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OoC: Roger that, I was waiting for Goliath before providing a battle order.

QM Note: Please feel free to dictate his action, as Goliath has not been active for three days now.

Goliath repeats. Ellaria repeats.

Battle order:






Edited by MysticModulus

OoC: Sorry, I was busy the past few days.

OoC: My apologies, I meant to give the party leader reins to MysticModulus, but I totally forgot during the rush! Sowwy! :blush: I am back now and can take the duty back.

OoC: My apologies, I meant to give the party leader reins to MysticModulus, but I totally forgot during the rush! Sowwy! :blush: I am back now and can take the duty back.

OoC: No problem! I did what I could, feel free to change Ellarias latest action if you want to! Hope you hade an excellent midsummers and that the weather was better off then here in Sweden. :laugh:

Edited by MysticModulus

  • Author

Round 3 of Battle of the Beasts:

>Petaldan vs. Grendel - SHIELD (Sentinel: all heroes protected from damage next round)

Ellaria vs. Alpha Direwolf - SHIELD (Mixture: 3,4,4 - Purifying Water created)

>Ezeran vs. Grendel - Miss

Goliath vs. Direwolf C - Hit (KO)

>Hunkan vs. Direwolf B - Critical Hit (5x2 +7 = 17 dmg, poisoned-3)

Direwolf A vs. Petaldan - Free Hit (0 dmg)

Alpha Direwolf Poisoned-3

Direwolf A Poisoned-3

Direwolf B Poisoned-3

Kid arrives to the battle!

Petaldan takes the sentinel stance again, raising his shield against the Grendel. Ellaria tinkers with some chemicals and Ezeran's efforts are fruitless. However, Goliath defeats his direwolf foe while Hunkan cripples another. The remaining enemies lick their wounds and Kid arrives to the battle!


heroicafog-monster-grendel.jpgGrendel *Immune to negative effects* *Encouraged*

Level 30 Ancient/Icy

Health: 528/528

Special I: Pack Attack – Makes all Direwolves in the battle attack with it in unison. Grendel attacks the target with an ice-elemental attack while each Direwolf (including the Alpha) take turns attacking down the battle order until all have attacked.

Special II: Lone Wolf – Grants encouraged- and hastened-effects to self. Used only if there are no Direwolves left in the battle.

Drops: Ancient Bone (Can be thrown at monsters to distract them for 3 rounds. Worth nothing, except in magic shops where it is worth 50 gold.)

27551277920_76a874f44b_t.jpgAlpha Direwolf *Poisoned-3* *Encouraged*

Level 15 Beast

Health: 97/125

Special I: Alpha Male - Encourages all enemies. Used if there are allies that are not encouraged.

Special II: Severe Blood Fang – Transfers 10 health from the target to self and deals Bleeding-4. Used if all enemies are encouraged.

Passive Special: Pride of the Pack - If the dire wolf is killed by an AoE attack, a new dire wolf takes its place.

Drops: Sharpened Fang Dagger (WP:8, deals Bleeding-4)

heroicafog-monster-direwolf.jpg Direwolf A *Poisoned-3* *Encouraged*

Level 5 Beast

Health: 13/25

Special I: Howl – Summons another Direwolf to join the battle. If there are three Direwolves in battle, Blood Fang is used instead.

Special II: Blood Fang – Transfers 6 health from the target to self. Used instead of Howl if there are three Direwolves in battle.

Passive Special: Pride of the Pack - If the dire wolf is killed by an AoE attack, a new dire wolf takes its place.

Drops: Mead

heroicafog-monster-direwolf.jpg Direwolf B *Slowed* *Encouraged* *Poisoned-3*

Level 5 Beast

Health: 5/25

Special I: Howl – Summons another Direwolf to join the battle. If there are three Direwolves in battle, Blood Fang is used instead.

Special II: Blood Fang – Transfers 6 health from the target to self. Used instead of Howl if there are three Direwolves in battle.

Passive Special: Pride of the Pack - If the dire wolf is killed by an AoE attack, a new dire wolf takes its place.

