Posted May 13, 20168 yr Hello everyone, after finishing the Pride of Elysabethtown, I felt like I needed a different challenge next. I spent some time researching and planning and now present you my plan: Building a frigate in under 24 hours of buildtime. However, those 24 hours will be spread over a few days; I'll start today, get one or two hourly updates and continue tomorrow and on Monday, as I won't have time on Sunday. Lets see if I can get this done! For hour zero, I'll post the collection of the maximum amount of guns I'll use (I might use less) and a sketch how I plan on building the ship - maybe some of you already can get an idea of some of the tricks I want to try out for this ship:P Next update in roughly one hour!
May 13, 20168 yr Author First hour is over, so it is time for a quick update: I build up the hull, started on the tumblehome and checked if my plan for the broadside looks like it works - which it does to me. So, no more talking, just pictures:
May 13, 20168 yr Author Second hour is over, I've started working on the broadsides: 2 more gunports towards the Stern and then its time for starting on the sterncastle... One more hour today, then I'll continue tomorrow! Edited May 13, 20168 yr by Legostone
May 13, 20168 yr Author Okay, I'm a little more tired than I had expected, so this update is just 45 minutes worth of building. I'll go for 1 hour 15 minutes for the first session tomorrow: I guess the plan for that would be building the "interior" for the gundeck (better say the visible part of that). Please share criticism if you have any, I'll read everything tomorrow morning! I hope I can just power through tomorrow:D So, here is the updated picture, not much change this time as I'm starting to lose concentration. I finished the lower parts of the sidewalls, started on the stern and placed placeholders for the masts which I have prepared partially.
May 14, 20168 yr its looking pretty good! i love how you designed the middle part of the hull! I can't wait to see it when its finally done! what are you thinking about doing for the sails?
May 14, 20168 yr Go go go! This is looking great so far and will also serve as a fine tutorial. I hope that rigging doesn't take too long (I spend/lose most of the time on masts & rigging)
May 14, 20168 yr Author Update: hour 4: So, after a night of sleep and a good breakfast I have continued for 1 hour and 15 minutes as planned; I put in the WIP masts to show the dimensions, changed a bit on the gunport layout and (this is where I spent most of the time) built up the stern to a point where I like it. No more talking, here are some pictures: As you can see she is quite a bit shorter than the Pride of Elysabethtown (the midsections on this one are 29 studs long, on the pride they are 40 studs long. As well as that the Stern is overhanging much further on the Pride), and even though she's much wider (20 studs in the middle compared to 18 in the Pride) she looks so much sleeker to me. I guess if I don't start on the gundeck now I can forget adding interior, so thats what I'll hopefully do next. Tell me what I should improve while I still can! I'll check back in roughly another hour. Edited May 14, 20168 yr by Legostone
May 14, 20168 yr Author Update: hour 5: Mostly structural work on the masts so they don't fall apart. I also did a little work on the gundeck which should be visible - I'm using light bluish gray for the decks. As well as that I dug out some old custom anchors that I'll use for this ship, I think they fit well with the overall size. Before anyone asks about way I'm building the tumblehome, it is a combination of Captain Green Hairs technique and Sebeus I technique combined with some of my own ideas. There are no hinges in the middle giving me a lot of space for the area there; sadly this causes the tumblehome to be a little flimsy, but its not falling apart from touching it, thats what matters, right? So, here is the updated picture: Next I'll place some of the guns on the gundeck, build some supports for the walkways across it/the deck above and then I'll try to do a bit more on the bow, I need to add a pair of bowchasers there:P Edited May 14, 20168 yr by Legostone
May 14, 20168 yr An awesome creation in progress. It's based on Scull's Eye' isn' it? what about her captain?
May 14, 20168 yr Author Update: hour 6: I should stop planing what I'll do next, I just end up doing something different anyways. I did a little bit on the bow and placed the first 16 guns - just 4 more to go into the stern and the gundeck is done! Well, besides some supports for the deck:P A bit of time went into the (not visible) interior of the bow, thats why so little progress is visible:P I'm pretty sure I'll be able to finish this! An awesome creation in progress. It's based on Scull's Eye' isn' it? what about her captain? Thanks! It is actually based on the Red Beard Runners hull, but besides the bow and sternpiece it really doesn't have much in common with that one. Nice work. I like the mid sektion you build. Thanks! That was the idea behind that ship, and I feel like it is working out great:D Go go go! This is looking great so far and will also serve as a fine tutorial. I hope that rigging doesn't take too long (I spend/lose most of the time on masts & rigging) Well, I have 6 hours planned in for just the rigging, I spent 5 hours on the rigging for the Pride of Elysabethtown, so I hope it works out:P The masts are pretty good progresswise, I think I don't have to spent to much more time on those. its looking pretty good! i love how you designed the middle part of the hull! I can't wait to see it when its finally done! what are you thinking about doing for the sails? Thanks! I really wanted to try out how well these slopes I bought a few days ago would work on a ship:P Not sure about the sails yet, I don't even know if I'll have enough time for them. If everything goes better than planned I'll go with paper sails, otherwise I'll have to disappoint you there;) Go Legostone! I'll do so! After a short break. I'm 1/4th of the time in; 1/3rd of the time I have for actual building...
