May 19, 20168 yr Ok, just to double check: The amount in the Grand Total Income column is my available funds right?
May 19, 20168 yr 1. So if I understood correctly a minig prospect build has to be done manually, how does this actually work? Do I have to fill out an adjudication form or something? Digging Around was my build by the way. 2. Excellent work, really appreciate this, it is clearly working in the vast majority of cases, thank you to everyone involved in making this happen.
May 19, 20168 yr Author Ok, just to double check: The amount in the Grand Total Income column is my available funds right? Yes. 1. So if I understood correctly a minig prospect build has to be done manually, how does this actually work? Do I have to fill out an adjudication form or something? Digging Around was my build by the way. 2. Excellent work, really appreciate this, it is clearly working in the vast majority of cases, thank you to everyone involved in making this happen. Property license calculations are fairly streamlined. There are three columns of "flags" where a cell background changes color, including Mines. When I review the Property License Responses, I check for any flags. For Mining Flags, I check for notes in the response to see if it's a mine prospect or a specific type of mine license. I will enter the license fee accordingly. If there aren't any notes, I go to the topic to see what's going on. If I still don't know what's going on, I'll send you a PM. So if you don't hear anything from me for a mine, EVENTUALLY your mining fee will be entered.
May 19, 20168 yr So, arm I'm recalculating everything (and with everything I mean EVERYTHING ) Are last month's MRCA results already calculated in?
May 19, 20168 yr Author I don't really understand how the settlements work but I think Port Raleigh should have at least some value as it has a few good buildings. Ska has calculated its setlement value as 8, whatever that means. Please check and amend the summary sheet when you get time. Thanks! Are you a mayor? If you are, I'll add you to one of the mass PMs for mayors of each faction. Otherwise, feel free to send me PM on the particulars. Are last month's MRCA results already calculated in? Yes.
May 19, 20168 yr Hi Phred, thanks for all your hard work preparing this amazing summary. I don't really understand how the settlements work but I think Port Raleigh should have at least some value as it has a few good buildings. Ska has calculated its setlement value as 8, whatever that means. Please check and amend the summary sheet when you get time. Thanks! My Fuzzy friend, thanks for also pointing this out. I have just been following up with Phred regarding Raleigh and Arlinsport. We should have some values up when that's sorted out. On another note, Storm's End is not yet listed as a settlement. The mayor needs to take some action on this?
May 19, 20168 yr Author On another note, Storm's End is not yet listed as a settlement. The mayor needs to take some action on this? Who's the mayor? I didn't even know this settlement existed. Accounts for settlements are very easy to add. There is another flag on all response sheets that indicates if the account exists in the master list. This also captures misspellings. If an individual, trade company, or settlement is not on the account list, their entry will get flagged once a form response contains the missing account name. The account will get added after I see a form response.
May 19, 20168 yr Who's the mayor? I didn't even know this settlement existed. Accounts for settlements are very easy to add. There is another flag on all response sheets that indicates if the account exists in the master list. This also captures misspellings. If an individual, trade company, or settlement is not on the account list, their entry will get flagged once a form response contains the missing account name. The account will get added after I see a form response. Sorry, the correct name is Stormhaven :p We had a bit of an inside joke with King's Harbour being King's Landing and all. Mike is in charge of the settlement and the mayor is one of his minifigs, but I cannot speak for him on how he wishes it to be run or for mayor pay claims and such.
May 19, 20168 yr Author Two errors in the Capt Wolf account, in reverse order: The ship I licensed in April was a free license (I had lost my ships in the March MRCA), so I shouldn't be charged the 150 there. The large plantation (with monopoly bonus) I licensed in March was an expansion of an earlier medium plantation, not a new property. The license cost should only be the difference (100-75=25), so my total property license expenses for March should be 50, not 125. Furthermore, all subsequent property yield numbers are 23 doubloons too high, as they give me credit for both a medium plantation (w monopoly bonus) and a large plantation (w monopoly bonus) when I only have the large plantation. Link to the original medium plantation. Link the upgraded large plantation. I have sent you a PM. Sorry, the correct name is Stormhaven :p We had a bit of an inside joke with King's Harbour being King's Landing and all. Mike is in charge of the settlement and the mayor is one of his minifigs, but I cannot speak for him on how he wishes it to be run or for mayor pay claims and such. Storm whatever has an account now.