Drops: Mead


19745451253_0970632efb_m.jpg Ezeran Yavarr (MysticModulus)

42 year old male human Mage

Level 14 *Immune to wood and fire* *Absorbs Darkness* *Enemies that hits Ezeran become slowed* *Lucky*

Power Bonus: 0 (+2 spellpower)

Defense: 3

Health: 18/18

Ether: 16/18

Gold: 3

Equipment: Ancient Sapphamber Staff (WP:8, doubled against Ancient enemies, Wind-elemental; staff), Sneezing Demon (SP:2; enemies that hit the wearer becomeslowed; immunity to wood and fire; suitable to Ezeran only; bodywear.), Hood of the Elementalist (SP:1, *Absorbs darkness*; headwear, suitable to anyone),

Inventory: Emerald (Wood), Ruby (Fire), Remedy X3, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Pick Axe, Trickster’s Baubel (WP:6, each hit causes one random effect: stunned, poisoned by 1, asleep, blinded, sealed or confused; wand), Grand tonics X2, Potions X5, Nostrum, Feather of Lithe (grants Nimble-effect for 3 rounds)

22476602193_881303c9d6_q.jpg Hunkan Silvertoss (BountyBeast)

53 year old male dwarf Rogue *Immune to Blinded*

Level 7

Power Bonus: 0

Health: 13/13

Gold: 166

Equipment: Ebony Scorpion Dagger (WP: 5, deals Poisoned-by-3), Goggles (Provides immunity to Blinded effect, Headwear)

Inventory: Potion, Phoenix Essence, Nostrum, Remedy, Fire Bomb, Wooden Sword (WP:7; Suitable to Anyone), Shovel, Pickax, Scroll of Blindness (Enables casting the blinded-effect to the target, making it unable to use a physical attack for the next three rounds. Each casting has a 50% chance of success and costs 1 ether)

ava-ellaria5.jpgEllaria Arbour (Sandy) ~Party Leader~

25 years old female human Alchemist

Level 34 2/4 *Immune to Fire* *Three rolls for Mixture* *Transfer poisoned and bleeding upon being hit* *No Free Hits for 3 rounds* *Encouraged* *Immune to Ice: 1 battle*

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 6 (1+5)

Health: 55/55 (9+33+10+1+2)

Gold: 189

Equipment: Mythril Mallet (WP: 20, wood- and darkness-elemental; Hollow [-]; hammer), Rubber Gloves (For Mixture, the die is rolled three times instead of twice, and the highest two results determine the created item; suitable to alchemists; handwear.), Robe of the Magi (SP:1, suitable for mages, clerics, alchemists, chi monks, decamon drafters, necromancers, regulators, scholars and weather mages; bodywear.), Spider Helmet (SP:5, passes poisoned and bleeding effects to the enemy when the wearer is hit; immunity to fire; headwear), Spirit Robe (Renders wearer invisible to the enemy for the first three rounds of battle so they do not take free hits; backwear)


Weapons Ignis Fatuus (WP:13, permanently poisoned by 15, fire- and lighting-elemental staff), Sylvania's Crossbow (WP:10, wood-elemental crossbow), Pan Flute (WP: 7, instrument), Wizard's Staff (WP:1, fire-, wind-, water- and earth-elemental staff), Wormtail Whip (WP:15, earth-elemental, whip)

Artifacts: Ranger's Quiver (WP: +1 to bows and crossbows, suitable for rangers, beast warriors, infiltrators, and winged warriors; backwear), Robe of the Archmagi (SP:3, Max Ether +5, protects from sealing; suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers, scholars and weather mages, bodywear), Cherokee Rose (Doubles potency of both incoming and outgoing restorative consumables and healing; suitable for Ellaria only; accessory.)

Spell Items: Scroll of Inspiration (Inspired for rest of battle, 10 ether, 50/50 chance) Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Weakening, Serenade of Water (Causes Water damage equal to the minstrel's level to all enemies per round for as long as the song is sung. Costs 10 ether per round. Battle Song)

Consumables: 10 Grand Potions, Health Core, Arc Potion (restores 30 health to all allies), 4 Tonics, Diluted Arc Tonic (Restores 10 ether to all allies), 3 Grand Tonics, Ether Core, 2 Hyper Arc Tonics (Restores full ether to all allies), 2 Elixirs, Arc Elixir (Restores 60 health and 15 ether to all allies and removes negative effects.), 2 Remedies, Purifying Water (removes negative effects from all allies), Neutralizer, Tiger Balm, 3 Phoenix Essences, Last Resort (revives all knocked allies to 1 health), 3 Meads, 3 Smelling Salts, 2 Nostrums, 2 Soma, 2 Mulled Wines, 2 Smoke Bombs, Hot'n'Cold Bomb (Causes 30 fire- and ice-elemental damage to all enemies), Holy Rain Bomb (Causes 20 water-, wind- and light-elemental damage to all enemies), Bad Breath (Poisoned by 1-effect to all enemies), Feather of White, Demon Repellent

