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26 minutes ago, Lobot said:

I've been looking at the potential cost in the UK, based on the rumoured $799 price-point, and it must be said that LEGO does have some interesting conversion rates!  However, I'd predict that it will be around £600 - £650, based on the current exchange rate (and a quick comparison of the latest Death Star @£409.99/$499.99 US).  Yes, that's a lot of money, but I'm sure that some kids will receive one as a gift this Christmas.  I guess it shows my age, but I'm amazed by how many top-end smartphones I see these days; it seems to be a different world, financially speaking.

However, I've said this before, but the main reason for such a set is to draw attention to the rest of the range; it's bound to create a massive surge of interest if done properly and TLG will make it's money from the 'indirect' sales (e.g. most potential buyers will look at it in the store, and walk out with a more reasonably priced alternative such as the UCS Slave 1, TIE Fighter or even the system-scale 75105).  Personally, I can't wait until 1st September, it should be a great day to be an AFOL :wub:



I like your point about indirect sales, if it is indeed the Falcon it will draw all sorts of attention to LEGO stores anyway.. a kid just has to say to their Dad "Hey, shall we just go and look at the Falcon?" and you have potential customers in the door. I think that depending on how well this set is done, it could mean either a very shrewd decision on the part of LEGO, or a very, very poor one if done badly.

September 1st will indeed be a very fun day for Star Wars and LEGO fans alike.

On 8/5/2017 at 1:47 PM, benderisgreat said:

Yeah this years calendar sucks! Is bb8 with Santa hat a highlight of this calendar? Why not Sandra Kylo or Rey? We've had great figures in the past like santa Vader or Jango Fett. Lego is just lazy this year in general, only Batman and Ninjago movies sets are great this year the rest range from meh to bad...

I think part of the problem is that the minifig selection is so homogenous. Five of the minifigs are rehashes of troopers that recently appeared in battle packs (plus two randoms that aren't really minifigs that anyone wants more of). While it's always nice to get more stormtroopers and officers, we already have lots of avenues for those, between last year's regular sets, the last three waves of battle packs, and the TLJ sets which seem to be weighted heavily toward them... For me, 2016 really set the bar for Advent Calendars... a nice variety of figures you'd most likely want to have multiples of, and even a brick-built figure that we'd otherwise never get. Why couldn't we have gotten an ugnaut, tusken raider, and/or a rebel/resistence pilot instead?

8 hours ago, dvogon said:

We'll see...  but a poor UCS MF carboncopy of 10179 would be very disappointing for such flagship set.

I'm pretty sure the community (at the very least, EB's, not necessarily the AFOL community as a whole) is setting itself up for disappointment on this front. 10179 is not a terribly outdated design, as evidenced by the number of EB members who've pieced it together. For the longest time, the general consensus seemed to be that we wanted a re-release, not a remake. Not to mention that, like the Death Star, it was released long enough ago that a not-insignificant price increase would be reasonable.

It's going to be really hard to satisfy all of the hype that has built up around this potential set over the years.

Now, I don't disagree with fans who want to see significant improvement in sets over the years; I agree with that. But with the caveats that I'm not a 10179 owner, I'm not in the market for a 10179 remake, and I have kept up with pretty much no rumors over the last year and a half, I would be entirely unsurprised and not at all disappointed in TLG or its designers if this set turns out to be 10179 with updated minifigs for a hundred (or two) dollars more.

Bring it on I cant wait.Dont care about the interior or play factor this isnt a toy it's a showpiece which is what all UCS ships should be. This will be the centerpiece of the collection.. Give me an exterior thats going to blow my socks off and I'll be happy.September will be here soon enough cant wait!!!!

Ok here me out. I'm not technically an adult but I can still appreciate the UCS. Heck, I buy them because I like to display them but I do enjoy some playscale models. I most likely won't buy the Falcon (I'm saving for Rasko's Star Destroyer) but like I said. I still appreciate that LEGO took notice that they have fans that don't fit their demographic. That's why they make UCS. It has it I the name. Ultimate COLLECTORS Series. If I were a parent and saw an $800 Millennium Falcon on my kid's Christmas list, I don't know what I would do. I do agree that LEGO is a kids' toy... to a extent. It just about quality really that hooks us in.

Edited by TyGl200

2 hours ago, KevinYoung said:

Bring it on I cant wait.Dont care about the interior or play factor this isnt a toy it's a showpiece which is what all UCS ships should be. This will be the centerpiece of the collection.. Give me an exterior thats going to blow my socks off and I'll be happy.September will be here soon enough cant wait!!!!

