Doll (Protects from Hexed-effect; accessory), Cloak of Espionage (Allows the wearer to examine enemy stats before a battle, backwear, lent to Nerwen), Bumble Fanshirt (SP:1, vermin with level less than half of the wearer's are scared and won't directly attack the wearer; bodywear), Dragoon's Helmet (SP:3, makes wearer absorb attacks of the element of their pet dragon, gaining health instead of damage; suitable for dragoons; headwear), Emerald Hood (SP:4, Immunity to Fragile headwear), Cloak of Necrotic Shielding (SP:3, provides SPECIAL GUARD against Undead Enemies, backwear), Tin Helmet (Protects from Confused and Hexed effects; headwear), Sharkskin Hide (SP: 1, doubles water elemental spells, bodywear, suitable for mages, necromancers, chi monks, and weather mages), Vexing Vestaments (SP: 3, +8 max ether, the user can no longer heal undead to damage them, but healing humanoid, holy, and luminous enemies will now deal damage and inflict the hexed-effect, suitable for clerics and chi monks)
Spell Items: Zirconia (Gem containing all elements; cannot be merged into equipment), 3 Amethysts, (Diamond, Aquamarine, Opal, Garnet, lent to Tra-Serral), Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Blindness, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Weakening, Scroll of Confusion, Scroll of Sleep, Scroll of Elemental Aura
Consumables: Earthwyrm Fang (Grants the Encouraged, Lucky, Reinforced, and Blinded effects for the duration of one battle), Copy of The Eubric Herald (Gives the target the transcended and inspired effects for the duration of one battle), Kraken Fang (Grants hastened and reinforced effects when consumed), Grand Potion (7), Potion (4), Remedy (24), Mead (5), Smelling Salts (8), Nostrum (5), Mulled Wine (4), Elixir (3), Ambrosia, Ether Core (2), Grand Tonic (6), Phoenix Essence (4), Bone (4), Smoke Bomb, Blind Bomb (2), Seal Bomb, Sleep Bomb (2), Deluxe Skeleton Decoy, Feather of White, Feather of Flight (2), Demon Repellent, Skeleton Decoy (2), Ethereal Essence (Revives a fallen ally with full health and ether and the transcended effect)
Tools/Treasure: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Magnifying Glass, Telescope, Magic Compass, Mythril Shard, Crystal Ball (Worth 50 gold, 100 at magic shops), 3 Scrap Metal

Skrall, Krakenwhacker, Titan Smiter (Waterbrick Down)
81 year old male ogre Hunter
Level 45 *Natural Respite* *Favors Demons and Eldritch enemies* *Immune to fragile, blinded, hexed, and confused* *Second Party Leader*
Power Bonus: +2 WP for bows and crossbows
Defense: 11
Health: 59/59
Gold: 3346
Equipment: Unlucky Crossbow (WP: 13, causes jinxed Effect, poisoned by 10), Hunter's Quiver (Bows and Crossbows +2WP, allows Hunters to favor two types of enemies, back wear), Tricorne (SP: 3, head wear), Heavy Armor (SP: 5, wearer is immune to fragile, blind, and confused effects, body wear), Moone Greaves (SP: 3), Paper Doll (Immunity to Hexed)
Weapons: Oversized Greatsword (WP:16, double damage on targets that are clearly smaller than the hero, greatsword), Composite Bow (WP:12, ignores SP,light,lightning,water, wood, and earth-elemental; bow), Giant Hammer (WP: 13, deals Confused); Hunter's Crossbow (WP:12, double WP against beasts, fire, ice, wind, and darkness-elemental), Axe of the Minotaur Champion (WP: 30, user is slowed and immune to hastened, axe)
Artifacts: Medal of Glory (Wearer gains 3x experience from battles, accessory), Pugilist's Gloves (+2 Power, Immunity to Weakened), Lucky Doubloon (Grants "Special Guard"; accessory), Winged Sandals (Immune to bound and slowed, footwear), Cloak of Espionage (Allows the wearer to examine enemy stats before a battle, backwear, lent by Thalion), Vorpalis Talisman (1/3 chance of instantly resurrecting with 1 HP and 1 Ether upon being knocked out; accessory),
Consumables: 3 Potions, Phoenix Essence, 3 Phoenix Incenses, 9 Meads, 7 Nostrums, 3 Remedy, 3 Smelling Salts, Deadly Venom, 9 Smoke Bomb, 2 Dirt Bombs, Fire Bomb, 5 Water Bombs, 6 Bone, Blind Fury, Grating Stone, Neutralizer, Letter of Recommendation, Ethereal Essence (Revives a fallen ally with full health and ether and the transcended effect), Feather of Darkness (The weather is changed to Dim (see Weather Mage), consumable)
Tools/Treasure: Spyglass (Reveals if there are spies and eavesdroppers in the vicinity when used; tool)