Tools etc.: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Telescope, Magic Compass, Magnifying Glass, Chemistry Set (Allows the user to use Mixture outside of battle, costs 2 Gold Bars/un-modified roll, suitable for alchemists; tool), 3 Gold Bars

petaldan_parfenius.jpgPaladin Petaldan Parfenius (Played by Palathadric)

5-year-old male "wonder" Knight

Level: 11.5 *Immune to Stunned, Bound, Petrified and Earth* *Sentinel*

Power: 16

Defense: 9

Health: 22/22 10+10+2*

Gold: 153

Equipment: Brine Blade (WP: 5, 1/6 chance to trigger a Flood (see Weather Mage) when dealing damage, Longsword), Shield (SP: 5; Shield), Gloves of the Boy Wonder(SP:2; immunity to *Stunned*, *Bound*, and *Petrified*; suitable to Petaldan only; handwear), Really Hard Helmet (SP: 2, Immunity to Earth)


Weapons: Slimy Sword (WP:12, can be split into several weaker Slimy Swords or combined with other Slimy Swords to increase WP and split apart again at any time, Longsword)

Gems: Emerald

Consumables: 2x Potion, 2x Grand Potion, 2x Remedy, Phoenix Essence, Ambrosia, 2x Smoke Bomb, Fire Bomb

Tools: Bedroll

tpFsWtT.png?1 Goliath (Goliath)

Automaton Barbarian

Level 1

Power: 4

Defense: 0

Health: 10/10 (8+2)

Gold: 0

Equipment: Ebony Scorpion Spear (WP:5, deals Poisoned-by-3; spear)

Inventory: Potion x4, Mead x3, Plasma Cutlass (WP:3; Greatsword), Magma Maul (WP: 6, 1/6 chance to trigger an Inferno (see Weather Mage) when dealing damage, hammer), Tonic x2, Bunch of 10 Cherries (Each cherry restores 1 ether when eaten), Smelling Salts, Nostrum, Blind Bomb, Dirt Bomb, Bedroll, Shovel

Debts: 20 Gold (Torald)

reddson.JPG Kid Reddson (dum)

19-year-old Male Human (1/4 Leprechaun) Ranger

Level 5 *Aims become Hits*

Power Bonus: 0

Health: 10/10

Gold: 2

Equipment: Crossbow (WP 3), Quiver of Homing Arrows (Rolls of AIM become HIT; can only be used with a bow or a crossbow; backwear.)

Inventory: 3 Smoke Bomb, 2 Potion, Phoenix Essence, Venom, Fire Bomb, Sterile Gloves (Grants Immunity to Poisoned and Bleeding effects, Handwear), Bedroll

Ezerans grasp of his staff hardens as he strikes at Grendel again while speaking to Ellaria "Make sure that the others kill those wounded dire wolves fast, I don't know if I can contain my magic!" Ezeran repeats.

Edited by MysticModulus

OoC: You seem to have forgotten that Ellaria can use an item along with attacking thanks to her job trait "Instant Items". :wink:

Ezerans grasp of his staff hardens as he strikes at Grendel again while speaking to Ellaria "Make sure that the others kill those wounded dire wolves fast, I don't know if I can contain my magic!" Ezeran repeats.

"I can take care of the wounded ones with this bomb, everyone should focus on the big guys."

Ellaria throws the Hot'n'Cold Bomb at the enemies and then targets Grendel with an attack from the front row.

Battle order:

Ellaria (instant item)







Gritting my teeth as I shield the party, I move in the Front Row and Repeat my attack on Grendel, too tense to talk.

Hearing Ellarias words, Hunkan once again goes for the Alpha from the front row. He seems to greatly enjoy using his new dagger.


"Time to die ye filthy mutt!"

Goliath attacks the Alpha Direwolf from the Front Row.

Edited by Goliath

Kid tries diplomacy.

<Whoah! Calm down guys! If you back off, we'll back off!>

  • Author

QM Note: I forgot to account for Ezeran's luckiness last round. I rolled again and it was a Miss as well.

