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Do you wear a shirt? Or pants? Or underwear? I am sure you do. And I am also sure that some of the cloth you are wearing was manufactured in Weelond. Weelond?, you ask? That's right, Weelond, on the island of An Holli. You don't believe me? Come along, young lad, and let me show you.

A while ago the largest facility in the new world has commenced its business. In the Augustinian Colonial Textiles (named in the honour of our beloved king), the MCTC fabricates cotton, making some of the finest cloth in all of Terra Nova. From here, the cloth is brought to cities both in the new and in the old world. Come and join me for a small tour through our Royal Cotton Factory, or look around yourself.


Augustinian Colonial Textiles


The workers are working quite hard right now.


Take a look from the top, right through the roof, and see the inside unfold.


Isn't it colourful inside?


Spinning cotton is no easy task. We have quite some machinery, here in Weelond.


Those men are really doing their best to keep the spinning machines running all the time, and running and running.


Whenever a piece of cotton is all rolled up to a thread, a new one is put on the machine, and a new one, and so on...


Believe it or not, your shirt did not grow on a field like that. Someone has added that precious green colour to it, at some point.


Last but surely not least, we are weaving. It's funny, actually, that four women operate the machines while more than 10 people are constantly carrying around fibres and cloth to keep the machines running.


Storage racks are important. Because believe it or not, not everything we produce is transported away immediately.


This does not only go for white or coloured fibres, but also for fine cloth.


We always try to be ahead of ourselves, here at the MCTC. This is why we installed a small wagon to ease our work. Because we care about logistics.


And we care about our workers. Take a break and eat some of that tasty "chocolate" thing we have imported from Cocovia. Anyone still want some carrots? Noone? Really?


And look outside. Isn't she a beauty, our factory?


It's quite funny that the backdoor is the place where we do most of our business.


Having a river nearby always helps. Look at those two, bringing in some new cotton for us to make cloth from. Will it be green or purple, what do you think? Yellow you say? I'm not so sure, I think we have produced enough yellow cloth for today. But who am I to tell?


Did you know August? That's how we call that small pig. Noone has a clue how August got here, or how he has any right to be here. But we all think he's quite cute, doing what he does, so we let him do his thing.

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Now imagine you were an eagle, my little friend.

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Just think about how much good we are doing to the world, running this factory. Noone has to freeze in cold winters once there is enough cloth in the world.

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Yeah, just look around a bit more and memorize what you see here.

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Because what you see here, young lad, is the future of the world. It's not ships, nor gold nor treasures, it's factories, it's industry. The real revolutions of the next years won't be against kings. The real revolutions will be against our untechnologised past and for the machinery of the future.

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I'm a weirdo, you say? Well, just look around and embrace the future, my dear. Believe it or not, accept it or don't - you won't change it. Neither will I. But I will be part of it. Why won't you?


see a full album on Flickr for more pictures

This is by far the hugest build I have done till now, and by far the best (in my personal opinion). Thank you BoBS for inspiring me to go for something like this. And thank you also to all those people who gave me inspiration with all their wonderful builds here at BoBS.

And of course a great thank you to my fellow MCTC members for sticking with me for the Royal Textile Factory, from the initial idea (let's rather call it a vision), through financing and the realisation, and for providing feedback and suggestions during the building phase. You are great.

Alright. Time to clean up my Lego over the... next few weeks I am afraid.


Phenominal job, Elostirion! The raw size of this is amazing all by itself, but there are so many clever elements and details! You've done a great job designing and building the different parts of the process (just how you've used various round cones and bricks to represent spools of fabric is well done, not to mention fabric on machinery), but you've also included fun details like the cat chasing the mouse, the chocolate for the workers, and August the pig. I particularly like the photo from the ground floor of the interior where you can see the worker crossing on the catwalk above. And I really like how you used arched window frames as the supports for the upper-level railing (I will steal that idea at some point). I'm amazed at what you've done in such a short time. Congratulations, and thanks for building this for us all to enjoy!


This is an amazing build. There could be so much to comment about. I am most impreseed by the size and details shown. The texture, the machines, the workers, the building and all the minifigure placement are all exceptional. Great job.


This is - in the most positive of all meanings - a crazy build! pirate_classic.gif Very impressive and, while I have no idea of the cloth-making business, it looks completely authentic to me. Hats (or comparable head-attachments) off! Wonderful MOC! pirate_classic.gif


Wow ! That is An excellent factory !

You managed to show a greatly documented (and detailed) factory process from the begining to the end. Congrats !

