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It looked like that and now I'm seeing it again I still kinda like it, but the price is meh. €40 is a lot for such a small set..

Same goes for the First Order Heavy Scout Walker which is just horrendous and luckily doesn't include 'exclusive' minifigs (I know it technicaly does, but no new characters). 

Yikes... :sick:


- Kylo's TIE looks fantastic. Easily the best set of the wave.

- Praetorian Guard figure is pretty cool.

- Resistance Bomber is a nice, original idea with a good figure selection.


- BB-8 is not only a mess, but totally unnecessary.

- FO Star Destroyer and FO AT-AT are almost carbon copies of the OT versions, but that's Disney's fault.

- Chewbacca. Never should have been considered for a buildable figure. 

- The FO Scout Walker. The weird (but intriguing) design isn't the problem, it's the price. Isn't this thing supposed to be $50? It's tiny! That box size is indicative of a $20 set.


Overall, underwhelming but I expected that. The most glaring omission of obviously Luke, but he'll be in a January set for sure. Don't see myself buying any of these, especially for those prices.


I am surprised by the lack of hero characters across these sets. While each set does seem to have at least one named character, the fact that there is only one Rey seems like a hard sell for kids (not to mention the beaten-to-death topic of no Luke/Leia/Chewie). Contrast this with The LEGO Batman Movie sets, which seem to have a Batman fig in almost every set (obviously, the opposite extreme).

The ship designs are pretty lackluster, imo. They're either poor adaptations of OT vehicles typical of what you'd see in a budget video game, or generic space vehicles that could have been in any other wannabe movie. I find the entire wave to be pretty uninspiring. Hoping this isn't true of the movie as well...

Well, the result of seeing all the complete set now made my thoughts about this wave even lower. It brings down this year even further. 2016 was an essential better year for star wars lego than 2017...

Ok. This wave can definitely be described as underwhelming.....

Speeder- What is this? Honestly, I think they took off the B-Wing cockpit, slapped on some engines, and called it a day. I'm not blaming Lego though. That's Disney.

Scout Walker- So this is the next generation AT-ST? It looks errrr unique? I'll probably pick this one up though. I skipped Kylo's Shuttle so I need a Hux.

Kylo's Tie- Beautiful! I love it! It has the TIE Interceptor Vibes in it. Might just be me though. Definitely a day 1 purchase. 

Resistance Bomber- I'll probably pick this one up too. Maybe Christmas or something. I'm a fan of the design of this ship. Love the bottom turrets.

BB-8- Wait a UCS set? I'm on the fence with this one. Maybe when it goes on sale.....

Heavy Assault Walker- I like it. Just not gonna spend an arm and a leg for this. 

Star Destroyer- Same as the Heavy Assault Walker. I like it. Just not gonna spend an arm and a leg for this. Could work as a great display piece if anything. 

Overall, this wave has its pros, but I'm let down with the absence of Phasma. I was looking forward to seeing her and some of those Executioner Stormtroopers:wub:

Edit: Buildable Figures look ok. Chewbaca and Rey in my opinion are a miss. The Pretorian Guard (butchered the spelling probably) looks stellar. Definitely grabbing that one. Special Forces Pilot can wait until a nice happy sale. 


Edited by Rickyragharp

  On 7/12/2017 at 9:35 PM, BrickJagger said:


- BB-8 is not only a mess, but totally unnecessary.

- FO Star Destroyer and FO AT-AT are almost carbon copies of the OT versions, but that's Disney's fault

I won't be buying BB-8 but across some other forums I have seen him as quite popular, it is seen as an affordable UCS, "UCS lite"

Re the FO Star Destroyer and AT-AT, both are must buys for me, and whilst not being "original" is not ideal for a Lego set, in the movie it doesn't bother me at all, the First Order have come from remnants of the Empire after a galactic war so it does make sense that they have just primarily addressed weaknesses of the original.

Edited by AussieSamurai

  On 7/12/2017 at 9:59 PM, Rickyragharp said:

Ok. This wave can definitely be described as underwhelming.....

Speeder- What is this? Honestly, I think they took off the B-Wing cockpit, slapped on some engines, and called it a day. I'm not blaming Lego though. That's Disney.

Scout Walker- So this is the next generation AT-ST? It looks errrr unique? I'll probably pick this one up though. I skipped Kylo's Shuttle so I need a Hux.

Kylo's Tie- Beautiful! I love it! It has the TIE Interceptor Vibes in it. Might just be me though. Definitely a day 1 purchase. 