Round 4 of Battle of the Beasts:

Ellaria throws Hot n' Cold Bomb (30 dmg to Grendel, 60 to Alpha, 60 to Direwolves A and B, KO'd, Direwolves D and E join the battle)

Ellaria vs. Grendel - Critical Hit (20x2 +34 x2 = 148 dmg)

Petaldan vs. Grendel - Hit (16 dmg, Flood triggered! 16 water dmg to all enemies, slowed)

Hunkan vs. Alpha Direwolf - Damage (Sentinel: 0 dmg)

Ezeran vs. Grendel - Damage Hit (22 x2 = 44 dmg)

Goliath vs. Alpha Direwolf - SHIELD (Frenzy: 6 dmg and poisoned-3 to all enemies)

Kid tries Diplomacy - Failure

Alpha Direwolf Poisoned-6

Direwolf D Poisoned-3, KO

Direwolf E Poisoned-3, KO

Ellaria starts the round off with a bang, her Hot'n'Cold bomb dealing massive damage to the direwolves. She fails to account for their pack nature however, and two more direwolves appear from seemingly nowhere to take their fallen brothers' place. She makes up for it with a massive hit on the Grendel, and Petaldan follows up with a solid hit of his own. The powers of his Flood Fork TM activate and slow up all of the enemies. Ezeran whacks the Grendel with his staff, which is oddly effective. Goliath goes into a frenzy, dropping the two newcomers down to low health and poisoning them just enough to make sure they're gone for good by the end of the round.

Kid tries his hand at diplomacy, but as he is untrained in the art it falls short. Perhaps training in the ways of a Warden would help him achieve diplomacy with animals. The remaining direwolves simply continue to bark and growl at him, seemingly berserk. He can pick up a few words, though.


<"Food! ... Starving! ... Master! ... Blood!...">

A healthy party faces off against two enemies.


heroicafog-monster-grendel.jpgGrendel *Immune to negative effects* *Encouraged*

Level 30 Ancient/Icy

Health: 262/528

Special I: Pack Attack – Makes all Direwolves in the battle attack with it in unison. Grendel attacks the target with an ice-elemental attack while each Direwolf (including the Alpha) take turns attacking down the battle order until all have attacked.

Special II: Lone Wolf – Grants encouraged- and hastened-effects to self. Used only if there are no Direwolves left in the battle.

Drops: Ancient Bone (Can be thrown at monsters to distract them for 3 rounds. Worth nothing, except in magic shops where it is worth 50 gold.)

27551277920_76a874f44b_t.jpgAlpha Direwolf *Poisoned-6* *Encouraged* *Slowed*

Level 15 Beast

Health: 9/125

Special I: Alpha Male - Encourages all enemies. Used if there are allies that are not encouraged.

Special II: Severe Blood Fang – Transfers 10 health from the target to self and deals Bleeding-4. Used if all enemies are encouraged.

Passive Special: Pride of the Pack - If the dire wolf is killed by an AoE attack, a new dire wolf takes its place.

Drops: Sharpened Fang Dagger (WP:8, deals Bleeding-4)


19745451253_0970632efb_m.jpg Ezeran Yavarr (MysticModulus)

42 year old male human Mage

Level 14 *Immune to wood and fire* *Absorbs Darkness* *Enemies that hits Ezeran become slowed* *Lucky*

Power Bonus: 0 (+2 spellpower)

Defense: 3

Health: 18/18

Ether: 16/18

Gold: 3

Equipment: Ancient Sapphamber Staff (WP:8, doubled against Ancient enemies, Wind-elemental; staff), Sneezing Demon (SP:2; enemies that hit the wearer becomeslowed; immunity to wood and fire; suitable to Ezeran only; bodywear.), Hood of the Elementalist (SP:1, *Absorbs darkness*; headwear, suitable to anyone),

Inventory: Emerald (Wood), Ruby (Fire), Remedy X3, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Pick Axe, Trickster’s Baubel (WP:6, each hit causes one random effect: stunned, poisoned by 1, asleep, blinded, sealed or confused; wand), Grand tonics X2, Potions X5, Nostrum, Feather of Lithe (grants Nimble-effect for 3 rounds)

22476602193_881303c9d6_q.jpg Hunkan Silvertoss (BountyBeast)