With that factory MCTC and Eslandola have proved their value. Great to see the first Royal build is an Eslandolan one ! (Even if it's not good for MAESTRO business... Bah, nevertheless, I will order some cool Apple orned flags...)


When I heard MCTC were building a royal size factory, I was sceptical...but no longer! You have totally earned the title 'royal' for this amazing build. Everything about is perfect. I love the colours and the hundreds of fun tiny details. I want to be 2 cms high so I can visit this amazing building! Well done to all at MCTC and Eslandola for supporting this fabulous project.


Hawksbrugh wants to know why, if there's a river next door, the factory isn't water powered. But that's him all over, he's never satisfied.


I admit, like Fuzzy I too was sceptical when I heard the MCTC were planning a Royal Factory. Well certainly no longer. The sheer scale is impressive in itself, but the amount of details is what really makes this build! Everywhere you look (and there is a lot to look at!) is packed with details.

A truly ROYAL effort - well done - one of the best builds in BoBS IMHO!


That's massively amazing! Not only did you build a huge factory, but it's detailed and well built too. The scenery is a nice touch as well. You even included the company rat-catcher!


You are a legend sir! This is a wonderful addition to BoBS, it is huge, well designed, very believable, huge, superbly presented, full of wonderful little details that show both imagination and research, oh and it is huge.

It is going to hard for anyone to build a textile factory without shamelessly stealing ideas from here in the future.

A massive well done.


Amazing build Elostirion, what you've done with this is just terrific! The sheer size of this, of course, is mind blowing - but what is maybe even more incredible is the outstanding interior! You've done a tremendous job of showing off the different parts of the process and I love how you multi-layered it in spots with the roof there! The water running by was a great idea, added some nice color. Really like the gappy bridge across the top two levels as well. Just one question... sure, those windows can open, but who is going to open them? pirate_laugh2.gif Seriously though, are they accessible from inside?


Wow! While I don't think I would have chosen so many grimacing faces for what I assume are a lot of dual print heads (I am guessing on this point tbh), I'm envious of the build itself. Every part is well envisioned and translated to brick.

Great job


You really knocked this one out the park Elostirion! pirate_classic.gifdefault_excited.gif

Thank you!

Phenominal job, Elostirion! The raw size of this is amazing all by itself, but there are so many clever elements and details! You've done a great job designing and building the different parts of the process (just how you've used various round cones and bricks to represent spools of fabric is well done, not to mention fabric on machinery), but you've also included fun details like the cat chasing the mouse, the chocolate for the workers, and August the pig. I particularly like the photo from the ground floor of the interior where you can see the worker crossing on the catwalk above. And I really like how you used arched window frames as the supports for the upper-level railing (I will steal that idea at some point). I'm amazed at what you've done in such a short time. Congratulations, and thanks for building this for us all to enjoy!

Thank you so much for noticing all those details. Glad you like it!

Quite impressive, sir.

And excellently researched and built!

Das ist ja voll der Wahnsinn, super!

It must have taken some time to work out all these details. Fab job!

I'll buy 2 square meters of green pirate_laugh2.gif

Danke! And yes, go ahead and buy.

Wow! This turned out a thousand times (or) more than I could ever imagine. This is insane. A special kind of madness. MCTC Madness :thumbup::excited::grin:

That's how we are, right?

This is an amazing build. There could be so much to comment about. I am most impreseed by the size and details shown. The texture, the machines, the workers, the building and all the minifigure placement are all exceptional. Great job.

Thanks for... loving it all. I do too. ;-)

This is - in the most positive of all meanings - a crazy build! pirate_classic.gif Very impressive and, while I have no idea of the cloth-making business, it looks completely authentic to me. Hats (or comparable head-attachments) off! Wonderful MOC! pirate_classic.gif

Thank you! And yes, I did quite some research about the process, also looked at machinery and took some images of factories as references.

Wow ! That is An excellent factory !

You managed to show a greatly documented (and detailed) factory process from the begining to the end. Congrats !

With that factory MCTC and Eslandola have proved their value. Great to see the first Royal build is an Eslandolan one ! (Even if it's not good for MAESTRO business... Bah, nevertheless, I will order some cool Apple orned flags...)

Thank you!

We may not be the ones to win all challenges, but we are the first to make great business.

And yeah, feel free to come over from Maestro any day and be part of true wealth. Just kidding, keep it up over there guys, it's all Eslandola after all!

When I heard MCTC were building a royal size factory, I was sceptical...but no longer! You have totally earned the title 'royal' for this amazing build. Everything about is perfect. I love the colours and the hundreds of fun tiny details. I want to be 2 cms high so I can visit this amazing building! Well done to all at MCTC and Eslandola for supporting this fabulous project.


