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This is the result of the battle Corrington lead towards the forest against the filthy human sacrificiers who rose against King Azuma and the western settlers from Corrington and Eslandola.

You can see the excellent begining of this story here.

I have to thank SkaForHire to let me conclude on the fate of the Eslandolan trader known as Damion Denela.

A "Gift" from Corrington :

While the Doctor and his companions were preparing their expedition, Felipe de la Manzana charged Basil and el Colonel Severus to organise the security of Elysabethtown. They caught some dangerous pirates near the port and managed to put them rapidly in a "cosy" cell...

When a letter arrived to Basil anouncing the arrival of Lt Tanner with the Eslandolan trader Corries caught at an horrible human sacrifice. Impossible such a tader could be from MAESTRO ! Probably an independant merchant who thought he would make more money being out of morale...

After a few days, Lt Sully Tanner arrived with the prisoner solidly chained up.

"Right in time ! Thought Basil. We have some pirates who are bored of our new prison..."

Basil showed the way to the prison to the Lt Tanner.



'Hang on "Shrimp" encouraged the former pirate captain. You are not going to die !"

- Shh. Someone !

The pirates looked at the opening door.


"Let me unchained the prisoner and put some handcuffs, it will be better, isn't it ? Said Colonel Severus to Lt Tanner.

- Yes of course you're right. Answered the Corleander officer.



"I would like to thank MAESTRO and your leaders to have kept an open mind. Of course Corrington is not accusing the Eslandian Company to deal with those filthy barbarians !" Conclude Lt Sully Tanner shaking Basil's hand.

- Thank you to trust us. I hope this incident will help our countries to be better allies in the future. Perhaps we will help you to lead some military revenge against those dangerous men !" Answered Basil.

And they through the poor merchant at the mercy of the pirates prisoners into the cell...



"HELP ! They will kill me !" yelled Damion Denela.

The guard did not answer...

I hope you'll like this (rude) scene.

It is inspired from a book I recently read : Le Déchronologue, a French mix between Sci-fi and Piracy. A good read ! and an horrible prison scene !


Great way to take care of such a treacherous villain, Faladrin! Great build as well! pirate_wink.gif A couple of my favorite parts are the door, and the straw mat on the floor! The inclusion of the skeleton pirate adds a good touch to the scene too, great job! :thumbup:


Thank you for the great comments !

I did not thought the door would have such great comments !

I tryed to have an opening door and I designed the opening mechanism first and then build the door around with an idea in head : having a barred window on it. And that's how I finally end with that door.

The straw mat was hard to design and I found some old droids arms that could fit, I added some tan horns and I had a good design !

Again thank you !

  • 2 weeks later...

This is an interesting continuation/end to the story. That jail looks great (for a jail!) and the door and mat are indeed very good designs. With the current tenants one can only pity the souls incarcerated therein. Good work.


Nice prison, Faladrin! I am enjoying the story, and will be looking forward to more. It is always cool when storylines span multiple builders! :)

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