53 year old male dwarf Rogue *Immune to Blinded*

Level 7

Power Bonus: 0

Health: 13/13

Gold: 166

Equipment: Ebony Scorpion Dagger (WP: 5, deals Poisoned-by-3), Goggles (Provides immunity to Blinded effect, Headwear)

Inventory: Potion, Phoenix Essence, Nostrum, Remedy, Fire Bomb, Wooden Sword (WP:7; Suitable to Anyone), Shovel, Pickax, Scroll of Blindness (Enables casting the blinded-effect to the target, making it unable to use a physical attack for the next three rounds. Each casting has a 50% chance of success and costs 1 ether)

ava-ellaria5.jpgEllaria Arbour (Sandy) ~Party Leader~

25 years old female human Alchemist

Level 34 2/4 *Immune to Fire* *Three rolls for Mixture* *Transfer poisoned and bleeding upon being hit* *No Free Hits for 3 rounds* *Encouraged* *Immune to Ice: 1 battle*

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 6 (1+5)

Health: 55/55 (9+33+10+1+2)

Gold: 189

Equipment: Mythril Mallet (WP: 20, wood- and darkness-elemental; Hollow [-]; hammer), Rubber Gloves (For Mixture, the die is rolled three times instead of twice, and the highest two results determine the created item; suitable to alchemists; handwear.), Robe of the Magi (SP:1, suitable for mages, clerics, alchemists, chi monks, decamon drafters, necromancers, regulators, scholars and weather mages; bodywear.), Spider Helmet (SP:5, passes poisoned and bleeding effects to the enemy when the wearer is hit; immunity to fire; headwear), Spirit Robe (Renders wearer invisible to the enemy for the first three rounds of battle so they do not take free hits; backwear)


Weapons Ignis Fatuus (WP:13, permanently poisoned by 15, fire- and lighting-elemental staff), Sylvania's Crossbow (WP:10, wood-elemental crossbow), Pan Flute (WP: 7, instrument), Wizard's Staff (WP:1, fire-, wind-, water- and earth-elemental staff), Wormtail Whip (WP:15, earth-elemental, whip)

Artifacts: Ranger's Quiver (WP: +1 to bows and crossbows, suitable for rangers, beast warriors, infiltrators, and winged warriors; backwear), Robe of the Archmagi (SP:3, Max Ether +5, protects from sealing; suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers, scholars and weather mages, bodywear), Cherokee Rose (Doubles potency of both incoming and outgoing restorative consumables and healing; suitable for Ellaria only; accessory.)

Spell Items: Scroll of Inspiration (Inspired for rest of battle, 10 ether, 50/50 chance) Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Weakening, Serenade of Water (Causes Water damage equal to the minstrel's level to all enemies per round for as long as the song is sung. Costs 10 ether per round. Battle Song)

Consumables: 10 Grand Potions, Health Core, Arc Potion (restores 30 health to all allies), 4 Tonics, Diluted Arc Tonic (Restores 10 ether to all allies), 3 Grand Tonics, Ether Core, 2 Hyper Arc Tonics (Restores full ether to all allies), 2 Elixirs, Arc Elixir (Restores 60 health and 15 ether to all allies and removes negative effects.), 2 Remedies, Purifying Water (removes negative effects from all allies), Neutralizer, Tiger Balm, 3 Phoenix Essences, Last Resort (revives all knocked allies to 1 health), 3 Meads, 3 Smelling Salts, 2 Nostrums, 2 Soma, 2 Mulled Wines, 2 Smoke Bombs, Hot'n'Cold Bomb (Causes 30 fire- and ice-elemental damage to all enemies), Holy Rain Bomb (Causes 20 water-, wind- and light-elemental damage to all enemies), Bad Breath (Poisoned by 1-effect to all enemies), Feather of White, Demon Repellent

Tools etc.: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Telescope, Magic Compass, Magnifying Glass, Chemistry Set (Allows the user to use Mixture outside of battle, costs 2 Gold Bars/un-modified roll, suitable for alchemists; tool), 3 Gold Bars

petaldan_parfenius.jpgPaladin Petaldan Parfenius (Played by Palathadric)