I agree with you there but come on, you will end up recreating scenes inside the Falcon.

Just now, MakeNLego said:

Does anybody know how many exclusive figures will be included?

Not sure... I would think Han, Chewie, Luke, Leia, Ben, R2D2, C3PO, Rey, Finn, BB8 at most.

4 hours ago, KevinYoung said:

Bring it on I cant wait.Dont care about the interior or play factor this isnt a toy it's a showpiece which is what all UCS ships should be. This will be the centerpiece of the collection.. Give me an exterior thats going to blow my socks off and I'll be happy.September will be here soon enough cant wait!!!!


For my own sanity - do the mods have a contingency plan for this?

When the Falcon is announced we'll have people who's lego budget is, shall we say 'pocket money', all taking turns to say a set - they couldn't afford under any scenario - is 'overpriced'.

I really don't think we need to read that 5,000 times.

More than any other release in recent years, this set has divided, united, enraged and encouraged brick fans, and it hasn't even been confirmed yet! I agree with TheBrickHitHouse that when it's released there needs to be an outlet for the responses, Perhaps an official Eurobricks thread for positive and one for negative are required?  That way the two sides of whatever argument this set provokes can be kept apart and merely interact with those like minded. Otherwise we're going to end up with pages and pages of unintelligible dissagreement.

Just now, Flandy said:

Otherwise we're going to end up with pages and pages of unintelligible dissagreement.

We're ending up with just that periodically every month or so :) I'm beginning to think the UCS Falcon is the embodiment of the ghost of some Sith Lord, destined to tear this forum apart from the inside :devil:

I can already see this thread will be locked down for a while after it comes out, then a couple of people will try to open separate threads to vent, those will also be shut down, and the posters blocked, and after a month or so we might be able to have normal conversation again. 

It's sad really, that everyone thinks their opinion is better, that's why we can't have nice things...

49 minutes ago, Flandy said:

More than any other release in recent years, this set has divided, united, enraged and encouraged brick fans, and it hasn't even been confirmed yet! I agree with TheBrickHitHouse that when it's released there needs to be an outlet for the responses, Perhaps an official Eurobricks thread for positive and one for negative are required?  That way the two sides of whatever argument this set provokes can be kept apart and merely interact with those like minded. Otherwise we're going to end up with pages and pages of unintelligible dissagreement.

IMO there's no reason to at this point. The falcon's the last lego Star Wars set to be announced for 2017. From there on out, its all 2018, which already has a separate discussion and news thread. Once the falcon's officially announced, there's nothing left to leak for 2017, so its not like anyone needs to stick around here for news.

4 minutes ago, Magmafrost said:

IMO there's no reason to at this point. The falcon's the last lego Star Wars set to be announced for 2017. From there on out, its all 2018, which already has a separate discussion and news thread. Once the falcon's officially announced, there's nothing left to leak for 2017, so its not like anyone needs to stick around here for news.

I personally don't think this will be anywhere near these estimates. £/piece debate aside.

Lego need to shift them. Although there are die hard collectors out there I doubt there is enough to cover the actual costs involved in making it and having it fester on shelves. A lot of parents would choke on these estimates if they knew it was coming and lego will require non collector sales to actually make production viable.


See it from a marketing perspective. If it goes out for £700 and flops at the biggest toy sale time of the year (it is a toy)  heads will roll if they over price it and if they have overspent. £500 absolute maximum for this.

I don't see this Falcon flopping at any point. Even at £700. Even if it was beyond 99% of kids there'd a ton of AFOLs who are ready to pick it up and that doesn't include resellers or scalpers who'll be looking to buy (as well as shift their 10179s as quickly as possible). I'm also a member of a Sideshow/Hot Toys forum and that's an expensive hobby... but it's very clear that even at £200-£250 per figure people are pre-ordering multiples at any one time. Thousands are being sold and in the same way as there are people that can drop that money on their 1/6 scale figures there's people who can do it on large scale Lego sets.

After reading through the last few pages it really feels like the release or leak of this thing is finally upon us.

It made me think about recent UCS sets and how they have been received. I must day that I don't think the 75159 Death Star was a bad release. The original set was around for a very long time at a much lower price but I can see why they discontinued it, updated things and then re-released at a price point that was more in line with current pricing.