May 14, 20168 yr Author Update: hour 7 (for anyone wondering, I took a break that went longer than I had expected) This hour I finished the gundeck (wow, with this hull and the custom guns there is so much space here:D and started on building the sides a little bit higher. Not to much to see as it is mostly small stuff and similar.
May 14, 20168 yr Author Update: hour 8: started the upper deck and placed some bowchasers after working a bit on the area around the bow. I also redid the masts as they seemed a little bit to odd shapewise for a frigate this small. No more talking, here are the pictures: [/url]
May 14, 20168 yr You are well on your way! I do think the curve of the white stripe is a bit too heavy, I would try too make it slightly straighter.
May 14, 20168 yr Author Update: hour 9: (again, foodbreak; I hope Monday is less troublesome lol:P)(No, my hours don't have 100 minutes:D)(Sorry for terrible light, its dark outside now) I added the last parts of the upper deck and started some more decoration. While I don't think that I can rebuild the entire side, I can still try to get rid of the sharp step in between the 7th and 8th gunport; I think that should help already, and I have plenty of time left to fix things like that:P Next update either tomorrow morning or Monday(which is more likely) Edited May 14, 20168 yr by Legostone
May 15, 20168 yr Excellent progress - and I know how annoying these food breaks and those hours of sleep can be
May 15, 20168 yr Author Update: hour 10: (the next one won't be earlier than in 8 hours, likely later as I have other stuff to do) I did some more work on the Stern, I think it is mostly finished now; did some really small changes to the sides, maybe you can find them;) Besides that I spent some time designing the platforms for the masts - including a mounting system which allowed to attach them to the already build masts without taking the masts apart; if you want me to show them just tell me, they work well for me:P Besides that its just small details here and there. No more talking, here are the pictures of hour 10: I think I'm getting there at a steady paste:P You are well on your way! I do think the curve of the white stripe is a bit too heavy, I would try too make it slightly straighter. I think thats all the change I can still manage without tearing apart the entire lower deck, but I think its still alright Excellent progress - and I know how annoying these food breaks and those hours of sleep can be And guests visiting, dogs, etc:D Thanks! Exelent work. And you have 15 hours more to make it even better! Now just 14 more hours; at least 5 of those reserved for rigging, but I think I can start with that in 2 or 3 hours (as in, 2 or 3 hours after I started building again), so there can be hope for sails! Edited May 15, 20168 yr by Legostone
May 15, 20168 yr Great ! You're making an amazing job ! You've built her so quickly ! I hope the rigging will not be too long... Brick on !
May 16, 20168 yr Not bad for such a rapid build! I do have two issues, however. 1- the curve of the gun deck is a little too drastic for my liking 2- Eslandola? Ewww!
May 16, 20168 yr Not bad for such a rapid build! I do have two issues, however. 1- the curve of the gun deck is a little too drastic for my liking 2- Eslandola? Ewww! 1. Let's see the final result 2. Quite the contrary
May 16, 20168 yr Author Update: hour 11: (Gah, I shouldn't have overslept, but maybe I can get the rigging done today anyways:P) Mostly minor details and some work on the yards on the masts; these time they are mounted differently from the ones on the Pride, and I think I like this way of mounting them more. Also, I couldn't resist making a picture with my other bigger ships: 24 hours 11 bowshot by Legostone, auf Flickr 24 hours 11 overview by Legostone, auf Flickr 24 hours 11 with my other ships by Legostone, auf Flickr And yes, the gundeck indeed seems to low, now for me too. I know what I'll definetly do different on my next ships;) Btw, sorry for all the stuff in the background, these are just so inconvenient heightwise:P she's looking great LS! Thanks! Keep it up! Great ! You're making an amazing job ! You've built her so quickly ! I hope the rigging will not be too long... Brick on ! Well, I still have enough time for that I guess:D Not bad for such a rapid build! I do have two issues, however. 1- the curve of the gun deck is a little too drastic for my liking 2- Eslandola? Ewww! 1 - Why couldn't someone say something after 4 hours where the curve was already obvious? Now it is to late to rebuild that entire part :/ 2 - Eslandola for the win! But don't worry, the Eslandolan Royal Navy won't get ahold of this ship, this will be my secondary flagship lol 1. Let's see the final result 2. Quite the contrary 1. Thanks:P 2. Indeed!
May 16, 20168 yr Author Update: hour 12: (this may seem a little early, but I forgot to click submit on the the last post for half an hour) Started on the rigging, I'm considering adding ratlines as a first for me. Considering I still have 12 hours I think I should be able to figure it out, and so far everything went really smooth on the rigging.
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