5-year-old male "wonder" Knight

Level: 11.5 *Immune to Stunned, Bound, Petrified and Earth*

Power: 16

Defense: 9

Health: 22/22 10+10+2*

Gold: 153

Equipment: Brine Blade (WP: 5, 1/6 chance to trigger a Flood (see Weather Mage) when dealing damage, Longsword), Shield (SP: 5; Shield), Gloves of the Boy Wonder(SP:2; immunity to *Stunned*, *Bound*, and *Petrified*; suitable to Petaldan only; handwear), Really Hard Helmet (SP: 2, Immunity to Earth)


Weapons: Slimy Sword (WP:12, can be split into several weaker Slimy Swords or combined with other Slimy Swords to increase WP and split apart again at any time, Longsword)

Gems: Emerald

Consumables: 2x Potion, 2x Grand Potion, 2x Remedy, Phoenix Essence, Ambrosia, 2x Smoke Bomb, Fire Bomb

Tools: Bedroll

tpFsWtT.png?1 Goliath (Goliath)

Automaton Barbarian

Level 1

Power: 4

Defense: 0

Health: 10/10 (8+2)

Gold: 0

Equipment: Ebony Scorpion Spear (WP:5, deals Poisoned-by-3; spear)

Inventory: Potion x4, Mead x3, Plasma Cutlass (WP:3; Greatsword), Magma Maul (WP: 6, 1/6 chance to trigger an Inferno (see Weather Mage) when dealing damage, hammer), Tonic x2, Bunch of 10 Cherries (Each cherry restores 1 ether when eaten), Smelling Salts, Nostrum, Blind Bomb, Dirt Bomb, Bedroll, Shovel

Debts: 20 Gold (Torald)

reddson.JPG Kid Reddson (dum)

19-year-old Male Human (1/4 Leprechaun) Ranger

Level 5 *Aims become Hits*

Power Bonus: 0

Health: 10/10

Gold: 2

Equipment: Crossbow (WP 3), Quiver of Homing Arrows (Rolls of AIM become HIT; can only be used with a bow or a crossbow; backwear.)

Inventory: 3 Smoke Bomb, 2 Potion, Phoenix Essence, Venom, Fire Bomb, Sterile Gloves (Grants Immunity to Poisoned and Bleeding effects, Handwear), Bedroll

Ezeran attacks Grendel from the back row with his Sapphamber staff

Edited by MysticModulus

I repeat my attack from the back row with the combined power of the Slimy Swords.

OoC: You forgot to reduce the bomb from my inventory.

Ellaria repeats her attack on the Grendel.

The battle order remains the same.

Kid attacks Grendel from the back row.


"Ha ha! Take that ye nasty mutts!"

Goliath repeats his attack against the Alpha Direwolf.

"C'mon, just a little more..." Hunkan attemps to finish off the Alpha from the back row.

  • Author

Round 5 of Battle of the Beasts:

Ellaria vs. Grendel - Critical Hit (20x2 +34 x2 = 148 dmg)

>Petaldan vs. Grendel - Special Damage (Pack Attack: 60/2 -9 =21 dmg to Petaldan; 30/2 =15 dmg to Hunkan, KO'd)

>Hunkan KO'd

>Ezeran vs. Grendel - Special Damage SHIELD (Magic Burst: 24 x2 /2 = 24 fire dmg to Grendel and Alpha, Alpha KO'd, -2 ether)

Goliath vs. Grendel - Extra Critical Hit (16 dmg)

>Kid vs. Grendel - Hit (8 dmg)

Ellaria starts off with another terrific hit with her hammer, but it's not enough to stop the remaining foes from taking revenge. The grendel and alpha attack in unison, the former nearly knocking out Petaldan and the latter taking down Hunkan. Ezeran quickly responds with a Magic Burst of fire. Although the attack is weakened by some strange force in the air, it's enough to down the Alpha, leaving the Grendel vulnerable for attacks from Goliath and Kid.

Five heroes remain against the final enemy.

Weather: Ethereal Dampening (halves the strength of any magical attacks or healing)


heroicafog-monster-grendel.jpgGrendel *Immune to negative effects* *Encouraged*

Level 30 Ancient/Icy

Health: 66/528

Special I: Pack Attack – Makes all Direwolves in the battle attack with it in unison. Grendel attacks the target with an ice-elemental attack while each Direwolf (including the Alpha) take turns attacking down the battle order until all have attacked.

Special II: Lone Wolf – Grants encouraged- and hastened-effects to self. Used only if there are no Direwolves left in the battle.