I also don't actually think Assault on Both was a poor set either... it probably wasn't a UCS set and seemed overpriced based on the content being a group of smaller sets pushed together to make one large one but I'm prepared to think that was a rush job based on things being moved around in the schedule and for anyone that didn't have those Hot sets then it would probably have appeared as an attractive set.

Slave 1 is a solid release despite of some minor comments people have had regarding rigidity and the Snowspeeder is just a lovely looking set. I wouldn't say any of these sets have tried to be hooked by exclusive minifigures either... arm printing aside it's all been pretty standard stuff (but nicely done).

Whatever large scale Falcon gets released there's reason enough to think it will be very well done. Whether there's an interior or not. 10179 looks great as a whole but there's things that can definitely be improved upon and I doubt we'd see the brick and bar built cockpit in the new version. The reveal is probably less than 4 weeks away and we'll know then what we're getting for our money.

And let's not start getting frustrated that it hasn't leaked yet. It's like the TFA sets all over again... If you get to the see what's getting released the same time as the average kid who pops past a Lego store then it doesn't make you any less of a fan. Being In The Know is fine but info comes out when it does so just be happy with that and let's try and be adult about this.

9 minutes ago, therealharbinger said:

Lego need to shift them. Although there are die hard collectors out there I doubt there is enough to cover the actual costs involved in making it and having it fester on shelves. A lot of parents would choke on these estimates if they knew it was coming and lego will require non collector sales to actually make production viable.


See it from a marketing perspective. If it goes out for £700 and flops at the biggest toy sale time of the year (it is a toy)  heads will roll if they over price it and if they have overspent. £500 absolute maximum for this.


I hope it's £500, but I don't think there's any way this set is going to flop - even if they price it at £700-£800 


What you have to remember is it is hands down the most anticipated Star Wars set (and arguably the most anticipated Lego set) of all time.


The amount of hype and media coverage this set is going to get will be unprecedented. I can imagine the TV/online/newspaper/magazine "Christmas toy" specials now. It will be at the top of every one of their "must have ultimate gift" lists


I think that will be enough to take it from collectors item territory to a top flight christmas / birthday present for a reasonably wealthy family.


In any case, I'll be buying one day 1 and hope it does well as it increases the chances of getting more complex sets in the future 

I find it quite funny that people exist who would buy a UCS MF as a Christmas present for kids. I wouldn't even buy the system one as a Christmas present for kids!:laugh:

It's a big world with such different people in it!

I'm a big LEGO fan but I won't be purchasing it, mainly for space and preference. For me, if the price is £500 (it won't I know), I'd rather buy 25 £20 sets or 16 £30 sets etc etc. Get more vehicles, locations and tons of minifigs etc. Yes you wait ages and ages for these sets to arrive but I like the variety more than one big model. Just my opinion - sorry for going off-topic a bit. :)

23 minutes ago, Artanis I said:

I find it quite funny that people exist who would buy a UCS MF as a Christmas present for kids. I wouldn't even buy the system one as a Christmas present for kids!:laugh:

It's a big world with such different people in it!

It certainly is, not to mention the Xbox one X arrives in November and does a lot more than a Lego set does. If kids are given the choice between a £500 console that they can dwell in their parents basement for years talking to and playing with friends on or a £600+ (supposedly) Lego set... I know for certain what 99% of them are going to choose. If they get the choice even.

Also now for the expensive and well off / lucky kids they tend to go for the new Iphone over anything (makes you cool at school having it)


Not doubt TLG are fully aware of their competition and need to price accordingly, no kid is getting both.

Just now, Spongebob456 said:

I'm a big LEGO fan but I won't be purchasing it, mainly for space and preference. For me, if the price is £500 (it won't I know), I'd rather buy 25 £20 sets or 16 £30 sets etc etc. Get more vehicles, locations and tons of minifigs etc. Yes you wait ages and ages for these sets to arrive but I like the variety more than one big model. Just my opinion - sorry for going off-topic a bit. :)

Space is indeed another issue, the current 10179 is friggin gigantic. cost element aside any buyer has to consider...Where do I put this near 1M long £600 ornament?

I got around this at home as I need a new coffee table and have managed to convince the wife it will sit nicely in a glass box and be a nice centre piece and have functionality in the home.

Again, not sure if anyone who doesn't have their own place or doesn't live in their parents +£1M house with the space to bear it, has that luxury.

Anyway, the wait for this is Agony. I hate leaks and rumors, I've been stalking the internet on this for months and months now just waiting for some solid official confirmation. Wouldn't it be funny if it's not the MF...