Lord Lawrence Boomingham, True Hero Who is Actually Worth Something (Zepher)
48 year old male human Vindicator
Level 38 *Immune to darkness, fire, fragile, sleep, weakened, and blinded* *1/2 chance of being reinforced*
Power Bonus: +5 on the front row
Defense: 15
Health: 61/61
Gold: 365
Equipment: Scupperer (WP:17; darkness-, fire- and earth-elemental; inflicts bleeding and poisoned by 10; has 1/2 chance each to inflict blinded, sealed, weakened and fragile; greatsword), Vest of Faded Trials (SP:8, 1/2 chance of granting reinforced effect at the start of every battle, Immune to Fragile; Suitable for Knights, Barbarians, Dragoons, Skirmishers, Regulators, Vindicators; bodywear and headwear), Fighting Boots (Power +5 on the front row; suitable to barbarians, knights, rogues, beast warriors, chi monks, dragoons, harlots, infiltrators, marauders, skirmishers, regulators, vindicators and winged warriors; footwear.), Tome of Affluence (+10 Gold if equipped for the entirety of a battle; grants immunity to fragile, asleep, weakened, blinded, darkness and fire; accessory), Round Metal Shield (SP:7)
Epidemic Halberd (WP:8, causes all negative effects that the user has to the target when attacking; halberd, lent to Daske), Venom Fang Blade (WP:9, causes poisoned equal to WP; longsword), Lullaby Wand (WP:6, inflicts asleep), Silver Sword (WP: 18, Longsword), Frozen Saber (WP: 15; light-, ice- and wind-elemental; inflicts stunned; great sword)
Artifacts: Crown of the Desert King (SP:6; absorbs fire, wind, and earth; suitable for Boomingham only, headwear.), Venomari Helmet (SP:2, absorb poison as health; helmet), Hood of Belthazar Bluehood (Power +4; Ether -6; headwear), Scarlet Hood (SP:4, grants immunity to stunned), Chains of the Pongcanis Chief (Hero Pierces SP if fighting from Front, Enemies ignore SP if hero fights from the back row, cannot be removed in battle), Amulet of Optimism (Adds the confused-effect to all attacks; accessory, suitable to Erdathcath only), 2x Prayer Beads (Makes the wearer permanently blessed; accessory.), Counterstrike Gloves (If the wearer is damaged by a Free Hit, they counter with strength equal to their level; handwear.), Crimson Suit of Armor (SP:12, allows wearer to pose as Crimson Bear Knight; takes three artifact slots: bodywear, headwear and footwear), , Shackles of War (Prevents anyone from fleeing battles; accessory, lent by Thalion)
Spell Items: Amethyst (Darkness), Scroll of Recklessness (Encouraged and Fragile; costs 5 Ether; 50/50 chance), Emerald Lamp of Summoning (0/3), “True Love Serenade” (restores 50 health to the rest of the party per round; costs 10 ether; Battle Song), Ethereal Diamond (Light-elemental spells deal the blinded-effect; one ethereal gem can be imbued in a weapon to deal the same effect), Oath of Reclamation (Vindicator’s Oath: After the targeted enemy damages an ally, the enemy immediately becomes stunned, and the vindicator becomes encouraged, borrowed from Olmstyr)
Consumables: Potion, 2x Remedy, 2x Phoenix Essence, Danab's Apple (Revives all fallen party members, restores full health and ether to the whole party and removes all negative effects from them; consumable), 12x Mead, 4x Smelling Salt, 3x Nostrum, 2x Ambrosia, Fire Brandy (Encouraged, Immune to Ice), Fireball Whiskey (Immunity to Fire One Battle OR 20 Fire Damage All Enemies), Hamantasch (Lucky, Blessed), Jinxy Juice, 2x Floral Bomb, Seal Bomb, Poison Bomb, Stun Bomb, Seth Bomb (Deals 100 darkness-elemental damage to all opponents when used.), Feather of Flight (Allows the user to flee from the battle when used.), Hair of the Dog, 2x Grating Stone, Oculoid Miasma, Oculoid Fireworks, Saber Teeth, Bone, x2 Bright Polish, Tarok's Blood (The user deals double damage to humans and no damage to orcs for the duration of one battle), Ethereal Essence (Revives a fallen ally with full health and ether and the transcended effect), Feather of Darkness (The weather is changed to Dim (see Weather Mage), consumable)
Tools/Treasure: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Vindicator's Seal (Grants access to the Vindicator expert job class; cannot be given away), Mythril Shard


Everyone, please choose an action. Party leader, please create a battle order.

12 hours ago, CMP said:


"I have other motives. Which I shall share...when we are done. I would not have thought an ogre like yourself to complain of a lack of civil ways Skrall, but believe me when I say this arrangement.....is......important. Perhaps not....to you. But to me."

"Ya left civility far behind, when ya felt assassination and intrigue were the best ways to accomplish yer goals. A civil man would have clearly defined his grievances instead of bull-headingly rushing to violence." Skrall launched off a bolt from his unlucky crossbow at the pilgrim from the back row.

Just now, Waterbrick Down said:

"Ya left civility far behind, when ya felt assassination and intrigue were the best ways to accomplish yer goals."


"Are the clan leaders not alive? Are dangerous assassins not in custody? Has a demon not been vanquished, and is a family not reconciled? Are your goals....not accomplished?"


OoC:  Only obviously question I have is in regards to how Hastened would work?  If I'm hastened and he's not hastened, does he only react to one of my actions?  Alternatively, if I'm hastened and he's hastened, would he react twice to each of my actions?

Boomingham scowls at their new foe.  "Well, not much good talking I suppose, until we finished kicking his clunky ass.  If that's the way you want it, I'm not going to stop you."

Boomingham attacks with Scupperer from the back row.


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