Drops: Ancient Bone (Can be thrown at monsters to distract them for 3 rounds. Worth nothing, except in magic shops where it is worth 50 gold.)


19745451253_0970632efb_m.jpg Ezeran Yavarr (MysticModulus)

42 year old male human Mage

Level 14 *Immune to wood and fire* *Absorbs Darkness* *Enemies that hits Ezeran become slowed* *Lucky*

Power Bonus: 0 (+2 spellpower)

Defense: 3

Health: 18/18

Ether: 14/18

Gold: 3

Equipment: Ancient Sapphamber Staff (WP:8, doubled against Ancient enemies, Wind-elemental; staff), Sneezing Demon (SP:2; enemies that hit the wearer becomeslowed; immunity to wood and fire; suitable to Ezeran only; bodywear.), Hood of the Elementalist (SP:1, *Absorbs darkness*; headwear, suitable to anyone),

Inventory: Emerald (Wood), Ruby (Fire), Remedy X3, Bedroll, Smoke Bomb, Pick Axe, Trickster’s Baubel (WP:6, each hit causes one random effect: stunned, poisoned by 1, asleep, blinded, sealed or confused; wand), Grand tonics X2, Potions X5, Nostrum, Feather of Lithe (grants Nimble-effect for 3 rounds)

22476602193_881303c9d6_q.jpg Hunkan Silvertoss (BountyBeast)

53 year old male dwarf Rogue *Immune to Blinded* *Knocked Out*

Level 7

Power Bonus: 0

Health: 0/13

Gold: 166

Equipment: Ebony Scorpion Dagger (WP: 5, deals Poisoned-by-3), Goggles (Provides immunity to Blinded effect, Headwear)

Inventory: Potion, Phoenix Essence, Nostrum, Remedy, Fire Bomb, Wooden Sword (WP:7; Suitable to Anyone), Shovel, Pickax, Scroll of Blindness (Enables casting the blinded-effect to the target, making it unable to use a physical attack for the next three rounds. Each casting has a 50% chance of success and costs 1 ether)

ava-ellaria5.jpgEllaria Arbour (Sandy) ~Party Leader~

25 years old female human Alchemist

Level 34 2/4 *Immune to Fire* *Three rolls for Mixture* *Transfer poisoned and bleeding upon being hit* *No Free Hits for 3 rounds* *Encouraged* *Immune to Ice: 1 battle*

Power Bonus: 0

Defense: 6 (1+5)

Health: 55/55 (9+33+10+1+2)

Gold: 189

Equipment: Mythril Mallet (WP: 20, wood- and darkness-elemental; Hollow [-]; hammer), Rubber Gloves (For Mixture, the die is rolled three times instead of twice, and the highest two results determine the created item; suitable to alchemists; handwear.), Robe of the Magi (SP:1, suitable for mages, clerics, alchemists, chi monks, decamon drafters, necromancers, regulators, scholars and weather mages; bodywear.), Spider Helmet (SP:5, passes poisoned and bleeding effects to the enemy when the wearer is hit; immunity to fire; headwear), Spirit Robe (Renders wearer invisible to the enemy for the first three rounds of battle so they do not take free hits; backwear)


Weapons Ignis Fatuus (WP:13, permanently poisoned by 15, fire- and lighting-elemental staff), Sylvania's Crossbow (WP:10, wood-elemental crossbow), Pan Flute (WP: 7, instrument), Wizard's Staff (WP:1, fire-, wind-, water- and earth-elemental staff), Wormtail Whip (WP:15, earth-elemental, whip)

Artifacts: Ranger's Quiver (WP: +1 to bows and crossbows, suitable for rangers, beast warriors, infiltrators, and winged warriors; backwear), Robe of the Archmagi (SP:3, Max Ether +5, protects from sealing; suitable for mages, clerics, necromancers, scholars and weather mages, bodywear), Cherokee Rose (Doubles potency of both incoming and outgoing restorative consumables and healing; suitable for Ellaria only; accessory.)