If it is a remake, one issue I hope they fix is the big box-shaped compartment stuck to the underside that keeps falling of. You build it in one of the early stages of the model...

As much as I want a new UCS Millennium Falcon myself, I think it'd be absolutely hilarious if this turned out to be a ginormous Classic box of 8,000 basic bricks.

That said... I'm in the contingent that very much wants an interior. I don't get this weird AFOL obsession with wanting their LEGO sets to have fewer features rather than more. At the kind of size range, piece count range, and price range being floated around here, it could easily have a more accurate exterior than 10179, and a detailed, equally good-looking interior, and also have 40 minifigures spanning everything from ANH to TLJ. Maybe even PF lighting or other such swanky features. I've been describing this dream for years, in fact, since long before this thing was rumored for this year.

I would suspect if there is an interior it will just be a small area, rather than a full interior like standard MF, due to the need to make the interior fairly strong.

I have a non-Lego Falcon model that is almost exactly the same size as the current UCS one and the interior of that is basically one room, with the navi-computer, circular seating, game table and bed, plus a couple of corridors and the gunnery seats, which is accessed through a lift off section of the top hull. Something like that could work quite well I think, could slot into a space between a sturdy technic frame and contain all the best known falcon interior features, without needing loads of parts or compromising the strength of the model.

Also avoids the issue that the interior of the Falcon as seen in the films does not fit correctly within the exterior.

29 minutes ago, Blondie-Wan said:

At the kind of size range, piece count range, and price range being floated around here, it could easily have a more accurate exterior than 10179, and a detailed, equally good-looking interior, and also have 40 minifigures spanning everything from ANH to TLJ. Maybe even PF lighting or other such swanky features. I've been describing this dream for years, in fact, since long before this thing was rumored for this year.

There is absolutely no way that is possible.  The original one at 5,200 pieces wasn't that detailed.  Marshal Banana's is 7,500 pieces. 

Then there's the fact that the set is so large and so wide that it requires a large technic support structure running through it.  You might be able to fit pockets of an interior with in it, but nothing like what you're talking. 

14 hours ago, jdubbs said:

I think part of the problem is that the minifig selection is so homogenous. Five of the minifigs are rehashes of troopers that recently appeared in battle packs (plus two randoms that aren't really minifigs that anyone wants more of). While it's always nice to get more stormtroopers and officers, we already have lots of avenues for those, between last year's regular sets, the last three waves of battle packs, and the TLJ sets which seem to be weighted heavily toward them... For me, 2016 really set the bar for Advent Calendars... a nice variety of figures you'd most likely want to have multiples of, and even a brick-built figure that we'd otherwise never get. Why couldn't we have gotten an ugnaut, tusken raider, and/or a rebel/resistence pilot instead?

That's definitely a big part of the problem. I hate seeing the same generic troops in Advent Calendars, Micro Fighters and Planet Sets if they're already commonly available elsewhere, especially in Battlepacks. What draws me most to these kind of sets are the novelty Santa characters, rare minifigures (Bespin Guard, Ewok Warrior), long overdue updates (Young Boba, Lobot) or brand new characters (U-3PO, Snap Wexley, Theron Nett)

In defense of the Resistance Officer though - this particular figure is brand new and based on an actual named character from the movies (Major Brance) rather than just a nameless officer which is the only thing that appeals to me with this year's calendar.

Just now, wesker said:

That's definitely a big part of the problem. I hate seeing the same generic troops in Advent Calendars, Micro Fighters and Planet Sets if they're already commonly available elsewhere, especially in Battlepacks. What draws me most to these kind of sets are the novelty Santa characters, rare minifigures (Bespin Guard, Ewok Warrior), long overdue updates (Young Boba, Lobot) or brand new characters (U-3PO, Snap Wexley, Theron Nett)

In defense of the Resistance Officer though - this particular figure is brand new and based on an actual named character from the movies (Major Brance) rather than just a nameless officer which is the only thing that appeals to me with this year's calendar.

and everyone constantly forgets that the advent calendars are not made for whiny man-children demanding exclusive minifigs etc.

they are made for children to enjoy 24 days of lego prior to christmas. no more. no less.  and as a parent of 2 such spawn, they freaking love them, regardless of what y'all perceive to be a problem. between this and all the stupid falcon crap, wake me up next year.

once again this place has managed to suck all the fun and joy out of reliving my childhood with my children.

peace. out.

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