May 19, 20168 yr Sorry Phred I did not sent the adjudication form. I just did it as I double checked my accounts. I am sure that I overpaid the licenses for both the Raenette and the Raenette II Thank you for your answer and for your great work !
May 19, 20168 yr Author I have noticed that in my sheet that I paid the license of the ships, but I hadn't to pay for them because there were all free licenses ! I lost both the Appleseed and the Raenette that were free licensed ships. I used my free license in February on the Raenette when I lost the Appleseed in the January MRCA. And I sistershipped a Raenette II on my free license in April when I lost the Raenette in Bloody Billy's attack in the March MRCA ! (I especially talked to KaiNRG about that and that leaded to the rule that is excluing the class0 ships in the ship count in order to have a free license) So I hadn't to pay 100 in ship license in February, and the same happened in April, I hadn't to pay 100 in the license for the ship. So my May total is wrong because of that; I should have 200 more in the total : I should have 216 in total in May. But the rest is right; you even already counted the Commerce bonus ! Good job ! Sorry Phred I did not sent the adjudication form. I just did it as I double checked my accounts. I am sure that I overpaid the licenses for both the Raenette and the Raenette II Thank you for your answer and for your great work ! Everything should be squared away now. Whew! Finally caught up on the mad rush of requests.
May 19, 20168 yr Just wanted to say, thanks a ton to Phred, Captain Genaro, dr_spock and anyone else who has worked on this part of the automation side of this game. Fantastic job and this is going to make the workload going forward so much easier! Thank you guys!
May 19, 20168 yr I just checked my accounts and the MRCA wasn't added correctly. I had 2 ships that came home with 89 and 25 db respectively bringing it to 114. The spreadsheet says 96. Thanks for checking into it Phred.
May 20, 20168 yr Author I just checked my accounts and the MRCA wasn't added correctly. I had 2 ships that came home with 89 and 25 db respectively bringing it to 114. The spreadsheet says 96. ... Ska, why isn't Kings Port Advertiser screen captures the same as the Google sheet?
May 20, 20168 yr So I got this one 100 db problem :p I licenced the Golden Star 2 months ago as I thought I still was able to get a free ship (my original free ship was destroyed). The reason why I thought this, was because at that moment, I only had 20% of the shares of the Purple Rain, which I don't consider ownership. I told leadership about my miscalculation and they said it was ok for once as at that moment, the rules weren't that clear for everyone. So if that point of view still is valable, I should have 100 db more. BUT, I understand that nowadays, it would be unfair for the other members. So if the final decision is to see it as a non free ship, that's fine for me as well, because that gives me the possibility to uplicence it to a class 3
May 20, 20168 yr Author So I got this one 100 db problem :p I licenced the Golden Star 2 months ago as I thought I still was able to get a free ship (my original free ship was destroyed). The reason why I thought this, was because at that moment, I only had 20% of the shares of the Purple Rain, which I don't consider ownership. I told leadership about my miscalculation and they said it was ok for once as at that moment, the rules weren't that clear for everyone. So if that point of view still is valable, I should have 100 db more. BUT, I understand that nowadays, it would be unfair for the other members. So if the final decision is to see it as a non free ship, that's fine for me as well, because that gives me the possibility to uplicence it to a class 3 I don't want to go against what has been approved by leadership in the past. You have been granted a free license. For future reference, you won't be able to use a free sister ship license for The Golden Star if the Purple Rain is still in your name. I won't be able to sister ship The Resurrection (2F) for free either, because I have another vessel in my name that I 'own' 10% of.