Spell Items: Scroll of Inspiration (Inspired for rest of battle, 10 ether, 50/50 chance) Scroll of Sealing, Scroll of Frailty, Scroll of Weakening, Serenade of Water (Causes Water damage equal to the minstrel's level to all enemies per round for as long as the song is sung. Costs 10 ether per round. Battle Song)

Consumables: 10 Grand Potions, Health Core, Arc Potion (restores 30 health to all allies), 4 Tonics, Diluted Arc Tonic (Restores 10 ether to all allies), 3 Grand Tonics, Ether Core, 2 Hyper Arc Tonics (Restores full ether to all allies), 2 Elixirs, Arc Elixir (Restores 60 health and 15 ether to all allies and removes negative effects.), 2 Remedies, Purifying Water (removes negative effects from all allies), Neutralizer, Tiger Balm, 3 Phoenix Essences, Last Resort (revives all knocked allies to 1 health), 3 Meads, 3 Smelling Salts, 2 Nostrums, 2 Soma, 2 Mulled Wines, 2 Smoke Bombs, Holy Rain Bomb (Causes 20 water-, wind- and light-elemental damage to all enemies), Bad Breath (Poisoned by 1-effect to all enemies), Feather of White, Demon Repellent

Tools etc.: Bedroll, Shovel, Pickaxe, Telescope, Magic Compass, Magnifying Glass, Chemistry Set (Allows the user to use Mixture outside of battle, costs 2 Gold Bars/un-modified roll, suitable for alchemists; tool), 3 Gold Bars

petaldan_parfenius.jpgPaladin Petaldan Parfenius (Played by Palathadric)

5-year-old male "wonder" Knight

Level: 11.5 *Immune to Stunned, Bound, Petrified and Earth*

Power: 16

Defense: 9

Health: 1/22 10+10+2*

Gold: 153

Equipment: Brine Blade (WP: 5, 1/6 chance to trigger a Flood (see Weather Mage) when dealing damage, Longsword), Shield (SP: 5; Shield), Gloves of the Boy Wonder(SP:2; immunity to *Stunned*, *Bound*, and *Petrified*; suitable to Petaldan only; handwear), Really Hard Helmet (SP: 2, Immunity to Earth)


Weapons: Slimy Sword (WP:12, can be split into several weaker Slimy Swords or combined with other Slimy Swords to increase WP and split apart again at any time, Longsword)

Gems: Emerald

Consumables: 2x Potion, 2x Grand Potion, 2x Remedy, Phoenix Essence, Ambrosia, 2x Smoke Bomb, Fire Bomb

Tools: Bedroll

tpFsWtT.png?1 Goliath (Goliath)

Automaton Barbarian

Level 1

Power: 4

Defense: 0

Health: 10/10 (8+2)

Gold: 0

Equipment: Ebony Scorpion Spear (WP:5, deals Poisoned-by-3; spear)

Inventory: Potion x4, Mead x3, Plasma Cutlass (WP:3; Greatsword), Magma Maul (WP: 6, 1/6 chance to trigger an Inferno (see Weather Mage) when dealing damage, hammer), Tonic x2, Bunch of 10 Cherries (Each cherry restores 1 ether when eaten), Smelling Salts, Nostrum, Blind Bomb, Dirt Bomb, Bedroll, Shovel

Debts: 20 Gold (Torald)

reddson.JPG Kid Reddson (dum)

19-year-old Male Human (1/4 Leprechaun) Ranger

Level 5 *Aims become Hits*

Power Bonus: 0

Health: 10/10

Gold: 2

Equipment: Crossbow (WP 3), Quiver of Homing Arrows (Rolls of AIM become HIT; can only be used with a bow or a crossbow; backwear.)

Inventory: 3 Smoke Bomb, 2 Potion, Phoenix Essence, Venom, Fire Bomb, Sterile Gloves (Grants Immunity to Poisoned and Bleeding effects, Handwear), Bedroll

Ezeran screams out as Hunkan is downed and repeats his attack against Grendel .

I look up groggily from the floor where I lie dazed.

"Don't worry about me. I call almost deliriously.

Reaching into my sack, I withdraw a potion and down it gingerly from the back row.


"Now it be yer turn!"

Goliath attacks Grendel from the Front Row.

<It doesn't have to be like this!>

Kid notices the similarities between Grendel's paws and the claw marks on Maggie's body.

<Wait a minute, did you or one of your friends attack Maggie?>

Kid repeats.

"Don't worry, I'll get Hunkan up in a swift. Then we can finish off the last of these lupines."

Ellaria uses a Phoenix Essence on Hunkan before repeating her attack against the Grendel.

The battle order stays the same.

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