Hawksbrugh wants to know why, if there's a river next door, the factory isn't water powered. But that's him all over, he's never satisfied.

The 2cms high comment is maybe the coolest I have gotten here, thank you so much! :-)

The river, while always a vague idea, was a last minute addition. I had already taken the first ~50 pictures when I added it (deleted most of them afterwards), so yeah, that never even came to my mind. However it would have made sense, yes.

But then on the other hand I have at some places decided to not have it perfect on purpose. Logistics are definitely not optimal (too much walking around, too squattered storing-capacities, ...), neither are storage systems, neither is all machinery etc. But having it all perfect would just not have been fitting for maybe the first factory of that kind in the new world, it just wouldn't be authentic to have it perfectly optimized.

Quite a detailed look at the textile industry thumbup.gif Wonderfully detailed interior, and quite a nice landscape outside too default_classic.gif

Thank you, glad you like it both. I also think that none would be great without the other.

Massive!Awe-inspiring!Perfectly executed! Jaw-dropping awesomeness! GREAT build Elostirion!

Great to see you like it so much, wonderful!

I admit, like Fuzzy I too was sceptical when I heard the MCTC were planning a Royal Factory. Well certainly no longer. The sheer scale is impressive in itself, but the amount of details is what really makes this build! Everywhere you look (and there is a lot to look at!) is packed with details.

A truly ROYAL effort - well done - one of the best builds in BoBS IMHO!

Thank you so much, yep, I really did put a lot of emphasis into smaller details.

That's massively amazing! Not only did you build a huge factory, but it's detailed and well built too. The scenery is a nice touch as well. You even included the company rat-catcher!

Someone does have to catch those nasty beasts, right? Thank you for liking it!

You are a legend sir! This is a wonderful addition to BoBS, it is huge, well designed, very believable, huge, superbly presented, full of wonderful little details that show both imagination and research, oh and it is huge.

It is going to hard for anyone to build a textile factory without shamelessly stealing ideas from here in the future.

A massive well done.

I would love to see people shamelessly stealing, because a) that's what I think communities like this are for (make each other better) and b) what better compliment could there be?

And thank you for that massive compliment you just gave me, really just thanks so much!

The scale makes this amazing. The details make it marvellous. :wub: fantastic job

I really like that description, thank you! :-)

Amazing build Elostirion, what you've done with this is just terrific! The sheer size of this, of course, is mind blowing - but what is maybe even more incredible is the outstanding interior! You've done a tremendous job of showing off the different parts of the process and I love how you multi-layered it in spots with the roof there! The water running by was a great idea, added some nice color. Really like the gappy bridge across the top two levels as well. Just one question... sure, those windows can open, but who is going to open them? pirate_laugh2.gif Seriously though, are they accessible from inside?

Unfortunately they are not. One might argue that one of the stairs leads into the roof and then upwards, but really, it doesn't. I totally forgot about that. Damn it! :-)

Aside from that thanks a lot for the nice comment, I appreciate it a lot!

Fantastic build! I love the details and all that working process. :thumbup:

Those workers are doing their best, aren't they? Thanks!

Wow! While I don't think I would have chosen so many grimacing faces for what I assume are a lot of dual print heads (I am guessing on this point tbh), I'm envious of the build itself. Every part is well envisioned and translated to brick.

Great job

Two aspects to that: First: I didnt have many female faces in flesh, so I ordered 8 of type A and 7 of type B with one of my BL orders. Which didn't provide much variety, so I decided to use both sides to add some variety.

Also I found it fitting to have workers look "grim", not because they are angry but simply because it's really hard work. But I guess I get your point. :-)

Thanks for the phrase "translated to brick", I like that a lot. Really describes some of my efforts perfectly, thanks.


There have been many comments about the great interior, but so far I've missed comments about the great exterior - that riverside (it doesn't look like a last minute addition), the path, all those plants, the random stuff sitting infront of the entrance area, the simple, yet detailed roof...

However, there is one question: Why is one of the gates gold and the other black?


Frontdoor = beautiful. Backdoor = not so much.

Or in other words: There comes a point in a man's life when he decides: Enough bricklink. I will just take what I have.

That's what happened here. One golden gate, one black gate - all I had.


There comes a point in a man's life when he decides: Enough bricklink. I will just take what I have.

Yes! Accept the shortcomings, do the best out of what you have and move on. There are some true wisdom in your words.

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