May 24, 20168 yr Ok, I have now taken a look at my accounts and the transactions doesn't seem to fit. Any way one can get a breakdown of the transactions going in and out of my account over the months? Further, there seems to be an issue with MRCA april. My MRCA for april seems wrong. I should have gotten 136 db from the Sphinx and 258 db from the Otter, for a total of 394. But the accounts put my MRCA gains at 227 more with 621 dbs. I wonder if I am missing something. Other than that, great work with the accounts! Edited May 24, 20168 yr by Bregir
May 24, 20168 yr Author I just checked my accounts and the MRCA wasn't added correctly. I had 2 ships that came home with 89 and 25 db respectively bringing it to 114. The spreadsheet says 96. Further, there seems to be an issue with MRCA april. My MRCA for april seems wrong. I should have gotten 136 db from the Sphinx and 258 db from the Otter, for a total of 394. But the accounts put my MRCA gains at 227 more with 621 dbs. I wonder if I am missing something. ... The MRCA results will have to be verified with Ska. It seems like only some Corrington merchants were short changed, which isn't always a bad thing. For now, I've gone through and verified that the King's Port Advisor is the same as the MRCA result sheet I was provided. They both now match.
May 28, 20168 yr What does it mean when a number is within brackets, like (10)? It means it is a negative amount.
May 29, 20168 yr Author Strange... I had 4, sent 4 to Dukesc, and then have -10..? Sorry, the mayor's pay functions were not completely accurate. You were being paid mayor since the town started as opposed to when you were promoted to mayor. This only happened to mayors of settlements above the Hamlet rank. A few mayors may notice a 5 to 10 DB decrease.
May 29, 20168 yr This is what I have found so far: Jan: Licence expences 60 seems correct, but I did an error transferring 25 dbs for upgrade of free licence to medium (adjudication form sent earlier), so the transactions x70 should be 10 instead of 35. Weave of Fate Feb: Licence expences s69: says 25. Should be 50 for dock storage (commerce bonus) + surgeons office (artisan). Licence yield s70: says 14. Should be 19 for medium factory with factory monopoly bonus (15) + small residences 1 and small residence 2 (2x2). March: Licence Expences s69: Says 40. Should be 50 for Town Hall medium commerce with bonus. April: Automatic free build o70: says 0. Should be 10 for the winged wisdom 2f free build (not licenced). It says may 1 on the free build entry list return, but it was posted 29 april. The time sones are wrong on the entry list. I am at GMT+1). The yield from properties are wrong all the way because of errors in january, and probably february and march. The factory bonus should be there all the way, the commerce bonus does not kick in until later (after it was implemented) Commerce buildings are one small (dock storage, and one medium (Town Hall). Factory is the Weave of Fate. The Mayor pay seems to be there, but under transactions. This is understandable since MCTC mayors gives part of the mayor pay to the firm. Or get their part of the pay through the firm, however you want to word it. If it causes problems it may be possible to get the mayor pay directly, in the right coloumn and we can transfer back the part that goes to the firm? If it helps with automation and tidier account summary. Thank you for setting this up, it made it easier to troubleshoot.
May 29, 20168 yr Sorry to bother you again. I made many ship license moves this month I know it was a bit hard to follow. First, I un licensed my class 2F, the Raenette II (definitively off the game !); then, I licensed for free El Toro Bravo, my class 2A (I used my free license because I had left only a class 0 after un-licensing my 2F); after that, I bought back my class 2F The Raenette, first of the name, I Bought the ship license to a player (Legostone) and so, I think the license is still active, I don't have to pay a new license on that ship. And finally I captured a Class3A ship to Mardieran Privateers, so, as it's my 4th vessel, I had to pay half license cost to hire the ship. This is leading me at the conclusion that my May account is wrong because I should not have paid 225Dbs in ship license but only 125 (the half class3A license); the Raenette License was bought from Legostone through a transaction form (and seems registered like this in my account)
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