Resistance Bomber- I'll probably pick this one up too. Maybe Christmas or something. I'm a fan of the design of this ship. Love the bottom turrets.

BB-8- Wait a UCS set? I'm on the fence with this one. Maybe when it goes on sale.....

Heavy Assault Walker- I like it. Just not gonna spend an arm and a leg for this. 

Star Destroyer- Same as the Heavy Assault Walker. I like it. Just not gonna spend an arm and a leg for this. Could work as a great display piece if anything.


These are exactly my thoughts expect for the fact that I already have Hux so I can skip that set. I maybe even buy the Speeder at a discount for the new Finn and Rose. 

  On 7/12/2017 at 10:09 PM, Kevii23 said:

These are exactly my thoughts expect for the fact that I already have Hux so I can skip that set. I maybe even buy the Speeder at a discount for the new Finn and Rose. 

Fair enough I suppose. I may just get the Finn and Rose on BrickLink. Unless they cost more than the actual set themselves. Then I'll just part it out and be done with it.

The Transport Pod looks horrible. It indeed looks like the cockpit of the Resistance Troop Transport has broken off. If they actually tore off the cockpit from the 2016 set, it would've looked a lot better than this garbage, but a lot smaller though :). Those added gaudy colours don't help either. Good to get for Rose and new Finn I guess.

The Scout Walker does not look that good to me. It is not the most unoriginal design thankfully (I really dislike that and many other things about the ST), but at the end of the day it looks like an AT-ST head stuck on a pile of… I don't know. It looks very messy. No new characters, all existing minifig parts except for a new female Resistance trooper. Wow.

After seeing that leaked toy of Kylo's TIE, and seeing the YouTuber Rebel Builder's take on it, I am slightly disappointed with the actual set. Sure, his mock-up looks a lot like a recoloured TIE Interceptor (which would be a lack of originality), but the incredibly sleek elongated wings make up for that I think. The final version does have those beautiful wings, but the front of the cockpit is just flat. The whole sleek design of the wings and the wing supports kinda builds up to something, and the cockpit face just doesn't deliver. I also do not like the dark colour scheme. I would've preferred the light grey solar panels and black frame, just like the other FO TIE's, for continuity's sake. And it doesn't need the dark colours, it looks pretty evil as is. It doesn't make any sense that the body and cockpit of the ship are black too, they should be dark grey with the current design (or, again, black when the wing frames are black and the solar panels are grey). In the end I think it's an okay set, but the repeats of the stormie and BB-9E are redundant.

UCS BB-8 looks pretty good to me. It could be a little rounder, but I like the fact that the body uses the same building techniques as the UCS R2-D2 head. I like that continuity, as these will be great to display together. Looks like it has some opening compartments too, perhaps filled with some tools. I like the stand as well, though it is weird that the plaque is smaller than usual.

The other 3 sets we've seen before. I think the FO SD and the Resistance bomber are both fantastic, and their minifigure selections are fine on their own (though because the entire wave is lacking in this respect, it appears as if there are also a couple of missed opportunities with these sets). I didn't think the Heavy Assault Walker was that great when I first saw it (due to its unoriginal appearance, but that's Lucasfilm's fault), but in that new picture, and next to the rest of the wave, it looks pretty good to me. I like the dark grey a lot.

From best to worst: Resistance Bomber, FO SD, Heavy Assault Walker, BB-8, Kylo's TIE, Heavy Scout Walker, and Resistance Transport Pod.

Edited by JekPorkchops

Love Kylo's shuttle...

Praetorian Guard is an interesting buildable.

Like the walker, escape pod is just that, a pod...

Chewie looks a little off. BB isn't a bad set, the playability will be interesting.


I'd say TLG and Lucasfilm are playing it safe...

The sets are pretty decent IMO, but the omission of Luke is really a killer to me. I love Kylo's TIE, have really been anticipating this one. I may pass on the Scout Walker and just BL the Resistance fighter. I will pass on BB-8, although I do think it came out looking nice. The 3 largest sets are nothing new, I will be getting those. I love the design of the Assault Walker, and I especially love Captain Poe Dameron for some reason.

Sorry mods, I had to say this. You all falsly putting your blame on Disney about your opinions on the sets. Disney has ABSOLUTELY NOTHING to do with designing anything on the movie. Disney funds and markets Lucasfilm, they do not make content. 

  On 7/12/2017 at 10:22 PM, Darth Malgus said:

Chewie looks a little off.

My thoughts exactly! I'm really underwhelmed at this wave. I use to be a massive Star Wars fan, but in the past couple years I've found the sets going downhill (with a few exceptions). Not going to pick up anything from this wave. Some of the vehicles might be different, but they don't appeal to me.

Haha that Chewie. Evil. 

Not collecting rogue one stuff, but these sets look great enough imho. 

But the thing that worries me a bit is that there is a confidential stamp on these pics. Are we allowed to link to these pictures fromout this forum?

User 1: man, X looks horrible. This whole wave is super underwhelming. I used to be a fan but now...

User 2: meh, X is alright, might get for figs. Wave is alright.

User 3: man, X is beautiful! Day 1 purchase for me.

ladies and gentlemen I give you the standard formula for whenever anything ever comes on this forum. To quote YouTuber ProZD, we truly are in "the mundane as f*** zone". 

Anyways, my thoughts!

-Transport Pod looks pretty good, I really liked the design of that cockpit in the film, and if it turns out that it looks exactly like this in the film then I have no issues with the design. Plus 3 key cast members!

-Scout Walker looks really nice. I like the genuine originality, sort of a sideways crab look, seems impossible to trip over showcasing some in-universe ingenuity. Other than the spring shooter bolts it looks great, may get depending on the UK price (£40 or less is a buy).

-Kylo's TIE is a beautiful vehicle, genuine display piece right there. Instant purchase, seems to be the favourite of the wave for pretty much everyone. 

-I have no real interest in BB-8 as I like all my sets to compliment each other scale-wise but I do think it looks really nice! I might consider getting it as a gift to someone, again looks like a genuine display piece. 

-Bomber is also gorgeous, very dam-buster-esque. Other than those flimsy side panels it's looking good, fantastic figure selection too, strongest of the wave. UK price will influence my decision to purchase, plus my available funds. 

-Assault Walker was iffy at first but that higher angle has absolutely sold me, looks so much cleaner and less jumbled. Again great figures. Would buy this between this and the Bomber.

-Again, the Destroyer doesn't interest me due to the scale but as a single Toy (WHICH IS WHAT THESE ARE SUPPOSED TO BE, NOT 100% PERFECTLY ACCURATE MOVIE PROPS) it looks like some amazing fun.

-The Elite guard looks awesome, the other buildable figures look ok to me. I'm sure they'll be good fun for kids to play with though, what with all that poseability! (OPTIMISM)

Edited by Mymaker123

The Kylo's Fighter looks absolutly gorgeous! I also like the new Elite TIE pilot which is included but I think the regular stortrooper could have been replaced with an other minifigurine. Probably will buy it shortly after the release. The Heavy Walker also looks great IMO and have some cool figs.

The FO Star Destoyer looks also good apart the top part which feels a bit strange to me. The figs selection in this set is quite disapointing especially for its price. I think LEGO could have included Luke's minifig in this set regarding how much it costs.

Those are the 3 sets i would really have on my display, I might get the rest later with a lower price.

Edited by Supreme_Youngling

Please tell me that Resistance Pod is NOT $30 USD and is instead $25?

Though TBH it looks like the Phantom II's box size, which is insanely ridiculous.

The speeder is small and odd, but I don't care for asymmetrical spacecraft anyway. But the old Slave I canopy in Trans-yellow is definitely of interest to me, I just am waiting to see if the thing is printed or not.

I certainly don't know what to make of that odd walker thing, but I'm not that familiar with the source material anyway.

Now Kylo's TIE fighter is COOL, I would definitely consider purchasing that set if Star Wars was a theme I was more interested in. Can anyone identify the Trans. Red part on the front of the pilot cockpit?

The UCS BB8 is excellent I think, and it will be interesting to see the construction utilized for the set in reviews. I do wonder what the total piece count is.


  On 7/12/2017 at 10:47 PM, Digger of Bricks said:

The UCS BB8 is excellent I think, and it will be interesting to see the construction utilized for the set in reviews. I do wonder what the total piece count is.

Something like 1106, right? I feel like I saw that number somewhere. I do really like that BB-8; I'll have to get it for my sister this Christmas since I got her R2-D2 a few years ago. I hope we continue to see more large-scale stuff like this.

Prob only the Assault Walker would interest me, however the price will put me off. Hopefully it gets reduced next may 4th!

  On 7/12/2017 at 10:44 PM, VaderFan2187 said:

Please tell me that Resistance Pod is NOT $30 USD and is instead $25?

Though TBH it looks like the Phantom II's box size, which is insanely ridiculous.

It has the same price here as the Phantom 2 so it's probably the same price as that one in dollars.  

I noticed Snoke comes with a holographic figure accessory. Do we assume that's Kylo Ren? It's hard to tell in low resolution. 

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